Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2013-2014
Match Results
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2013-2014
Laval Match Results (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
Overall Conference
Date Opponent Score Score-by-game Record Record Time Attend
---- -------- ----- ------------- -------- -------- ---- ------
* 25 oct. 13 at Cape Breton W 3-0 25-13,25-20,25-9 1-0 1-0
* 26 oct. 13 at UNB W 3-0 25-20,25-13,25-9 2-0 2-0
* 26 oct. 13 at Memorial W 3-0 25-17,27-25,25-15 3-0 3-0 1h 17min 35
* 27 oct. 13 at Moncton W 3-2 25-11,25-16,22-25,23-25,15-12 4-0 4-0 1h 56min 60
* 1 nov. 13 at McGill 2-3 L 22-25,25-18,25-19,17-25,10-15 4-1 4-1 100
* 3 nov. 13 SHERBROOKE W 3-2 16-25,25-16,25-21,24-26,15-9 5-1 5-1 2:06
* 8 nov. 13 at #3 Montreal 0-3 L 25-27,23-25,12-25 5-2 5-2 1:19 400
* 10 nov. 13 MCGILL W 3-1 27-25,25-17,21-25,25-23 6-2 6-2 1:51
* 15 nov. 13 MONTREAL W 3-0 25-21,25-21,25-15 7-2 7-2 1:20
* 22 nov. 13 DALHOUSIE W 3-2 22-25,25-19,25-15,21-25,15-12 8-2 8-2 2:01 100
* 23 nov. 13 SAINT MARY'S W 3-1 25-11,22-25,27-25,25-20 9-2 9-2 1:45 80
* 24 nov. 13 ACADIA W 3-0 25-13,25-16,25-21 10-2 10-2 1:06 50
* 29 nov. 13 at Sherbrooke 2-3 L 22-25,15-25,25-12,25-23,18-20 10-3 10-3 2:08 400
* 12 janv. 14 at #2 Montreal W 3-2 25-27,25-23,27-25,17-25,15-13 11-3 11-3 2:15 250
* 18 janv. 14 MCGILL W 3-1 25-16,25-14,19-25,26-24 12-3 12-3 1:51
* 24 janv. 14 SHERBROOKE 2-3 L 15-25,25-21,25-7,23-25,12-15 12-4 12-4 2:05
* 26 janv. 14 at McGill 2-3 L 21-25,19-25,25-15,25-21,12-15 12-5 12-5 150
* 31 janv. 14 at Sherbrooke 1-3 L 18-25,25-17,15-25,20-25 12-6 12-6 1:45 400
* 1 fev. 14 MONTREAL W 3-0 25-23,25-16,25-14 13-6 13-6 1:15
---------- ---
Overall: 13-6
Conference: 13-6
Home: 8-1
Away: 5-5
Neutral: 0-0
3 games: 6-1
4 games: 3-1
5 games: 4-4
ATTEND Dates Total Average
------ ----- ------- -------
Total: 19 2025 107
Home: 9 230 26
Away: 10 1795 180
Neutral: 0 0 0
Overall Team Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2013-2014
Laval Overall Team Statistics (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
Overall record: 13-6 Conference: 13-6
Kills....................... 890 777
Errors...................... 395 380
Total Attacks............... 2685 2662
Attack Pct.................. .184 .149
Kills/Game.................. 11.6 10.1
Assists..................... 828 725
Attempts.................... 535 535
Assist Pct.................. 1.548 1.355
Assists/Game................ 10.8 9.4
Aces........................ 145 108
Errors...................... 109 157
Attempts.................... 434 337
Serve Pct................... .749 .534
Aces/Game................... 1.9 1.4
SERVE RECEPTIONS..............
Errors...................... 116 130
Errors/Game................. 1.5 1.7
Attempts.................... 274 381
Reception Pct............... .577 .659
Digs........................ 1393 1394
Digs/Game................... 18.1 18.1
Block Solo.................. 42 97
Block Assist................ 139 195
Total Blocks................ 111.5 194.5
Blocks Per Game............. 1.4 2.5
Block Errors................ 19 19
BALL HANDLING ERRORS.......... 38 60
Total....................... 230 1795
Dates/Avg Per Date.......... 9/26 10/180
Neutral site #/Avg.......... 0/0
Current win streak.......... 1 -
Home win streak............. 1 -
Overall Individual Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2013-2014
Laval Overall Individual Statistics (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
Overall record: 13-6 Conference: 13-6
|-----------ATTACK---------| |---------SET---------| |----------SERVE-----------|
## Name GP-MP-MS K K/Game E TA Pct A A/Game TA Pct SA SA/Gm SE TA Pct
3 Alyssa Fields-Bouch. 74 19-4 141 1.91 35 354 .299 22 0.30 14 1.571 22 0.30 9 42 .786
12 Cyndie St-Pierre 42 17-2 15 0.36 5 38 .263 346 8.24 198 1.747 8 0.19 8 45 .822
13 Sophie Dallaire 79 19-5 150 1.90 56 389 .242 34 0.43 71 .479 39 0.49 27 98 .724
10 Annie Boyer 12 10-1 17 1.42 7 49 .204 1 0.08 8 .125 0 0.00 2 11 .818
11 Esther Gilbert 70 19-5 183 2.61 77 529 .200 7 0.10 14 .500 30 0.43 23 79 .709
8 Aud. Poulin-Beaulieu 39 17-2 83 2.13 43 245 .163 6 0.15 18 .333 4 0.10 6 26 .769
5 Andreanne Berube 9 9-0 4 0.44 2 14 .143 0 0.00 0 .000 4 0.44 0 10 1.000
9 Eve Thibault 71 17-3 170 2.39 87 582 .143 1 0.01 34 .029 19 0.27 12 32 .625
15 Valerie Lemay 62 19-4 124 2.00 76 437 .110 7 0.11 26 .269 8 0.13 16 69 .768
2 Valerie Lynch 4 3-0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0 .000 0 0.00 0 0 .000
17 Catherine Laurin 1 2-0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 1 1.00 0 .000 0 0.00 0 0 .000
7 Corrine Steinbach 0 1-0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0 .000 0 0.00 0 0 .000
4 Emilie Ducharme 48 17-3 3 0.06 3 27 .000 387 8.06 93 4.161 9 0.19 3 21 .857
1 Marie-Eve Bergeron 68 19-1 0 0.00 0 3 .000 9 0.13 27 .333 2 0.03 1 0 .000
16 Joany L.-Bellemare 70 18-0 0 0.00 2 12 -.167 4 0.06 18 .222 0 0.00 2 0 .000
6 Valerie Lynch-Huet 20 11-0 0 0.00 2 6 -.333 1 0.05 9 .111 0 0.00 0 0 .000
LAVAL............... 77 19-19 890 11.56 395 2685 .184 828 10.75 535 1.548 145 1.88 109 434 .749
Opponents........... 77 19-19 777 10.09 380 2662 .149 725 9.42 535 1.355 108 1.40 157 337 .534
|----RECEPT----| |---DIG---| |--------BLOCKING---------|
## Name G RE TA Pct DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game BE BHE POINTS Pts/Gm
3 Alyssa Fields-Bouch. 74 2 1 -1.000 89 1.20 12 35 47 0.64 3 4 192.5 2.60
12 Cyndie St-Pierre 42 3 0 .000 108 2.57 1 13 14 0.33 2 10 30.5 0.73
13 Sophie Dallaire 79 25 76 .671 189 2.39 14 32 46 0.58 3 3 219.0 2.77
10 Annie Boyer 12 2 10 .800 16 1.33 1 0 1 0.08 0 0 18.0 1.50
11 Esther Gilbert 70 7 8 .125 90 1.29 2 22 24 0.34 4 4 226.0 3.23
8 Aud. Poulin-Beaulieu 39 5 13 .615 81 2.08 2 3 5 0.13 1 1 90.5 2.32
5 Andreanne Berube 9 0 0 .000 0 0.00 1 2 3 0.33 0 1 10.0 1.11
9 Eve Thibault 71 18 38 .526 216 3.04 3 11 14 0.20 0 2 197.5 2.78
15 Valerie Lemay 62 21 32 .344 166 2.68 4 12 16 0.26 6 0 142.0 2.29
1 Marie-Eve Bergeron 68 17 44 .614 151 2.22 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 2.0 0.03
4 Emilie Ducharme 48 0 0 .000 145 3.02 2 9 11 0.23 0 12 18.5 0.39
7 Corrine Steinbach 0 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0 0.00
17 Catherine Laurin 1 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0 0.00
2 Valerie Lynch 4 1 0 .000 2 0.50 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0 0.00
16 Joany L.-Bellemare 70 12 31 .613 129 1.84 0 0 0 0.00 0 1 0.0 0.00
6 Valerie Lynch-Huet 20 3 14 .786 11 0.55 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0 0.00
LAVAL............... 77 116 274 .577 1393 18.09 42 139 111.5 1.45 19 38 1146.5 14.89
Opponents........... 77 130 381 .659 1394 18.10 97 195 194.5 2.53 19 60 1079.5 14.02
Category Leaders
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2013-2014
Laval Category Leaders (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
## ATTACK (by Pct) G K K/Game E TA Pct
3 Alyssa Fields-Bouch. 74 141 1.91 35 354 .299
12 Cyndie St-Pierre 42 15 0.36 5 38 .263
13 Sophie Dallaire 79 150 1.90 56 389 .242
10 Annie Boyer 12 17 1.42 7 49 .204
11 Esther Gilbert 70 183 2.61 77 529 .200
8 Aud. Poulin-Beaulieu 39 83 2.13 43 245 .163
5 Andreanne Berube 9 4 0.44 2 14 .143
9 Eve Thibault 71 170 2.39 87 582 .143
15 Valerie Lemay 62 124 2.00 76 437 .110
4 Emilie Ducharme 48 3 0.06 3 27 .000
1 Marie-Eve Bergeron 68 0 0.00 0 3 .000
16 Joany L.-Bellemare 70 0 0.00 2 12 -.167
6 Valerie Lynch-Huet 20 0 0.00 2 6 -.333
LAVAL............... 77 890 11.56 395 2685 .184
Opponents........... 77 777 10.09 380 2662 .149
## SET (by A/Game) G A A/Game TA Pct
12 Cyndie St-Pierre 42 346 8.24 198 1.747
4 Emilie Ducharme 48 387 8.06 93 4.161
17 Catherine Laurin 1 1 1.00 0 .000
13 Sophie Dallaire 79 34 0.43 71 .479
3 Alyssa Fields-Bouch. 74 22 0.30 14 1.571
8 Aud. Poulin-Beaulieu 39 6 0.15 18 .333
1 Marie-Eve Bergeron 68 9 0.13 27 .333
15 Valerie Lemay 62 7 0.11 26 .269
11 Esther Gilbert 70 7 0.10 14 .500
10 Annie Boyer 12 1 0.08 8 .125
16 Joany L.-Bellemare 70 4 0.06 18 .222
6 Valerie Lynch-Huet 20 1 0.05 9 .111
TM TEAM 77 2 0.03 2 1.000
9 Eve Thibault 71 1 0.01 34 .029
LAVAL............... 77 828 10.75 535 1.548
Opponents........... 77 725 9.42 535 1.355
## BLOCK (by B/Game) G BS BA Total B/Game BE
3 Alyssa Fields-Bouch. 74 12 35 47.0 0.64 3
13 Sophie Dallaire 79 14 32 46.0 0.58 3
11 Esther Gilbert 70 2 22 24.0 0.34 4
5 Andreanne Berube 9 1 2 3.0 0.33 0
12 Cyndie St-Pierre 42 1 13 14.0 0.33 2
15 Valerie Lemay 62 4 12 16.0 0.26 6
4 Emilie Ducharme 48 2 9 11.0 0.23 0
9 Eve Thibault 71 3 11 14.0 0.20 0
8 Aud. Poulin-Beaulieu 39 2 3 5.0 0.13 1
10 Annie Boyer 12 1 0 1.0 0.08 0
1 Marie-Eve Bergeron 68 0 0 0.0 0.00 0
LAVAL............... 77 42 139 111.5 1.45 19
Opponents........... 77 97 195 194.5 2.53 19
## POINTS (by ##) G Points Pts/G
1 Marie-Eve Bergeron 68 2.0 0.03
3 Alyssa Fields-Bouch. 74 192.5 2.59
4 Emilie Ducharme 48 18.5 0.38
5 Andreanne Berube 9 10.0 1.11
6 Valerie Lynch-Huet 20 0.0 0.00
8 Aud. Poulin-Beaulieu 39 90.5 2.31
9 Eve Thibault 71 197.5 2.77
10 Annie Boyer 12 18.0 1.50
11 Esther Gilbert 70 226.0 3.23
12 Cyndie St-Pierre 42 30.5 0.71
13 Sophie Dallaire 79 219.0 2.77
15 Valerie Lemay 62 142.0 2.29
16 Joany L.-Bellemare 70 0.0 0.00
LAVAL............... 77 1146.5 14.88
Opponents........... 77 1079.5 14.01
## KILL (by K/Game) G K K/Game
11 Esther Gilbert 70 183 2.61
9 Eve Thibault 71 170 2.39
8 Aud. Poulin-Beaulieu 39 83 2.13
15 Valerie Lemay 62 124 2.00
3 Alyssa Fields-Bouch. 74 141 1.91
13 Sophie Dallaire 79 150 1.90
10 Annie Boyer 12 17 1.42
5 Andreanne Berube 9 4 0.44
12 Cyndie St-Pierre 42 15 0.36
4 Emilie Ducharme 48 3 0.06
16 Joany L.-Bellemare 70 0 0.00
6 Valerie Lynch-Huet 20 0 0.00
1 Marie-Eve Bergeron 68 0 0.00
LAVAL............... 77 890 11.56
Opponents........... 77 777 10.09
## SERVE (by ##) G SA SE TA Pct SA/G
1 Marie-Eve Bergeron 68 2 1 0 .000 0.03
3 Alyssa Fields-Bouch. 74 22 9 42 .786 0.30
4 Emilie Ducharme 48 9 3 21 .857 0.19
5 Andreanne Berube 9 4 0 10 1.000 0.44
8 Aud. Poulin-Beaulieu 39 4 6 26 .769 0.10
9 Eve Thibault 71 19 12 32 .625 0.27
10 Annie Boyer 12 0 2 11 .818 0.00
11 Esther Gilbert 70 30 23 79 .709 0.43
12 Cyndie St-Pierre 42 8 8 45 .822 0.19
13 Sophie Dallaire 79 39 27 98 .724 0.49
15 Valerie Lemay 62 8 16 69 .768 0.13
16 Joany L.-Bellemare 70 0 2 0 .000 0.00
LAVAL............... 77 145 109 434 .749 1.88
Opponents........... 77 108 157 337 .534 1.40
## DEFENSE (by Dig/Gm) G DIG Dig/G BHE
9 Eve Thibault 71 216 3.04 2
4 Emilie Ducharme 48 145 3.02 12
15 Valerie Lemay 62 166 2.68 0
12 Cyndie St-Pierre 42 108 2.57 10
13 Sophie Dallaire 79 189 2.39 3
1 Marie-Eve Bergeron 68 151 2.22 0
8 Aud. Poulin-Beaulieu 39 81 2.08 1
16 Joany L.-Bellemare 70 129 1.84 1
10 Annie Boyer 12 16 1.33 0
11 Esther Gilbert 70 90 1.29 4
3 Alyssa Fields-Bouch. 74 89 1.20 4
6 Valerie Lynch-Huet 20 11 0.55 0
2 Valerie Lynch 4 2 0.50 0
7 Corrine Steinbach 0 0 0.00 0
17 Catherine Laurin 1 0 0.00 0
5 Andreanne Berube 9 0 0.00 1
LAVAL............... 77 1393 18.09 38
Opponents........... 77 1394 18.10 60
## RECEPT (by RE/Game) G RE RE/Gm TA Pct
15 Valerie Lemay 62 21 0.34 32 .344
13 Sophie Dallaire 79 25 0.32 76 .671
9 Eve Thibault 71 18 0.25 38 .526
1 Marie-Eve Bergeron 68 17 0.25 44 .614
2 Valerie Lynch 4 1 0.25 0 .000
16 Joany L.-Bellemare 70 12 0.17 31 .613
10 Annie Boyer 12 2 0.17 10 .800
6 Valerie Lynch-Huet 20 3 0.15 14 .786
8 Aud. Poulin-Beaulieu 39 5 0.13 13 .615
11 Esther Gilbert 70 7 0.10 8 .125
12 Cyndie St-Pierre 42 3 0.07 0 .000
3 Alyssa Fields-Bouch. 74 2 0.03 1 -1.000
TM TEAM 77 0 0.00 3 1.000
LAVAL............... 77 116 1.51 274 .577
Opponents........... 77 130 1.69 381 .659
Combined Team Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2013-2014
Laval Combined Team Statistics (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
ALL MATCHES......... (13-6 ) ( 8-1 ) ( 5-5 ) ( 0-0 )
CONFERENCE.......... (13-6 ) ( 8-1 ) ( 5-5 ) ( 0-0 )
NON-CONFERENCE...... ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 )
|---------ATTACK----------| |--SET---| |----SERVE----| |--DIG---| |------BLOCKING-------|
3 Alyssa Fields-Bouch. 74 141 1.91 35 354 .299 22 0.30 22 9 0.30 2 89 1.20 12 35 47 0.64 3 4 192.5
12 Cyndie St-Pierre 42 15 0.36 5 38 .263 346 8.24 8 8 0.19 3 108 2.57 1 13 14 0.33 2 10 30.5
13 Sophie Dallaire 79 150 1.90 56 389 .242 34 0.43 39 27 0.49 25 189 2.39 14 32 46 0.58 3 3 219.0
10 Annie Boyer 12 17 1.42 7 49 .204 1 0.08 0 2 0.00 2 16 1.33 1 0 1 0.08 0 0 18.0
11 Esther Gilbert 70 183 2.61 77 529 .200 7 0.10 30 23 0.43 7 90 1.29 2 22 24 0.34 4 4 226.0
8 Aud. Poulin-Beaulieu 39 83 2.13 43 245 .163 6 0.15 4 6 0.10 5 81 2.08 2 3 5 0.13 1 1 90.5
5 Andreanne Berube 9 4 0.44 2 14 .143 0 0.00 4 0 0.44 0 0 0.00 1 2 3 0.33 0 1 10.0
9 Eve Thibault 71 170 2.39 87 582 .143 1 0.01 19 12 0.27 18 216 3.04 3 11 14 0.20 0 2 197.5
15 Valerie Lemay 62 124 2.00 76 437 .110 7 0.11 8 16 0.13 21 166 2.68 4 12 16 0.26 6 0 142.0
4 Emilie Ducharme 48 3 0.06 3 27 .000 387 8.06 9 3 0.19 0 145 3.02 2 9 11 0.23 0 12 18.5
2 Valerie Lynch 4 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 1 2 0.50 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0
7 Corrine Steinbach 0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0
17 Catherine Laurin 1 0 0.00 0 0 .000 1 1.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0
1 Marie-Eve Bergeron 68 0 0.00 0 3 .000 9 0.13 2 1 0.03 17 151 2.22 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 2.0
16 Joany L.-Bellemare 70 0 0.00 2 12 -.167 4 0.06 0 2 0.00 12 129 1.84 0 0 0 0.00 0 1 0.0
6 Valerie Lynch-Huet 20 0 0.00 2 6 -.333 1 0.05 0 0 0.00 3 11 0.55 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0
LAVAL............... 77 890 11.56 395 2685 .184 828 10.75 145 109 1.88 116 1393 18.09 42 139 111.5 1.45 19 38 1146.5
Opponents........... 77 777 10.09 380 2662 .149 725 9.42 108 157 1.40 130 1394 18.10 97 195 194.5 2.53 19 60 1079.5
Kills............. 890 777
Errors............ 395 380
Total Attacks..... 2685 2662
Attack Pct........ .184 .149
Kills/Game........ 11.6 10.1
Assists........... 828 725
Attempts.......... 535 535
Assist Pct........ 1.548 1.355
Assists/Game...... 10.8 9.4
Aces.............. 145 108
Errors............ 109 157
Attempts.......... 434 337
Serve Pct......... .749 .534
Aces/Game......... 1.9 1.4
Errors............ 116 130
Errors/Game....... 1.5 1.7
Attempts.......... 274 381
Reception Pct..... .577 .659
Digs.............. 1393 1394
Digs/Game......... 18.1 18.1
Block Solo........ 42 97
Block Assist...... 139 195
Total Blocks...... 111.5 194.5
Blocks Per Game... 1.4 2.5
Block Errors...... 19 19
Total............. 230 1795
Dates/Avg Per Date 9/26 10/180
Neutral site #/Avg 0/0
Current win streak 1 -
Home win streak... 1 -
---------- ---------------------- --- ----- ----------------------------- ------
* 25 oct. 13 at Cape Breton W 3-0 25-13,25-20,25-9 -
* 26 oct. 13 at UNB W 3-0 25-20,25-13,25-9 -
* 26 oct. 13 at Memorial W 3-0 25-17,27-25,25-15 35
* 27 oct. 13 at Moncton W 3-2 25-11,25-16,22-25,23-25,15-12 60
* 1 nov. 13 at McGill L 2-3 22-25,25-18,25-19,17-25,10-15 100
* 3 nov. 13 SHERBROOKE W 3-2 16-25,25-16,25-21,24-26,15-9 -
* 8 nov. 13 at #3 Montreal L 0-3 25-27,23-25,12-25 400
* 10 nov. 13 MCGILL W 3-1 27-25,25-17,21-25,25-23 -
* 15 nov. 13 MONTREAL W 3-0 25-21,25-21,25-15 -
* 22 nov. 13 DALHOUSIE W 3-2 22-25,25-19,25-15,21-25,15-12 100
* 23 nov. 13 SAINT MARY'S W 3-1 25-11,22-25,27-25,25-20 80
* 24 nov. 13 ACADIA W 3-0 25-13,25-16,25-21 50
* 29 nov. 13 at Sherbrooke L 2-3 22-25,15-25,25-12,25-23,18-20 400
* 12 janv. 1 at #2 Montreal W 3-2 25-27,25-23,27-25,17-25,15-13 250
* 18 janv. 1 MCGILL W 3-1 25-16,25-14,19-25,26-24 -
* 24 janv. 1 SHERBROOKE L 2-3 15-25,25-21,25-7,23-25,12-15 -
* 26 janv. 1 at McGill L 2-3 21-25,19-25,25-15,25-21,12-15 150
* 31 janv. 1 at Sherbrooke L 1-3 18-25,25-17,15-25,20-25 400
* 1 fev. 14 MONTREAL W 3-0 25-23,25-16,25-14 -
Volleyball Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2013-2014
Laval Volleyball Statistics (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
Overall record: 13-6 Conference: 13-6
|--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---| |--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---|
## Name G K K/G E TA Pct A A/G Points G K K/G E TA Pct A A/G Points
------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
3 Alyssa Fields-Bouch. 74 141 1.91 35 354 .299 22 0.30 192.5 74 141 1.91 35 354 .299 22 0.30 192.5
12 Cyndie St-Pierre.... 42 15 0.36 5 38 .263 346 8.24 30.5 42 15 0.36 5 38 .263 346 8.24 30.5
13 Sophie Dallaire..... 79 150 1.90 56 389 .242 34 0.43 219.0 79 150 1.90 56 389 .242 34 0.43 219.0
10 Annie Boyer......... 12 17 1.42 7 49 .204 1 0.08 18.0 12 17 1.42 7 49 .204 1 0.08 18.0
11 Esther Gilbert...... 70 183 2.61 77 529 .200 7 0.10 226.0 70 183 2.61 77 529 .200 7 0.10 226.0
8 Aud. Poulin-Beaulieu 39 83 2.13 43 245 .163 6 0.15 90.5 39 83 2.13 43 245 .163 6 0.15 90.5
5 Andreanne Berube.... 9 4 0.44 2 14 .143 0 0.00 10.0 9 4 0.44 2 14 .143 0 0.00 10.0
9 Eve Thibault........ 71 170 2.39 87 582 .143 1 0.01 197.5 71 170 2.39 87 582 .143 1 0.01 197.5
15 Valerie Lemay....... 62 124 2.00 76 437 .110 7 0.11 142.0 62 124 2.00 76 437 .110 7 0.11 142.0
2 Valerie Lynch....... 4 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0.0 4 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0.0
17 Catherine Laurin.... 1 0 0.00 0 0 .000 1 1.00 0.0 1 0 0.00 0 0 .000 1 1.00 0.0
7 Corrine Steinbach... 0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0.0 0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0.0
4 Emilie Ducharme..... 48 3 0.06 3 27 .000 387 8.06 18.5 48 3 0.06 3 27 .000 387 8.06 18.5
1 Marie-Eve Bergeron.. 68 0 0.00 0 3 .000 9 0.13 2.0 68 0 0.00 0 3 .000 9 0.13 2.0
16 Joany L.-Bellemare.. 70 0 0.00 2 12 -.167 4 0.06 0.0 70 0 0.00 2 12 -.167 4 0.06 0.0
6 Valerie Lynch-Huet.. 20 0 0.00 2 6 -.333 1 0.05 0.0 20 0 0.00 2 6 -.333 1 0.05 0.0
LAVAL............... 77 890 11.56 395 2685 .184 828 10.75 1146.5 77 890 11.56 395 2685 .184 828 10.75 1146.5
Opponents........... 77 777 10.09 380 2662 .149 725 9.42 1079.5 77 777 10.09 380 2662 .149 725 9.42 1079.5
|--SERVE--| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----| |--SERVE--| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----|
Name SA SA/Gm RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game SA SA/Gm RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
Alyssa Fields-Bouch. 22 0.30 2 89 1.20 12 35 47 0.64 22 0.30 2 89 1.20 12 35 47 0.64
Cyndie St-Pierre.... 8 0.19 3 108 2.57 1 13 14 0.33 8 0.19 3 108 2.57 1 13 14 0.33
Sophie Dallaire..... 39 0.49 25 189 2.39 14 32 46 0.58 39 0.49 25 189 2.39 14 32 46 0.58
Annie Boyer......... 0 0.00 2 16 1.33 1 0 1 0.08 0 0.00 2 16 1.33 1 0 1 0.08
Esther Gilbert...... 30 0.43 7 90 1.29 2 22 24 0.34 30 0.43 7 90 1.29 2 22 24 0.34
Aud. Poulin-Beaulieu 4 0.10 5 81 2.08 2 3 5 0.13 4 0.10 5 81 2.08 2 3 5 0.13
Andreanne Berube.... 4 0.44 0 0 0.00 1 2 3 0.33 4 0.44 0 0 0.00 1 2 3 0.33
Eve Thibault........ 19 0.27 18 216 3.04 3 11 14 0.20 19 0.27 18 216 3.04 3 11 14 0.20
Valerie Lemay....... 8 0.13 21 166 2.68 4 12 16 0.26 8 0.13 21 166 2.68 4 12 16 0.26
Valerie Lynch....... 0 0.00 1 2 0.50 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 2 0.50 0 0 0 0.00
Catherine Laurin.... 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Corrine Steinbach... 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Emilie Ducharme..... 9 0.19 0 145 3.02 2 9 11 0.23 9 0.19 0 145 3.02 2 9 11 0.23
Marie-Eve Bergeron.. 2 0.03 17 151 2.22 0 0 0 0.00 2 0.03 17 151 2.22 0 0 0 0.00
Joany L.-Bellemare.. 0 0.00 12 129 1.84 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 12 129 1.84 0 0 0 0.00
Valerie Lynch-Huet.. 0 0.00 3 11 0.55 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 11 0.55 0 0 0 0.00
TEAM................ 0 0
LAVAL............... 145 1.88 116 1393 18.09 42 139 111.5 1.45 145 1.88 116 1393 18.09 42 139 111.5 1.45
Opponents........... 108 1.40 130 1394 18.10 97 195 194.5 2.53 108 1.40 130 1394 18.10 97 195 194.5 2.53
Team Match-by-Match
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2013-2014
Laval Team Match-by-Match (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
|-------ATTACK------| |-----SET-----| |-------SERVE------| |----RECEPT---| DEF |-------BLOCK------| GEN
Date Opponent GP K E TA Pct A TA Pct SA SE TA Pct RE TA Pct DIG BS BA BE Total BHE Points
25 oct. 13 at Cape Breton......... 3 46 11 80 .438 42 73 .575 11 6 77 .922 2 38 .947 36 0 0 0 0.0 0 57.0
26 oct. 13 at UNB................. 3 45 13 94 .340 42 88 .477 9 7 74 .905 4 38 .895 52 1 6 0 4.0 0 58.0
26 oct. 13 at Memorial............ 3 37 15 101 .218 36 95 .379 9 7 75 .907 3 47 .936 48 0 2 0 1.0 0 47.0
27 oct. 13 at Moncton............. 5 57 23 154 .221 53 138 .384 12 9 109 .917 6 77 .922 77 3 12 0 9.0 0 78.0
1 nov. 13 at McGill.............. 5 47 31 163 .098 29 141 .206 10 8 99 .919 26 74 .649 82 2 11 3 7.5 0 64.5
3 nov. 13 SHERBROOKE............. 5 56 29 172 .157 54 0 .000 9 4 0 .000 10 0 .000 82 4 8 0 8.0 5 73.0
8 nov. 13 at Montreal............ 3 27 24 105 .029 24 0 .000 5 6 0 .000 8 0 .000 39 2 4 0 4.0 2 36.0
10 nov. 13 MCGILL................. 4 46 25 140 .150 39 0 .000 9 6 0 .000 6 0 .000 80 2 14 3 9.0 3 64.0
15 nov. 13 MONTREAL............... 3 46 22 109 .220 43 0 .000 5 5 0 .000 3 0 .000 51 1 2 2 2.0 1 53.0
22 nov. 13 DALHOUSIE.............. 5 47 22 184 .136 45 0 .000 10 7 0 .000 5 0 .000 105 4 14 0 11.0 7 68.0
23 nov. 13 SAINT MARY'S........... 4 54 15 137 .285 52 0 .000 11 3 0 .000 1 0 .000 86 1 14 1 8.0 3 73.0
24 nov. 13 ACADIA................. 3 41 6 83 .422 42 0 .000 6 3 0 .000 1 0 .000 53 2 4 0 4.0 6 51.0
29 nov. 13 at Sherbrooke.......... 5 50 19 178 .174 49 0 .000 8 7 0 .000 8 0 .000 93 2 10 1 7.0 2 65.0
12 janv. 14 at Montreal............ 5 45 31 139 .101 45 0 .000 5 8 0 .000 7 0 .000 101 13 6 1 16.0 2 66.0
18 janv. 14 MCGILL................. 4 62 20 187 .225 59 0 .000 3 2 0 .000 3 0 .000 87 0 6 0 3.0 0 68.0
24 janv. 14 SHERBROOKE............. 5 58 30 185 .151 56 0 .000 7 6 0 .000 4 0 .000 101 0 8 1 4.0 4 69.0
26 janv. 14 at McGill.............. 5 47 26 203 .103 46 0 .000 9 7 0 .000 5 0 .000 54 2 8 0 6.0 0 62.0
31 janv. 14 at Sherbrooke.......... 4 39 18 173 .121 35 0 .000 3 3 0 .000 11 0 .000 111 2 8 7 6.0 1 48.0
1 fev. 14 MONTREAL............... 3 40 15 98 .255 37 0 .000 4 5 0 .000 3 0 .000 55 1 2 0 2.0 2 46.0
Laval............................... 77 890 395 2685 .184 828 535 1.548 145 109 434 .749 116 274 .577 1393 42 139 19 111.5 38 1146.5
Opponent............................ 77 777 380 2662 .149 725 535 1.355 108 157 337 .534 130 381 .659 1394 97 195 19 194.5 60 1079.5
Games played: 77
Kills per game: 11.56
Assists per game: 10.75
Service aces per game: 1.88
Reception errors per game: 1.51
Digs per game: 18.09
Blocks per game: 1.45
Ball handling errors per game: 0.49
Reception errors per game: 1.51
Points per game: 14.89
Overall record: 13-6 Conference: 13-6
Opponent Match-by-Match
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2013-2014
Laval Opponent Match-by-Match (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
|-------ATTACK------| |-----SET-----| |-------SERVE------| |----RECEPT---| DEF |-------BLOCK------| GEN
Date Opponent GP K E TA Pct A TA Pct SA SE TA Pct RE TA Pct DIG BS BA BE Total BHE Points
25 oct. 13 at Cape Breton......... 3 20 7 70 .186 19 70 .271 2 7 45 .844 11 70 .843 20 0 2 0 1.0 0 23.0
26 oct. 13 at UNB................. 3 17 16 91 .011 17 86 .198 4 4 43 .907 9 67 .866 31 0 10 0 5.0 0 26.0
26 oct. 13 at Memorial............ 3 28 16 96 .125 29 92 .315 3 11 58 .810 9 68 .868 36 1 6 0 4.0 0 35.0
27 oct. 13 at Moncton............. 5 49 24 158 .158 44 143 .308 6 13 90 .856 12 100 .880 68 2 14 0 9.0 0 64.0
1 nov. 13 at McGill.............. 5 47 24 167 .138 46 144 .319 14 12 101 .881 14 76 .816 103 9 13 4 15.5 0 76.5
3 nov. 13 SHERBROOKE............. 5 49 25 168 .143 41 0 .000 10 8 0 .000 9 0 .000 89 6 10 0 11.0 7 70.0
8 nov. 13 at Montreal............ 3 36 12 98 .245 34 0 .000 8 12 0 .000 6 0 .000 69 7 8 1 11.0 1 55.0
10 nov. 13 MCGILL................. 4 47 34 163 .080 45 0 .000 6 6 0 .000 9 0 .000 81 3 8 1 7.0 2 60.0
15 nov. 13 MONTREAL............... 3 24 16 97 .082 22 0 .000 3 5 0 .000 5 0 .000 46 6 10 1 11.0 2 38.0
22 nov. 13 DALHOUSIE.............. 5 42 25 175 .097 42 0 .000 4 12 0 .000 0 0 .000 98 9 18 0 18.0 2 64.0
23 nov. 13 SAINT MARY'S........... 4 48 20 158 .177 40 0 .000 4 6 0 .000 3 0 .000 76 4 8 0 8.0 8 60.0
24 nov. 13 ACADIA................. 3 28 12 88 .182 27 0 .000 2 5 0 .000 4 0 .000 27 1 8 0 5.0 2 35.0
29 nov. 13 at Sherbrooke.......... 5 52 12 161 .248 51 0 .000 10 13 0 .000 7 0 .000 100 5 22 1 16.0 10 78.0
12 janv. 14 at Montreal............ 5 56 29 171 .158 52 0 .000 7 13 0 .000 6 0 .000 76 11 7 1 14.5 3 77.5
18 janv. 14 MCGILL................. 4 54 21 172 .192 50 0 .000 3 1 0 .000 3 0 .000 95 7 6 1 10.0 7 67.0
24 janv. 14 SHERBROOKE............. 5 48 20 181 .155 47 0 .000 4 10 0 .000 7 0 .000 97 6 12 0 12.0 5 64.0
26 janv. 14 at McGill.............. 5 58 30 197 .142 52 0 .000 4 5 0 .000 9 0 .000 131 11 9 0 15.5 0 77.5
31 janv. 14 at Sherbrooke.......... 4 46 20 151 .172 40 0 .000 11 7 0 .000 3 0 .000 101 5 14 9 12.0 4 69.0
1 fev. 14 MONTREAL............... 3 28 17 100 .110 27 0 .000 3 7 0 .000 4 0 .000 50 4 10 0 9.0 7 40.0
Opponent totals..................... 77 777 380 2662 .149 725 535 1.355 108 157 337 .534 130 381 .659 1394 97 195 19 194.5 60 1079.5
Laval............................... 77 890 395 2685 .184 828 535 1.548 145 109 434 .749 116 274 .577 1393 42 139 19 111.5 38 1146.5
Games played: 77
Kills per game: 10.09
Assists per game: 9.42
Service aces per game: 1.40
Reception errors per game: 1.69
Digs per game: 18.10
Blocks per game: 2.53
Ball handling errors per game: 0.78
Reception errors per game: 1.69
Points per game: 14.02
Team Match-by-Match Comparison
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2013-2014
Laval Team Match-by-Match Comparison (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
|-----------------ATTACK------------------| |--SET--| |------SERVE------|
Opponent Score GP Kills Errors Total Pct A SA SE
-------- ----- --- ----/---- ----/---- ----/---- ------/------ ----/---- ----/---- ----/----
Cape Breton......... 3-0 3 46/20 11/7 80/70 .438/ .186 42/19 11/2 6/7
UNB................. 3-0 3 45/17 13/16 94/91 .340/ .011 42/17 9/4 7/4
Memorial............ 3-0 3 37/28 15/16 101/96 .218/ .125 36/29 9/3 7/11
Moncton............. 3-2 5 57/49 23/24 154/158 .221/ .158 53/44 12/6 9/13
McGill.............. 2-3 5 47/47 31/24 163/167 .098/ .138 29/46 10/14 8/12
SHERBROOKE.......... 3-2 5 56/49 29/25 172/168 .157/ .143 54/41 9/10 4/8
Montreal............ 0-3 3 27/36 24/12 105/98 .029/ .245 24/34 5/8 6/12
MCGILL.............. 3-1 4 46/47 25/34 140/163 .150/ .080 39/45 9/6 6/6
MONTREAL............ 3-0 3 46/24 22/16 109/97 .220/ .082 43/22 5/3 5/5
DALHOUSIE........... 3-2 5 47/42 22/25 184/175 .136/ .097 45/42 10/4 7/12
SAINT MARY'S........ 3-1 4 54/48 15/20 137/158 .285/ .177 52/40 11/4 3/6
ACADIA.............. 3-0 3 41/28 6/12 83/88 .422/ .182 42/27 6/2 3/5
Sherbrooke.......... 2-3 5 50/52 19/12 178/161 .174/ .248 49/51 8/10 7/13
Montreal............ 3-2 5 45/56 31/29 139/171 .101/ .158 45/52 5/7 8/13
MCGILL.............. 3-1 4 62/54 20/21 187/172 .225/ .192 59/50 3/3 2/1
SHERBROOKE.......... 2-3 5 58/48 30/20 185/181 .151/ .155 56/47 7/4 6/10
McGill.............. 2-3 5 47/58 26/30 203/197 .103/ .142 46/52 9/4 7/5
Sherbrooke.......... 1-3 4 39/46 18/20 173/151 .121/ .172 35/40 3/11 3/7
MONTREAL............ 3-0 3 40/28 15/17 98/100 .255/ .110 37/27 4/3 5/7
Totals.............. 48-29 77 890/777 395/380 2685/2662 .184/ .149 828/725 145/108 109/157
Note: Match totals are displayed in the format TEAM/OPPONENT for each category
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2013-2014
Laval Team Match-by-Match Comparison (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
|--PASS-| |--DEF--| |-----------------BLOCK-----------------| |--GEN--|
Opponent RE DIG BS-BA BE Total BHE
-------- ----/---- ----/---- ---------/--------- ----/---- -----/----- ----/----
Cape Breton......... 2/11 36/20 0-0 / 0-2 0/0 0.0/ 1.0 0/0
UNB................. 4/9 52/31 1-6 / 0-10 0/0 4.0/ 5.0 0/0
Memorial............ 3/9 48/36 0-2 / 1-6 0/0 1.0/ 4.0 0/0
Moncton............. 6/12 77/68 3-12 / 2-14 0/0 9.0/ 9.0 0/0
McGill.............. 26/14 82/103 2-11 / 9-13 3/4 7.5/ 15.5 0/0
SHERBROOKE.......... 10/9 82/89 4-8 / 6-10 0/0 8.0/ 11.0 5/7
Montreal............ 8/6 39/69 2-4 / 7-8 0/1 4.0/ 11.0 2/1
MCGILL.............. 6/9 80/81 2-14 / 3-8 3/1 9.0/ 7.0 3/2
MONTREAL............ 3/5 51/46 1-2 / 6-10 2/1 2.0/ 11.0 1/2
DALHOUSIE........... 5/0 105/98 4-14 / 9-18 0/0 11.0/ 18.0 7/2
SAINT MARY'S........ 1/3 86/76 1-14 / 4-8 1/0 8.0/ 8.0 3/8
ACADIA.............. 1/4 53/27 2-4 / 1-8 0/0 4.0/ 5.0 6/2
Sherbrooke.......... 8/7 93/100 2-10 / 5-22 1/1 7.0/ 16.0 2/10
Montreal............ 7/6 101/76 13-6 / 11-7 1/1 16.0/ 14.5 2/3
MCGILL.............. 3/3 87/95 0-6 / 7-6 0/1 3.0/ 10.0 0/7
SHERBROOKE.......... 4/7 101/97 0-8 / 6-12 1/0 4.0/ 12.0 4/5
McGill.............. 5/9 54/131 2-8 / 11-9 0/0 6.0/ 15.5 0/0
Sherbrooke.......... 11/3 111/101 2-8 / 5-14 7/9 6.0/ 12.0 1/4
MONTREAL............ 3/4 55/50 1-2 / 4-10 0/0 2.0/ 9.0 2/7
Totals.............. 116/130 1393/1394 42-139 / 97-195 19/19 111.5/194.5 38/60
Note: Match totals are displayed in the format TEAM/OPPONENT for each category
Match Highs
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2013-2014
Laval Match Highs (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
ATTACK PERCENT (K-E-TA) minimum 12 kills
.647 (12- 1-17) Esther Gilbert at Cape Breton (25 oct. 13)
.455 (13- 3-22) Eve Thibault at UNB (26 oct. 13)
.419 (13- 0-31) Alyssa Fields-Bouch. vs McGill (18 janv. 14)
.375 (12- 3-24) Sophie Dallaire vs Saint Mary's (23 nov. 13)
.333 (14- 1-39) Esther Gilbert at Sherbrooke (29 nov. 13)
.333 (12- 4-24) Sophie Dallaire at Moncton (27 oct. 13)
.333 (13- 3-30) Eve Thibault vs Saint Mary's (23 nov. 13)
.323 (15- 5-31) Aud. Poulin-Beaulieu vs Sherbrooke (24 janv. 14)
.323 (15- 5-31) Sophie Dallaire vs Sherbrooke (3 nov. 13)
.275 (15- 4-40) Eve Thibault at Moncton (27 oct. 13)
15 (15- 3-49) 4g Valerie Lemay vs McGill (18 janv. 14)
15 (15- 4-40) 5g Eve Thibault at Moncton (27 oct. 13)
15 (15- 5-31) 5g Sophie Dallaire vs Sherbrooke (3 nov. 13)
15 (15- 5-31) 5g Aud. Poulin-Beaulieu vs Sherbrooke (24 janv. 14)
14 (14- 3-49) 5g Esther Gilbert vs Dalhousie (22 nov. 13)
14 (14- 6-47) 4g Eve Thibault vs McGill (18 janv. 14)
14 (14- 1-39) 5g Esther Gilbert at Sherbrooke (29 nov. 13)
13 (13- 8-59) 5g Eve Thibault vs Sherbrooke (24 janv. 14)
13 (13- 0-31) 4g Alyssa Fields-Bouch. vs McGill (18 janv. 14)
13 (13- 3-22) 3g Eve Thibault at UNB (26 oct. 13)
13 (13- 3-22) Eve Thibault at UNB (26 oct. 13)
12 (12- 1-17) Esther Gilbert at Cape Breton (25 oct. 13)
11 (11- 7-30) Esther Gilbert vs Montreal (15 nov. 13)
11 (11- 2-21) Esther Gilbert vs Montreal (1 fev. 14)
10 (10- 1-25) Valerie Lemay at Memorial (26 oct. 13)
15 (15- 3-49) Valerie Lemay vs McGill (18 janv. 14)
14 (14- 6-47) Eve Thibault vs McGill (18 janv. 14)
13 (13- 0-31) Alyssa Fields-Bouch. vs McGill (18 janv. 14)
13 (13- 3-30) Eve Thibault vs Saint Mary's (23 nov. 13)
12 (12- 3-34) Esther Gilbert vs McGill (10 nov. 13)
15 (15- 4-40) Eve Thibault at Moncton (27 oct. 13)
15 (15- 5-31) Aud. Poulin-Beaulieu vs Sherbrooke (24 janv. 14)
15 (15- 5-31) Sophie Dallaire vs Sherbrooke (3 nov. 13)
14 (14- 3-49) Esther Gilbert vs Dalhousie (22 nov. 13)
14 (14- 1-39) Esther Gilbert at Sherbrooke (29 nov. 13)
59 (13- 8-59) 5g Eve Thibault vs Sherbrooke (24 janv. 14)
49 (15- 3-49) 4g Valerie Lemay vs McGill (18 janv. 14)
49 (14- 3-49) 5g Esther Gilbert vs Dalhousie (22 nov. 13)
47 (14- 6-47) 4g Eve Thibault vs McGill (18 janv. 14)
45 (10- 7-45) 5g Valerie Lemay at McGill (1 nov. 13)
45 ( 7- 2-45) 4g Eve Thibault at Sherbrooke (31 janv. 14)
43 (10- 6-43) 5g Eve Thibault at Sherbrooke (29 nov. 13)
42 ( 8- 3-42) 5g Eve Thibault at McGill (26 janv. 14)
42 ( 8- 7-42) 5g Esther Gilbert at McGill (26 janv. 14)
40 (10- 6-40) 5g Eve Thibault vs Dalhousie (22 nov. 13)
30 (11- 7-30) Esther Gilbert vs Montreal (15 nov. 13)
26 ( 9- 6-26) Esther Gilbert at Memorial (26 oct. 13)
25 (10- 1-25) Valerie Lemay at Memorial (26 oct. 13)
24 ( 6-10-24) Valerie Lemay at Montreal (8 nov. 13)
23 ( 9- 2-23) Esther Gilbert at Montreal (8 nov. 13)
49 (15- 3-49) Valerie Lemay vs McGill (18 janv. 14)
47 (14- 6-47) Eve Thibault vs McGill (18 janv. 14)
45 ( 7- 2-45) Eve Thibault at Sherbrooke (31 janv. 14)
35 (12- 6-35) Esther Gilbert vs Saint Mary's (23 nov. 13)
34 (12- 3-34) Esther Gilbert vs McGill (10 nov. 13)
59 (13- 8-59) Eve Thibault vs Sherbrooke (24 janv. 14)
49 (14- 3-49) Esther Gilbert vs Dalhousie (22 nov. 13)
45 (10- 7-45) Valerie Lemay at McGill (1 nov. 13)
43 (10- 6-43) Eve Thibault at Sherbrooke (29 nov. 13)
42 ( 8- 3-42) Eve Thibault at McGill (26 janv. 14)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2013-2014
Laval Match Highs (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
18.5 (15- 3- 0.5) 5g Eve Thibault at Moncton (27 oct. 13)
18.0 (13- 3- 2.0) 4g Eve Thibault vs Saint Mary's (23 nov. 13)
17.5 (15- 0- 2.5) 5g Sophie Dallaire vs Sherbrooke (3 nov. 13)
17.5 (14- 2- 1.5) 5g Esther Gilbert vs Dalhousie (22 nov. 13)
17.0 (12- 4- 1.0) 4g Esther Gilbert vs Saint Mary's (23 nov. 13)
14.0 (13- 0- 1.0) Eve Thibault at UNB (26 oct. 13)
13.0 (12- 1- 0.0) Esther Gilbert at Cape Breton (25 oct. 13)
13.0 ( 6- 7- 0.0) Sophie Dallaire at Cape Breton (25 oct. 13)
12.0 (11- 1- 0.0) Esther Gilbert vs Montreal (15 nov. 13)
12.0 (10- 2- 0.0) Valerie Lemay at Memorial (26 oct. 13)
18.0 (13- 3- 2.0) Eve Thibault vs Saint Mary's (23 nov. 13)
17.0 (12- 4- 1.0) Esther Gilbert vs Saint Mary's (23 nov. 13)
16.0 (12- 3- 1.0) Esther Gilbert vs McGill (10 nov. 13)
15.5 (12- 2- 1.5) Sophie Dallaire vs Saint Mary's (23 nov. 13)
15.0 (15- 0- 0.0) Valerie Lemay vs McGill (18 janv. 14)
18.5 (15- 3- 0.5) Eve Thibault at Moncton (27 oct. 13)
17.5 (14- 2- 1.5) Esther Gilbert vs Dalhousie (22 nov. 13)
17.5 (15- 0- 2.5) Sophie Dallaire vs Sherbrooke (3 nov. 13)
16.0 (14- 1- 1.0) Esther Gilbert at Sherbrooke (29 nov. 13)
15.5 ( 8- 6- 1.5) Alyssa Fields-Bouch. vs Sherbrooke (3 nov. 13)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2013-2014
Laval Match Highs (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
53 (4g) Emilie Ducharme vs McGill (18 janv. 14)
46 (5g) Cyndie St-Pierre at Moncton (27 oct. 13)
43 (4g) Emilie Ducharme vs Saint Mary's (23 nov. 13)
42 (5g) Emilie Ducharme at Sherbrooke (29 nov. 13)
42 (5g) Emilie Ducharme vs Sherbrooke (3 nov. 13)
37 Cyndie St-Pierre at UNB (26 oct. 13)
31 Emilie Ducharme at Memorial (26 oct. 13)
30 Cyndie St-Pierre vs Montreal (15 nov. 13)
27 Cyndie St-Pierre at Cape Breton (25 oct. 13)
27 Cyndie St-Pierre vs Acadia (24 nov. 13)
53 Emilie Ducharme vs McGill (18 janv. 14)
43 Emilie Ducharme vs Saint Mary's (23 nov. 13)
31 Cyndie St-Pierre vs McGill (10 nov. 13)
17 Cyndie St-Pierre at Sherbrooke (31 janv. 14)
15 Emilie Ducharme at Sherbrooke (31 janv. 14)
46 Cyndie St-Pierre at Moncton (27 oct. 13)
42 Emilie Ducharme vs Sherbrooke (3 nov. 13)
42 Emilie Ducharme at Sherbrooke (29 nov. 13)
33 Cyndie St-Pierre vs Sherbrooke (24 janv. 14)
27 Emilie Ducharme vs Dalhousie (22 nov. 13)
27 (5g) Emilie Ducharme at Sherbrooke (29 nov. 13)
25 (5g) Marie-Eve Bergeron vs Dalhousie (22 nov. 13)
22 (4g) Joany L.-Bellemare vs Saint Mary's (23 nov. 13)
21 (4g) Cyndie St-Pierre vs McGill (10 nov. 13)
20 (5g) Eve Thibault vs Dalhousie (22 nov. 13)
11 Eve Thibault vs Acadia (24 nov. 13)
11 Sophie Dallaire vs Acadia (24 nov. 13)
11 Cyndie St-Pierre at UNB (26 oct. 13)
11 Eve Thibault at Montreal (8 nov. 13)
11 Sophie Dallaire at UNB (26 oct. 13)
22 Joany L.-Bellemare vs Saint Mary's (23 nov. 13)
21 Cyndie St-Pierre vs McGill (10 nov. 13)
18 Marie-Eve Bergeron vs McGill (18 janv. 14)
17 Emilie Ducharme vs McGill (18 janv. 14)
17 Aud. Poulin-Beaulieu at Sherbrooke (31 janv. 14)
27 Emilie Ducharme at Sherbrooke (29 nov. 13)
25 Marie-Eve Bergeron vs Dalhousie (22 nov. 13)
20 Eve Thibault vs Dalhousie (22 nov. 13)
19 Joany L.-Bellemare at Montreal (12 janv. 14)
18 Eve Thibault at McGill (1 nov. 13)
7 Sophie Dallaire at Cape Breton (25 oct. 13)
6 Alyssa Fields-Bouch. vs Sherbrooke (3 nov. 13)
5 Sophie Dallaire at McGill (1 nov. 13)
4 Sophie Dallaire at UNB (26 oct. 13)
4 Sophie Dallaire vs Dalhousie (22 nov. 13)
6 ( 4- 2) Alyssa Fields-Bouch. at Montreal (12 janv. 14)
6 ( 2- 4) Sophie Dallaire vs Dalhousie (22 nov. 13)
6 ( 2- 4) Alyssa Fields-Bouch. at Moncton (27 oct. 13)
5 ( 2- 3) Alyssa Fields-Bouch. at Sherbrooke (29 nov. 13)
5 ( 2- 3) Alyssa Fields-Bouch. vs Dalhousie (22 nov. 13)
5 ( 0- 5) Alyssa Fields-Bouch. vs McGill (10 nov. 13)
4 ( 2- 2) Sophie Dallaire at McGill (26 janv. 14)
4 ( 2- 2) Esther Gilbert at Montreal (12 janv. 14)
4 ( 1- 3) Sophie Dallaire at McGill (1 nov. 13)
4 ( 1- 3) Valerie Lemay vs McGill (10 nov. 13)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2013-2014
Laval Match Highs (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
.438 (46-11- 80) at Cape Breton (25 oct. 13)
.422 (41- 6- 83) vs Acadia (24 nov. 13)
.340 (45-13- 94) at UNB (26 oct. 13)
.285 (54-15-137) vs Saint Mary's (23 nov. 13)
.255 (40-15- 98) vs Montreal (1 fev. 14)
.225 (62-20-187) vs McGill (18 janv. 14)
.221 (57-23-154) at Moncton (27 oct. 13)
.220 (46-22-109) vs Montreal (15 nov. 13)
.218 (37-15-101) at Memorial (26 oct. 13)
.174 (50-19-178) at Sherbrooke (29 nov. 13)
62 (62-20-187) 4g vs McGill (18 janv. 14)
58 (58-30-185) 5g vs Sherbrooke (24 janv. 14)
57 (57-23-154) 5g at Moncton (27 oct. 13)
56 (56-29-172) 5g vs Sherbrooke (3 nov. 13)
54 (54-15-137) 4g vs Saint Mary's (23 nov. 13)
50 (50-19-178) 5g at Sherbrooke (29 nov. 13)
47 (47-26-203) 5g at McGill (26 janv. 14)
47 (47-31-163) 5g at McGill (1 nov. 13)
47 (47-22-184) 5g vs Dalhousie (22 nov. 13)
46 (46-25-140) 4g vs McGill (10 nov. 13)
46 (46-11- 80) at Cape Breton (25 oct. 13)
46 (46-22-109) vs Montreal (15 nov. 13)
45 (45-13- 94) at UNB (26 oct. 13)
41 (41- 6- 83) vs Acadia (24 nov. 13)
40 (40-15- 98) vs Montreal (1 fev. 14)
62 (62-20-187) vs McGill (18 janv. 14)
54 (54-15-137) vs Saint Mary's (23 nov. 13)
46 (46-25-140) vs McGill (10 nov. 13)
39 (39-18-173) at Sherbrooke (31 janv. 14)
58 (58-30-185) vs Sherbrooke (24 janv. 14)
57 (57-23-154) at Moncton (27 oct. 13)
56 (56-29-172) vs Sherbrooke (3 nov. 13)
50 (50-19-178) at Sherbrooke (29 nov. 13)
47 (47-26-203) at McGill (26 janv. 14)
203 (47-26-203) 5g at McGill (26 janv. 14)
187 (62-20-187) 4g vs McGill (18 janv. 14)
185 (58-30-185) 5g vs Sherbrooke (24 janv. 14)
184 (47-22-184) 5g vs Dalhousie (22 nov. 13)
178 (50-19-178) 5g at Sherbrooke (29 nov. 13)
173 (39-18-173) 4g at Sherbrooke (31 janv. 14)
172 (56-29-172) 5g vs Sherbrooke (3 nov. 13)
163 (47-31-163) 5g at McGill (1 nov. 13)
154 (57-23-154) 5g at Moncton (27 oct. 13)
140 (46-25-140) 4g vs McGill (10 nov. 13)
109 (46-22-109) vs Montreal (15 nov. 13)
105 (27-24-105) at Montreal (8 nov. 13)
101 (37-15-101) at Memorial (26 oct. 13)
98 (40-15- 98) vs Montreal (1 fev. 14)
94 (45-13- 94) at UNB (26 oct. 13)
187 (62-20-187) vs McGill (18 janv. 14)
173 (39-18-173) at Sherbrooke (31 janv. 14)
140 (46-25-140) vs McGill (10 nov. 13)
137 (54-15-137) vs Saint Mary's (23 nov. 13)
203 (47-26-203) at McGill (26 janv. 14)
185 (58-30-185) vs Sherbrooke (24 janv. 14)
184 (47-22-184) vs Dalhousie (22 nov. 13)
178 (50-19-178) at Sherbrooke (29 nov. 13)
172 (56-29-172) vs Sherbrooke (3 nov. 13)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2013-2014
Laval Match Highs (as of Apr 26, 2018)
All matches
59 (4g) vs McGill (18 janv. 14)
56 (5g) vs Sherbrooke (24 janv. 14)
54 (5g) vs Sherbrooke (3 nov. 13)
53 (5g) at Moncton (27 oct. 13)
52 (4g) vs Saint Mary's (23 nov. 13)
43 vs Montreal (15 nov. 13)
42 at UNB (26 oct. 13)
42 vs Acadia (24 nov. 13)
42 at Cape Breton (25 oct. 13)
37 vs Montreal (1 fev. 14)
59 vs McGill (18 janv. 14)
52 vs Saint Mary's (23 nov. 13)
39 vs McGill (10 nov. 13)
35 at Sherbrooke (31 janv. 14)
56 vs Sherbrooke (24 janv. 14)
54 vs Sherbrooke (3 nov. 13)
53 at Moncton (27 oct. 13)
49 at Sherbrooke (29 nov. 13)
46 at McGill (26 janv. 14)
111 (4g) at Sherbrooke (31 janv. 14)
105 (5g) vs Dalhousie (22 nov. 13)
101 (5g) vs Sherbrooke (24 janv. 14)
101 (5g) at Montreal (12 janv. 14)
93 (5g) at Sherbrooke (29 nov. 13)
55 vs Montreal (1 fev. 14)
53 vs Acadia (24 nov. 13)
52 at UNB (26 oct. 13)
51 vs Montreal (15 nov. 13)
48 at Memorial (26 oct. 13)
111 at Sherbrooke (31 janv. 14)
87 vs McGill (18 janv. 14)
86 vs Saint Mary's (23 nov. 13)
80 vs McGill (10 nov. 13)
105 vs Dalhousie (22 nov. 13)
101 at Montreal (12 janv. 14)
101 vs Sherbrooke (24 janv. 14)
93 at Sherbrooke (29 nov. 13)
82 vs Sherbrooke (3 nov. 13)
12 at Moncton (27 oct. 13)
11 vs Saint Mary's (23 nov. 13)
11 at Cape Breton (25 oct. 13)
10 at McGill (1 nov. 13)
10 vs Dalhousie (22 nov. 13)
16.0 at Montreal (12 janv. 14)
11.0 vs Dalhousie (22 nov. 13)
9.0 vs McGill (10 nov. 13)
9.0 at Moncton (27 oct. 13)
8.0 vs Sherbrooke (3 nov. 13)
8.0 vs Saint Mary's (23 nov. 13)
7.5 at McGill (1 nov. 13)
7.0 at Sherbrooke (29 nov. 13)
6.0 at McGill (26 janv. 14)
6.0 at Sherbrooke (31 janv. 14)