Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Match Results
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Laval Match Results (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
Overall Conference
Date Opponent Score Score-by-game Record Record Time Attend
---- -------- ----- ------------- -------- -------- ---- ------
* 2019-10-17 at McGill 1-3 L 21-25,14-25,25-19,16-25 0-1 0-1 1:46
* 2019-10-19 SHERBROOKE W 3-2 25-13,23-25,19-25,25-20,15-10 1-1 1-1 2:12 540
* 2019-10-25 OTTAWA W 3-0 25-15,25-16,25-22 2-1 2-1 1:12 122
* 2019-10-27 UQAM W 3-1 16-25,25-14,25-15,25-19 3-1 3-1 1:41 180
* 2019-11-01 MONTREAL 1-3 L 19-25,25-22,25-27,12-25 3-2 3-2 1:51 923
* 2019-11-08 at UQAM W 3-1 21-25,25-14,25-18,25-21 4-2 4-2
* 2019-11-10 MCGILL W 3-2 25-17,12-25,17-25,30-28,15-7 5-2 5-2 2:13 140
* 2019-11-15 at Montreal 2-3 L 25-19,25-14,13-25,12-25,9-15 5-3 5-3 1:50 450
* 2019-11-29 UQAM W 3-2 20-25,25-20,26-28,25-23,15-8 6-3 6-3 2:20 570
* 2019-12-01 at Ottawa W 3-0 25-21,25-14,25-20 7-3 7-3 1h420min 300
* 2019-12-06 at Sherbrooke W 3-0 25-19,25-19,25-13 8-3 8-3 1:16 107
* 2020-01-10 at McGill W 3-1 20-25,25-23,25-16,25-16 9-3 9-3 1:40 85
* 2020-01-19 at Montreal 0-3 L 15-25,15-25,15-25 9-4 9-4 1:09 150
* 2020-01-25 at UQAM 1-3 L 15-25,23-25,25-22,24-26 9-5 9-5
* 2020-01-26 at Ottawa W 3-1 15-25,25-19,25-17,25-20 10-5 10-5 1hr43min 200
* 2020-02-01 SHERBROOKE W 3-2 20-25,23-25,25-20,30-28,15-10 11-5 11-5 2:13 703
* 2020-02-08 OTTAWA W 3-0 25-17,25-16,25-16 12-5 12-5 1:13
* 2020-02-09 MCGILL W 3-2 25-17,17-25,20-25,25-19,15-12 13-5 13-5 2:06 105
* 2020-02-14 MONTREAL 2-3 L 25-23,24-26,25-27,25-21,6-15 13-6 13-6 2:21 795
* 2020-02-16 at Sherbrooke 1-3 L 25-27,17-25,25-17,23-25 13-7 13-7 1h53 179
---------- ---
Overall: 13-7
Conference: 13-7
Home: 8-2
Away: 5-5
Neutral: 0-0
3 games: 4-1
4 games: 4-4
5 games: 5-2
ATTEND Dates Total Average
------ ----- ------- -------
Total: 20 5549 277
Home: 10 4078 408
Away: 10 1471 147
Neutral: 0 0 0
Overall Team Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Laval Overall Team Statistics (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
Overall record: 13-7 Conference: 13-7
Kills....................... 922 893
Errors...................... 403 401
Total Attacks............... 2779 2734
Attack Pct.................. .187 .180
Kills/Game.................. 11.2 10.9
Assists..................... 846 833
Assists/Game................ 10.3 10.2
Aces........................ 157 177
Errors...................... 160 214
Aces/Game................... 1.9 2.2
SERVE RECEPTIONS..............
Errors...................... 159 151
Errors/Game................. 1.9 1.8
Digs........................ 1249 1206
Digs/Game................... 15.2 14.7
Block Solo.................. 39 39
Block Assist................ 184 249
Total Blocks................ 131.0 163.5
Blocks Per Game............. 1.6 2.0
Block Errors................ 16 26
BALL HANDLING ERRORS.......... 21 30
Total....................... 4078 1471
Dates/Avg Per Date.......... 10/408 10/147
Neutral site #/Avg.......... 0/0
Current win streak.......... 0 -
Home win streak............. 0 -
Overall Individual Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Laval Overall Individual Statistics (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
Overall record: 13-7 Conference: 13-7
|-----------ATTACK---------| |---SET---| |-----SERVE----|
## Name GP-MP-MS K K/Game E TA Pct A A/Game SA SA/Gm SE
1 Marianne St-Aubin 65 17-14 166 2.55 66 475 .211 8 0.12 16 0.25 7
2 Elizabeth Cavan 78 20-17 24 0.31 4 56 .357 597 7.65 26 0.33 17
3 Claudia Besner 78 20-0 0 0.00 1 4 -.250 21 0.27 1 0.01 0
4 Eloise Ross-Tremblay 77 19-15 123 1.60 87 454 .079 18 0.23 21 0.27 29
5 Andrea Maksimovic 74 19-0 1 0.01 0 3 .333 15 0.20 0 0.00 0
5 Andrea Masimovic 3 1-0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
6 Jenny Barbeau 82 20-18 77 0.94 29 222 .216 15 0.18 21 0.26 19
7 Lydia Hamelin 14 7-1 4 0.29 2 12 .167 0 0.00 1 0.07 3
8 Beatrice Lamarche 51 17-7 79 1.55 57 289 .076 9 0.18 24 0.47 22
10 Éliane Braun 2 1-0 0 0.00 0 1 .000 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
12 Anne-Sophie Tanguay 79 19-17 184 2.33 61 450 .273 9 0.11 15 0.19 26
14 Maud Chapleau 82 20-18 262 3.20 94 800 .210 22 0.27 25 0.30 30
15 Andrea Camire 38 18-0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 4 0.11 4
17 Emie Gaboury 35 16-1 2 0.06 2 13 .000 132 3.77 3 0.09 3
LAVAL............... 82 20-20 922 11.24 403 2779 .187 846 10.32 157 1.91 160
Opponents........... 82 20-20 893 10.89 401 2734 .180 833 10.16 177 2.16 214
|---DIG---| |--------BLOCKING---------|
## Name G RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game BE BHE POINTS Pts/Gm
1 Marianne St-Aubin 65 20 109 1.68 3 24 27 0.42 3 1 197.0 3.03
2 Elizabeth Cavan 78 0 139 1.78 2 17 19 0.24 2 8 60.5 0.78
3 Claudia Besner 78 38 109 1.40 0 0 0 0.00 0 2 1.0 0.01
4 Eloise Ross-Tremblay 77 31 166 2.16 8 28 36 0.47 4 0 166.0 2.16
5 Andrea Masimovic 3 0 7 2.33 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0 0.00
5 Andrea Maksimovic 74 2 177 2.39 0 0 0 0.00 0 4 1.0 0.01
6 Jenny Barbeau 82 5 43 0.52 13 56 69 0.84 2 0 139.0 1.70
7 Lydia Hamelin 14 0 7 0.50 0 1 1 0.07 0 0 5.5 0.39
8 Beatrice Lamarche 51 22 101 1.98 0 6 6 0.12 0 2 106.0 2.08
10 Éliane Braun 2 0 1 0.50 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0 0.00
12 Anne-Sophie Tanguay 79 7 56 0.71 7 33 40 0.51 3 0 222.5 2.82
14 Maud Chapleau 82 23 291 3.55 5 12 17 0.21 2 3 298.0 3.63
15 Andrea Camire 38 3 18 0.47 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 4.0 0.11
17 Emie Gaboury 35 0 25 0.71 1 7 8 0.23 0 1 9.5 0.27
LAVAL............... 82 159 1249 15.23 39 184 131.0 1.60 16 21 1210.0 14.76
Opponents........... 82 151 1206 14.71 39 249 163.5 1.99 26 30 1233.5 15.04
Category Leaders
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Laval Category Leaders (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
## ATTACK (by Pct) G K K/Game E TA Pct
2 Elizabeth Cavan 78 24 0.31 4 56 .357
5 Andrea Maksimovic 74 1 0.01 0 3 .333
12 Anne-Sophie Tanguay 79 184 2.33 61 450 .273
6 Jenny Barbeau 82 77 0.94 29 222 .216
1 Marianne St-Aubin 65 166 2.55 66 475 .211
14 Maud Chapleau 82 262 3.20 94 800 .210
7 Lydia Hamelin 14 4 0.29 2 12 .167
4 Eloise Ross-Tremblay 77 123 1.60 87 454 .079
8 Beatrice Lamarche 51 79 1.55 57 289 .076
10 Éliane Braun 2 0 0.00 0 1 .000
17 Emie Gaboury 35 2 0.06 2 13 .000
3 Claudia Besner 78 0 0.00 1 4 -.250
LAVAL............... 82 922 11.24 403 2779 .187
Opponents........... 82 893 10.89 401 2734 .180
## SET (by A/Game) G A A/Game
2 Elizabeth Cavan 78 597 7.65
17 Emie Gaboury 35 132 3.77
3 Claudia Besner 78 21 0.27
14 Maud Chapleau 82 22 0.27
4 Eloise Ross-Tremblay 77 18 0.23
5 Andrea Maksimovic 74 15 0.20
6 Jenny Barbeau 82 15 0.18
8 Beatrice Lamarche 51 9 0.18
1 Marianne St-Aubin 65 8 0.12
12 Anne-Sophie Tanguay 79 9 0.11
5 Andrea Masimovic 3 0 0.00
7 Lydia Hamelin 14 0 0.00
15 Andrea Camire 38 0 0.00
LAVAL............... 82 846 10.32
Opponents........... 82 833 10.16
## BLOCK (by B/Game) G BS BA Total B/Game BE
6 Jenny Barbeau 82 13 56 69.0 0.84 2
12 Anne-Sophie Tanguay 79 7 33 40.0 0.51 3
4 Eloise Ross-Tremblay 77 8 28 36.0 0.47 4
1 Marianne St-Aubin 65 3 24 27.0 0.42 3
2 Elizabeth Cavan 78 2 17 19.0 0.24 2
17 Emie Gaboury 35 1 7 8.0 0.23 0
14 Maud Chapleau 82 5 12 17.0 0.21 2
8 Beatrice Lamarche 51 0 6 6.0 0.12 0
7 Lydia Hamelin 14 0 1 1.0 0.07 0
LAVAL............... 82 39 184 131.0 1.60 16
Opponents........... 82 39 249 163.5 1.99 26
## POINTS (by ##) G Points Pts/G
1 Marianne St-Aubin 65 197.0 3.03
2 Elizabeth Cavan 78 60.5 0.77
3 Claudia Besner 78 1.0 0.01
4 Eloise Ross-Tremblay 77 166.0 2.16
5 Andrea Maksimovic 74 1.0 0.01
6 Jenny Barbeau 82 139.0 1.70
7 Lydia Hamelin 14 5.5 0.36
8 Beatrice Lamarche 51 106.0 2.08
10 Éliane Braun 2 0.0 0.00
12 Anne-Sophie Tanguay 79 222.5 2.81
14 Maud Chapleau 82 298.0 3.63
17 Emie Gaboury 35 9.5 0.26
LAVAL............... 82 1210.0 14.76
Opponents........... 82 1233.5 15.04
## KILL (by K/Game) G K K/Game
14 Maud Chapleau 82 262 3.20
1 Marianne St-Aubin 65 166 2.55
12 Anne-Sophie Tanguay 79 184 2.33
4 Eloise Ross-Tremblay 77 123 1.60
8 Beatrice Lamarche 51 79 1.55
6 Jenny Barbeau 82 77 0.94
2 Elizabeth Cavan 78 24 0.31
7 Lydia Hamelin 14 4 0.29
17 Emie Gaboury 35 2 0.06
5 Andrea Maksimovic 74 1 0.01
10 Éliane Braun 2 0 0.00
3 Claudia Besner 78 0 0.00
LAVAL............... 82 922 11.24
Opponents........... 82 893 10.89
## SERVE (by ##) G SA SE SA/G
1 Marianne St-Aubin 65 16 7 0.25
2 Elizabeth Cavan 78 26 17 0.33
3 Claudia Besner 78 1 0 0.01
4 Eloise Ross-Tremblay 77 21 29 0.27
5 Andrea Maksimovic 74 0 0 0.00
6 Jenny Barbeau 82 21 19 0.26
7 Lydia Hamelin 14 1 3 0.07
8 Beatrice Lamarche 51 24 22 0.47
12 Anne-Sophie Tanguay 79 15 26 0.19
14 Maud Chapleau 82 25 30 0.30
15 Andrea Camire 38 4 4 0.11
17 Emie Gaboury 35 3 3 0.09
LAVAL............... 82 157 160 1.91
Opponents........... 82 177 214 2.16
## DEFENSE (by Dig/Gm) G DIG Dig/G BHE
14 Maud Chapleau 82 291 3.55 3
5 Andrea Maksimovic 74 177 2.39 4
5 Andrea Masimovic 3 7 2.33 0
4 Eloise Ross-Tremblay 77 166 2.16 0
8 Beatrice Lamarche 51 101 1.98 2
2 Elizabeth Cavan 78 139 1.78 8
1 Marianne St-Aubin 65 109 1.68 1
3 Claudia Besner 78 109 1.40 2
17 Emie Gaboury 35 25 0.71 1
12 Anne-Sophie Tanguay 79 56 0.71 0
6 Jenny Barbeau 82 43 0.52 0
10 Éliane Braun 2 1 0.50 0
7 Lydia Hamelin 14 7 0.50 0
15 Andrea Camire 38 18 0.47 0
LAVAL............... 82 1249 15.23 21
Opponents........... 82 1206 14.71 30
## RECEPT (by RE/Game) G RE RE/Gm
3 Claudia Besner 78 38 0.49
8 Beatrice Lamarche 51 22 0.43
4 Eloise Ross-Tremblay 77 31 0.40
1 Marianne St-Aubin 65 20 0.31
14 Maud Chapleau 82 23 0.28
TM TEAM 82 8 0.10
12 Anne-Sophie Tanguay 79 7 0.09
15 Andrea Camire 38 3 0.08
6 Jenny Barbeau 82 5 0.06
5 Andrea Maksimovic 74 2 0.03
2 Elizabeth Cavan 78 0 0.00
17 Emie Gaboury 35 0 0.00
LAVAL............... 82 159 1.94
Opponents........... 82 151 1.84
Combined Team Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Laval Combined Team Statistics (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
ALL MATCHES......... (13-7 ) ( 8-2 ) ( 5-5 ) ( 0-0 )
CONFERENCE.......... (13-7 ) ( 8-2 ) ( 5-5 ) ( 0-0 )
NON-CONFERENCE...... ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 )
|---------ATTACK----------| |--SET---| |----SERVE----| |--DIG---| |------BLOCKING-------|
1 Marianne St-Aubin 65 166 2.55 66 475 .211 8 0.12 16 7 0.25 20 109 1.68 3 24 27 0.42 3 1 197.0
2 Elizabeth Cavan 78 24 0.31 4 56 .357 597 7.65 26 17 0.33 0 139 1.78 2 17 19 0.24 2 8 60.5
3 Claudia Besner 78 0 0.00 1 4 -.250 21 0.27 1 0 0.01 38 109 1.40 0 0 0 0.00 0 2 1.0
4 Eloise Ross-Tremblay 77 123 1.60 87 454 .079 18 0.23 21 29 0.27 31 166 2.16 8 28 36 0.47 4 0 166.0
5 Andrea Masimovic 3 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 7 2.33 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0
5 Andrea Maksimovic 74 1 0.01 0 3 .333 15 0.20 0 0 0.00 2 177 2.39 0 0 0 0.00 0 4 1.0
6 Jenny Barbeau 82 77 0.94 29 222 .216 15 0.18 21 19 0.26 5 43 0.52 13 56 69 0.84 2 0 139.0
7 Lydia Hamelin 14 4 0.29 2 12 .167 0 0.00 1 3 0.07 0 7 0.50 0 1 1 0.07 0 0 5.5
8 Beatrice Lamarche 51 79 1.55 57 289 .076 9 0.18 24 22 0.47 22 101 1.98 0 6 6 0.12 0 2 106.0
10 Éliane Braun 2 0 0.00 0 1 .000 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 1 0.50 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0
12 Anne-Sophie Tanguay 79 184 2.33 61 450 .273 9 0.11 15 26 0.19 7 56 0.71 7 33 40 0.51 3 0 222.5
14 Maud Chapleau 82 262 3.20 94 800 .210 22 0.27 25 30 0.30 23 291 3.55 5 12 17 0.21 2 3 298.0
15 Andrea Camire 38 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 4 4 0.11 3 18 0.47 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 4.0
17 Emie Gaboury 35 2 0.06 2 13 .000 132 3.77 3 3 0.09 0 25 0.71 1 7 8 0.23 0 1 9.5
LAVAL............... 82 922 11.24 403 2779 .187 846 10.32 157 160 1.91 159 1249 15.23 39 184 131.0 1.60 16 21 1210.0
Opponents........... 82 893 10.89 401 2734 .180 833 10.16 177 214 2.16 151 1206 14.71 39 249 163.5 1.99 26 30 1233.5
Kills............. 922 893
Errors............ 403 401
Total Attacks..... 2779 2734
Attack Pct........ .187 .180
Kills/Game........ 11.2 10.9
Assists........... 846 833
Assists/Game...... 10.3 10.2
Aces.............. 157 177
Errors............ 160 214
Aces/Game......... 1.9 2.2
Errors............ 159 151
Errors/Game....... 1.9 1.8
Digs.............. 1249 1206
Digs/Game......... 15.2 14.7
Block Solo........ 39 39
Block Assist...... 184 249
Total Blocks...... 131.0 163.5
Blocks Per Game... 1.6 2.0
Block Errors...... 16 26
Total............. 4078 1471
Dates/Avg Per Date 10/408 10/147
Neutral site #/Avg 0/0
Current win streak 0 -
Home win streak... 0 -
---------- ---------------------- --- ----- ----------------------------- ------
* 2019-10-17 at McGill L 1-3 21-25,14-25,25-19,16-25 -
* 2019-10-19 SHERBROOKE W 3-2 25-13,23-25,19-25,25-20,15-10 540
* 2019-10-25 OTTAWA W 3-0 25-15,25-16,25-22 122
* 2019-10-27 UQAM W 3-1 16-25,25-14,25-15,25-19 180
* 2019-11-01 MONTREAL L 1-3 19-25,25-22,25-27,12-25 923
* 2019-11-08 at UQAM W 3-1 21-25,25-14,25-18,25-21 -
* 2019-11-10 MCGILL W 3-2 25-17,12-25,17-25,30-28,15-7 140
* 2019-11-15 at Montreal L 2-3 25-19,25-14,13-25,12-25,9-15 450
* 2019-11-29 UQAM W 3-2 20-25,25-20,26-28,25-23,15-8 570
* 2019-12-01 at Ottawa W 3-0 25-21,25-14,25-20 300
* 2019-12-06 at Sherbrooke W 3-0 25-19,25-19,25-13 107
* 2020-01-10 at McGill W 3-1 20-25,25-23,25-16,25-16 85
* 2020-01-19 at Montreal L 0-3 15-25,15-25,15-25 150
* 2020-01-25 at UQAM L 1-3 15-25,23-25,25-22,24-26 -
* 2020-01-26 at Ottawa W 3-1 15-25,25-19,25-17,25-20 200
* 2020-02-01 SHERBROOKE W 3-2 20-25,23-25,25-20,30-28,15-10 703
* 2020-02-08 OTTAWA W 3-0 25-17,25-16,25-16 -
* 2020-02-09 MCGILL W 3-2 25-17,17-25,20-25,25-19,15-12 105
* 2020-02-14 MONTREAL L 2-3 25-23,24-26,25-27,25-21,6-15 795
* 2020-02-16 at Sherbrooke L 1-3 25-27,17-25,25-17,23-25 179
Volleyball Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Laval Volleyball Statistics (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
Overall record: 13-7 Conference: 13-7
|--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---| |--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---|
## Name G K K/G E TA Pct A A/G Points G K K/G E TA Pct A A/G Points
------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
1 Marianne St-Aubin... 65 166 2.55 66 475 .211 8 0.12 197.0 65 166 2.55 66 475 .211 8 0.12 197.0
2 Elizabeth Cavan..... 78 24 0.31 4 56 .357 597 7.65 60.5 78 24 0.31 4 56 .357 597 7.65 60.5
3 Claudia Besner...... 78 0 0.00 1 4 -.250 21 0.27 1.0 78 0 0.00 1 4 -.250 21 0.27 1.0
4 Eloise Ross-Tremblay 77 123 1.60 87 454 .079 18 0.23 166.0 77 123 1.60 87 454 .079 18 0.23 166.0
5 Andrea Maksimovic... 74 1 0.01 0 3 .333 15 0.20 1.0 74 1 0.01 0 3 .333 15 0.20 1.0
5 Andrea Masimovic.... 3 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0.0 3 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0.0
6 Jenny Barbeau....... 82 77 0.94 29 222 .216 15 0.18 139.0 82 77 0.94 29 222 .216 15 0.18 139.0
7 Lydia Hamelin....... 14 4 0.29 2 12 .167 0 0.00 5.5 14 4 0.29 2 12 .167 0 0.00 5.5
8 Beatrice Lamarche... 51 79 1.55 57 289 .076 9 0.18 106.0 51 79 1.55 57 289 .076 9 0.18 106.0
10 Éliane Braun........ 2 0 0.00 0 1 .000 0 0.00 0.0 2 0 0.00 0 1 .000 0 0.00 0.0
12 Anne-Sophie Tanguay. 79 184 2.33 61 450 .273 9 0.11 222.5 79 184 2.33 61 450 .273 9 0.11 222.5
14 Maud Chapleau....... 82 262 3.20 94 800 .210 22 0.27 298.0 82 262 3.20 94 800 .210 22 0.27 298.0
15 Andrea Camire....... 38 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 4.0 38 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 4.0
17 Emie Gaboury........ 35 2 0.06 2 13 .000 132 3.77 9.5 35 2 0.06 2 13 .000 132 3.77 9.5
LAVAL............... 82 922 11.24 403 2779 .187 846 10.32 1210.0 82 922 11.24 403 2779 .187 846 10.32 1210.0
Opponents........... 82 893 10.89 401 2734 .180 833 10.16 1233.5 82 893 10.89 401 2734 .180 833 10.16 1233.5
|--SERVE--| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----| |--SERVE--| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----|
Name SA SA/Gm RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game SA SA/Gm RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
Marianne St-Aubin... 16 0.25 20 109 1.68 3 24 27 0.42 16 0.25 20 109 1.68 3 24 27 0.42
Elizabeth Cavan..... 26 0.33 0 139 1.78 2 17 19 0.24 26 0.33 0 139 1.78 2 17 19 0.24
Claudia Besner...... 1 0.01 38 109 1.40 0 0 0 0.00 1 0.01 38 109 1.40 0 0 0 0.00
Eloise Ross-Tremblay 21 0.27 31 166 2.16 8 28 36 0.47 21 0.27 31 166 2.16 8 28 36 0.47
Andrea Maksimovic... 0 0.00 2 177 2.39 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 177 2.39 0 0 0 0.00
Andrea Masimovic.... 0 0.00 0 7 2.33 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 7 2.33 0 0 0 0.00
Jenny Barbeau....... 21 0.26 5 43 0.52 13 56 69 0.84 21 0.26 5 43 0.52 13 56 69 0.84
Lydia Hamelin....... 1 0.07 0 7 0.50 0 1 1 0.07 1 0.07 0 7 0.50 0 1 1 0.07
Beatrice Lamarche... 24 0.47 22 101 1.98 0 6 6 0.12 24 0.47 22 101 1.98 0 6 6 0.12
Éliane Braun........ 0 0.00 0 1 0.50 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 1 0.50 0 0 0 0.00
Anne-Sophie Tanguay. 15 0.19 7 56 0.71 7 33 40 0.51 15 0.19 7 56 0.71 7 33 40 0.51
Maud Chapleau....... 25 0.30 23 291 3.55 5 12 17 0.21 25 0.30 23 291 3.55 5 12 17 0.21
Andrea Camire....... 4 0.11 3 18 0.47 0 0 0 0.00 4 0.11 3 18 0.47 0 0 0 0.00
Emie Gaboury........ 3 0.09 0 25 0.71 1 7 8 0.23 3 0.09 0 25 0.71 1 7 8 0.23
TEAM................ 8 8
LAVAL............... 157 1.91 159 1249 15.23 39 184 131.0 1.60 157 1.91 159 1249 15.23 39 184 131.0 1.60
Opponents........... 177 2.16 151 1206 14.71 39 249 163.5 1.99 177 2.16 151 1206 14.71 39 249 163.5 1.99
Team Match-by-Match
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Laval Team Match-by-Match (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
|-------ATTACK------| SET |-SERVE-| PASS DEF |-------BLOCK------| GEN
Date Opponent GP K E TA Pct A SA SE RE DIG BS BA BE Total BHE Points
2019-10-17 at McGill.............. 4 39 22 115 .148 38 10 9 14 40 3 0 0 3.0 0 52.0
2019-10-19 SHERBROOKE............. 5 60 28 178 .180 49 10 9 11 82 2 14 0 9.0 0 79.0
2019-10-25 OTTAWA................. 3 42 9 74 .446 36 8 10 6 31 3 4 0 5.0 4 55.0
2019-10-27 UQAM................... 4 41 19 119 .185 38 12 8 7 59 1 6 1 4.0 2 57.0
2019-11-01 MONTREAL............... 4 34 20 147 .095 28 5 6 13 75 3 13 1 9.5 1 48.5
2019-11-08 at UQAM................ 4 41 20 138 .152 39 8 1 5 62 4 6 1 7.0 0 56.0
2019-11-10 MCGILL................. 5 47 30 219 .078 43 8 8 9 111 2 12 3 8.0 1 63.0
2019-11-15 at Montreal............ 5 40 22 96 .188 37 7 8 6 22 1 10 0 6.0 0 53.0
2019-11-29 UQAM................... 5 67 33 212 .160 65 6 7 6 106 2 20 0 12.0 1 85.0
2019-12-01 at Ottawa.............. 3 41 14 104 .260 35 6 4 5 43 0 10 0 5.0 0 52.0
2019-12-06 at Sherbrooke.......... 3 43 9 98 .347 35 8 4 0 42 1 4 2 3.0 0 54.0
2020-01-10 at McGill.............. 4 47 21 134 .194 46 11 8 8 55 5 0 0 5.0 0 63.0
2020-01-19 at Montreal............ 3 23 14 94 .096 21 3 5 11 41 0 6 0 3.0 0 29.0
2020-01-25 at UQAM................ 4 51 18 119 .277 47 6 13 0 69 2 10 0 7.0 0 64.0
2020-01-26 at Ottawa.............. 4 42 24 112 .161 38 11 8 15 47 3 14 2 10.0 0 63.0
2020-02-01 SHERBROOKE............. 5 54 20 165 .206 53 12 9 13 67 1 8 2 5.0 3 71.0
2020-02-08 OTTAWA................. 3 43 14 104 .279 41 5 7 3 48 3 8 2 7.0 1 55.0
2020-02-09 MCGILL................. 5 62 25 205 .180 58 6 7 5 101 2 14 2 9.0 2 77.0
2020-02-14 MONTREAL............... 5 50 24 205 .127 47 6 13 9 94 0 15 0 7.5 5 63.5
2020-02-16 at Sherbrooke.......... 4 55 17 141 .270 52 9 16 13 54 1 10 0 6.0 1 70.0
Laval............................... 82 922 403 2779 .187 846 157 160 159 1249 39 184 16 131.0 21 1210.0
Opponent............................ 82 893 401 2734 .180 833 177 214 151 1206 39 249 26 163.5 30 1233.5
Games played: 82
Kills per game: 11.24
Assists per game: 10.32
Service aces per game: 1.91
Reception errors per game: 1.94
Digs per game: 15.23
Blocks per game: 1.60
Ball handling errors per game: 0.26
Reception errors per game: 1.94
Points per game: 14.76
Overall record: 13-7 Conference: 13-7
Opponent Match-by-Match
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Laval Opponent Match-by-Match (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
|-------ATTACK------| SET |-SERVE-| PASS DEF |-------BLOCK------| GEN
Date Opponent GP K E TA Pct A SA SE RE DIG BS BA BE Total BHE Points
2019-10-17 at McGill.............. 4 44 12 109 .294 43 14 12 10 43 5 6 3 8.0 0 66.0
2019-10-19 SHERBROOKE............. 5 45 24 166 .127 42 11 13 10 74 2 14 2 9.0 0 65.0
2019-10-25 OTTAWA................. 3 24 14 74 .135 23 6 9 8 21 0 0 1 0.0 2 30.0
2019-10-27 UQAM................... 4 37 26 130 .085 32 7 12 12 50 0 6 1 3.0 0 47.0
2019-11-01 MONTREAL............... 4 59 28 175 .177 55 13 14 5 83 0 20 3 10.0 0 82.0
2019-11-08 at UQAM................ 4 48 25 145 .159 48 5 8 8 66 6 13 0 12.5 0 65.5
2019-11-10 MCGILL................. 5 54 29 209 .120 51 9 8 8 122 2 24 1 14.0 7 77.0
2019-11-15 at Montreal............ 5 47 18 91 .319 41 6 13 7 29 3 18 0 12.0 0 65.0
2019-11-29 UQAM................... 5 56 25 209 .148 49 6 9 6 88 3 24 2 15.0 4 77.0
2019-12-01 at Ottawa.............. 3 30 17 98 .133 27 5 8 6 42 0 16 1 8.0 0 43.0
2019-12-06 at Sherbrooke.......... 3 36 12 98 .245 31 0 10 8 40 1 4 1 3.0 1 39.0
2020-01-10 at McGill.............. 4 40 19 122 .172 39 8 10 11 58 5 16 1 13.0 0 61.0
2020-01-19 at Montreal............ 3 40 9 95 .326 39 11 8 3 54 0 16 2 8.0 0 59.0
2020-01-25 at UQAM................ 4 49 13 128 .281 50 18 9 0 24 5 6 0 8.0 0 75.0
2020-01-26 at Ottawa.............. 4 33 25 111 .072 30 15 11 11 40 0 12 1 6.0 0 54.0
2020-02-01 SHERBROOKE............. 5 63 28 174 .201 57 13 15 12 70 0 12 1 6.0 4 82.0
2020-02-08 OTTAWA................. 3 24 15 99 .091 21 3 11 5 37 0 8 1 4.0 1 31.0
2020-02-09 MCGILL................. 5 59 21 192 .198 54 5 10 6 100 5 12 2 11.0 3 75.0
2020-02-14 MONTREAL............... 5 61 25 190 .189 58 9 15 6 109 1 12 3 7.0 8 77.0
2020-02-16 at Sherbrooke.......... 4 44 16 119 .235 43 13 9 9 56 1 10 0 6.0 0 63.0
Opponent totals..................... 82 893 401 2734 .180 833 177 214 151 1206 39 249 26 163.5 30 1233.5
Laval............................... 82 922 403 2779 .187 846 157 160 159 1249 39 184 16 131.0 21 1210.0
Games played: 82
Kills per game: 10.89
Assists per game: 10.16
Service aces per game: 2.16
Reception errors per game: 1.84
Digs per game: 14.71
Blocks per game: 1.99
Ball handling errors per game: 0.37
Reception errors per game: 1.84
Points per game: 15.04
Team Match-by-Match Comparison
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Laval Team Match-by-Match Comparison (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
|-----------------ATTACK------------------| |--SET--| |------SERVE------|
Opponent Score GP Kills Errors Total Pct A SA SE
-------- ----- --- ----/---- ----/---- ----/---- ------/------ ----/---- ----/---- ----/----
McGill.............. 1-3 4 39/44 22/12 115/109 .148/ .294 38/43 10/14 9/12
SHERBROOKE.......... 3-2 5 60/45 28/24 178/166 .180/ .127 49/42 10/11 9/13
OTTAWA.............. 3-0 3 42/24 9/14 74/74 .446/ .135 36/23 8/6 10/9
UQAM................ 3-1 4 41/37 19/26 119/130 .185/ .085 38/32 12/7 8/12
MONTREAL............ 1-3 4 34/59 20/28 147/175 .095/ .177 28/55 5/13 6/14
UQAM................ 3-1 4 41/48 20/25 138/145 .152/ .159 39/48 8/5 1/8
MCGILL.............. 3-2 5 47/54 30/29 219/209 .078/ .120 43/51 8/9 8/8
Montreal............ 2-3 5 40/47 22/18 96/91 .188/ .319 37/41 7/6 8/13
UQAM................ 3-2 5 67/56 33/25 212/209 .160/ .148 65/49 6/6 7/9
Ottawa.............. 3-0 3 41/30 14/17 104/98 .260/ .133 35/27 6/5 4/8
Sherbrooke.......... 3-0 3 43/36 9/12 98/98 .347/ .245 35/31 8/0 4/10
McGill.............. 3-1 4 47/40 21/19 134/122 .194/ .172 46/39 11/8 8/10
Montreal............ 0-3 3 23/40 14/9 94/95 .096/ .326 21/39 3/11 5/8
UQAM................ 1-3 4 51/49 18/13 119/128 .277/ .281 47/50 6/18 13/9
Ottawa.............. 3-1 4 42/33 24/25 112/111 .161/ .072 38/30 11/15 8/11
SHERBROOKE.......... 3-2 5 54/63 20/28 165/174 .206/ .201 53/57 12/13 9/15
OTTAWA.............. 3-0 3 43/24 14/15 104/99 .279/ .091 41/21 5/3 7/11
MCGILL.............. 3-2 5 62/59 25/21 205/192 .180/ .198 58/54 6/5 7/10
MONTREAL............ 2-3 5 50/61 24/25 205/190 .127/ .189 47/58 6/9 13/15
Sherbrooke.......... 1-3 4 55/44 17/16 141/119 .270/ .235 52/43 9/13 16/9
Totals.............. 47-35 82 922/893 403/401 2779/2734 .187/ .180 846/833 157/177 160/214
Note: Match totals are displayed in the format TEAM/OPPONENT for each category
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Laval Team Match-by-Match Comparison (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
|--PASS-| |--DEF--| |-----------------BLOCK-----------------| |--GEN--|
Opponent RE DIG BS-BA BE Total BHE
-------- ----/---- ----/---- ---------/--------- ----/---- -----/----- ----/----
McGill.............. 14/10 40/43 3-0 / 5-6 0/3 3.0/ 8.0 0/0
SHERBROOKE.......... 11/10 82/74 2-14 / 2-14 0/2 9.0/ 9.0 0/0
OTTAWA.............. 6/8 31/21 3-4 / 0-0 0/1 5.0/ 0.0 4/2
UQAM................ 7/12 59/50 1-6 / 0-6 1/1 4.0/ 3.0 2/0
MONTREAL............ 13/5 75/83 3-13 / 0-20 1/3 9.5/ 10.0 1/0
UQAM................ 5/8 62/66 4-6 / 6-13 1/0 7.0/ 12.5 0/0
MCGILL.............. 9/8 111/122 2-12 / 2-24 3/1 8.0/ 14.0 1/7
Montreal............ 6/7 22/29 1-10 / 3-18 0/0 6.0/ 12.0 0/0
UQAM................ 6/6 106/88 2-20 / 3-24 0/2 12.0/ 15.0 1/4
Ottawa.............. 5/6 43/42 0-10 / 0-16 0/1 5.0/ 8.0 0/0
Sherbrooke.......... 0/8 42/40 1-4 / 1-4 2/1 3.0/ 3.0 0/1
McGill.............. 8/11 55/58 5-0 / 5-16 0/1 5.0/ 13.0 0/0
Montreal............ 11/3 41/54 0-6 / 0-16 0/2 3.0/ 8.0 0/0
UQAM................ 0/0 69/24 2-10 / 5-6 0/0 7.0/ 8.0 0/0
Ottawa.............. 15/11 47/40 3-14 / 0-12 2/1 10.0/ 6.0 0/0
SHERBROOKE.......... 13/12 67/70 1-8 / 0-12 2/1 5.0/ 6.0 3/4
OTTAWA.............. 3/5 48/37 3-8 / 0-8 2/1 7.0/ 4.0 1/1
MCGILL.............. 5/6 101/100 2-14 / 5-12 2/2 9.0/ 11.0 2/3
MONTREAL............ 9/6 94/109 0-15 / 1-12 0/3 7.5/ 7.0 5/8
Sherbrooke.......... 13/9 54/56 1-10 / 1-10 0/0 6.0/ 6.0 1/0
Totals.............. 159/151 1249/1206 39-184 / 39-249 16/26 131.0/163.5 21/30
Note: Match totals are displayed in the format TEAM/OPPONENT for each category
Match Highs
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Laval Match Highs (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
ATTACK PERCENT (K-E-TA) minimum 12 kills
.615 (17- 1-26) Maud Chapleau at UQAM (2020-01-25)
.419 (16- 3-31) Anne-Sophie Tanguay vs Sherbrooke (2020-02-01)
.407 (13- 2-27) Eloise Ross-Tremblay at Sherbrooke (2019-12-06)
.400 (20- 4-40) Maud Chapleau at McGill (2020-01-10)
.385 (16- 1-39) Marianne St-Aubin vs Sherbrooke (2020-02-01)
.350 (19- 5-40) Maud Chapleau at Sherbrooke (2020-02-16)
.328 (21- 2-58) Maud Chapleau vs McGill (2020-02-09)
.308 (13- 5-26) Beatrice Lamarche vs Sherbrooke (2019-10-19)
.283 (17- 4-46) Maud Chapleau vs UQAM (2019-10-27)
.273 (14- 5-33) Maud Chapleau vs Ottawa (2020-02-08)
21 (21- 2-58) 5g Maud Chapleau vs McGill (2020-02-09)
20 (20- 4-40) 4g Maud Chapleau at McGill (2020-01-10)
19 (19- 7-48) 5g Anne-Sophie Tanguay vs Sherbrooke (2019-10-19)
19 (19- 5-40) 4g Maud Chapleau at Sherbrooke (2020-02-16)
19 (19- 8-43) 5g Marianne St-Aubin vs UQAM (2019-11-29)
18 (18- 5-64) 5g Maud Chapleau vs UQAM (2019-11-29)
17 (17- 4-46) 4g Maud Chapleau vs UQAM (2019-10-27)
17 (17- 6-71) 5g Maud Chapleau vs Montreal (2020-02-14)
17 (17- 1-26) 4g Maud Chapleau at UQAM (2020-01-25)
16 (16- 3-31) 5g Anne-Sophie Tanguay vs Sherbrooke (2020-02-01)
14 (14- 5-33) Maud Chapleau vs Ottawa (2020-02-08)
13 (13- 2-27) Eloise Ross-Tremblay at Sherbrooke (2019-12-06)
11 (11- 3-24) Anne-Sophie Tanguay at Ottawa (2019-12-01)
11 (11- 3-25) Marianne St-Aubin at Ottawa (2019-12-01)
10 (10- 2-26) Marianne St-Aubin at Sherbrooke (2019-12-06)
20 (20- 4-40) Maud Chapleau at McGill (2020-01-10)
19 (19- 5-40) Maud Chapleau at Sherbrooke (2020-02-16)
17 (17- 4-46) Maud Chapleau vs UQAM (2019-10-27)
17 (17- 1-26) Maud Chapleau at UQAM (2020-01-25)
13 (13- 5-32) Eloise Ross-Tremblay at UQAM (2020-01-25)
21 (21- 2-58) Maud Chapleau vs McGill (2020-02-09)
19 (19- 7-48) Anne-Sophie Tanguay vs Sherbrooke (2019-10-19)
19 (19- 8-43) Marianne St-Aubin vs UQAM (2019-11-29)
18 (18- 5-64) Maud Chapleau vs UQAM (2019-11-29)
17 (17- 6-71) Maud Chapleau vs Montreal (2020-02-14)
71 (17- 6-71) 5g Maud Chapleau vs Montreal (2020-02-14)
64 (18- 5-64) 5g Maud Chapleau vs UQAM (2019-11-29)
63 (12- 5-63) 5g Maud Chapleau vs McGill (2019-11-10)
60 (16-14-60) 5g Eloise Ross-Tremblay vs UQAM (2019-11-29)
58 (15- 9-58) 5g Marianne St-Aubin vs McGill (2019-11-10)
58 (21- 2-58) 5g Maud Chapleau vs McGill (2020-02-09)
52 (11- 9-52) 5g Beatrice Lamarche vs Montreal (2020-02-14)
50 (13- 8-50) 5g Maud Chapleau vs Sherbrooke (2019-10-19)
50 ( 7- 7-50) 4g Maud Chapleau at UQAM (2019-11-08)
49 (15- 9-49) 5g Marianne St-Aubin vs McGill (2020-02-09)
33 (14- 5-33) Maud Chapleau vs Ottawa (2020-02-08)
31 ( 8- 5-31) Marianne St-Aubin at Montreal (2020-01-19)
27 (13- 2-27) Eloise Ross-Tremblay at Sherbrooke (2019-12-06)
26 (10- 2-26) Maud Chapleau at Sherbrooke (2019-12-06)
26 ( 9- 2-26) Beatrice Lamarche vs Ottawa (2020-02-08)
50 ( 7- 7-50) Maud Chapleau at UQAM (2019-11-08)
46 (17- 4-46) Maud Chapleau vs UQAM (2019-10-27)
42 (11- 5-42) Maud Chapleau vs Montreal (2019-11-01)
40 (19- 5-40) Maud Chapleau at Sherbrooke (2020-02-16)
40 (20- 4-40) Maud Chapleau at McGill (2020-01-10)
71 (17- 6-71) Maud Chapleau vs Montreal (2020-02-14)
64 (18- 5-64) Maud Chapleau vs UQAM (2019-11-29)
63 (12- 5-63) Maud Chapleau vs McGill (2019-11-10)
60 (16-14-60) Eloise Ross-Tremblay vs UQAM (2019-11-29)
58 (15- 9-58) Marianne St-Aubin vs McGill (2019-11-10)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Laval Match Highs (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
22.5 (19- 2- 1.5) 4g Maud Chapleau at Sherbrooke (2020-02-16)
22.5 (21- 0- 1.5) 5g Maud Chapleau vs McGill (2020-02-09)
22.0 (18- 3- 1.0) 5g Maud Chapleau vs UQAM (2019-11-29)
21.0 (19- 1- 1.0) 5g Marianne St-Aubin vs UQAM (2019-11-29)
21.0 (20- 0- 1.0) 4g Maud Chapleau at McGill (2020-01-10)
16.0 (14- 2- 0.0) Maud Chapleau vs Ottawa (2020-02-08)
15.5 (13- 2- 0.5) Eloise Ross-Tremblay at Sherbrooke (2019-12-06)
12.5 ( 8- 4- 0.5) Eloise Ross-Tremblay vs Ottawa (2019-10-25)
12.5 (10- 1- 1.5) Marianne St-Aubin vs Ottawa (2020-02-08)
12.0 (11- 0- 1.0) Anne-Sophie Tanguay at Ottawa (2019-12-01)
22.5 (19- 2- 1.5) Maud Chapleau at Sherbrooke (2020-02-16)
21.0 (20- 0- 1.0) Maud Chapleau at McGill (2020-01-10)
20.5 (17- 3- 0.5) Maud Chapleau vs UQAM (2019-10-27)
17.0 (17- 0- 0.0) Maud Chapleau at UQAM (2020-01-25)
16.5 (11- 3- 2.5) Anne-Sophie Tanguay at UQAM (2020-01-25)
22.5 (21- 0- 1.5) Maud Chapleau vs McGill (2020-02-09)
22.0 (18- 3- 1.0) Maud Chapleau vs UQAM (2019-11-29)
21.0 (19- 1- 1.0) Marianne St-Aubin vs UQAM (2019-11-29)
20.0 (15- 3- 2.0) Marianne St-Aubin vs McGill (2020-02-09)
20.0 (16- 1- 3.0) Anne-Sophie Tanguay vs Sherbrooke (2020-02-01)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Laval Match Highs (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
53 (5g) Elizabeth Cavan vs UQAM (2019-11-29)
46 (5g) Elizabeth Cavan vs Sherbrooke (2019-10-19)
43 (5g) Elizabeth Cavan vs McGill (2020-02-09)
39 (5g) Elizabeth Cavan vs Sherbrooke (2020-02-01)
35 (3g) Elizabeth Cavan vs Ottawa (2020-02-08)
35 Elizabeth Cavan vs Ottawa (2020-02-08)
30 Elizabeth Cavan vs Ottawa (2019-10-25)
30 Elizabeth Cavan at Ottawa (2019-12-01)
26 Elizabeth Cavan at Sherbrooke (2019-12-06)
11 Elizabeth Cavan at Montreal (2020-01-19)
33 Elizabeth Cavan at McGill (2020-01-10)
31 Elizabeth Cavan vs UQAM (2019-10-27)
29 Emie Gaboury at Sherbrooke (2020-02-16)
29 Elizabeth Cavan at UQAM (2019-11-08)
28 Elizabeth Cavan at Ottawa (2020-01-26)
53 Elizabeth Cavan vs UQAM (2019-11-29)
46 Elizabeth Cavan vs Sherbrooke (2019-10-19)
43 Elizabeth Cavan vs McGill (2020-02-09)
39 Elizabeth Cavan vs Sherbrooke (2020-02-01)
35 Elizabeth Cavan vs McGill (2019-11-10)
33 (5g) Maud Chapleau vs McGill (2019-11-10)
33 (5g) Maud Chapleau vs McGill (2020-02-09)
22 (5g) Maud Chapleau vs Sherbrooke (2019-10-19)
22 (5g) Maud Chapleau vs Sherbrooke (2020-02-01)
22 (5g) Andrea Maksimovic vs UQAM (2019-11-29)
13 Eloise Ross-Tremblay at Ottawa (2019-12-01)
11 Maud Chapleau at Montreal (2020-01-19)
11 Maud Chapleau at Ottawa (2019-12-01)
11 Maud Chapleau vs Ottawa (2020-02-08)
9 Beatrice Lamarche vs Ottawa (2020-02-08)
18 Maud Chapleau vs Montreal (2019-11-01)
15 Maud Chapleau at UQAM (2019-11-08)
14 Andrea Maksimovic vs UQAM (2019-10-27)
14 Maud Chapleau at UQAM (2020-01-25)
13 Maud Chapleau at Sherbrooke (2020-02-16)
33 Maud Chapleau vs McGill (2020-02-09)
33 Maud Chapleau vs McGill (2019-11-10)
22 Maud Chapleau vs Sherbrooke (2020-02-01)
22 Maud Chapleau vs Sherbrooke (2019-10-19)
22 Andrea Maksimovic vs UQAM (2019-11-29)
5 Elizabeth Cavan at UQAM (2019-11-08)
5 Beatrice Lamarche at Ottawa (2020-01-26)
4 Marianne St-Aubin at McGill (2019-10-17)
4 Eloise Ross-Tremblay vs UQAM (2019-10-27)
4 Eloise Ross-Tremblay vs Ottawa (2019-10-25)
7 ( 1- 6) Jenny Barbeau at Ottawa (2020-01-26)
7 ( 0- 7) Jenny Barbeau vs UQAM (2019-11-29)
6 ( 1- 5) Jenny Barbeau vs Montreal (2019-11-01)
5 ( 2- 3) Jenny Barbeau vs Sherbrooke (2019-10-19)
5 ( 2- 3) Eloise Ross-Tremblay vs Montreal (2019-11-01)
5 ( 1- 4) Jenny Barbeau at Montreal (2019-11-15)
5 ( 1- 4) Anne-Sophie Tanguay vs Sherbrooke (2020-02-01)
5 ( 1- 4) Anne-Sophie Tanguay vs McGill (2019-11-10)
5 ( 1- 4) Jenny Barbeau vs Ottawa (2020-02-08)
5 ( 0- 5) Eloise Ross-Tremblay vs Sherbrooke (2019-10-19)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Laval Match Highs (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
.446 (42- 9- 74) vs Ottawa (2019-10-25)
.347 (43- 9- 98) at Sherbrooke (2019-12-06)
.279 (43-14-104) vs Ottawa (2020-02-08)
.277 (51-18-119) at UQAM (2020-01-25)
.270 (55-17-141) at Sherbrooke (2020-02-16)
.260 (41-14-104) at Ottawa (2019-12-01)
.206 (54-20-165) vs Sherbrooke (2020-02-01)
.194 (47-21-134) at McGill (2020-01-10)
.188 (40-22- 96) at Montreal (2019-11-15)
.185 (41-19-119) vs UQAM (2019-10-27)
67 (67-33-212) 5g vs UQAM (2019-11-29)
62 (62-25-205) 5g vs McGill (2020-02-09)
60 (60-28-178) 5g vs Sherbrooke (2019-10-19)
55 (55-17-141) 4g at Sherbrooke (2020-02-16)
54 (54-20-165) 5g vs Sherbrooke (2020-02-01)
51 (51-18-119) 4g at UQAM (2020-01-25)
50 (50-24-205) 5g vs Montreal (2020-02-14)
47 (47-21-134) 4g at McGill (2020-01-10)
47 (47-30-219) 5g vs McGill (2019-11-10)
43 (43- 9- 98) 3g at Sherbrooke (2019-12-06)
43 (43- 9- 98) at Sherbrooke (2019-12-06)
43 (43-14-104) vs Ottawa (2020-02-08)
42 (42- 9- 74) vs Ottawa (2019-10-25)
41 (41-14-104) at Ottawa (2019-12-01)
23 (23-14- 94) at Montreal (2020-01-19)
55 (55-17-141) at Sherbrooke (2020-02-16)
51 (51-18-119) at UQAM (2020-01-25)
47 (47-21-134) at McGill (2020-01-10)
42 (42-24-112) at Ottawa (2020-01-26)
41 (41-20-138) at UQAM (2019-11-08)
67 (67-33-212) vs UQAM (2019-11-29)
62 (62-25-205) vs McGill (2020-02-09)
60 (60-28-178) vs Sherbrooke (2019-10-19)
54 (54-20-165) vs Sherbrooke (2020-02-01)
50 (50-24-205) vs Montreal (2020-02-14)
219 (47-30-219) 5g vs McGill (2019-11-10)
212 (67-33-212) 5g vs UQAM (2019-11-29)
205 (50-24-205) 5g vs Montreal (2020-02-14)
205 (62-25-205) 5g vs McGill (2020-02-09)
178 (60-28-178) 5g vs Sherbrooke (2019-10-19)
165 (54-20-165) 5g vs Sherbrooke (2020-02-01)
147 (34-20-147) 4g vs Montreal (2019-11-01)
141 (55-17-141) 4g at Sherbrooke (2020-02-16)
138 (41-20-138) 4g at UQAM (2019-11-08)
134 (47-21-134) 4g at McGill (2020-01-10)
104 (43-14-104) vs Ottawa (2020-02-08)
104 (41-14-104) at Ottawa (2019-12-01)
98 (43- 9- 98) at Sherbrooke (2019-12-06)
94 (23-14- 94) at Montreal (2020-01-19)
74 (42- 9- 74) vs Ottawa (2019-10-25)
147 (34-20-147) vs Montreal (2019-11-01)
141 (55-17-141) at Sherbrooke (2020-02-16)
138 (41-20-138) at UQAM (2019-11-08)
134 (47-21-134) at McGill (2020-01-10)
119 (51-18-119) at UQAM (2020-01-25)
219 (47-30-219) vs McGill (2019-11-10)
212 (67-33-212) vs UQAM (2019-11-29)
205 (62-25-205) vs McGill (2020-02-09)
205 (50-24-205) vs Montreal (2020-02-14)
178 (60-28-178) vs Sherbrooke (2019-10-19)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Laval Match Highs (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
65 (5g) vs UQAM (2019-11-29)
58 (5g) vs McGill (2020-02-09)
53 (5g) vs Sherbrooke (2020-02-01)
52 (4g) at Sherbrooke (2020-02-16)
49 (5g) vs Sherbrooke (2019-10-19)
41 vs Ottawa (2020-02-08)
36 vs Ottawa (2019-10-25)
35 at Sherbrooke (2019-12-06)
35 at Ottawa (2019-12-01)
21 at Montreal (2020-01-19)
52 at Sherbrooke (2020-02-16)
47 at UQAM (2020-01-25)
46 at McGill (2020-01-10)
39 at UQAM (2019-11-08)
38 at Ottawa (2020-01-26)
65 vs UQAM (2019-11-29)
58 vs McGill (2020-02-09)
53 vs Sherbrooke (2020-02-01)
49 vs Sherbrooke (2019-10-19)
47 vs Montreal (2020-02-14)
111 (5g) vs McGill (2019-11-10)
106 (5g) vs UQAM (2019-11-29)
101 (5g) vs McGill (2020-02-09)
94 (5g) vs Montreal (2020-02-14)
82 (5g) vs Sherbrooke (2019-10-19)
48 vs Ottawa (2020-02-08)
43 at Ottawa (2019-12-01)
42 at Sherbrooke (2019-12-06)
41 at Montreal (2020-01-19)
31 vs Ottawa (2019-10-25)
75 vs Montreal (2019-11-01)
69 at UQAM (2020-01-25)
62 at UQAM (2019-11-08)
59 vs UQAM (2019-10-27)
55 at McGill (2020-01-10)
111 vs McGill (2019-11-10)
106 vs UQAM (2019-11-29)
101 vs McGill (2020-02-09)
94 vs Montreal (2020-02-14)
82 vs Sherbrooke (2019-10-19)
12 vs Sherbrooke (2020-02-01)
12 vs UQAM (2019-10-27)
11 at Ottawa (2020-01-26)
11 at McGill (2020-01-10)
10 at McGill (2019-10-17)
12.0 vs UQAM (2019-11-29)
10.0 at Ottawa (2020-01-26)
9.5 vs Montreal (2019-11-01)
9.0 vs McGill (2020-02-09)
9.0 vs Sherbrooke (2019-10-19)
8.0 vs McGill (2019-11-10)
7.5 vs Montreal (2020-02-14)
7.0 vs Ottawa (2020-02-08)
7.0 at UQAM (2020-01-25)
7.0 at UQAM (2019-11-08)