Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2010-2011
Match Results
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2010-2011
Sherbrooke Match Results (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
Overall Conference
Date Opponent Score Score-by-game Record Record Time Attend
---- -------- ----- ------------- -------- -------- ---- ------
* Oct 29, 2010 vs Acadia W 3-2 25-12,27-29,11-25,25-18,15-11 1-0 1-0
* 30 oct. 2010 DALHOUSIE 0-3 L 21-25,23-25,16-25 1-1 1-1 1:33
* 30 oct. 2010 vs StFX 0-3 L 24-26,19-25,26-28 1-2 1-2 1:30
* 31 oct. 2010 vs Cape Breton W 3-2 11-25,25-23,22-25,25-21,15-11 2-2 2-2 2:05
* 5 nov. 2010 MCGILL 1-3 L 21-25,19-25,25-15,20-25 2-3 2-3
* 6 nov. 2010 at Laval 2-3 L 16-25,25-23,21-25,25-21,10-15 2-4 2-4 2:20
* 12 nov. 2010 MONTREAL 1-3 L 25-21,16-25,19-25,17-25 2-5 2-5
* 14 nov. 2010 at McGill 1-3 L 22-25,35-33,25-27,15-25 2-6 2-6 2h16
* 19 nov. 2010 UNB W 3-2 25-23,22-25,16-25,26-24,15-5 3-6 3-6
* 20 nov. 2010 MONCTON W 3-1 25-21,18-25,25-19,25-17 4-6 4-6
* 20 nov. 2010 SAINT MARY'S 1-3 L 17-25,25-19,23-25,19-25 4-7 4-7
* 21 nov. 2010 MEMORIAL W 3-2 25-21,25-23,11-25,25-27,15-8 5-7 5-7
* 26 nov. 2010 at Montreal 0-3 L 20-25,22-25,20-25 5-8 5-8 1h16
* 28 nov. 2010 LAVAL 1-3 L 26-24,19-25,23-25,14-25 5-9 5-9
* 14 jan. 2011 at McGill 1-3 L 25-18,13-25,19-25,24-26 5-10 5-10
* 16 jan. 2011 at Montreal 1-3 L 26-24,18-25,17-25,16-25 5-11 5-11 1h50
* 28 jan. 2011 LAVAL 1-3 L 21-25,13-25,29-27,19-25 5-12 5-12
* 29 jan. 2011 MCGILL 1-3 L 25-20,22-25,17-25,21-25 5-13 5-13
* 4 fev. 2011 at Laval 1-3 L 25-22,22-25,14-25,21-25 5-14 5-14 2:00
* 5 fev. 2011 MONTREAL 2-3 L 15-25,28-26,26-24,16-25,8-15 5-15 5-15
---------- ---
Overall: 5-15
Conference: 5-15
Home: 3-8
Away: 0-6
Neutral: 2-1
3 games: 0-3
4 games: 1-10
5 games: 4-2
ATTEND Dates Total Average
------ ----- ------- -------
Total: 20 0 0
Home: 11 0 0
Away: 6 0 0
Neutral: 3 0 0
Overall Team Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2010-2011
Sherbrooke Overall Team Statistics (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
Overall record: 5-15 Conference: 5-15
Kills....................... 775 891
Errors...................... 362 396
Total Attacks............... 2537 2667
Attack Pct.................. .163 .186
Kills/Game.................. 9.3 10.7
Assists..................... 661 787
Assists/Game................ 8.0 9.5
Aces........................ 126 143
Errors...................... 236 198
Aces/Game................... 1.5 1.7
SERVE RECEPTIONS..............
Errors...................... 156 131
Errors/Game................. 1.9 1.6
Digs........................ 1146 1123
Digs/Game................... 13.8 13.5
Block Solo.................. 55 85
Block Assist................ 237 204
Total Blocks................ 173.5 187.0
Blocks Per Game............. 2.1 2.3
Block Errors................ 62 26
BALL HANDLING ERRORS.......... 50 42
Total....................... 0 0
Dates/Avg Per Date.......... 11/0 6/0
Neutral site #/Avg.......... 3/0
Current win streak.......... 0 -
Home win streak............. 0 -
Overall Individual Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2010-2011
Sherbrooke Overall Individual Statistics (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
Overall record: 5-15 Conference: 5-15
|-----------ATTACK---------| |---SET---| |-----SERVE----|
## Name GP-MP-MS K K/Game E TA Pct A A/Game SA SA/Gm SE
4 Sarah Schaerli 82 20-0 142 1.73 44 338 .290 7 0.09 41 0.50 41
10 Renee-C. Chevarie 83 20-0 189 2.28 67 520 .235 7 0.08 21 0.25 45
3 Fanny Beaudin 10 8-0 10 1.00 5 26 .192 0 0.00 0 0.00 1
15 Corinne Boilard 52 16-0 58 1.12 33 158 .158 112 2.15 8 0.15 16
7 Stephanie L.-Vanier 37 14-0 40 1.08 21 142 .134 4 0.11 1 0.03 9
2 Marianne Labbe 70 18-0 29 0.41 16 104 .125 357 5.10 17 0.24 39
5 Stephanie Beauregard 38 14-0 22 0.58 13 73 .123 2 0.05 0 0.00 7
16 Catherine Martin 77 20-0 103 1.34 50 432 .123 156 2.03 16 0.21 20
8 Marie-Ch. Gravel 67 20-0 79 1.18 44 305 .115 4 0.06 8 0.12 21
17 Andreanne LeBrun 61 20-0 57 0.93 33 235 .102 3 0.05 3 0.05 10
9 Virginie B-Dunnigan 39 17-0 31 0.79 22 116 .078 2 0.05 8 0.21 14
1 Julie Pontbriand 32 15-0 15 0.47 14 77 .013 4 0.12 2 0.06 11
6 Genevieve Gagne 60 15-0 0 0.00 0 10 .000 3 0.05 1 0.02 0
11 Edith LeBrun 13 9-0 0 0.00 0 1 .000 0 0.00 0 0.00 2
SHERBROOKE.......... 83 20-20 775 9.34 362 2537 .163 661 7.96 126 1.52 236
Opponents........... 83 20-20 891 10.73 396 2667 .186 787 9.48 143 1.72 198
|---DIG---| |--------BLOCKING---------|
## Name G RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game BE BHE POINTS Pts/Gm
4 Sarah Schaerli 82 2 33 0.40 15 50 65 0.79 15 4 223.0 2.72
10 Renee-C. Chevarie 83 21 154 1.86 15 61 76 0.92 12 5 255.5 3.08
3 Fanny Beaudin 10 5 12 1.20 0 0 0 0.00 0 1 10.0 1.00
15 Corinne Boilard 52 4 81 1.56 1 28 29 0.56 8 4 81.0 1.56
7 Stephanie L.-Vanier 37 12 63 1.70 1 14 15 0.41 3 1 49.0 1.32
2 Marianne Labbe 70 2 113 1.61 9 35 44 0.63 10 16 72.5 1.04
5 Stephanie Beauregard 38 17 57 1.50 0 3 3 0.08 2 0 23.5 0.62
16 Catherine Martin 77 19 158 2.05 2 22 24 0.31 5 14 132.0 1.71
8 Marie-Ch. Gravel 67 25 130 1.94 4 6 10 0.15 2 0 94.0 1.40
17 Andreanne LeBrun 61 11 69 1.13 4 10 14 0.23 2 2 69.0 1.13
9 Virginie B-Dunnigan 39 6 18 0.46 3 3 6 0.15 3 1 43.5 1.12
1 Julie Pontbriand 32 8 29 0.91 1 5 6 0.19 0 1 20.5 0.64
11 Edith LeBrun 13 1 43 3.31 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0 0.00
6 Genevieve Gagne 60 23 186 3.10 0 0 0 0.00 0 1 1.0 0.02
SHERBROOKE.......... 83 156 1146 13.81 55 237 173.5 2.09 62 50 1074.5 12.95
Opponents........... 83 131 1123 13.53 85 204 187.0 2.25 26 42 1221.0 14.71
Category Leaders
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2010-2011
Sherbrooke Category Leaders (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
## ATTACK (by Pct) G K K/Game E TA Pct
4 Sarah Schaerli 82 142 1.73 44 338 .290
10 Renee-C. Chevarie 83 189 2.28 67 520 .235
3 Fanny Beaudin 10 10 1.00 5 26 .192
15 Corinne Boilard 52 58 1.12 33 158 .158
7 Stephanie L.-Vanier 37 40 1.08 21 142 .134
2 Marianne Labbe 70 29 0.41 16 104 .125
5 Stephanie Beauregard 38 22 0.58 13 73 .123
16 Catherine Martin 77 103 1.34 50 432 .123
8 Marie-Ch. Gravel 67 79 1.18 44 305 .115
17 Andreanne LeBrun 61 57 0.93 33 235 .102
9 Virginie B-Dunnigan 39 31 0.79 22 116 .078
1 Julie Pontbriand 32 15 0.47 14 77 .013
6 Genevieve Gagne 60 0 0.00 0 10 .000
11 Edith LeBrun 13 0 0.00 0 1 .000
SHERBROOKE.......... 83 775 9.34 362 2537 .163
Opponents........... 83 891 10.73 396 2667 .186
## SET (by A/Game) G A A/Game
2 Marianne Labbe 70 357 5.10
15 Corinne Boilard 52 112 2.15
16 Catherine Martin 77 156 2.03
1 Julie Pontbriand 32 4 0.12
7 Stephanie L.-Vanier 37 4 0.11
4 Sarah Schaerli 82 7 0.09
10 Renee-C. Chevarie 83 7 0.08
8 Marie-Ch. Gravel 67 4 0.06
5 Stephanie Beauregard 38 2 0.05
9 Virginie B-Dunnigan 39 2 0.05
6 Genevieve Gagne 60 3 0.05
17 Andreanne LeBrun 61 3 0.05
SHERBROOKE.......... 83 661 7.96
Opponents........... 83 787 9.48
## BLOCK (by B/Game) G BS BA Total B/Game BE
10 Renee-C. Chevarie 83 15 61 76.0 0.92 12
4 Sarah Schaerli 82 15 50 65.0 0.79 15
2 Marianne Labbe 70 9 35 44.0 0.63 10
15 Corinne Boilard 52 1 28 29.0 0.56 8
7 Stephanie L.-Vanier 37 1 14 15.0 0.41 3
16 Catherine Martin 77 2 22 24.0 0.31 5
17 Andreanne LeBrun 61 4 10 14.0 0.23 2
1 Julie Pontbriand 32 1 5 6.0 0.19 0
9 Virginie B-Dunnigan 39 3 3 6.0 0.15 3
8 Marie-Ch. Gravel 67 4 6 10.0 0.15 2
5 Stephanie Beauregard 38 0 3 3.0 0.08 2
SHERBROOKE.......... 83 55 237 173.5 2.09 62
Opponents........... 83 85 204 187.0 2.25 26
## POINTS (by ##) G Points Pts/G
1 Julie Pontbriand 32 20.5 0.62
2 Marianne Labbe 70 72.5 1.03
3 Fanny Beaudin 10 10.0 1.00
4 Sarah Schaerli 82 223.0 2.72
5 Stephanie Beauregard 38 23.5 0.61
6 Genevieve Gagne 60 1.0 0.02
7 Stephanie L.-Vanier 37 49.0 1.32
8 Marie-Ch. Gravel 67 94.0 1.40
9 Virginie B-Dunnigan 39 43.5 1.10
10 Renee-C. Chevarie 83 255.5 3.07
11 Edith LeBrun 13 0.0 0.00
15 Corinne Boilard 52 81.0 1.56
16 Catherine Martin 77 132.0 1.71
17 Andreanne LeBrun 61 69.0 1.13
SHERBROOKE.......... 83 1074.5 12.94
Opponents........... 83 1221.0 14.71
## KILL (by K/Game) G K K/Game
10 Renee-C. Chevarie 83 189 2.28
4 Sarah Schaerli 82 142 1.73
16 Catherine Martin 77 103 1.34
8 Marie-Ch. Gravel 67 79 1.18
15 Corinne Boilard 52 58 1.12
7 Stephanie L.-Vanier 37 40 1.08
3 Fanny Beaudin 10 10 1.00
17 Andreanne LeBrun 61 57 0.93
9 Virginie B-Dunnigan 39 31 0.79
5 Stephanie Beauregard 38 22 0.58
1 Julie Pontbriand 32 15 0.47
2 Marianne Labbe 70 29 0.41
6 Genevieve Gagne 60 0 0.00
11 Edith LeBrun 13 0 0.00
SHERBROOKE.......... 83 775 9.34
Opponents........... 83 891 10.73
## SERVE (by ##) G SA SE SA/G
1 Julie Pontbriand 32 2 11 0.06
2 Marianne Labbe 70 17 39 0.24
3 Fanny Beaudin 10 0 1 0.00
4 Sarah Schaerli 82 41 41 0.50
5 Stephanie Beauregard 38 0 7 0.00
6 Genevieve Gagne 60 1 0 0.02
7 Stephanie L.-Vanier 37 1 9 0.03
8 Marie-Ch. Gravel 67 8 21 0.12
9 Virginie B-Dunnigan 39 8 14 0.21
10 Renee-C. Chevarie 83 21 45 0.25
11 Edith LeBrun 13 0 2 0.00
15 Corinne Boilard 52 8 16 0.15
16 Catherine Martin 77 16 20 0.21
17 Andreanne LeBrun 61 3 10 0.05
SHERBROOKE.......... 83 126 236 1.52
Opponents........... 83 143 198 1.72
## DEFENSE (by Dig/Gm) G DIG Dig/G BHE
11 Edith LeBrun 13 43 3.31 0
6 Genevieve Gagne 60 186 3.10 1
16 Catherine Martin 77 158 2.05 14
8 Marie-Ch. Gravel 67 130 1.94 0
10 Renee-C. Chevarie 83 154 1.86 5
7 Stephanie L.-Vanier 37 63 1.70 1
2 Marianne Labbe 70 113 1.61 16
15 Corinne Boilard 52 81 1.56 4
5 Stephanie Beauregard 38 57 1.50 0
3 Fanny Beaudin 10 12 1.20 1
17 Andreanne LeBrun 61 69 1.13 2
1 Julie Pontbriand 32 29 0.91 1
9 Virginie B-Dunnigan 39 18 0.46 1
4 Sarah Schaerli 82 33 0.40 4
SHERBROOKE.......... 83 1146 13.81 50
Opponents........... 83 1123 13.53 42
## RECEPT (by RE/Game) G RE RE/Gm
3 Fanny Beaudin 10 5 0.50
5 Stephanie Beauregard 38 17 0.45
6 Genevieve Gagne 60 23 0.38
8 Marie-Ch. Gravel 67 25 0.37
7 Stephanie L.-Vanier 37 12 0.32
10 Renee-C. Chevarie 83 21 0.25
1 Julie Pontbriand 32 8 0.25
16 Catherine Martin 77 19 0.25
17 Andreanne LeBrun 61 11 0.18
9 Virginie B-Dunnigan 39 6 0.15
15 Corinne Boilard 52 4 0.08
11 Edith LeBrun 13 1 0.08
2 Marianne Labbe 70 2 0.03
4 Sarah Schaerli 82 2 0.02
SHERBROOKE.......... 83 156 1.88
Opponents........... 83 131 1.58
Combined Team Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2010-2011
Sherbrooke Combined Team Statistics (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
ALL MATCHES......... ( 5-15) ( 3-8 ) ( 0-6 ) ( 2-1 )
CONFERENCE.......... ( 5-15) ( 3-8 ) ( 0-6 ) ( 2-1 )
NON-CONFERENCE...... ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 )
|---------ATTACK----------| |--SET---| |----SERVE----| |--DIG---| |------BLOCKING-------|
4 Sarah Schaerli 82 142 1.73 44 338 .290 7 0.09 41 41 0.50 2 33 0.40 15 50 65 0.79 15 4 223.0
10 Renee-C. Chevarie 83 189 2.28 67 520 .235 7 0.08 21 45 0.25 21 154 1.86 15 61 76 0.92 12 5 255.5
3 Fanny Beaudin 10 10 1.00 5 26 .192 0 0.00 0 1 0.00 5 12 1.20 0 0 0 0.00 0 1 10.0
15 Corinne Boilard 52 58 1.12 33 158 .158 112 2.15 8 16 0.15 4 81 1.56 1 28 29 0.56 8 4 81.0
7 Stephanie L.-Vanier 37 40 1.08 21 142 .134 4 0.11 1 9 0.03 12 63 1.70 1 14 15 0.41 3 1 49.0
2 Marianne Labbe 70 29 0.41 16 104 .125 357 5.10 17 39 0.24 2 113 1.61 9 35 44 0.63 10 16 72.5
5 Stephanie Beauregard 38 22 0.58 13 73 .123 2 0.05 0 7 0.00 17 57 1.50 0 3 3 0.08 2 0 23.5
16 Catherine Martin 77 103 1.34 50 432 .123 156 2.03 16 20 0.21 19 158 2.05 2 22 24 0.31 5 14 132.0
8 Marie-Ch. Gravel 67 79 1.18 44 305 .115 4 0.06 8 21 0.12 25 130 1.94 4 6 10 0.15 2 0 94.0
17 Andreanne LeBrun 61 57 0.93 33 235 .102 3 0.05 3 10 0.05 11 69 1.13 4 10 14 0.23 2 2 69.0
9 Virginie B-Dunnigan 39 31 0.79 22 116 .078 2 0.05 8 14 0.21 6 18 0.46 3 3 6 0.15 3 1 43.5
1 Julie Pontbriand 32 15 0.47 14 77 .013 4 0.12 2 11 0.06 8 29 0.91 1 5 6 0.19 0 1 20.5
6 Genevieve Gagne 60 0 0.00 0 10 .000 3 0.05 1 0 0.02 23 186 3.10 0 0 0 0.00 0 1 1.0
11 Edith LeBrun 13 0 0.00 0 1 .000 0 0.00 0 2 0.00 1 43 3.31 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0
#TM 0
SHERBROOKE.......... 83 775 9.34 362 2537 .163 661 7.96 126 236 1.52 156 1146 13.81 55 237 173.5 2.09 62 50 1074.5
Opponents........... 83 891 10.73 396 2667 .186 787 9.48 143 198 1.72 131 1123 13.53 85 204 187.0 2.25 26 42 1221.0
Kills............. 775 891
Errors............ 362 396
Total Attacks..... 2537 2667
Attack Pct........ .163 .186
Kills/Game........ 9.3 10.7
Assists........... 661 787
Assists/Game...... 8.0 9.5
Aces.............. 126 143
Errors............ 236 198
Aces/Game......... 1.5 1.7
Errors............ 156 131
Errors/Game....... 1.9 1.6
Digs.............. 1146 1123
Digs/Game......... 13.8 13.5
Block Solo........ 55 85
Block Assist...... 237 204
Total Blocks...... 173.5 187.0
Blocks Per Game... 2.1 2.3
Block Errors...... 62 26
Total............. 0 0
Dates/Avg Per Date 11/0 6/0
Neutral site #/Avg 3/0
Current win streak 0 -
Home win streak... 0 -
---------- ---------------------- --- ----- ----------------------------- ------
* Oct 29 vs Acadia W 3-2 25-12,27-29,11-25,25-18,15-11 -
* 30 oct. 20 DALHOUSIE L 0-3 21-25,23-25,16-25 -
* 30 oct. 20 vs StFX L 0-3 24-26,19-25,26-28 -
* 31 oct. 20 vs Cape Breton W 3-2 11-25,25-23,22-25,25-21,15-11 -
* 5 nov. 201 MCGILL L 1-3 21-25,19-25,25-15,20-25 -
* 6 nov. 201 at Laval L 2-3 16-25,25-23,21-25,25-21,10-15 -
* 12 nov. 20 MONTREAL L 1-3 25-21,16-25,19-25,17-25 -
* 14 nov. 20 at McGill L 1-3 22-25,35-33,25-27,15-25 -
* 19 nov. 20 UNB W 3-2 25-23,22-25,16-25,26-24,15-5 -
* 20 nov. 20 MONCTON W 3-1 25-21,18-25,25-19,25-17 -
* 20 nov. 20 SAINT MARY'S L 1-3 17-25,25-19,23-25,19-25 -
* 21 nov. 20 MEMORIAL W 3-2 25-21,25-23,11-25,25-27,15-8 -
* 26 nov. 20 at Montreal L 0-3 20-25,22-25,20-25 -
* 28 nov. 20 LAVAL L 1-3 26-24,19-25,23-25,14-25 -
* 14 jan. 20 at McGill L 1-3 25-18,13-25,19-25,24-26 -
* 16 jan. 20 at Montreal L 1-3 26-24,18-25,17-25,16-25 -
* 28 jan. 20 LAVAL L 1-3 21-25,13-25,29-27,19-25 -
* 29 jan. 20 MCGILL L 1-3 25-20,22-25,17-25,21-25 -
* 4 fev. 201 at Laval L 1-3 25-22,22-25,14-25,21-25 -
* 5 fev. 201 MONTREAL L 2-3 15-25,28-26,26-24,16-25,8-15 -
Volleyball Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2010-2011
Sherbrooke Volleyball Statistics (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
Overall record: 5-15 Conference: 5-15
|--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---| |--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---|
## Name G K K/G E TA Pct A A/G Points G K K/G E TA Pct A A/G Points
------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
4 Sarah Schaerli...... 82 142 1.73 44 338 .290 7 0.09 223.0 82 142 1.73 44 338 .290 7 0.09 223.0
10 Renee-C. Chevarie... 83 189 2.28 67 520 .235 7 0.08 255.5 83 189 2.28 67 520 .235 7 0.08 255.5
3 Fanny Beaudin....... 10 10 1.00 5 26 .192 0 0.00 10.0 10 10 1.00 5 26 .192 0 0.00 10.0
15 Corinne Boilard..... 52 58 1.12 33 158 .158 112 2.15 81.0 52 58 1.12 33 158 .158 112 2.15 81.0
7 Stephanie L.-Vanier. 37 40 1.08 21 142 .134 4 0.11 49.0 37 40 1.08 21 142 .134 4 0.11 49.0
2 Marianne Labbe...... 70 29 0.41 16 104 .125 357 5.10 72.5 70 29 0.41 16 104 .125 357 5.10 72.5
5 Stephanie Beauregard 38 22 0.58 13 73 .123 2 0.05 23.5 38 22 0.58 13 73 .123 2 0.05 23.5
16 Catherine Martin.... 77 103 1.34 50 432 .123 156 2.03 132.0 77 103 1.34 50 432 .123 156 2.03 132.0
8 Marie-Ch. Gravel.... 67 79 1.18 44 305 .115 4 0.06 94.0 67 79 1.18 44 305 .115 4 0.06 94.0
17 Andreanne LeBrun.... 61 57 0.93 33 235 .102 3 0.05 69.0 61 57 0.93 33 235 .102 3 0.05 69.0
9 Virginie B-Dunnigan. 39 31 0.79 22 116 .078 2 0.05 43.5 39 31 0.79 22 116 .078 2 0.05 43.5
1 Julie Pontbriand.... 32 15 0.47 14 77 .013 4 0.12 20.5 32 15 0.47 14 77 .013 4 0.12 20.5
6 Genevieve Gagne..... 60 0 0.00 0 10 .000 3 0.05 1.0 60 0 0.00 0 10 .000 3 0.05 1.0
11 Edith LeBrun........ 13 0 0.00 0 1 .000 0 0.00 0.0 13 0 0.00 0 1 .000 0 0.00 0.0
SHERBROOKE.......... 83 775 9.34 362 2537 .163 661 7.96 1074.5 83 775 9.34 362 2537 .163 661 7.96 1074.5
Opponents........... 83 891 10.73 396 2667 .186 787 9.48 1221.0 83 891 10.73 396 2667 .186 787 9.48 1221.0
|--SERVE--| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----| |--SERVE--| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----|
Name SA SA/Gm RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game SA SA/Gm RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
Sarah Schaerli...... 41 0.50 2 33 0.40 15 50 65 0.79 41 0.50 2 33 0.40 15 50 65 0.79
Renee-C. Chevarie... 21 0.25 21 154 1.86 15 61 76 0.92 21 0.25 21 154 1.86 15 61 76 0.92
Fanny Beaudin....... 0 0.00 5 12 1.20 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 5 12 1.20 0 0 0 0.00
Corinne Boilard..... 8 0.15 4 81 1.56 1 28 29 0.56 8 0.15 4 81 1.56 1 28 29 0.56
Stephanie L.-Vanier. 1 0.03 12 63 1.70 1 14 15 0.41 1 0.03 12 63 1.70 1 14 15 0.41
Marianne Labbe...... 17 0.24 2 113 1.61 9 35 44 0.63 17 0.24 2 113 1.61 9 35 44 0.63
Stephanie Beauregard 0 0.00 17 57 1.50 0 3 3 0.08 0 0.00 17 57 1.50 0 3 3 0.08
Catherine Martin.... 16 0.21 19 158 2.05 2 22 24 0.31 16 0.21 19 158 2.05 2 22 24 0.31
Marie-Ch. Gravel.... 8 0.12 25 130 1.94 4 6 10 0.15 8 0.12 25 130 1.94 4 6 10 0.15
Andreanne LeBrun.... 3 0.05 11 69 1.13 4 10 14 0.23 3 0.05 11 69 1.13 4 10 14 0.23
Virginie B-Dunnigan. 8 0.21 6 18 0.46 3 3 6 0.15 8 0.21 6 18 0.46 3 3 6 0.15
Julie Pontbriand.... 2 0.06 8 29 0.91 1 5 6 0.19 2 0.06 8 29 0.91 1 5 6 0.19
Genevieve Gagne..... 1 0.02 23 186 3.10 0 0 0 0.00 1 0.02 23 186 3.10 0 0 0 0.00
Edith LeBrun........ 0 0.00 1 43 3.31 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 43 3.31 0 0 0 0.00
#TM................. 0 0
SHERBROOKE.......... 126 1.52 156 1146 13.81 55 237 173.5 2.09 126 1.52 156 1146 13.81 55 237 173.5 2.09
Opponents........... 143 1.72 131 1123 13.53 85 204 187.0 2.25 143 1.72 131 1123 13.53 85 204 187.0 2.25
Team Match-by-Match
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2010-2011
Sherbrooke Team Match-by-Match (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
|-------ATTACK------| SET |-SERVE-| PASS DEF |-------BLOCK------| GEN
Date Opponent GP K E TA Pct A SA SE RE DIG BS BA BE Total BHE Points
Oct 29, 2010 vs Acadia.............. 5 41 31 156 .064 29 9 16 5 95 2 16 3 10.0 0 60.0
30 oct. 2010 DALHOUSIE.............. 3 30 16 100 .140 28 4 6 9 46 0 12 2 6.0 4 40.0
30 oct. 2010 vs StFX................ 3 28 22 109 .055 24 6 8 9 43 2 18 0 11.0 2 45.0
31 oct. 2010 vs Cape Breton......... 5 50 28 154 .143 43 10 15 9 68 1 13 0 7.5 2 67.5
5 nov. 2010 MCGILL................. 4 39 17 117 .188 30 14 9 0 84 7 9 21 11.5 7 64.5
6 nov. 2010 at Laval............... 5 49 21 144 .194 44 12 17 7 45 1 10 2 6.0 2 67.0
12 nov. 2010 MONTREAL............... 4 37 12 121 .207 33 5 8 6 60 2 6 0 5.0 8 47.0
14 nov. 2010 at McGill.............. 4 49 22 157 .172 46 6 21 1 68 5 18 0 14.0 0 69.0
19 nov. 2010 UNB.................... 5 43 16 112 .241 24 6 19 9 31 5 16 0 13.0 0 62.0
20 nov. 2010 MONCTON................ 4 42 9 115 .287 34 6 18 4 12 3 12 0 9.0 0 57.0
20 nov. 2010 SAINT MARY'S........... 4 39 9 124 .242 37 6 7 2 3 1 6 0 4.0 1 49.0
21 nov. 2010 MEMORIAL............... 5 41 17 175 .137 36 8 11 8 101 2 18 2 11.0 3 60.0
26 nov. 2010 at Montreal............ 3 25 23 86 .023 26 2 10 8 20 3 4 11 5.0 0 32.0
28 nov. 2010 LAVAL.................. 4 39 17 156 .141 32 3 12 11 82 3 12 0 9.0 3 51.0
14 jan. 2011 at McGill.............. 4 38 8 113 .265 27 4 9 9 47 5 12 13 11.0 0 53.0
16 jan. 2011 at Montreal............ 4 31 24 104 .067 30 2 7 22 35 3 2 8 4.0 0 37.0
28 jan. 2011 LAVAL.................. 4 41 22 164 .116 35 2 11 8 81 3 6 0 6.0 4 49.0
29 jan. 2011 MCGILL................. 4 43 13 56 .536 35 8 10 10 85 3 23 0 14.5 7 65.5
4 fev. 2011 at Laval............... 4 24 13 110 .100 23 9 12 12 49 1 16 0 9.0 2 42.0
5 fev. 2011 MONTREAL............... 5 46 22 164 .146 45 4 10 7 91 3 8 0 7.0 5 57.0
Sherbrooke.......................... 83 775 362 2537 .163 661 126 236 156 1146 55 237 62 173.5 50 1074.5
Opponent............................ 83 891 396 2667 .186 787 143 198 131 1123 85 204 26 187.0 42 1221.0
Games played: 83
Kills per game: 9.34
Assists per game: 7.96
Service aces per game: 1.52
Reception errors per game: 1.88
Digs per game: 13.81
Blocks per game: 2.09
Ball handling errors per game: 0.60
Reception errors per game: 1.88
Points per game: 12.95
Overall record: 5-15 Conference: 5-15
Opponent Match-by-Match
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2010-2011
Sherbrooke Opponent Match-by-Match (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
|-------ATTACK------| SET |-SERVE-| PASS DEF |-------BLOCK------| GEN
Date Opponent GP K E TA Pct A SA SE RE DIG BS BA BE Total BHE Points
Oct 29, 2010 vs Acadia.............. 5 40 37 169 .018 39 5 10 9 91 3 18 0 12.0 5 57.0
30 oct. 2010 DALHOUSIE.............. 3 38 19 112 .170 33 9 5 4 51 0 2 2 1.0 0 48.0
30 oct. 2010 vs StFX................ 3 38 22 110 .145 33 9 5 6 41 3 2 3 4.0 5 51.0
31 oct. 2010 vs Cape Breton......... 5 49 31 169 .107 42 9 7 10 84 3 8 0 7.0 0 65.0
5 nov. 2010 MCGILL................. 4 50 12 146 .260 38 6 10 14 91 1 6 0 4.0 3 60.0
6 nov. 2010 at Laval............... 5 60 26 144 .236 59 7 9 12 73 0 10 0 5.0 1 72.0
12 nov. 2010 MONTREAL............... 4 44 9 115 .304 39 6 16 6 52 6 23 1 17.5 4 67.5
14 nov. 2010 at McGill.............. 4 53 23 161 .186 43 1 6 6 54 0 10 0 5.0 0 59.0
19 nov. 2010 UNB.................... 5 25 19 95 .063 11 5 10 4 46 3 8 2 7.0 0 37.0
20 nov. 2010 MONCTON................ 4 28 9 109 .174 28 1 5 3 12 10 4 0 12.0 2 41.0
20 nov. 2010 SAINT MARY'S........... 4 38 15 114 .202 41 4 7 4 5 14 9 0 18.5 0 60.5
21 nov. 2010 MEMORIAL............... 5 46 21 179 .140 44 7 14 6 94 0 23 0 11.5 4 64.5
26 nov. 2010 at Montreal............ 3 32 19 75 .173 29 5 14 7 36 5 8 3 9.0 0 46.0
28 nov. 2010 LAVAL.................. 4 41 12 140 .207 38 10 13 2 37 18 19 1 27.5 2 78.5
14 jan. 2011 at McGill.............. 4 53 22 145 .214 49 9 12 5 60 1 8 4 5.0 0 67.0
16 jan. 2011 at Montreal............ 4 44 20 109 .220 34 12 10 10 23 9 8 10 13.0 0 69.0
28 jan. 2011 LAVAL.................. 4 50 13 162 .228 44 7 14 1 95 2 10 0 7.0 5 64.0
29 jan. 2011 MCGILL................. 4 51 12 159 .245 44 11 6 8 88 2 4 0 4.0 4 66.0
4 fev. 2011 at Laval............... 4 57 33 141 .170 51 12 13 9 58 2 4 0 4.0 4 73.0
5 fev. 2011 MONTREAL............... 5 54 22 113 .283 48 8 12 5 32 3 20 0 13.0 3 75.0
Opponent totals..................... 83 891 396 2667 .186 787 143 198 131 1123 85 204 26 187.0 42 1221.0
Sherbrooke.......................... 83 775 362 2537 .163 661 126 236 156 1146 55 237 62 173.5 50 1074.5
Games played: 83
Kills per game: 10.73
Assists per game: 9.48
Service aces per game: 1.72
Reception errors per game: 1.58
Digs per game: 13.53
Blocks per game: 2.25
Ball handling errors per game: 0.51
Reception errors per game: 1.58
Points per game: 14.71
Team Match-by-Match Comparison
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2010-2011
Sherbrooke Team Match-by-Match Comparison (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
|-----------------ATTACK------------------| |--SET--| |------SERVE------|
Opponent Score GP Kills Errors Total Pct A SA SE
-------- ----- --- ----/---- ----/---- ----/---- ------/------ ----/---- ----/---- ----/----
Acadia.............. 3-2 5 41/40 31/37 156/169 .064/ .018 29/39 9/5 16/10
DALHOUSIE........... 0-3 3 30/38 16/19 100/112 .140/ .170 28/33 4/9 6/5
StFX................ 0-3 3 28/38 22/22 109/110 .055/ .145 24/33 6/9 8/5
Cape Breton......... 3-2 5 50/49 28/31 154/169 .143/ .107 43/42 10/9 15/7
MCGILL.............. 1-3 4 39/50 17/12 117/146 .188/ .260 30/38 14/6 9/10
Laval............... 2-3 5 49/60 21/26 144/144 .194/ .236 44/59 12/7 17/9
MONTREAL............ 1-3 4 37/44 12/9 121/115 .207/ .304 33/39 5/6 8/16
McGill.............. 1-3 4 49/53 22/23 157/161 .172/ .186 46/43 6/1 21/6
UNB................. 3-2 5 43/25 16/19 112/95 .241/ .063 24/11 6/5 19/10
MONCTON............. 3-1 4 42/28 9/9 115/109 .287/ .174 34/28 6/1 18/5
SAINT MARY'S........ 1-3 4 39/38 9/15 124/114 .242/ .202 37/41 6/4 7/7
MEMORIAL............ 3-2 5 41/46 17/21 175/179 .137/ .140 36/44 8/7 11/14
Montreal............ 0-3 3 25/32 23/19 86/75 .023/ .173 26/29 2/5 10/14
LAVAL............... 1-3 4 39/41 17/12 156/140 .141/ .207 32/38 3/10 12/13
McGill.............. 1-3 4 38/53 8/22 113/145 .265/ .214 27/49 4/9 9/12
Montreal............ 1-3 4 31/44 24/20 104/109 .067/ .220 30/34 2/12 7/10
LAVAL............... 1-3 4 41/50 22/13 164/162 .116/ .228 35/44 2/7 11/14
MCGILL.............. 1-3 4 43/51 13/12 56/159 .536/ .245 35/44 8/11 10/6
Laval............... 1-3 4 24/57 13/33 110/141 .100/ .170 23/51 9/12 12/13
MONTREAL............ 2-3 5 46/54 22/22 164/113 .146/ .283 45/48 4/8 10/12
Totals.............. 29-54 83 775/891 362/396 2537/2667 .163/ .186 661/787 126/143 236/198
Note: Match totals are displayed in the format TEAM/OPPONENT for each category
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2010-2011
Sherbrooke Team Match-by-Match Comparison (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
|--PASS-| |--DEF--| |-----------------BLOCK-----------------| |--GEN--|
Opponent RE DIG BS-BA BE Total BHE
-------- ----/---- ----/---- ---------/--------- ----/---- -----/----- ----/----
Acadia.............. 5/9 95/91 2-16 / 3-18 3/0 10.0/ 12.0 0/5
DALHOUSIE........... 9/4 46/51 0-12 / 0-2 2/2 6.0/ 1.0 4/0
StFX................ 9/6 43/41 2-18 / 3-2 0/3 11.0/ 4.0 2/5
Cape Breton......... 9/10 68/84 1-13 / 3-8 0/0 7.5/ 7.0 2/0
MCGILL.............. 0/14 84/91 7-9 / 1-6 21/0 11.5/ 4.0 7/3
Laval............... 7/12 45/73 1-10 / 0-10 2/0 6.0/ 5.0 2/1
MONTREAL............ 6/6 60/52 2-6 / 6-23 0/1 5.0/ 17.5 8/4
McGill.............. 1/6 68/54 5-18 / 0-10 0/0 14.0/ 5.0 0/0
UNB................. 9/4 31/46 5-16 / 3-8 0/2 13.0/ 7.0 0/0
MONCTON............. 4/3 12/12 3-12 / 10-4 0/0 9.0/ 12.0 0/2
SAINT MARY'S........ 2/4 3/5 1-6 / 14-9 0/0 4.0/ 18.5 1/0
MEMORIAL............ 8/6 101/94 2-18 / 0-23 2/0 11.0/ 11.5 3/4
Montreal............ 8/7 20/36 3-4 / 5-8 11/3 5.0/ 9.0 0/0
LAVAL............... 11/2 82/37 3-12 / 18-19 0/1 9.0/ 27.5 3/2
McGill.............. 9/5 47/60 5-12 / 1-8 13/4 11.0/ 5.0 0/0
Montreal............ 22/10 35/23 3-2 / 9-8 8/10 4.0/ 13.0 0/0
LAVAL............... 8/1 81/95 3-6 / 2-10 0/0 6.0/ 7.0 4/5
MCGILL.............. 10/8 85/88 3-23 / 2-4 0/0 14.5/ 4.0 7/4
Laval............... 12/9 49/58 1-16 / 2-4 0/0 9.0/ 4.0 2/4
MONTREAL............ 7/5 91/32 3-8 / 3-20 0/0 7.0/ 13.0 5/3
Totals.............. 156/131 1146/1123 55-237 / 85-204 62/26 173.5/187.0 50/42
Note: Match totals are displayed in the format TEAM/OPPONENT for each category
Match Highs
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2010-2011
Sherbrooke Match Highs (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
ATTACK PERCENT (K-E-TA) minimum 12 kills
.478 (13- 2-23) Renee-C. Chevarie vs UNB (19 nov. 2010)
.423 (13- 2-26) Sarah Schaerli vs UNB (19 nov. 2010)
.393 (12- 1-28) Andreanne LeBrun at McGill (14 nov. 2010)
.361 (18- 5-36) Renee-C. Chevarie vs Montreal (5 fev. 2011)
.303 (14- 4-33) Renee-C. Chevarie vs McGill (5 nov. 2010)
.270 (15- 5-37) Stephanie L.-Vanier vs Memorial (21 nov. 2010)
.216 (12- 4-37) Renee-C. Chevarie vs Laval (28 nov. 2010)
.206 (12- 5-34) Renee-C. Chevarie at McGill (14 nov. 2010)
18 (18- 5-36) 5g Renee-C. Chevarie vs Montreal (5 fev. 2011)
15 (15- 5-37) 5g Stephanie L.-Vanier vs Memorial (21 nov. 2010)
14 (14- 4-33) 4g Renee-C. Chevarie vs McGill (5 nov. 2010)
13 (13- 2-23) 5g Renee-C. Chevarie vs UNB (19 nov. 2010)
13 (13- 2-26) 5g Sarah Schaerli vs UNB (19 nov. 2010)
12 (12- 1-28) 4g Andreanne LeBrun at McGill (14 nov. 2010)
12 (12- 4-37) 4g Renee-C. Chevarie vs Laval (28 nov. 2010)
12 (12- 5-34) 4g Renee-C. Chevarie at McGill (14 nov. 2010)
11 (11- 4-36) 5g Catherine Martin vs Cape Breton (31 oct. 2010)
11 (11- 4-22) 4g Catherine Martin vs Moncton (20 nov. 2010)
8 ( 8- 3-25) Renee-C. Chevarie vs StFX (30 oct. 2010)
7 ( 7- 3-17) Fanny Beaudin vs Dalhousie (30 oct. 2010)
7 ( 7- 7-26) Catherine Martin vs StFX (30 oct. 2010)
7 ( 7- 2-13) Renee-C. Chevarie at Montreal (26 nov. 2010)
6 ( 6- 7-15) Virginie B-Dunnigan at Montreal (26 nov. 2010)
14 (14- 4-33) Renee-C. Chevarie vs McGill (5 nov. 2010)
12 (12- 1-28) Andreanne LeBrun at McGill (14 nov. 2010)
12 (12- 4-37) Renee-C. Chevarie vs Laval (28 nov. 2010)
12 (12- 5-34) Renee-C. Chevarie at McGill (14 nov. 2010)
11 (11- 4-22) Catherine Martin vs Moncton (20 nov. 2010)
18 (18- 5-36) Renee-C. Chevarie vs Montreal (5 fev. 2011)
15 (15- 5-37) Stephanie L.-Vanier vs Memorial (21 nov. 2010)
13 (13- 2-26) Sarah Schaerli vs UNB (19 nov. 2010)
13 (13- 2-23) Renee-C. Chevarie vs UNB (19 nov. 2010)
11 (11- 3-24) Sarah Schaerli at Laval (6 nov. 2010)
39 ( 8-10-39) 5g Andreanne LeBrun vs Acadia (Oct 29, 2010)
39 (11- 7-39) 5g Renee-C. Chevarie vs Cape Breton (31 oct. 2010)
38 ( 4- 9-38) 4g Marie-Ch. Gravel vs Laval (28 jan. 2011)
37 (12- 4-37) 4g Renee-C. Chevarie vs Laval (28 nov. 2010)
37 (15- 5-37) 5g Stephanie L.-Vanier vs Memorial (21 nov. 2010)
36 (11- 4-36) 5g Catherine Martin vs Cape Breton (31 oct. 2010)
36 ( 2- 5-36) 5g Catherine Martin vs Memorial (21 nov. 2010)
36 (18- 5-36) 5g Renee-C. Chevarie vs Montreal (5 fev. 2011)
35 ( 4- 2-35) 5g Catherine Martin vs Montreal (5 fev. 2011)
34 ( 7- 0-34) 5g Renee-C. Chevarie vs Memorial (21 nov. 2010)
26 ( 7- 7-26) Catherine Martin vs StFX (30 oct. 2010)
25 ( 5- 2-25) Catherine Martin vs Dalhousie (30 oct. 2010)
25 ( 8- 3-25) Renee-C. Chevarie vs StFX (30 oct. 2010)
24 ( 6- 5-24) Renee-C. Chevarie vs Dalhousie (30 oct. 2010)
18 ( 4- 2-18) Marie-Ch. Gravel at Montreal (26 nov. 2010)
38 ( 4- 9-38) Marie-Ch. Gravel vs Laval (28 jan. 2011)
37 (12- 4-37) Renee-C. Chevarie vs Laval (28 nov. 2010)
34 (12- 5-34) Renee-C. Chevarie at McGill (14 nov. 2010)
33 (14- 4-33) Renee-C. Chevarie vs McGill (5 nov. 2010)
32 ( 7- 4-32) Renee-C. Chevarie vs Laval (28 jan. 2011)
39 (11- 7-39) Renee-C. Chevarie vs Cape Breton (31 oct. 2010)
39 ( 8-10-39) Andreanne LeBrun vs Acadia (Oct 29, 2010)
37 (15- 5-37) Stephanie L.-Vanier vs Memorial (21 nov. 2010)
36 ( 2- 5-36) Catherine Martin vs Memorial (21 nov. 2010)
36 (11- 4-36) Catherine Martin vs Cape Breton (31 oct. 2010)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2010-2011
Sherbrooke Match Highs (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
20.0 (18- 0- 2.0) 5g Renee-C. Chevarie vs Montreal (5 fev. 2011)
18.5 (14- 1- 3.5) 4g Renee-C. Chevarie vs McGill (5 nov. 2010)
18.5 (11- 6- 1.5) 5g Sarah Schaerli at Laval (6 nov. 2010)
17.5 ( 9- 7- 1.5) 4g Sarah Schaerli at Laval (4 fev. 2011)
17.5 (15- 0- 2.5) 5g Stephanie L.-Vanier vs Memorial (21 nov. 2010)
13.0 ( 8- 0- 5.0) Renee-C. Chevarie vs StFX (30 oct. 2010)
9.0 ( 7- 1- 1.0) Catherine Martin vs StFX (30 oct. 2010)
9.0 ( 6- 1- 2.0) Renee-C. Chevarie vs Dalhousie (30 oct. 2010)
8.0 ( 5- 3- 0.0) Sarah Schaerli vs StFX (30 oct. 2010)
8.0 ( 7- 1- 0.0) Renee-C. Chevarie at Montreal (26 nov. 2010)
18.5 (14- 1- 3.5) Renee-C. Chevarie vs McGill (5 nov. 2010)
17.5 ( 9- 7- 1.5) Sarah Schaerli at Laval (4 fev. 2011)
16.5 (10- 2- 4.5) Renee-C. Chevarie vs McGill (29 jan. 2011)
16.0 (12- 3- 1.0) Renee-C. Chevarie at McGill (14 nov. 2010)
15.5 (12- 1- 2.5) Renee-C. Chevarie vs Laval (28 nov. 2010)
20.0 (18- 0- 2.0) Renee-C. Chevarie vs Montreal (5 fev. 2011)
18.5 (11- 6- 1.5) Sarah Schaerli at Laval (6 nov. 2010)
17.5 (13- 2- 2.5) Sarah Schaerli vs UNB (19 nov. 2010)
17.5 (15- 0- 2.5) Stephanie L.-Vanier vs Memorial (21 nov. 2010)
16.5 (11- 4- 1.5) Sarah Schaerli vs Cape Breton (31 oct. 2010)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2010-2011
Sherbrooke Match Highs (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
40 (5g) Marianne Labbe vs Cape Breton (31 oct. 2010)
32 (4g) Marianne Labbe at McGill (14 nov. 2010)
27 (5g) Marianne Labbe vs Acadia (Oct 29, 2010)
27 (4g) Marianne Labbe vs Moncton (20 nov. 2010)
26 (4g) Marianne Labbe vs McGill (5 nov. 2010)
24 Marianne Labbe vs Dalhousie (30 oct. 2010)
20 Marianne Labbe vs StFX (30 oct. 2010)
17 Marianne Labbe at Montreal (26 nov. 2010)
6 Corinne Boilard at Montreal (26 nov. 2010)
2 Corinne Boilard vs StFX (30 oct. 2010)
32 Marianne Labbe at McGill (14 nov. 2010)
27 Marianne Labbe vs Moncton (20 nov. 2010)
26 Marianne Labbe vs McGill (5 nov. 2010)
21 Catherine Martin vs McGill (29 jan. 2011)
21 Marianne Labbe vs Saint Mary's (20 nov. 2010)
40 Marianne Labbe vs Cape Breton (31 oct. 2010)
27 Marianne Labbe vs Acadia (Oct 29, 2010)
25 Marianne Labbe vs Montreal (5 fev. 2011)
21 Catherine Martin at Laval (6 nov. 2010)
20 Marianne Labbe vs Memorial (21 nov. 2010)
27 (4g) Genevieve Gagne vs McGill (29 jan. 2011)
27 (5g) Edith LeBrun vs Montreal (5 fev. 2011)
25 (4g) Genevieve Gagne at McGill (14 nov. 2010)
21 (5g) Stephanie L.-Vanier vs Memorial (21 nov. 2010)
21 (4g) Catherine Martin vs Laval (28 nov. 2010)
15 Stephanie Beauregard vs Dalhousie (30 oct. 2010)
9 Stephanie Beauregard vs StFX (30 oct. 2010)
9 Marianne Labbe vs StFX (30 oct. 2010)
7 Renee-C. Chevarie vs Dalhousie (30 oct. 2010)
6 Marie-Ch. Gravel vs StFX (30 oct. 2010)
27 Genevieve Gagne vs McGill (29 jan. 2011)
25 Genevieve Gagne at McGill (14 nov. 2010)
21 Catherine Martin vs Laval (28 nov. 2010)
20 Genevieve Gagne vs Laval (28 jan. 2011)
19 Genevieve Gagne vs McGill (5 nov. 2010)
27 Edith LeBrun vs Montreal (5 fev. 2011)
21 Stephanie L.-Vanier vs Memorial (21 nov. 2010)
19 Marie-Ch. Gravel vs Cape Breton (31 oct. 2010)
18 Catherine Martin vs Memorial (21 nov. 2010)
18 Renee-C. Chevarie vs Memorial (21 nov. 2010)
7 Marianne Labbe vs Acadia (Oct 29, 2010)
7 Sarah Schaerli at Laval (4 fev. 2011)
6 Sarah Schaerli at Laval (6 nov. 2010)
5 Sarah Schaerli vs McGill (5 nov. 2010)
4 Sarah Schaerli vs Cape Breton (31 oct. 2010)
9 ( 1- 8) Renee-C. Chevarie vs StFX (30 oct. 2010)
8 ( 1- 7) Renee-C. Chevarie vs McGill (29 jan. 2011)
7 ( 2- 5) Sarah Schaerli at McGill (14 nov. 2010)
7 ( 2- 5) Renee-C. Chevarie vs Moncton (20 nov. 2010)
7 ( 1- 6) Renee-C. Chevarie vs Acadia (Oct 29, 2010)
7 ( 1- 6) Corinne Boilard at McGill (14 nov. 2010)
6 ( 2- 4) Marianne Labbe vs UNB (19 nov. 2010)
6 ( 2- 4) Sarah Schaerli vs McGill (29 jan. 2011)
6 ( 1- 5) Marianne Labbe at McGill (14 jan. 2011)
5 ( 2- 3) Renee-C. Chevarie vs McGill (5 nov. 2010)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2010-2011
Sherbrooke Match Highs (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
.536 (43-13- 56) vs McGill (29 jan. 2011)
.287 (42- 9-115) vs Moncton (20 nov. 2010)
.265 (38- 8-113) at McGill (14 jan. 2011)
.242 (39- 9-124) vs Saint Mary's (20 nov. 2010)
.241 (43-16-112) vs UNB (19 nov. 2010)
.207 (37-12-121) vs Montreal (12 nov. 2010)
.194 (49-21-144) at Laval (6 nov. 2010)
.188 (39-17-117) vs McGill (5 nov. 2010)
.172 (49-22-157) at McGill (14 nov. 2010)
.146 (46-22-164) vs Montreal (5 fev. 2011)
50 (50-28-154) 5g vs Cape Breton (31 oct. 2010)
49 (49-22-157) 4g at McGill (14 nov. 2010)
49 (49-21-144) 5g at Laval (6 nov. 2010)
46 (46-22-164) 5g vs Montreal (5 fev. 2011)
43 (43-16-112) 5g vs UNB (19 nov. 2010)
43 (43-13- 56) 4g vs McGill (29 jan. 2011)
42 (42- 9-115) 4g vs Moncton (20 nov. 2010)
41 (41-17-175) 5g vs Memorial (21 nov. 2010)
41 (41-31-156) 5g vs Acadia (Oct 29, 2010)
41 (41-22-164) 4g vs Laval (28 jan. 2011)
30 (30-16-100) vs Dalhousie (30 oct. 2010)
28 (28-22-109) vs StFX (30 oct. 2010)
25 (25-23- 86) at Montreal (26 nov. 2010)
49 (49-22-157) at McGill (14 nov. 2010)
43 (43-13- 56) vs McGill (29 jan. 2011)
42 (42- 9-115) vs Moncton (20 nov. 2010)
41 (41-22-164) vs Laval (28 jan. 2011)
39 (39-17-117) vs McGill (5 nov. 2010)
50 (50-28-154) vs Cape Breton (31 oct. 2010)
49 (49-21-144) at Laval (6 nov. 2010)
46 (46-22-164) vs Montreal (5 fev. 2011)
43 (43-16-112) vs UNB (19 nov. 2010)
41 (41-17-175) vs Memorial (21 nov. 2010)
175 (41-17-175) 5g vs Memorial (21 nov. 2010)
164 (46-22-164) 5g vs Montreal (5 fev. 2011)
164 (41-22-164) 4g vs Laval (28 jan. 2011)
157 (49-22-157) 4g at McGill (14 nov. 2010)
156 (41-31-156) 5g vs Acadia (Oct 29, 2010)
156 (39-17-156) 4g vs Laval (28 nov. 2010)
154 (50-28-154) 5g vs Cape Breton (31 oct. 2010)
144 (49-21-144) 5g at Laval (6 nov. 2010)
124 (39- 9-124) 4g vs Saint Mary's (20 nov. 2010)
121 (37-12-121) 4g vs Montreal (12 nov. 2010)
109 (28-22-109) vs StFX (30 oct. 2010)
100 (30-16-100) vs Dalhousie (30 oct. 2010)
86 (25-23- 86) at Montreal (26 nov. 2010)
164 (41-22-164) vs Laval (28 jan. 2011)
157 (49-22-157) at McGill (14 nov. 2010)
156 (39-17-156) vs Laval (28 nov. 2010)
124 (39- 9-124) vs Saint Mary's (20 nov. 2010)
121 (37-12-121) vs Montreal (12 nov. 2010)
175 (41-17-175) vs Memorial (21 nov. 2010)
164 (46-22-164) vs Montreal (5 fev. 2011)
156 (41-31-156) vs Acadia (Oct 29, 2010)
154 (50-28-154) vs Cape Breton (31 oct. 2010)
144 (49-21-144) at Laval (6 nov. 2010)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2010-2011
Sherbrooke Match Highs (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
46 (4g) at McGill (14 nov. 2010)
45 (5g) vs Montreal (5 fev. 2011)
44 (5g) at Laval (6 nov. 2010)
43 (5g) vs Cape Breton (31 oct. 2010)
37 (4g) vs Saint Mary's (20 nov. 2010)
28 vs Dalhousie (30 oct. 2010)
26 at Montreal (26 nov. 2010)
24 vs StFX (30 oct. 2010)
46 at McGill (14 nov. 2010)
37 vs Saint Mary's (20 nov. 2010)
35 vs Laval (28 jan. 2011)
35 vs McGill (29 jan. 2011)
34 vs Moncton (20 nov. 2010)
45 vs Montreal (5 fev. 2011)
44 at Laval (6 nov. 2010)
43 vs Cape Breton (31 oct. 2010)
36 vs Memorial (21 nov. 2010)
29 vs Acadia (Oct 29, 2010)
101 (5g) vs Memorial (21 nov. 2010)
95 (5g) vs Acadia (Oct 29, 2010)
91 (5g) vs Montreal (5 fev. 2011)
85 (4g) vs McGill (29 jan. 2011)
84 (4g) vs McGill (5 nov. 2010)
46 vs Dalhousie (30 oct. 2010)
43 vs StFX (30 oct. 2010)
20 at Montreal (26 nov. 2010)
85 vs McGill (29 jan. 2011)
84 vs McGill (5 nov. 2010)
82 vs Laval (28 nov. 2010)
81 vs Laval (28 jan. 2011)
68 at McGill (14 nov. 2010)
101 vs Memorial (21 nov. 2010)
95 vs Acadia (Oct 29, 2010)
91 vs Montreal (5 fev. 2011)
68 vs Cape Breton (31 oct. 2010)
45 at Laval (6 nov. 2010)
14 vs McGill (5 nov. 2010)
12 at Laval (6 nov. 2010)
10 vs Cape Breton (31 oct. 2010)
9 at Laval (4 fev. 2011)
9 vs Acadia (Oct 29, 2010)
14.5 vs McGill (29 jan. 2011)
14.0 at McGill (14 nov. 2010)
13.0 vs UNB (19 nov. 2010)
11.5 vs McGill (5 nov. 2010)
11.0 at McGill (14 jan. 2011)
11.0 vs StFX (30 oct. 2010)
11.0 vs Memorial (21 nov. 2010)
10.0 vs Acadia (Oct 29, 2010)
9.0 at Laval (4 fev. 2011)
9.0 vs Laval (28 nov. 2010)