Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2011-2012
Match Results
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2011-2012
Laval Match Results (as of May 01, 2018)
All matches
Overall Conference
Date Opponent Score Score-by-game Record Record Time Attend
---- -------- ----- ------------- -------- -------- ---- ------
* 4 nov. 11 at McGill W 3-0 25-15,25-19,25-21 1-0 1-0 1h23 199
* 5 nov. 11 at Sherbrooke W 3-0 25-23,25-15,25-20 2-0 2-0
* 11 nov. 11 MONTREAL 0-3 L 19-25,26-28,14-25 2-1 2-1 1:31
* 29 oct. 11 MCGILL 1-3 L 22-25,25-15,17-25,22-25 2-2 2-2 2:00
* 18 nov. 11 at Montreal W 3-2 23-25,26-24,18-25,26-24,15-13 3-2 3-2 2h11
* 19 nov. 11 SHERBROOKE W 3-1 25-17,26-24,23-25,25-22 4-2 4-2 1:58
* 25 nov. 11 at Sherbrooke W 3-1 23-25,25-13,25-19,25-20 5-2 5-2
* 26 nov. 11 MCGILL W 3-0 25-19,25-21,25-22 6-2 6-2
* 27 nov. 11 at Montreal 2-3 L 25-27,25-20,9-25,25-22,6-15 6-3 6-3
* 13 janv. 12 MCGILL W 3-2 15-25,25-21,22-25,25-19,15-10 7-3 7-3
* 15 janv. 12 at Montreal 0-3 L 20-25,16-25,18-25 7-4 7-4 1h15
* 27 janv. 12 SHERBROOKE W 3-1 22-25,25-23,26-24,25-18 8-4 8-4 2:00
* 29 janv. 12 at McGill W 3-0 25-22,25-19,25-21 9-4 9-4 1h39
* 3 fev. 12 at Sherbrooke W 3-0 25-18,25-19,27-25 10-4 10-4 1:30 300
* 4 fev. 12 MONTREAL 0-3 L 23-25,17-25,24-26 10-5 10-5
---------- ---
Overall: 10-5
Conference: 10-5
Home: 4-3
Away: 6-2
Neutral: 0-0
3 games: 5-3
4 games: 3-1
5 games: 2-1
ATTEND Dates Total Average
------ ----- ------- -------
Total: 15 499 33
Home: 7 0 0
Away: 8 499 62
Neutral: 0 0 0
Overall Team Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2011-2012
Laval Overall Team Statistics (as of May 01, 2018)
All matches
Overall record: 10-5 Conference: 10-5
Kills....................... 562 542
Errors...................... 335 296
Total Attacks............... 1839 1697
Attack Pct.................. .123 .145
Kills/Game.................. 10.2 9.9
Assists..................... 503 497
Attempts.................... 0 0
Assist Pct.................. .000 .000
Assists/Game................ 9.1 9.0
Aces........................ 111 88
Errors...................... 116 152
Attempts.................... 0 0
Serve Pct................... .000 .000
Aces/Game................... 2.0 1.6
SERVE RECEPTIONS..............
Errors...................... 80 134
Errors/Game................. 1.5 2.4
Attempts.................... 0 0
Reception Pct............... .000 .000
Digs........................ 770 835
Digs/Game................... 14.0 15.2
Block Solo.................. 50 49
Block Assist................ 174 170
Total Blocks................ 137.0 134.0
Blocks Per Game............. 2.5 2.4
Block Errors................ 37 32
BALL HANDLING ERRORS.......... 44 40
Total....................... 0 499
Dates/Avg Per Date.......... 7/0 8/62
Neutral site #/Avg.......... 0/0
Current win streak.......... 0 -
Home win streak............. 0 -
Overall Individual Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2011-2012
Laval Overall Individual Statistics (as of May 01, 2018)
All matches
Overall record: 10-5 Conference: 10-5
|-----------ATTACK---------| |---------SET---------| |----------SERVE-----------|
## Name GP-MP-MS K K/Game E TA Pct A A/Game TA Pct SA SA/Gm SE TA Pct
13 Sophie Dallaire 54 15-1 75 1.39 32 197 .218 11 0.20 0 .000 17 0.31 20 0 .000
18 Donna Ouellet 46 13-1 55 1.20 29 140 .186 8 0.17 0 .000 3 0.07 12 0 .000
15 Valerie Lemay 39 13-0 52 1.33 29 164 .140 4 0.10 0 .000 3 0.08 6 0 .000
7 Esther Gilbert 53 15-1 115 2.17 70 354 .127 0 0.00 0 .000 22 0.42 27 0 .000
9 Eve Thibault 46 15-1 94 2.04 55 335 .116 4 0.09 0 .000 13 0.28 8 0 .000
17 Catherine Laurin 53 15-1 116 2.19 72 441 .100 4 0.08 0 .000 15 0.28 10 0 .000
12 Helene Rancourt 55 15-1 18 0.33 14 54 .074 435 7.91 0 .000 16 0.29 11 0 .000
8 Stephanie Alexandre 40 15-0 28 0.70 22 111 .054 1 0.03 0 .000 13 0.32 16 0 .000
5 Sara Robichaud 9 10-0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0 .000 1 0.11 1 0 .000
16 Joany L.-Bellemare 55 15-0 0 0.00 0 4 .000 6 0.11 0 .000 0 0.00 0 0 .000
5 Eve Trepanier 7 7-0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0 .000 0 0.00 1 0 .000
4 Emilie Ducharme 39 15-0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 29 0.74 0 .000 8 0.21 1 0 .000
14 Marie-Pier Durivage 23 14-0 6 0.26 7 27 -.037 1 0.04 0 .000 0 0.00 2 0 .000
10 Cynthia Perpall 8 6-0 3 0.38 5 12 -.167 0 0.00 0 .000 0 0.00 1 0 .000
LAVAL............... 55 15-15 562 10.22 335 1839 .123 503 9.15 0 .000 111 2.02 116 0 .000
Opponents........... 55 15-15 542 9.85 296 1697 .145 497 9.04 0 .000 88 1.60 152 0 .000
|----RECEPT----| |---DIG---| |--------BLOCKING---------|
## Name G RE TA Pct DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game BE BHE POINTS Pts/Gm
13 Sophie Dallaire 54 1 0 .000 41 0.76 13 39 52 0.96 5 3 124.5 2.31
18 Donna Ouellet 46 0 0 .000 15 0.33 25 41 66 1.43 8 4 103.5 2.25
15 Valerie Lemay 39 2 0 .000 33 0.85 1 16 17 0.44 0 0 64.0 1.64
7 Esther Gilbert 53 1 0 .000 76 1.43 0 20 20 0.38 6 0 147.0 2.77
9 Eve Thibault 46 14 0 .000 78 1.70 3 11 14 0.30 5 1 115.5 2.51
17 Catherine Laurin 53 16 0 .000 134 2.53 3 6 9 0.17 2 3 137.0 2.58
12 Helene Rancourt 55 3 0 .000 94 1.71 4 28 32 0.58 8 26 52.0 0.95
8 Stephanie Alexandre 40 11 0 .000 68 1.70 1 2 3 0.08 0 0 43.0 1.08
5 Sara Robichaud 9 1 0 .000 3 0.33 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 1.0 0.11
16 Joany L.-Bellemare 55 31 0 .000 193 3.51 0 0 0 0.00 0 2 0.0 0.00
5 Eve Trepanier 7 0 0 .000 3 0.43 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0 0.00
4 Emilie Ducharme 39 0 0 .000 20 0.51 0 3 3 0.08 2 0 9.5 0.24
14 Marie-Pier Durivage 23 0 0 .000 5 0.22 0 7 7 0.30 1 5 9.5 0.41
10 Cynthia Perpall 8 0 0 .000 7 0.88 0 1 1 0.12 0 0 3.5 0.44
LAVAL............... 55 80 0 .000 770 14.00 50 174 137.0 2.49 37 44 810.0 14.73
Opponents........... 55 134 0 .000 835 15.18 49 170 134.0 2.44 32 40 764.0 13.89
Category Leaders
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2011-2012
Laval Category Leaders (as of May 01, 2018)
All matches
## ATTACK (by Pct) G K K/Game E TA Pct
13 Sophie Dallaire 54 75 1.39 32 197 .218
18 Donna Ouellet 46 55 1.20 29 140 .186
15 Valerie Lemay 39 52 1.33 29 164 .140
7 Esther Gilbert 53 115 2.17 70 354 .127
9 Eve Thibault 46 94 2.04 55 335 .116
17 Catherine Laurin 53 116 2.19 72 441 .100
12 Helene Rancourt 55 18 0.33 14 54 .074
8 Stephanie Alexandre 40 28 0.70 22 111 .054
16 Joany L.-Bellemare 55 0 0.00 0 4 .000
14 Marie-Pier Durivage 23 6 0.26 7 27 -.037
10 Cynthia Perpall 8 3 0.38 5 12 -.167
LAVAL............... 55 562 10.22 335 1839 .123
Opponents........... 55 542 9.85 296 1697 .145
## SET (by A/Game) G A A/Game TA Pct
12 Helene Rancourt 55 435 7.91 0 .000
4 Emilie Ducharme 39 29 0.74 0 .000
13 Sophie Dallaire 54 11 0.20 0 .000
18 Donna Ouellet 46 8 0.17 0 .000
16 Joany L.-Bellemare 55 6 0.11 0 .000
15 Valerie Lemay 39 4 0.10 0 .000
9 Eve Thibault 46 4 0.09 0 .000
17 Catherine Laurin 53 4 0.08 0 .000
14 Marie-Pier Durivage 23 1 0.04 0 .000
8 Stephanie Alexandre 40 1 0.03 0 .000
LAVAL............... 55 503 9.15 0 .000
Opponents........... 55 497 9.04 0 .000
## BLOCK (by B/Game) G BS BA Total B/Game BE
18 Donna Ouellet 46 25 41 66.0 1.43 8
13 Sophie Dallaire 54 13 39 52.0 0.96 5
12 Helene Rancourt 55 4 28 32.0 0.58 8
15 Valerie Lemay 39 1 16 17.0 0.44 0
7 Esther Gilbert 53 0 20 20.0 0.38 6
14 Marie-Pier Durivage 23 0 7 7.0 0.30 1
9 Eve Thibault 46 3 11 14.0 0.30 5
17 Catherine Laurin 53 3 6 9.0 0.17 2
10 Cynthia Perpall 8 0 1 1.0 0.12 0
4 Emilie Ducharme 39 0 3 3.0 0.08 2
8 Stephanie Alexandre 40 1 2 3.0 0.08 0
LAVAL............... 55 50 174 137.0 2.49 37
Opponents........... 55 49 170 134.0 2.44 32
## POINTS (by ##) G Points Pts/G
7 Esther Gilbert 53 147.0 2.77
8 Stephanie Alexandre 40 43.0 1.08
9 Eve Thibault 46 115.5 2.50
10 Cynthia Perpall 8 3.5 0.38
12 Helene Rancourt 55 52.0 0.95
13 Sophie Dallaire 54 124.5 2.30
14 Marie-Pier Durivage 23 9.5 0.39
15 Valerie Lemay 39 64.0 1.64
16 Joany L.-Bellemare 55 0.0 0.00
17 Catherine Laurin 53 137.0 2.58
18 Donna Ouellet 46 103.5 2.24
LAVAL............... 55 810.0 14.73
Opponents........... 55 764.0 13.89
## KILL (by K/Game) G K K/Game
17 Catherine Laurin 53 116 2.19
7 Esther Gilbert 53 115 2.17
9 Eve Thibault 46 94 2.04
13 Sophie Dallaire 54 75 1.39
15 Valerie Lemay 39 52 1.33
18 Donna Ouellet 46 55 1.20
8 Stephanie Alexandre 40 28 0.70
10 Cynthia Perpall 8 3 0.38
12 Helene Rancourt 55 18 0.33
14 Marie-Pier Durivage 23 6 0.26
16 Joany L.-Bellemare 55 0 0.00
LAVAL............... 55 562 10.22
Opponents........... 55 542 9.85
## SERVE (by ##) G SA SE TA Pct SA/G
4 Emilie Ducharme 39 8 1 0 .000 0.21
5 Sara Robichaud 9 1 1 0 .000 0.11
5 Eve Trepanier 7 0 1 0 .000 0.00
7 Esther Gilbert 53 22 27 0 .000 0.42
8 Stephanie Alexandre 40 13 16 0 .000 0.32
9 Eve Thibault 46 13 8 0 .000 0.28
10 Cynthia Perpall 8 0 1 0 .000 0.00
12 Helene Rancourt 55 16 11 0 .000 0.29
13 Sophie Dallaire 54 17 20 0 .000 0.31
14 Marie-Pier Durivage 23 0 2 0 .000 0.00
15 Valerie Lemay 39 3 6 0 .000 0.08
17 Catherine Laurin 53 15 10 0 .000 0.28
18 Donna Ouellet 46 3 12 0 .000 0.07
LAVAL............... 55 111 116 0 .000 2.02
Opponents........... 55 88 152 0 .000 1.60
## DEFENSE (by Dig/Gm) G DIG Dig/G BHE
16 Joany L.-Bellemare 55 193 3.51 2
17 Catherine Laurin 53 134 2.53 3
12 Helene Rancourt 55 94 1.71 26
8 Stephanie Alexandre 40 68 1.70 0
9 Eve Thibault 46 78 1.70 1
7 Esther Gilbert 53 76 1.43 0
10 Cynthia Perpall 8 7 0.88 0
15 Valerie Lemay 39 33 0.85 0
13 Sophie Dallaire 54 41 0.76 3
4 Emilie Ducharme 39 20 0.51 0
5 Eve Trepanier 7 3 0.43 0
5 Sara Robichaud 9 3 0.33 0
18 Donna Ouellet 46 15 0.33 4
14 Marie-Pier Durivage 23 5 0.22 5
LAVAL............... 55 770 14.00 44
Opponents........... 55 835 15.18 40
## RECEPT (by RE/Game) G RE RE/Gm TA Pct
16 Joany L.-Bellemare 55 31 0.56 0 .000
9 Eve Thibault 46 14 0.30 0 .000
17 Catherine Laurin 53 16 0.30 0 .000
8 Stephanie Alexandre 40 11 0.28 0 .000
5 Sara Robichaud 9 1 0.11 0 .000
12 Helene Rancourt 55 3 0.05 0 .000
15 Valerie Lemay 39 2 0.05 0 .000
7 Esther Gilbert 53 1 0.02 0 .000
13 Sophie Dallaire 54 1 0.02 0 .000
LAVAL............... 55 80 1.45 0 .000
Opponents........... 55 134 2.44 0 .000
Combined Team Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2011-2012
Laval Combined Team Statistics (as of May 01, 2018)
All matches
ALL MATCHES......... (10-5 ) ( 4-3 ) ( 6-2 ) ( 0-0 )
CONFERENCE.......... (10-5 ) ( 4-3 ) ( 6-2 ) ( 0-0 )
NON-CONFERENCE...... ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 )
|---------ATTACK----------| |--SET---| |----SERVE----| |--DIG---| |------BLOCKING-------|
13 Sophie Dallaire 54 75 1.39 32 197 .218 11 0.20 17 20 0.31 1 41 0.76 13 39 52 0.96 5 3 124.5
18 Donna Ouellet 46 55 1.20 29 140 .186 8 0.17 3 12 0.07 0 15 0.33 25 41 66 1.43 8 4 103.5
15 Valerie Lemay 39 52 1.33 29 164 .140 4 0.10 3 6 0.08 2 33 0.85 1 16 17 0.44 0 0 64.0
7 Esther Gilbert 53 115 2.17 70 354 .127 0 0.00 22 27 0.42 1 76 1.43 0 20 20 0.38 6 0 147.0
9 Eve Thibault 46 94 2.04 55 335 .116 4 0.09 13 8 0.28 14 78 1.70 3 11 14 0.30 5 1 115.5
17 Catherine Laurin 53 116 2.19 72 441 .100 4 0.08 15 10 0.28 16 134 2.53 3 6 9 0.17 2 3 137.0
12 Helene Rancourt 55 18 0.33 14 54 .074 435 7.91 16 11 0.29 3 94 1.71 4 28 32 0.58 8 26 52.0
8 Stephanie Alexandre 40 28 0.70 22 111 .054 1 0.03 13 16 0.32 11 68 1.70 1 2 3 0.08 0 0 43.0
4 Emilie Ducharme 39 0 0.00 0 0 .000 29 0.74 8 1 0.21 0 20 0.51 0 3 3 0.08 2 0 9.5
5 Eve Trepanier 7 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0 1 0.00 0 3 0.43 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0
5 Sara Robichaud 9 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 1 1 0.11 1 3 0.33 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 1.0
16 Joany L.-Bellemare 55 0 0.00 0 4 .000 6 0.11 0 0 0.00 31 193 3.51 0 0 0 0.00 0 2 0.0
14 Marie-Pier Durivage 23 6 0.26 7 27 -.037 1 0.04 0 2 0.00 0 5 0.22 0 7 7 0.30 1 5 9.5
10 Cynthia Perpall 8 3 0.38 5 12 -.167 0 0.00 0 1 0.00 0 7 0.88 0 1 1 0.12 0 0 3.5
#TM 0
LAVAL............... 55 562 10.22 335 1839 .123 503 9.15 111 116 2.02 80 770 14.00 50 174 137.0 2.49 37 44 810.0
Opponents........... 55 542 9.85 296 1697 .145 497 9.04 88 152 1.60 134 835 15.18 49 170 134.0 2.44 32 40 764.0
Kills............. 562 542
Errors............ 335 296
Total Attacks..... 1839 1697
Attack Pct........ .123 .145
Kills/Game........ 10.2 9.9
Assists........... 503 497
Attempts.......... 0 0
Assist Pct........ .000 .000
Assists/Game...... 9.1 9.0
Aces.............. 111 88
Errors............ 116 152
Attempts.......... 0 0
Serve Pct......... .000 .000
Aces/Game......... 2.0 1.6
Errors............ 80 134
Errors/Game....... 1.5 2.4
Attempts.......... 0 0
Reception Pct..... .000 .000
Digs.............. 770 835
Digs/Game......... 14.0 15.2
Block Solo........ 50 49
Block Assist...... 174 170
Total Blocks...... 137.0 134.0
Blocks Per Game... 2.5 2.4
Block Errors...... 37 32
Total............. 0 499
Dates/Avg Per Date 7/0 8/62
Neutral site #/Avg 0/0
Current win streak 0 -
Home win streak... 0 -
---------- ---------------------- --- ----- ----------------------------- ------
* 4 nov. 11 at McGill W 3-0 25-15,25-19,25-21 199
* 5 nov. 11 at Sherbrooke W 3-0 25-23,25-15,25-20 -
* 11 nov. 11 MONTREAL L 0-3 19-25,26-28,14-25 -
* 29 oct. 11 MCGILL L 1-3 22-25,25-15,17-25,22-25 -
* 18 nov. 11 at Montreal W 3-2 23-25,26-24,18-25,26-24,15-13 -
* 19 nov. 11 SHERBROOKE W 3-1 25-17,26-24,23-25,25-22 -
* 25 nov. 11 at Sherbrooke W 3-1 23-25,25-13,25-19,25-20 -
* 26 nov. 11 MCGILL W 3-0 25-19,25-21,25-22 -
* 27 nov. 11 at Montreal L 2-3 25-27,25-20,9-25,25-22,6-15 -
* 13 janv. 1 MCGILL W 3-2 15-25,25-21,22-25,25-19,15-10 -
* 15 janv. 1 at Montreal L 0-3 20-25,16-25,18-25 -
* 27 janv. 1 SHERBROOKE W 3-1 22-25,25-23,26-24,25-18 -
* 29 janv. 1 at McGill W 3-0 25-22,25-19,25-21 -
* 3 fev. 12 at Sherbrooke W 3-0 25-18,25-19,27-25 300
* 4 fev. 12 MONTREAL L 0-3 23-25,17-25,24-26 -
Volleyball Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2011-2012
Laval Volleyball Statistics (as of May 01, 2018)
All matches
Overall record: 10-5 Conference: 10-5
|--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---| |--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---|
## Name G K K/G E TA Pct A A/G Points G K K/G E TA Pct A A/G Points
------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
13 Sophie Dallaire..... 54 75 1.39 32 197 .218 11 0.20 124.5 54 75 1.39 32 197 .218 11 0.20 124.5
18 Donna Ouellet....... 46 55 1.20 29 140 .186 8 0.17 103.5 46 55 1.20 29 140 .186 8 0.17 103.5
15 Valerie Lemay....... 39 52 1.33 29 164 .140 4 0.10 64.0 39 52 1.33 29 164 .140 4 0.10 64.0
7 Esther Gilbert...... 53 115 2.17 70 354 .127 0 0.00 147.0 53 115 2.17 70 354 .127 0 0.00 147.0
9 Eve Thibault........ 46 94 2.04 55 335 .116 4 0.09 115.5 46 94 2.04 55 335 .116 4 0.09 115.5
17 Catherine Laurin.... 53 116 2.19 72 441 .100 4 0.08 137.0 53 116 2.19 72 441 .100 4 0.08 137.0
12 Helene Rancourt..... 55 18 0.33 14 54 .074 435 7.91 52.0 55 18 0.33 14 54 .074 435 7.91 52.0
8 Stephanie Alexandre. 40 28 0.70 22 111 .054 1 0.03 43.0 40 28 0.70 22 111 .054 1 0.03 43.0
5 Sara Robichaud...... 9 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 1.0 9 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 1.0
16 Joany L.-Bellemare.. 55 0 0.00 0 4 .000 6 0.11 0.0 55 0 0.00 0 4 .000 6 0.11 0.0
5 Eve Trepanier....... 7 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0.0 7 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0.0
4 Emilie Ducharme..... 39 0 0.00 0 0 .000 29 0.74 9.5 39 0 0.00 0 0 .000 29 0.74 9.5
14 Marie-Pier Durivage. 23 6 0.26 7 27 -.037 1 0.04 9.5 23 6 0.26 7 27 -.037 1 0.04 9.5
10 Cynthia Perpall..... 8 3 0.38 5 12 -.167 0 0.00 3.5 8 3 0.38 5 12 -.167 0 0.00 3.5
LAVAL............... 55 562 10.22 335 1839 .123 503 9.15 810.0 55 562 10.22 335 1839 .123 503 9.15 810.0
Opponents........... 55 542 9.85 296 1697 .145 497 9.04 764.0 55 542 9.85 296 1697 .145 497 9.04 764.0
|--SERVE--| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----| |--SERVE--| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----|
Name SA SA/Gm RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game SA SA/Gm RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
Sophie Dallaire..... 17 0.31 1 41 0.76 13 39 52 0.96 17 0.31 1 41 0.76 13 39 52 0.96
Donna Ouellet....... 3 0.07 0 15 0.33 25 41 66 1.43 3 0.07 0 15 0.33 25 41 66 1.43
Valerie Lemay....... 3 0.08 2 33 0.85 1 16 17 0.44 3 0.08 2 33 0.85 1 16 17 0.44
Esther Gilbert...... 22 0.42 1 76 1.43 0 20 20 0.38 22 0.42 1 76 1.43 0 20 20 0.38
Eve Thibault........ 13 0.28 14 78 1.70 3 11 14 0.30 13 0.28 14 78 1.70 3 11 14 0.30
Catherine Laurin.... 15 0.28 16 134 2.53 3 6 9 0.17 15 0.28 16 134 2.53 3 6 9 0.17
Helene Rancourt..... 16 0.29 3 94 1.71 4 28 32 0.58 16 0.29 3 94 1.71 4 28 32 0.58
Stephanie Alexandre. 13 0.32 11 68 1.70 1 2 3 0.08 13 0.32 11 68 1.70 1 2 3 0.08
Sara Robichaud...... 1 0.11 1 3 0.33 0 0 0 0.00 1 0.11 1 3 0.33 0 0 0 0.00
Joany L.-Bellemare.. 0 0.00 31 193 3.51 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 31 193 3.51 0 0 0 0.00
Eve Trepanier....... 0 0.00 0 3 0.43 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 3 0.43 0 0 0 0.00
Emilie Ducharme..... 8 0.21 0 20 0.51 0 3 3 0.08 8 0.21 0 20 0.51 0 3 3 0.08
Marie-Pier Durivage. 0 0.00 0 5 0.22 0 7 7 0.30 0 0.00 0 5 0.22 0 7 7 0.30
Cynthia Perpall..... 0 0.00 0 7 0.88 0 1 1 0.12 0 0.00 0 7 0.88 0 1 1 0.12
#TM................. 0 0
LAVAL............... 111 2.02 80 770 14.00 50 174 137.0 2.49 111 2.02 80 770 14.00 50 174 137.0 2.49
Opponents........... 88 1.60 134 835 15.18 49 170 134.0 2.44 88 1.60 134 835 15.18 49 170 134.0 2.44
Team Match-by-Match
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2011-2012
Laval Team Match-by-Match (as of May 01, 2018)
All matches
|-------ATTACK------| |-----SET-----| |-------SERVE------| |----RECEPT---| DEF |-------BLOCK------| GEN
Date Opponent GP K E TA Pct A TA Pct SA SE TA Pct RE TA Pct DIG BS BA BE Total BHE Points
4 nov. 11 at McGill.............. 3 35 15 104 .192 30 0 .000 10 4 0 .000 4 0 .000 17 6 14 13 13.0 0 58.0
5 nov. 11 at Sherbrooke.......... 3 23 14 116 .078 21 0 .000 9 5 0 .000 2 0 .000 31 2 14 2 9.0 2 41.0
11 nov. 11 MONTREAL............... 3 21 22 85 -.012 21 0 .000 4 4 0 .000 5 0 .000 33 2 4 1 4.0 5 29.0
29 oct. 11 MCGILL................. 4 47 27 137 .146 41 0 .000 10 11 0 .000 6 0 .000 55 2 16 0 10.0 5 67.0
18 nov. 11 at Montreal............ 5 47 28 133 .143 45 0 .000 11 11 0 .000 8 0 .000 53 3 10 1 8.0 0 66.0
19 nov. 11 SHERBROOKE............. 4 46 28 156 .115 41 0 .000 5 11 0 .000 7 0 .000 73 5 16 0 13.0 5 64.0
25 nov. 11 at Sherbrooke.......... 4 41 29 111 .108 37 0 .000 13 14 0 .000 2 0 .000 66 7 20 4 17.0 0 71.0
26 nov. 11 MCGILL................. 3 31 16 96 .156 31 0 .000 4 10 0 .000 2 0 .000 53 4 14 1 11.0 3 46.0
27 nov. 11 at Montreal............ 5 41 28 130 .100 40 0 .000 9 8 0 .000 12 0 .000 66 5 6 4 8.0 1 58.0
13 janv. 12 MCGILL................. 5 52 24 171 .164 40 0 .000 11 7 0 .000 7 0 .000 79 5 16 9 13.0 6 76.0
15 janv. 12 at Montreal............ 3 29 17 83 .145 23 0 .000 1 5 0 .000 6 0 .000 20 1 3 2 2.5 0 32.5
27 janv. 12 SHERBROOKE............. 4 40 31 147 .061 38 0 .000 6 9 0 .000 8 0 .000 76 1 10 0 6.0 7 52.0
29 janv. 12 at McGill.............. 3 37 18 131 .145 30 0 .000 5 6 0 .000 2 0 .000 50 3 9 0 7.5 0 49.5
3 fev. 12 at Sherbrooke.......... 3 31 13 115 .157 28 0 .000 9 7 0 .000 5 0 .000 51 4 14 0 11.0 7 51.0
4 fev. 12 MONTREAL............... 3 41 25 124 .129 37 0 .000 4 4 0 .000 4 0 .000 47 0 8 0 4.0 3 49.0
Laval............................... 55 562 335 1839 .123 503 0 .000 111 116 0 .000 80 0 .000 770 50 174 37 137.0 44 810.0
Opponent............................ 55 542 296 1697 .145 497 0 .000 88 152 0 .000 134 0 .000 835 49 170 32 134.0 40 764.0
Games played: 55
Kills per game: 10.22
Assists per game: 9.15
Service aces per game: 2.02
Reception errors per game: 1.45
Digs per game: 14.00
Blocks per game: 2.49
Ball handling errors per game: 0.80
Reception errors per game: 1.45
Points per game: 14.73
Overall record: 10-5 Conference: 10-5
Opponent Match-by-Match
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2011-2012
Laval Opponent Match-by-Match (as of May 01, 2018)
All matches
|-------ATTACK------| |-----SET-----| |-------SERVE------| |----RECEPT---| DEF |-------BLOCK------| GEN
Date Opponent GP K E TA Pct A TA Pct SA SE TA Pct RE TA Pct DIG BS BA BE Total BHE Points
4 nov. 11 at McGill.............. 3 28 13 88 .170 26 0 .000 4 10 0 .000 10 0 .000 31 0 6 2 3.0 0 35.0
5 nov. 11 at Sherbrooke.......... 3 22 14 96 .083 19 0 .000 3 7 0 .000 10 0 .000 40 3 13 2 9.5 4 34.5
11 nov. 11 MONTREAL............... 3 41 19 100 .220 36 0 .000 5 11 0 .000 4 0 .000 47 2 20 1 12.0 3 58.0
29 oct. 11 MCGILL................. 4 40 21 130 .146 38 0 .000 6 8 0 .000 9 0 .000 57 4 12 0 10.0 1 56.0
18 nov. 11 at Montreal............ 5 53 29 131 .183 47 0 .000 10 14 0 .000 16 0 .000 63 3 8 6 7.0 1 70.0
19 nov. 11 SHERBROOKE............. 4 37 28 136 .066 36 0 .000 7 11 0 .000 5 0 .000 82 1 18 0 10.0 8 54.0
25 nov. 11 at Sherbrooke.......... 4 32 21 99 .111 25 0 .000 6 12 0 .000 17 0 .000 27 6 8 5 10.0 2 48.0
26 nov. 11 MCGILL................. 3 27 15 94 .128 28 0 .000 3 14 0 .000 6 0 .000 56 4 2 0 5.0 3 35.0
27 nov. 11 at Montreal............ 5 48 25 124 .185 40 0 .000 13 11 0 .000 20 0 .000 76 6 14 15 13.0 1 74.0
13 janv. 12 MCGILL................. 5 46 27 157 .121 42 0 .000 6 6 0 .000 10 0 .000 97 2 10 0 7.0 3 59.0
15 janv. 12 at Montreal............ 3 41 14 78 .346 38 0 .000 6 7 0 .000 4 0 .000 45 4 5 1 6.5 0 53.5
27 janv. 12 SHERBROOKE............. 4 36 22 131 .107 34 0 .000 8 21 0 .000 6 0 .000 70 5 14 0 12.0 9 56.0
29 janv. 12 at McGill.............. 3 31 19 121 .099 31 0 .000 2 9 0 .000 5 0 .000 54 2 16 0 10.0 0 43.0
3 fev. 12 at Sherbrooke.......... 3 20 14 107 .056 20 0 .000 5 7 0 .000 8 0 .000 39 4 12 0 10.0 4 35.0
4 fev. 12 MONTREAL............... 3 40 15 105 .238 37 0 .000 4 4 0 .000 4 0 .000 51 3 12 0 9.0 1 53.0
Opponent totals..................... 55 542 296 1697 .145 497 0 .000 88 152 0 .000 134 0 .000 835 49 170 32 134.0 40 764.0
Laval............................... 55 562 335 1839 .123 503 0 .000 111 116 0 .000 80 0 .000 770 50 174 37 137.0 44 810.0
Games played: 55
Kills per game: 9.85
Assists per game: 9.04
Service aces per game: 1.60
Reception errors per game: 2.44
Digs per game: 15.18
Blocks per game: 2.44
Ball handling errors per game: 0.73
Reception errors per game: 2.44
Points per game: 13.89
Team Match-by-Match Comparison
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2011-2012
Laval Team Match-by-Match Comparison (as of May 01, 2018)
All matches
|-----------------ATTACK------------------| |--SET--| |------SERVE------|
Opponent Score GP Kills Errors Total Pct A SA SE
-------- ----- --- ----/---- ----/---- ----/---- ------/------ ----/---- ----/---- ----/----
McGill.............. 3-0 3 35/28 15/13 104/88 .192/ .170 30/26 10/4 4/10
Sherbrooke.......... 3-0 3 23/22 14/14 116/96 .078/ .083 21/19 9/3 5/7
MONTREAL............ 0-3 3 21/41 22/19 85/100 -.012/ .220 21/36 4/5 4/11
MCGILL.............. 1-3 4 47/40 27/21 137/130 .146/ .146 41/38 10/6 11/8
Montreal............ 3-2 5 47/53 28/29 133/131 .143/ .183 45/47 11/10 11/14
SHERBROOKE.......... 3-1 4 46/37 28/28 156/136 .115/ .066 41/36 5/7 11/11
Sherbrooke.......... 3-1 4 41/32 29/21 111/99 .108/ .111 37/25 13/6 14/12
MCGILL.............. 3-0 3 31/27 16/15 96/94 .156/ .128 31/28 4/3 10/14
Montreal............ 2-3 5 41/48 28/25 130/124 .100/ .185 40/40 9/13 8/11
MCGILL.............. 3-2 5 52/46 24/27 171/157 .164/ .121 40/42 11/6 7/6
Montreal............ 0-3 3 29/41 17/14 83/78 .145/ .346 23/38 1/6 5/7
SHERBROOKE.......... 3-1 4 40/36 31/22 147/131 .061/ .107 38/34 6/8 9/21
McGill.............. 3-0 3 37/31 18/19 131/121 .145/ .099 30/31 5/2 6/9
Sherbrooke.......... 3-0 3 31/20 13/14 115/107 .157/ .056 28/20 9/5 7/7
MONTREAL............ 0-3 3 41/40 25/15 124/105 .129/ .238 37/37 4/4 4/4
Totals.............. 33-22 55 562/542 335/296 1839/1697 .123/ .145 503/497 111/88 116/152
Note: Match totals are displayed in the format TEAM/OPPONENT for each category
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2011-2012
Laval Team Match-by-Match Comparison (as of May 01, 2018)
All matches
|--PASS-| |--DEF--| |-----------------BLOCK-----------------| |--GEN--|
Opponent RE DIG BS-BA BE Total BHE
-------- ----/---- ----/---- ---------/--------- ----/---- -----/----- ----/----
McGill.............. 4/10 17/31 6-14 / 0-6 13/2 13.0/ 3.0 0/0
Sherbrooke.......... 2/10 31/40 2-14 / 3-13 2/2 9.0/ 9.5 2/4
MONTREAL............ 5/4 33/47 2-4 / 2-20 1/1 4.0/ 12.0 5/3
MCGILL.............. 6/9 55/57 2-16 / 4-12 0/0 10.0/ 10.0 5/1
Montreal............ 8/16 53/63 3-10 / 3-8 1/6 8.0/ 7.0 0/1
SHERBROOKE.......... 7/5 73/82 5-16 / 1-18 0/0 13.0/ 10.0 5/8
Sherbrooke.......... 2/17 66/27 7-20 / 6-8 4/5 17.0/ 10.0 0/2
MCGILL.............. 2/6 53/56 4-14 / 4-2 1/0 11.0/ 5.0 3/3
Montreal............ 12/20 66/76 5-6 / 6-14 4/15 8.0/ 13.0 1/1
MCGILL.............. 7/10 79/97 5-16 / 2-10 9/0 13.0/ 7.0 6/3
Montreal............ 6/4 20/45 1-3 / 4-5 2/1 2.5/ 6.5 0/0
SHERBROOKE.......... 8/6 76/70 1-10 / 5-14 0/0 6.0/ 12.0 7/9
McGill.............. 2/5 50/54 3-9 / 2-16 0/0 7.5/ 10.0 0/0
Sherbrooke.......... 5/8 51/39 4-14 / 4-12 0/0 11.0/ 10.0 7/4
MONTREAL............ 4/4 47/51 0-8 / 3-12 0/0 4.0/ 9.0 3/1
Totals.............. 80/134 770/835 50-174 / 49-170 37/32 137.0/134.0 44/40
Note: Match totals are displayed in the format TEAM/OPPONENT for each category
Match Highs
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2011-2012
Laval Match Highs (as of May 01, 2018)
All matches
ATTACK PERCENT (K-E-TA) minimum 12 kills
.200 (17- 9-40) Esther Gilbert at Montreal (18 nov. 11)
.162 (13- 7-37) Catherine Laurin at Montreal (18 nov. 11)
.132 (13- 8-38) Esther Gilbert at Montreal (27 nov. 11)
.062 (12- 9-48) Esther Gilbert vs Sherbrooke (19 nov. 11)
17 (17- 9-40) 5g Esther Gilbert at Montreal (18 nov. 11)
13 (13- 8-38) 5g Esther Gilbert at Montreal (27 nov. 11)
13 (13- 7-37) 5g Catherine Laurin at Montreal (18 nov. 11)
12 (12- 9-48) 4g Esther Gilbert vs Sherbrooke (19 nov. 11)
11 (11- 5-39) 5g Eve Thibault vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
11 (11- 6-43) 5g Catherine Laurin vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
11 (11- 6-34) 5g Esther Gilbert vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
11 (11- 3-27) 3g Catherine Laurin at McGill (4 nov. 11)
11 (11- 2-37) 4g Catherine Laurin vs Sherbrooke (19 nov. 11)
11 (11- 7-44) 4g Catherine Laurin vs Sherbrooke (27 janv. 12)
11 (11- 3-27) Catherine Laurin at McGill (4 nov. 11)
10 (10- 5-40) Eve Thibault at Sherbrooke (3 fev. 12)
10 (10- 0-20) Sophie Dallaire at McGill (29 janv. 12)
10 (10- 1-26) Eve Thibault at McGill (4 nov. 11)
10 (10- 6-40) Catherine Laurin vs Montreal (4 fev. 12)
12 (12- 9-48) Esther Gilbert vs Sherbrooke (19 nov. 11)
11 (11- 2-37) Catherine Laurin vs Sherbrooke (19 nov. 11)
11 (11- 7-44) Catherine Laurin vs Sherbrooke (27 janv. 12)
10 (10- 7-31) Catherine Laurin at Sherbrooke (25 nov. 11)
9 ( 9- 8-27) Esther Gilbert vs McGill (29 oct. 11)
17 (17- 9-40) Esther Gilbert at Montreal (18 nov. 11)
13 (13- 7-37) Catherine Laurin at Montreal (18 nov. 11)
13 (13- 8-38) Esther Gilbert at Montreal (27 nov. 11)
11 (11- 6-43) Catherine Laurin vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
11 (11- 6-34) Esther Gilbert vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
48 (12- 9-48) 4g Esther Gilbert vs Sherbrooke (19 nov. 11)
44 (11- 7-44) 4g Catherine Laurin vs Sherbrooke (27 janv. 12)
43 (11- 6-43) 5g Catherine Laurin vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
40 (17- 9-40) 5g Esther Gilbert at Montreal (18 nov. 11)
40 (10- 6-40) 3g Catherine Laurin vs Montreal (4 fev. 12)
40 (10- 5-40) 3g Eve Thibault at Sherbrooke (3 fev. 12)
39 (11- 5-39) 5g Eve Thibault vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
38 (13- 8-38) 5g Esther Gilbert at Montreal (27 nov. 11)
37 (11- 2-37) 4g Catherine Laurin vs Sherbrooke (19 nov. 11)
37 ( 9- 6-37) 3g Stephanie Alexandre at McGill (29 janv. 12)
40 (10- 6-40) Catherine Laurin vs Montreal (4 fev. 12)
40 (10- 5-40) Eve Thibault at Sherbrooke (3 fev. 12)
37 ( 9- 6-37) Stephanie Alexandre at McGill (29 janv. 12)
29 ( 7- 5-29) Valerie Lemay at McGill (29 janv. 12)
27 (11- 3-27) Catherine Laurin at McGill (4 nov. 11)
48 (12- 9-48) Esther Gilbert vs Sherbrooke (19 nov. 11)
44 (11- 7-44) Catherine Laurin vs Sherbrooke (27 janv. 12)
37 (11- 2-37) Catherine Laurin vs Sherbrooke (19 nov. 11)
32 ( 9- 3-32) Eve Thibault vs McGill (29 oct. 11)
31 (10- 7-31) Catherine Laurin at Sherbrooke (25 nov. 11)
43 (11- 6-43) Catherine Laurin vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
40 (17- 9-40) Esther Gilbert at Montreal (18 nov. 11)
39 (11- 5-39) Eve Thibault vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
38 (13- 8-38) Esther Gilbert at Montreal (27 nov. 11)
37 (13- 7-37) Catherine Laurin at Montreal (18 nov. 11)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2011-2012
Laval Match Highs (as of May 01, 2018)
All matches
19.0 (17- 2- 0.0) 5g Esther Gilbert at Montreal (18 nov. 11)
18.5 (13- 5- 0.5) 5g Esther Gilbert at Montreal (27 nov. 11)
15.0 (11- 2- 2.0) 5g Esther Gilbert vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
14.0 (10- 2- 2.0) 3g Eve Thibault at Sherbrooke (3 fev. 12)
13.5 (12- 1- 0.5) 4g Esther Gilbert vs Sherbrooke (19 nov. 11)
14.0 (10- 2- 2.0) Eve Thibault at Sherbrooke (3 fev. 12)
13.0 ( 9- 2- 2.0) Sophie Dallaire at Sherbrooke (3 fev. 12)
12.5 (10- 1- 1.5) Eve Thibault at McGill (4 nov. 11)
12.5 ( 8- 3- 1.5) Esther Gilbert at McGill (4 nov. 11)
12.5 ( 6- 5- 1.5) Esther Gilbert at Sherbrooke (5 nov. 11)
13.5 (12- 1- 0.5) Esther Gilbert vs Sherbrooke (19 nov. 11)
13.0 (10- 2- 1.0) Catherine Laurin at Sherbrooke (25 nov. 11)
13.0 (11- 2- 0.0) Catherine Laurin vs Sherbrooke (27 janv. 12)
13.0 (11- 1- 1.0) Catherine Laurin vs Sherbrooke (19 nov. 11)
12.0 ( 4- 0- 8.0) Donna Ouellet at Sherbrooke (25 nov. 11)
19.0 (17- 2- 0.0) Esther Gilbert at Montreal (18 nov. 11)
18.5 (13- 5- 0.5) Esther Gilbert at Montreal (27 nov. 11)
15.0 (11- 2- 2.0) Esther Gilbert vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
13.0 (11- 1- 1.0) Eve Thibault vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
13.0 (13- 0- 0.0) Catherine Laurin at Montreal (18 nov. 11)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2011-2012
Laval Match Highs (as of May 01, 2018)
All matches
41 (5g) Helene Rancourt at Montreal (18 nov. 11)
40 (4g) Helene Rancourt vs Sherbrooke (19 nov. 11)
39 (5g) Helene Rancourt vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
36 (4g) Helene Rancourt at Sherbrooke (25 nov. 11)
35 (5g) Helene Rancourt at Montreal (27 nov. 11)
31 Helene Rancourt vs Montreal (4 fev. 12)
29 Helene Rancourt vs McGill (26 nov. 11)
26 Helene Rancourt at McGill (4 nov. 11)
23 Helene Rancourt at Montreal (15 janv. 12)
22 Helene Rancourt at McGill (29 janv. 12)
40 Helene Rancourt vs Sherbrooke (19 nov. 11)
36 Helene Rancourt at Sherbrooke (25 nov. 11)
35 Helene Rancourt vs McGill (29 oct. 11)
23 Helene Rancourt vs Sherbrooke (27 janv. 12)
13 Emilie Ducharme vs Sherbrooke (27 janv. 12)
41 Helene Rancourt at Montreal (18 nov. 11)
39 Helene Rancourt vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
35 Helene Rancourt at Montreal (27 nov. 11)
3 Sophie Dallaire at Montreal (18 nov. 11)
2 Joany L.-Bellemare at Montreal (27 nov. 11)
21 (4g) Joany L.-Bellemare vs Sherbrooke (27 janv. 12)
19 (4g) Joany L.-Bellemare vs Sherbrooke (19 nov. 11)
19 (5g) Catherine Laurin vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
19 (4g) Joany L.-Bellemare at Sherbrooke (25 nov. 11)
18 (3g) Joany L.-Bellemare at Sherbrooke (3 fev. 12)
18 Joany L.-Bellemare at Sherbrooke (3 fev. 12)
18 Joany L.-Bellemare at McGill (29 janv. 12)
12 Joany L.-Bellemare vs McGill (26 nov. 11)
11 Joany L.-Bellemare vs Montreal (4 fev. 12)
11 Esther Gilbert vs McGill (26 nov. 11)
21 Joany L.-Bellemare vs Sherbrooke (27 janv. 12)
19 Joany L.-Bellemare at Sherbrooke (25 nov. 11)
19 Joany L.-Bellemare vs Sherbrooke (19 nov. 11)
16 Stephanie Alexandre vs Sherbrooke (27 janv. 12)
16 Catherine Laurin at Sherbrooke (25 nov. 11)
19 Catherine Laurin vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
16 Joany L.-Bellemare vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
16 Joany L.-Bellemare at Montreal (27 nov. 11)
13 Helene Rancourt vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
13 Eve Thibault at Montreal (27 nov. 11)
5 Esther Gilbert at Montreal (27 nov. 11)
5 Esther Gilbert at Sherbrooke (5 nov. 11)
4 Helene Rancourt vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
3 Sophie Dallaire at Montreal (18 nov. 11)
3 Eve Thibault at Sherbrooke (25 nov. 11)
12 ( 4- 8) Donna Ouellet at Sherbrooke (25 nov. 11)
11 ( 4- 7) Donna Ouellet vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
7 ( 3- 4) Donna Ouellet at Montreal (18 nov. 11)
7 ( 3- 4) Donna Ouellet vs Sherbrooke (19 nov. 11)
7 ( 3- 4) Sophie Dallaire at McGill (4 nov. 11)
6 ( 1- 5) Sophie Dallaire vs McGill (29 oct. 11)
6 ( 0- 6) Valerie Lemay at Sherbrooke (3 fev. 12)
5 ( 2- 3) Donna Ouellet vs McGill (26 nov. 11)
5 ( 0- 5) Helene Rancourt vs Sherbrooke (19 nov. 11)
5 ( 0- 5) Sophie Dallaire at Sherbrooke (5 nov. 11)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2011-2012
Laval Match Highs (as of May 01, 2018)
All matches
.192 (35-15-104) at McGill (4 nov. 11)
.164 (52-24-171) vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
.157 (31-13-115) at Sherbrooke (3 fev. 12)
.156 (31-16- 96) vs McGill (26 nov. 11)
.146 (47-27-137) vs McGill (29 oct. 11)
.145 (37-18-131) at McGill (29 janv. 12)
.145 (29-17- 83) at Montreal (15 janv. 12)
.143 (47-28-133) at Montreal (18 nov. 11)
.129 (41-25-124) vs Montreal (4 fev. 12)
.115 (46-28-156) vs Sherbrooke (19 nov. 11)
52 (52-24-171) 5g vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
47 (47-27-137) 4g vs McGill (29 oct. 11)
47 (47-28-133) 5g at Montreal (18 nov. 11)
46 (46-28-156) 4g vs Sherbrooke (19 nov. 11)
41 (41-28-130) 5g at Montreal (27 nov. 11)
41 (41-25-124) 3g vs Montreal (4 fev. 12)
41 (41-29-111) 4g at Sherbrooke (25 nov. 11)
40 (40-31-147) 4g vs Sherbrooke (27 janv. 12)
37 (37-18-131) 3g at McGill (29 janv. 12)
35 (35-15-104) 3g at McGill (4 nov. 11)
41 (41-25-124) vs Montreal (4 fev. 12)
37 (37-18-131) at McGill (29 janv. 12)
35 (35-15-104) at McGill (4 nov. 11)
31 (31-16- 96) vs McGill (26 nov. 11)
31 (31-13-115) at Sherbrooke (3 fev. 12)
47 (47-27-137) vs McGill (29 oct. 11)
46 (46-28-156) vs Sherbrooke (19 nov. 11)
41 (41-29-111) at Sherbrooke (25 nov. 11)
40 (40-31-147) vs Sherbrooke (27 janv. 12)
52 (52-24-171) vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
47 (47-28-133) at Montreal (18 nov. 11)
41 (41-28-130) at Montreal (27 nov. 11)
171 (52-24-171) 5g vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
156 (46-28-156) 4g vs Sherbrooke (19 nov. 11)
147 (40-31-147) 4g vs Sherbrooke (27 janv. 12)
137 (47-27-137) 4g vs McGill (29 oct. 11)
133 (47-28-133) 5g at Montreal (18 nov. 11)
131 (37-18-131) 3g at McGill (29 janv. 12)
130 (41-28-130) 5g at Montreal (27 nov. 11)
124 (41-25-124) 3g vs Montreal (4 fev. 12)
116 (23-14-116) 3g at Sherbrooke (5 nov. 11)
115 (31-13-115) 3g at Sherbrooke (3 fev. 12)
131 (37-18-131) at McGill (29 janv. 12)
124 (41-25-124) vs Montreal (4 fev. 12)
116 (23-14-116) at Sherbrooke (5 nov. 11)
115 (31-13-115) at Sherbrooke (3 fev. 12)
104 (35-15-104) at McGill (4 nov. 11)
156 (46-28-156) vs Sherbrooke (19 nov. 11)
147 (40-31-147) vs Sherbrooke (27 janv. 12)
137 (47-27-137) vs McGill (29 oct. 11)
111 (41-29-111) at Sherbrooke (25 nov. 11)
171 (52-24-171) vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
133 (47-28-133) at Montreal (18 nov. 11)
130 (41-28-130) at Montreal (27 nov. 11)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2011-2012
Laval Match Highs (as of May 01, 2018)
All matches
45 (5g) at Montreal (18 nov. 11)
41 (4g) vs McGill (29 oct. 11)
41 (4g) vs Sherbrooke (19 nov. 11)
40 (5g) at Montreal (27 nov. 11)
40 (5g) vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
37 vs Montreal (4 fev. 12)
31 vs McGill (26 nov. 11)
30 at McGill (4 nov. 11)
30 at McGill (29 janv. 12)
28 at Sherbrooke (3 fev. 12)
41 vs McGill (29 oct. 11)
41 vs Sherbrooke (19 nov. 11)
38 vs Sherbrooke (27 janv. 12)
37 at Sherbrooke (25 nov. 11)
45 at Montreal (18 nov. 11)
40 vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
40 at Montreal (27 nov. 11)
79 (5g) vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
76 (4g) vs Sherbrooke (27 janv. 12)
73 (4g) vs Sherbrooke (19 nov. 11)
66 (4g) at Sherbrooke (25 nov. 11)
66 (5g) at Montreal (27 nov. 11)
53 vs McGill (26 nov. 11)
51 at Sherbrooke (3 fev. 12)
50 at McGill (29 janv. 12)
47 vs Montreal (4 fev. 12)
33 vs Montreal (11 nov. 11)
76 vs Sherbrooke (27 janv. 12)
73 vs Sherbrooke (19 nov. 11)
66 at Sherbrooke (25 nov. 11)
55 vs McGill (29 oct. 11)
79 vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
66 at Montreal (27 nov. 11)
53 at Montreal (18 nov. 11)
13 at Sherbrooke (25 nov. 11)
11 vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
11 at Montreal (18 nov. 11)
10 vs McGill (29 oct. 11)
10 at McGill (4 nov. 11)
17.0 at Sherbrooke (25 nov. 11)
13.0 at McGill (4 nov. 11)
13.0 vs Sherbrooke (19 nov. 11)
13.0 vs McGill (13 janv. 12)
11.0 vs McGill (26 nov. 11)
11.0 at Sherbrooke (3 fev. 12)
10.0 vs McGill (29 oct. 11)
9.0 at Sherbrooke (5 nov. 11)
8.0 at Montreal (27 nov. 11)
8.0 at Montreal (18 nov. 11)