Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Match Results
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Sherbrooke Match Results (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
Overall Conference
Date Opponent Score Score-by-game Record Record Time Attend
---- -------- ----- ------------- -------- -------- ---- ------
* 2019-10-18 MONTREAL 1-3 L 18-25,25-21,24-26,22-25 0-1 0-1 1:48 50
* 2019-10-19 at Laval 2-3 L 13-25,25-23,25-19,20-25,10-15 0-2 0-2 2:12 540
* 2019-10-25 #10 UQAM 0-3 L 17-25,20-25,20-25 0-3 0-3 1:17 204
* 2019-10-26 MCGILL W 3-1 25-20,25-18,15-25,25-18 1-3 1-3 140 110
* 2019-11-01 at McGill W 3-2 25-13,15-25,18-25,25-21,15-10 2-3 2-3 2:04 76
* 2019-11-10 OTTAWA W 3-0 25-23,25-20,25-18 3-3 3-3 1:25 50
* 2019-11-17 at Montreal W 3-1 22-25,25-22,25-23,25-16 4-3 4-3 1:48 75
* 2019-11-22 at McGill W 3-1 25-23,25-17,19-25,25-22 5-3 5-3 1:51
* 2019-11-24 at UQAM 1-3 L 27-25,16-25,15-25,23-25 5-4 5-4
* 2019-11-30 at Ottawa W 3-0 25-16,29-27,25-14 6-4 6-4 1hr27min 200
* 2019-12-06 LAVAL 0-3 L 19-25,19-25,13-25 6-5 6-5 1:16 107
* 2020-01-10 UQAM W 3-2 25-19,25-22,16-25,23-25,15-11 7-5 7-5 2:16
* 2020-01-11 OTTAWA W 3-1 25-14,25-10,24-26,25-16 8-5 8-5 1:32 105
* 2020-01-17 at Montreal 1-3 L 27-29,25-23,10-25,19-25 8-6 8-6 250
* 2020-01-19 at UQAM 1-3 L 15-25,23-25,25-17,23-25 8-7 8-7
* 2020-01-31 MONTREAL W 3-2 25-20,23-25,19-25,25-22,16-14 9-7 9-7 2h12 420
* 2020-02-01 at Laval 2-3 L 25-20,25-23,20-25,28-30,10-15 9-8 9-8 2:13 703
* 2020-02-09 at Ottawa W 3-0 25-18,25-16,25-22 10-8 10-8 1hr20min 200
* 2020-02-14 MCGILL 0-3 L 20-25,18-25,17-25 10-9 10-9 1h18 51
* 2020-02-16 LAVAL W 3-1 27-25,25-17,17-25,25-23 11-9 11-9 1h53 179
---------- ---
Overall: 11-9
Conference: 11-9
Home: 6-4
Away: 5-5
Neutral: 0-0
3 games: 3-3
4 games: 5-4
5 games: 3-2
ATTEND Dates Total Average
------ ----- ------- -------
Total: 20 3320 166
Home: 10 1276 128
Away: 10 2044 204
Neutral: 0 0 0
Overall Team Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Sherbrooke Overall Team Statistics (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
Overall record: 11-9 Conference: 11-9
Kills....................... 826 830
Errors...................... 387 416
Total Attacks............... 2493 2505
Attack Pct.................. .176 .165
Kills/Game.................. 10.5 10.5
Assists..................... 754 766
Assists/Game................ 9.5 9.7
Aces........................ 174 179
Errors...................... 240 208
Aces/Game................... 2.2 2.3
SERVE RECEPTIONS..............
Errors...................... 160 167
Errors/Game................. 2.0 2.1
Digs........................ 1059 1097
Digs/Game................... 13.4 13.9
Block Solo.................. 58 56
Block Assist................ 153 162
Total Blocks................ 134.5 137.0
Blocks Per Game............. 1.7 1.7
Block Errors................ 31 23
BALL HANDLING ERRORS.......... 31 17
Total....................... 1276 2044
Dates/Avg Per Date.......... 10/128 10/204
Neutral site #/Avg.......... 0/0
Current win streak.......... 1 -
Home win streak............. 1 -
Overall Individual Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Sherbrooke Overall Individual Statistics (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
Overall record: 11-9 Conference: 11-9
|-----------ATTACK---------| |---SET---| |-----SERVE----|
## Name GP-MP-MS K K/Game E TA Pct A A/Game SA SA/Gm SE
1 Maude Fournier 74 20-16 85 1.15 46 257 .152 10 0.14 12 0.16 35
2 Jasmine Houle 62 20-1 7 0.11 2 19 .263 163 2.63 12 0.19 10
3 Florence Viens 42 15-3 58 1.38 37 177 .119 5 0.12 4 0.10 6
4 Emma Bergeron 77 20-17 52 0.68 21 159 .195 477 6.19 28 0.36 32
5 Maude Frechette 79 20-17 205 2.59 69 637 .214 32 0.41 37 0.47 27
6 Rose Brazeau 61 20-0 25 0.41 21 108 .037 1 0.02 12 0.20 12
7 Catherine Meilleur 68 19-0 0 0.00 0 4 .000 20 0.29 1 0.01 5
8 Eve Chaine 61 18-14 105 1.72 52 308 .172 10 0.16 20 0.33 25
9 Marianne Boucher 60 17-14 93 1.55 34 224 .263 3 0.05 12 0.20 31
10 Catherine Lavigne 57 16-15 110 1.93 63 334 .141 2 0.04 12 0.21 16
11 Samuelle Menard-C. 72 18-0 2 0.03 0 5 .400 24 0.33 0 0.00 1
12 Rose Borgelin 53 19-4 52 0.98 32 176 .114 4 0.08 12 0.23 18
14 Gabriella Grenier 38 18-5 32 0.84 10 85 .259 3 0.08 12 0.32 22
17 Sarah-J. Meunier-B. 1 1-1 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
SHERBROOKE.......... 79 20-20 826 10.46 387 2493 .176 754 9.54 174 2.20 240
Opponents........... 79 20-20 830 10.51 416 2505 .165 766 9.70 179 2.27 208
|---DIG---| |--------BLOCKING---------|
## Name G RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game BE BHE POINTS Pts/Gm
1 Maude Fournier 74 1 29 0.39 13 32 45 0.61 4 0 126.0 1.70
2 Jasmine Houle 62 0 40 0.65 1 0 1 0.02 1 2 20.0 0.32
3 Florence Viens 42 0 34 0.81 2 8 10 0.24 1 1 68.0 1.62
4 Emma Bergeron 77 1 154 2.00 4 20 24 0.31 6 14 94.0 1.22
5 Maude Frechette 79 32 184 2.33 3 10 13 0.16 3 2 250.0 3.16
6 Rose Brazeau 61 6 54 0.89 1 2 3 0.05 0 0 39.0 0.64
7 Catherine Meilleur 68 10 129 1.90 0 1 1 0.01 0 1 1.5 0.02
8 Eve Chaine 61 32 113 1.85 3 11 14 0.23 3 0 133.5 2.19
9 Marianne Boucher 60 0 16 0.27 16 35 51 0.85 8 4 138.5 2.31
10 Catherine Lavigne 57 5 88 1.54 5 16 21 0.37 1 3 135.0 2.37
11 Samuelle Menard-C. 72 54 138 1.92 0 0 0 0.00 0 1 2.0 0.03
12 Rose Borgelin 53 15 64 1.21 3 8 11 0.21 1 2 71.0 1.34
14 Gabriella Grenier 38 0 16 0.42 7 10 17 0.45 3 1 56.0 1.47
17 Sarah-J. Meunier-B. 1 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0 0.00
SHERBROOKE.......... 79 160 1059 13.41 58 153 134.5 1.70 31 31 1134.5 14.36
Opponents........... 79 167 1097 13.89 56 162 137.0 1.73 23 17 1146.0 14.51
Category Leaders
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Sherbrooke Category Leaders (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
## ATTACK (by Pct) G K K/Game E TA Pct
11 Samuelle Menard-C. 72 2 0.03 0 5 .400
9 Marianne Boucher 60 93 1.55 34 224 .263
2 Jasmine Houle 62 7 0.11 2 19 .263
14 Gabriella Grenier 38 32 0.84 10 85 .259
5 Maude Frechette 79 205 2.59 69 637 .214
4 Emma Bergeron 77 52 0.68 21 159 .195
8 Eve Chaine 61 105 1.72 52 308 .172
1 Maude Fournier 74 85 1.15 46 257 .152
10 Catherine Lavigne 57 110 1.93 63 334 .141
3 Florence Viens 42 58 1.38 37 177 .119
12 Rose Borgelin 53 52 0.98 32 176 .114
6 Rose Brazeau 61 25 0.41 21 108 .037
7 Catherine Meilleur 68 0 0.00 0 4 .000
SHERBROOKE.......... 79 826 10.46 387 2493 .176
Opponents........... 79 830 10.51 416 2505 .165
## SET (by A/Game) G A A/Game
4 Emma Bergeron 77 477 6.19
2 Jasmine Houle 62 163 2.63
5 Maude Frechette 79 32 0.41
11 Samuelle Menard-C. 72 24 0.33
7 Catherine Meilleur 68 20 0.29
8 Eve Chaine 61 10 0.16
1 Maude Fournier 74 10 0.14
3 Florence Viens 42 5 0.12
14 Gabriella Grenier 38 3 0.08
12 Rose Borgelin 53 4 0.08
9 Marianne Boucher 60 3 0.05
10 Catherine Lavigne 57 2 0.04
6 Rose Brazeau 61 1 0.02
SHERBROOKE.......... 79 754 9.54
Opponents........... 79 766 9.70
## BLOCK (by B/Game) G BS BA Total B/Game BE
9 Marianne Boucher 60 16 35 51.0 0.85 8
1 Maude Fournier 74 13 32 45.0 0.61 4
14 Gabriella Grenier 38 7 10 17.0 0.45 3
10 Catherine Lavigne 57 5 16 21.0 0.37 1
4 Emma Bergeron 77 4 20 24.0 0.31 6
3 Florence Viens 42 2 8 10.0 0.24 1
8 Eve Chaine 61 3 11 14.0 0.23 3
12 Rose Borgelin 53 3 8 11.0 0.21 1
5 Maude Frechette 79 3 10 13.0 0.16 3
6 Rose Brazeau 61 1 2 3.0 0.05 0
2 Jasmine Houle 62 1 0 1.0 0.02 1
7 Catherine Meilleur 68 0 1 1.0 0.01 0
17 Sarah-J. Meunier-B. 1 0 0 0.0 0.00 0
SHERBROOKE.......... 79 58 153 134.5 1.70 31
Opponents........... 79 56 162 137.0 1.73 23
## POINTS (by ##) G Points Pts/G
1 Maude Fournier 74 126.0 1.70
2 Jasmine Houle 62 20.0 0.32
3 Florence Viens 42 68.0 1.62
4 Emma Bergeron 77 94.0 1.22
5 Maude Frechette 79 250.0 3.16
6 Rose Brazeau 61 39.0 0.64
7 Catherine Meilleur 68 1.5 0.01
8 Eve Chaine 61 133.5 2.18
9 Marianne Boucher 60 138.5 2.30
10 Catherine Lavigne 57 135.0 2.37
11 Samuelle Menard-C. 72 2.0 0.03
12 Rose Borgelin 53 71.0 1.34
14 Gabriella Grenier 38 56.0 1.47
SHERBROOKE.......... 79 1134.5 14.35
Opponents........... 79 1146.0 14.51
## KILL (by K/Game) G K K/Game
5 Maude Frechette 79 205 2.59
10 Catherine Lavigne 57 110 1.93
8 Eve Chaine 61 105 1.72
9 Marianne Boucher 60 93 1.55
3 Florence Viens 42 58 1.38
1 Maude Fournier 74 85 1.15
12 Rose Borgelin 53 52 0.98
14 Gabriella Grenier 38 32 0.84
4 Emma Bergeron 77 52 0.68
6 Rose Brazeau 61 25 0.41
2 Jasmine Houle 62 7 0.11
11 Samuelle Menard-C. 72 2 0.03
7 Catherine Meilleur 68 0 0.00
SHERBROOKE.......... 79 826 10.46
Opponents........... 79 830 10.51
## SERVE (by ##) G SA SE SA/G
1 Maude Fournier 74 12 35 0.16
2 Jasmine Houle 62 12 10 0.19
3 Florence Viens 42 4 6 0.10
4 Emma Bergeron 77 28 32 0.36
5 Maude Frechette 79 37 27 0.47
6 Rose Brazeau 61 12 12 0.20
7 Catherine Meilleur 68 1 5 0.01
8 Eve Chaine 61 20 25 0.33
9 Marianne Boucher 60 12 31 0.20
10 Catherine Lavigne 57 12 16 0.21
11 Samuelle Menard-C. 72 0 1 0.00
12 Rose Borgelin 53 12 18 0.23
14 Gabriella Grenier 38 12 22 0.32
SHERBROOKE.......... 79 174 240 2.20
Opponents........... 79 179 208 2.27
## DEFENSE (by Dig/Gm) G DIG Dig/G BHE
5 Maude Frechette 79 184 2.33 2
4 Emma Bergeron 77 154 2.00 14
11 Samuelle Menard-C. 72 138 1.92 1
7 Catherine Meilleur 68 129 1.90 1
8 Eve Chaine 61 113 1.85 0
10 Catherine Lavigne 57 88 1.54 3
12 Rose Borgelin 53 64 1.21 2
6 Rose Brazeau 61 54 0.89 0
3 Florence Viens 42 34 0.81 1
2 Jasmine Houle 62 40 0.65 2
14 Gabriella Grenier 38 16 0.42 1
1 Maude Fournier 74 29 0.39 0
9 Marianne Boucher 60 16 0.27 4
17 Sarah-J. Meunier-B. 1 0 0.00 0
SHERBROOKE.......... 79 1059 13.41 31
Opponents........... 79 1097 13.89 17
## RECEPT (by RE/Game) G RE RE/Gm
11 Samuelle Menard-C. 72 54 0.75
8 Eve Chaine 61 32 0.52
5 Maude Frechette 79 32 0.41
12 Rose Borgelin 53 15 0.28
7 Catherine Meilleur 68 10 0.15
6 Rose Brazeau 61 6 0.10
10 Catherine Lavigne 57 5 0.09
TM TEAM 79 4 0.05
1 Maude Fournier 74 1 0.01
4 Emma Bergeron 77 1 0.01
9 Marianne Boucher 60 0 0.00
14 Gabriella Grenier 38 0 0.00
3 Florence Viens 42 0 0.00
SHERBROOKE.......... 79 160 2.03
Opponents........... 79 167 2.11
Combined Team Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Sherbrooke Combined Team Statistics (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
ALL MATCHES......... (11-9 ) ( 6-4 ) ( 5-5 ) ( 0-0 )
CONFERENCE.......... (11-9 ) ( 6-4 ) ( 5-5 ) ( 0-0 )
NON-CONFERENCE...... ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 )
|---------ATTACK----------| |--SET---| |----SERVE----| |--DIG---| |------BLOCKING-------|
1 Maude Fournier 74 85 1.15 46 257 .152 10 0.14 12 35 0.16 1 29 0.39 13 32 45 0.61 4 0 126.0
2 Jasmine Houle 62 7 0.11 2 19 .263 163 2.63 12 10 0.19 0 40 0.65 1 0 1 0.02 1 2 20.0
3 Florence Viens 42 58 1.38 37 177 .119 5 0.12 4 6 0.10 0 34 0.81 2 8 10 0.24 1 1 68.0
4 Emma Bergeron 77 52 0.68 21 159 .195 477 6.19 28 32 0.36 1 154 2.00 4 20 24 0.31 6 14 94.0
5 Maude Frechette 79 205 2.59 69 637 .214 32 0.41 37 27 0.47 32 184 2.33 3 10 13 0.16 3 2 250.0
6 Rose Brazeau 61 25 0.41 21 108 .037 1 0.02 12 12 0.20 6 54 0.89 1 2 3 0.05 0 0 39.0
7 Catherine Meilleur 68 0 0.00 0 4 .000 20 0.29 1 5 0.01 10 129 1.90 0 1 1 0.01 0 1 1.5
8 Eve Chaine 61 105 1.72 52 308 .172 10 0.16 20 25 0.33 32 113 1.85 3 11 14 0.23 3 0 133.5
9 Marianne Boucher 60 93 1.55 34 224 .263 3 0.05 12 31 0.20 0 16 0.27 16 35 51 0.85 8 4 138.5
10 Catherine Lavigne 57 110 1.93 63 334 .141 2 0.04 12 16 0.21 5 88 1.54 5 16 21 0.37 1 3 135.0
11 Samuelle Menard-C. 72 2 0.03 0 5 .400 24 0.33 0 1 0.00 54 138 1.92 0 0 0 0.00 0 1 2.0
12 Rose Borgelin 53 52 0.98 32 176 .114 4 0.08 12 18 0.23 15 64 1.21 3 8 11 0.21 1 2 71.0
14 Gabriella Grenier 38 32 0.84 10 85 .259 3 0.08 12 22 0.32 0 16 0.42 7 10 17 0.45 3 1 56.0
17 Sarah-J. Meunier-B. 1 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0
SHERBROOKE.......... 79 826 10.46 387 2493 .176 754 9.54 174 240 2.20 160 1059 13.41 58 153 134.5 1.70 31 31 1134.5
Opponents........... 79 830 10.51 416 2505 .165 766 9.70 179 208 2.27 167 1097 13.89 56 162 137.0 1.73 23 17 1146.0
Kills............. 826 830
Errors............ 387 416
Total Attacks..... 2493 2505
Attack Pct........ .176 .165
Kills/Game........ 10.5 10.5
Assists........... 754 766
Assists/Game...... 9.5 9.7
Aces.............. 174 179
Errors............ 240 208
Aces/Game......... 2.2 2.3
Errors............ 160 167
Errors/Game....... 2.0 2.1
Digs.............. 1059 1097
Digs/Game......... 13.4 13.9
Block Solo........ 58 56
Block Assist...... 153 162
Total Blocks...... 134.5 137.0
Blocks Per Game... 1.7 1.7
Block Errors...... 31 23
Total............. 1276 2044
Dates/Avg Per Date 10/128 10/204
Neutral site #/Avg 0/0
Current win streak 1 -
Home win streak... 1 -
---------- ---------------------- --- ----- ----------------------------- ------
* 2019-10-18 MONTREAL L 1-3 18-25,25-21,24-26,22-25 50
* 2019-10-19 at Laval L 2-3 13-25,25-23,25-19,20-25,10-15 540
* 2019-10-25 #10 UQAM L 0-3 17-25,20-25,20-25 204
* 2019-10-26 MCGILL W 3-1 25-20,25-18,15-25,25-18 110
* 2019-11-01 at McGill W 3-2 25-13,15-25,18-25,25-21,15-10 76
* 2019-11-10 OTTAWA W 3-0 25-23,25-20,25-18 50
* 2019-11-17 at Montreal W 3-1 22-25,25-22,25-23,25-16 75
* 2019-11-22 at McGill W 3-1 25-23,25-17,19-25,25-22 -
* 2019-11-24 at UQAM L 1-3 27-25,16-25,15-25,23-25 -
* 2019-11-30 at Ottawa W 3-0 25-16,29-27,25-14 200
* 2019-12-06 LAVAL L 0-3 19-25,19-25,13-25 107
* 2020-01-10 UQAM W 3-2 25-19,25-22,16-25,23-25,15-11 -
* 2020-01-11 OTTAWA W 3-1 25-14,25-10,24-26,25-16 105
* 2020-01-17 at Montreal L 1-3 27-29,25-23,10-25,19-25 250
* 2020-01-19 at UQAM L 1-3 15-25,23-25,25-17,23-25 -
* 2020-01-31 MONTREAL W 3-2 25-20,23-25,19-25,25-22,16-14 420
* 2020-02-01 at Laval L 2-3 25-20,25-23,20-25,28-30,10-15 703
* 2020-02-09 at Ottawa W 3-0 25-18,25-16,25-22 200
* 2020-02-14 MCGILL L 0-3 20-25,18-25,17-25 51
* 2020-02-16 LAVAL W 3-1 27-25,25-17,17-25,25-23 179
Volleyball Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Sherbrooke Volleyball Statistics (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
Overall record: 11-9 Conference: 11-9
|--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---| |--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---|
## Name G K K/G E TA Pct A A/G Points G K K/G E TA Pct A A/G Points
------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
1 Maude Fournier...... 74 85 1.15 46 257 .152 10 0.14 126.0 74 85 1.15 46 257 .152 10 0.14 126.0
2 Jasmine Houle....... 62 7 0.11 2 19 .263 163 2.63 20.0 62 7 0.11 2 19 .263 163 2.63 20.0
3 Florence Viens...... 42 58 1.38 37 177 .119 5 0.12 68.0 42 58 1.38 37 177 .119 5 0.12 68.0
4 Emma Bergeron....... 77 52 0.68 21 159 .195 477 6.19 94.0 77 52 0.68 21 159 .195 477 6.19 94.0
5 Maude Frechette..... 79 205 2.59 69 637 .214 32 0.41 250.0 79 205 2.59 69 637 .214 32 0.41 250.0
6 Rose Brazeau........ 61 25 0.41 21 108 .037 1 0.02 39.0 61 25 0.41 21 108 .037 1 0.02 39.0
7 Catherine Meilleur.. 68 0 0.00 0 4 .000 20 0.29 1.5 68 0 0.00 0 4 .000 20 0.29 1.5
8 Eve Chaine.......... 61 105 1.72 52 308 .172 10 0.16 133.5 61 105 1.72 52 308 .172 10 0.16 133.5
9 Marianne Boucher.... 60 93 1.55 34 224 .263 3 0.05 138.5 60 93 1.55 34 224 .263 3 0.05 138.5
10 Catherine Lavigne... 57 110 1.93 63 334 .141 2 0.04 135.0 57 110 1.93 63 334 .141 2 0.04 135.0
11 Samuelle Menard-C... 72 2 0.03 0 5 .400 24 0.33 2.0 72 2 0.03 0 5 .400 24 0.33 2.0
12 Rose Borgelin....... 53 52 0.98 32 176 .114 4 0.08 71.0 53 52 0.98 32 176 .114 4 0.08 71.0
14 Gabriella Grenier... 38 32 0.84 10 85 .259 3 0.08 56.0 38 32 0.84 10 85 .259 3 0.08 56.0
17 Sarah-J. Meunier-B.. 1 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0.0 1 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0.0
SHERBROOKE.......... 79 826 10.46 387 2493 .176 754 9.54 1134.5 79 826 10.46 387 2493 .176 754 9.54 1134.5
Opponents........... 79 830 10.51 416 2505 .165 766 9.70 1146.0 79 830 10.51 416 2505 .165 766 9.70 1146.0
|--SERVE--| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----| |--SERVE--| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----|
Name SA SA/Gm RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game SA SA/Gm RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
Maude Fournier...... 12 0.16 1 29 0.39 13 32 45 0.61 12 0.16 1 29 0.39 13 32 45 0.61
Jasmine Houle....... 12 0.19 0 40 0.65 1 0 1 0.02 12 0.19 0 40 0.65 1 0 1 0.02
Florence Viens...... 4 0.10 0 34 0.81 2 8 10 0.24 4 0.10 0 34 0.81 2 8 10 0.24
Emma Bergeron....... 28 0.36 1 154 2.00 4 20 24 0.31 28 0.36 1 154 2.00 4 20 24 0.31
Maude Frechette..... 37 0.47 32 184 2.33 3 10 13 0.16 37 0.47 32 184 2.33 3 10 13 0.16
Rose Brazeau........ 12 0.20 6 54 0.89 1 2 3 0.05 12 0.20 6 54 0.89 1 2 3 0.05
Catherine Meilleur.. 1 0.01 10 129 1.90 0 1 1 0.01 1 0.01 10 129 1.90 0 1 1 0.01
Eve Chaine.......... 20 0.33 32 113 1.85 3 11 14 0.23 20 0.33 32 113 1.85 3 11 14 0.23
Marianne Boucher.... 12 0.20 0 16 0.27 16 35 51 0.85 12 0.20 0 16 0.27 16 35 51 0.85
Catherine Lavigne... 12 0.21 5 88 1.54 5 16 21 0.37 12 0.21 5 88 1.54 5 16 21 0.37
Samuelle Menard-C... 0 0.00 54 138 1.92 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 54 138 1.92 0 0 0 0.00
Rose Borgelin....... 12 0.23 15 64 1.21 3 8 11 0.21 12 0.23 15 64 1.21 3 8 11 0.21
Gabriella Grenier... 12 0.32 0 16 0.42 7 10 17 0.45 12 0.32 0 16 0.42 7 10 17 0.45
Sarah-J. Meunier-B.. 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
TEAM................ 4 4
SHERBROOKE.......... 174 2.20 160 1059 13.41 58 153 134.5 1.70 174 2.20 160 1059 13.41 58 153 134.5 1.70
Opponents........... 179 2.27 167 1097 13.89 56 162 137.0 1.73 179 2.27 167 1097 13.89 56 162 137.0 1.73
Team Match-by-Match
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Sherbrooke Team Match-by-Match (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
|-------ATTACK------| SET |-SERVE-| PASS DEF |-------BLOCK------| GEN
Date Opponent GP K E TA Pct A SA SE RE DIG BS BA BE Total BHE Points
2019-10-18 MONTREAL............... 4 30 17 126 .103 28 3 11 2 56 7 8 1 11.0 8 44.0
2019-10-19 at Laval............... 5 45 24 166 .127 42 11 13 10 74 2 14 2 9.0 0 65.0
2019-10-25 UQAM................... 3 26 18 102 .078 22 5 11 9 36 3 8 5 7.0 1 38.0
2019-10-26 MCGILL................. 4 40 12 107 .262 37 10 9 5 46 1 6 0 4.0 4 54.0
2019-11-01 at McGill.............. 5 47 28 140 .136 46 14 14 8 44 4 0 0 4.0 0 65.0
2019-11-10 OTTAWA................. 3 37 12 93 .269 32 6 12 3 42 2 6 1 5.0 1 48.0
2019-11-17 at Montreal............ 4 39 22 104 .163 34 15 17 5 32 4 14 0 11.0 5 65.0
2019-11-22 at McGill.............. 4 50 20 130 .231 48 9 17 8 56 4 2 0 5.0 0 64.0
2019-11-24 at UQAM................ 4 47 25 149 .148 38 5 13 0 59 3 17 17 11.5 0 63.5
2019-11-30 at Ottawa.............. 3 41 21 111 .180 33 8 9 4 48 2 6 0 5.0 0 54.0
2019-12-06 LAVAL.................. 3 36 12 98 .245 31 0 10 8 40 1 4 1 3.0 1 39.0
2020-01-10 UQAM................... 5 39 26 145 .090 35 23 10 14 65 8 2 0 9.0 0 71.0
2020-01-11 OTTAWA................. 4 45 17 114 .246 40 11 13 7 55 1 0 0 1.0 0 57.0
2020-01-17 at Montreal............ 4 36 19 113 .150 32 7 20 12 50 3 10 0 8.0 1 51.0
2020-01-19 at UQAM................ 4 41 21 139 .144 40 5 7 13 67 3 6 1 6.0 1 52.0
2020-01-31 MONTREAL............... 5 52 21 156 .199 50 6 15 10 67 7 18 0 16.0 5 74.0
2020-02-01 at Laval............... 5 63 28 174 .201 57 13 15 12 70 0 12 1 6.0 4 82.0
2020-02-09 at Ottawa.............. 3 39 9 91 .330 37 3 10 11 37 2 8 0 6.0 0 48.0
2020-02-14 MCGILL................. 3 29 19 116 .086 29 7 5 10 59 0 2 2 1.0 0 37.0
2020-02-16 LAVAL.................. 4 44 16 119 .235 43 13 9 9 56 1 10 0 6.0 0 63.0
Sherbrooke.......................... 79 826 387 2493 .176 754 174 240 160 1059 58 153 31 134.5 31 1134.5
Opponent............................ 79 830 416 2505 .165 766 179 208 167 1097 56 162 23 137.0 17 1146.0
Games played: 79
Kills per game: 10.46
Assists per game: 9.54
Service aces per game: 2.20
Reception errors per game: 2.03
Digs per game: 13.41
Blocks per game: 1.70
Ball handling errors per game: 0.39
Reception errors per game: 2.03
Points per game: 14.36
Overall record: 11-9 Conference: 11-9
Opponent Match-by-Match
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Sherbrooke Opponent Match-by-Match (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
|-------ATTACK------| SET |-SERVE-| PASS DEF |-------BLOCK------| GEN
Date Opponent GP K E TA Pct A SA SE RE DIG BS BA BE Total BHE Points
2019-10-18 MONTREAL............... 4 46 24 122 .180 43 6 10 1 61 5 10 1 10.0 7 62.0
2019-10-19 at Laval............... 5 60 28 178 .180 49 10 9 11 82 2 14 0 9.0 0 79.0
2019-10-25 UQAM................... 3 34 17 96 .177 29 9 9 5 44 2 8 2 6.0 0 49.0
2019-10-26 MCGILL................. 4 43 22 131 .160 42 8 10 10 63 2 2 3 3.0 3 54.0
2019-11-01 at McGill.............. 5 41 21 112 .179 38 8 11 14 56 10 4 0 12.0 0 61.0
2019-11-10 OTTAWA................. 3 32 17 102 .147 28 3 12 6 35 2 6 0 5.0 1 40.0
2019-11-17 at Montreal............ 4 35 23 98 .122 32 5 12 15 35 3 14 3 10.0 0 50.0
2019-11-22 at McGill.............. 4 36 20 122 .131 35 8 10 9 52 4 8 1 8.0 0 52.0
2019-11-24 at UQAM................ 4 45 16 132 .220 43 11 7 0 69 5 10 0 10.0 0 66.0
2019-11-30 at Ottawa.............. 3 21 20 102 .010 20 4 7 8 37 3 12 4 9.0 0 34.0
2019-12-06 LAVAL.................. 3 43 9 98 .347 35 8 4 0 42 1 4 2 3.0 0 54.0
2020-01-10 UQAM................... 5 51 29 147 .150 47 15 13 23 70 5 2 0 6.0 0 72.0
2020-01-11 OTTAWA................. 4 26 25 115 .009 24 7 15 11 49 0 10 2 5.0 1 38.0
2020-01-17 at Montreal............ 4 45 18 123 .220 42 12 18 7 49 0 14 0 7.0 0 64.0
2020-01-19 at UQAM................ 4 47 22 148 .169 45 13 10 5 66 4 4 1 6.0 0 66.0
2020-01-31 MONTREAL............... 5 52 35 170 .100 49 10 12 6 68 2 8 0 6.0 1 68.0
2020-02-01 at Laval............... 5 54 20 165 .206 53 12 9 13 67 1 8 2 5.0 3 71.0
2020-02-09 at Ottawa.............. 3 24 21 84 .036 24 11 8 3 38 4 8 0 8.0 0 43.0
2020-02-14 MCGILL................. 3 40 12 119 .235 36 10 6 7 60 0 6 2 3.0 0 53.0
2020-02-16 LAVAL.................. 4 55 17 141 .270 52 9 16 13 54 1 10 0 6.0 1 70.0
Opponent totals..................... 79 830 416 2505 .165 766 179 208 167 1097 56 162 23 137.0 17 1146.0
Sherbrooke.......................... 79 826 387 2493 .176 754 174 240 160 1059 58 153 31 134.5 31 1134.5
Games played: 79
Kills per game: 10.51
Assists per game: 9.70
Service aces per game: 2.27
Reception errors per game: 2.11
Digs per game: 13.89
Blocks per game: 1.73
Ball handling errors per game: 0.22
Reception errors per game: 2.11
Points per game: 14.51
Team Match-by-Match Comparison
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Sherbrooke Team Match-by-Match Comparison (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
|-----------------ATTACK------------------| |--SET--| |------SERVE------|
Opponent Score GP Kills Errors Total Pct A SA SE
-------- ----- --- ----/---- ----/---- ----/---- ------/------ ----/---- ----/---- ----/----
MONTREAL............ 1-3 4 30/46 17/24 126/122 .103/ .180 28/43 3/6 11/10
Laval............... 2-3 5 45/60 24/28 166/178 .127/ .180 42/49 11/10 13/9
UQAM................ 0-3 3 26/34 18/17 102/96 .078/ .177 22/29 5/9 11/9
MCGILL.............. 3-1 4 40/43 12/22 107/131 .262/ .160 37/42 10/8 9/10
McGill.............. 3-2 5 47/41 28/21 140/112 .136/ .179 46/38 14/8 14/11
OTTAWA.............. 3-0 3 37/32 12/17 93/102 .269/ .147 32/28 6/3 12/12
Montreal............ 3-1 4 39/35 22/23 104/98 .163/ .122 34/32 15/5 17/12
McGill.............. 3-1 4 50/36 20/20 130/122 .231/ .131 48/35 9/8 17/10
UQAM................ 1-3 4 47/45 25/16 149/132 .148/ .220 38/43 5/11 13/7
Ottawa.............. 3-0 3 41/21 21/20 111/102 .180/ .010 33/20 8/4 9/7
LAVAL............... 0-3 3 36/43 12/9 98/98 .245/ .347 31/35 0/8 10/4
UQAM................ 3-2 5 39/51 26/29 145/147 .090/ .150 35/47 23/15 10/13
OTTAWA.............. 3-1 4 45/26 17/25 114/115 .246/ .009 40/24 11/7 13/15
Montreal............ 1-3 4 36/45 19/18 113/123 .150/ .220 32/42 7/12 20/18
UQAM................ 1-3 4 41/47 21/22 139/148 .144/ .169 40/45 5/13 7/10
MONTREAL............ 3-2 5 52/52 21/35 156/170 .199/ .100 50/49 6/10 15/12
Laval............... 2-3 5 63/54 28/20 174/165 .201/ .206 57/53 13/12 15/9
Ottawa.............. 3-0 3 39/24 9/21 91/84 .330/ .036 37/24 3/11 10/8
MCGILL.............. 0-3 3 29/40 19/12 116/119 .086/ .235 29/36 7/10 5/6
LAVAL............... 3-1 4 44/55 16/17 119/141 .235/ .270 43/52 13/9 9/16
Totals.............. 41-38 79 826/830 387/416 2493/2505 .176/ .165 754/766 174/179 240/208
Note: Match totals are displayed in the format TEAM/OPPONENT for each category
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Sherbrooke Team Match-by-Match Comparison (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
|--PASS-| |--DEF--| |-----------------BLOCK-----------------| |--GEN--|
Opponent RE DIG BS-BA BE Total BHE
-------- ----/---- ----/---- ---------/--------- ----/---- -----/----- ----/----
MONTREAL............ 2/1 56/61 7-8 / 5-10 1/1 11.0/ 10.0 8/7
Laval............... 10/11 74/82 2-14 / 2-14 2/0 9.0/ 9.0 0/0
UQAM................ 9/5 36/44 3-8 / 2-8 5/2 7.0/ 6.0 1/0
MCGILL.............. 5/10 46/63 1-6 / 2-2 0/3 4.0/ 3.0 4/3
McGill.............. 8/14 44/56 4-0 / 10-4 0/0 4.0/ 12.0 0/0
OTTAWA.............. 3/6 42/35 2-6 / 2-6 1/0 5.0/ 5.0 1/1
Montreal............ 5/15 32/35 4-14 / 3-14 0/3 11.0/ 10.0 5/0
McGill.............. 8/9 56/52 4-2 / 4-8 0/1 5.0/ 8.0 0/0
UQAM................ 0/0 59/69 3-17 / 5-10 17/0 11.5/ 10.0 0/0
Ottawa.............. 4/8 48/37 2-6 / 3-12 0/4 5.0/ 9.0 0/0
LAVAL............... 8/0 40/42 1-4 / 1-4 1/2 3.0/ 3.0 1/0
UQAM................ 14/23 65/70 8-2 / 5-2 0/0 9.0/ 6.0 0/0
OTTAWA.............. 7/11 55/49 1-0 / 0-10 0/2 1.0/ 5.0 0/1
Montreal............ 12/7 50/49 3-10 / 0-14 0/0 8.0/ 7.0 1/0
UQAM................ 13/5 67/66 3-6 / 4-4 1/1 6.0/ 6.0 1/0
MONTREAL............ 10/6 67/68 7-18 / 2-8 0/0 16.0/ 6.0 5/1
Laval............... 12/13 70/67 0-12 / 1-8 1/2 6.0/ 5.0 4/3
Ottawa.............. 11/3 37/38 2-8 / 4-8 0/0 6.0/ 8.0 0/0
MCGILL.............. 10/7 59/60 0-2 / 0-6 2/2 1.0/ 3.0 0/0
LAVAL............... 9/13 56/54 1-10 / 1-10 0/0 6.0/ 6.0 0/1
Totals.............. 160/167 1059/1097 58-153 / 56-162 31/23 134.5/137.0 31/17
Note: Match totals are displayed in the format TEAM/OPPONENT for each category
Match Highs
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Sherbrooke Match Highs (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
ATTACK PERCENT (K-E-TA) minimum 12 kills
.522 (13- 1-23) Eve Chaine at Ottawa (2020-02-09)
.500 (13- 2-22) Marianne Boucher at Laval (2020-02-01)
.417 (12- 2-24) Catherine Lavigne vs McGill (2019-10-26)
.400 (13- 1-30) Maude Frechette at Ottawa (2019-11-30)
.333 (16- 3-39) Maude Frechette vs Montreal (2020-01-31)
.303 (15- 5-33) Rose Borgelin vs Ottawa (2020-01-11)
.296 (12- 4-27) Maude Frechette vs Laval (2019-12-06)
.270 (14- 4-37) Maude Frechette at UQAM (2019-11-24)
.265 (12- 3-34) Catherine Lavigne vs Montreal (2020-01-31)
.256 (14- 4-39) Maude Frechette at Laval (2020-02-01)
16 (16- 3-39) 5g Maude Frechette vs Montreal (2020-01-31)
15 (15- 8-38) 4g Florence Viens at McGill (2019-11-22)
15 (15- 5-33) 4g Rose Borgelin vs Ottawa (2020-01-11)
14 (14- 5-36) 5g Eve Chaine at Laval (2020-02-01)
14 (14- 4-39) 5g Maude Frechette at Laval (2020-02-01)
14 (14- 4-37) 4g Maude Frechette at UQAM (2019-11-24)
13 (13- 2-44) 4g Maude Frechette at UQAM (2020-01-19)
13 (13- 2-22) 5g Marianne Boucher at Laval (2020-02-01)
13 (13- 1-23) 3g Eve Chaine at Ottawa (2020-02-09)
13 (13- 1-30) 3g Maude Frechette at Ottawa (2019-11-30)
13 (13- 1-30) Maude Frechette at Ottawa (2019-11-30)
13 (13- 1-23) Eve Chaine at Ottawa (2020-02-09)
12 (12- 4-27) Maude Frechette vs Laval (2019-12-06)
11 (11- 1-23) Maude Frechette at Ottawa (2020-02-09)
10 (10- 3-26) Maude Frechette vs Ottawa (2019-11-10)
15 (15- 8-38) Florence Viens at McGill (2019-11-22)
15 (15- 5-33) Rose Borgelin vs Ottawa (2020-01-11)
14 (14- 4-37) Maude Frechette at UQAM (2019-11-24)
13 (13- 2-44) Maude Frechette at UQAM (2020-01-19)
12 (12- 2-24) Catherine Lavigne vs McGill (2019-10-26)
16 (16- 3-39) Maude Frechette vs Montreal (2020-01-31)
14 (14- 5-36) Eve Chaine at Laval (2020-02-01)
14 (14- 4-39) Maude Frechette at Laval (2020-02-01)
13 (13- 2-22) Marianne Boucher at Laval (2020-02-01)
12 (12- 3-34) Catherine Lavigne vs Montreal (2020-01-31)
47 (12- 4-47) 5g Maude Frechette at Laval (2019-10-19)
44 (13- 2-44) 4g Maude Frechette at UQAM (2020-01-19)
40 (11- 4-40) 5g Maude Frechette vs UQAM (2020-01-10)
39 (16- 3-39) 5g Maude Frechette vs Montreal (2020-01-31)
39 (14- 4-39) 5g Maude Frechette at Laval (2020-02-01)
38 (15- 8-38) 4g Florence Viens at McGill (2019-11-22)
37 (12- 5-37) 4g Maude Frechette vs Laval (2020-02-16)
37 (14- 4-37) 4g Maude Frechette at UQAM (2019-11-24)
36 (14- 5-36) 5g Eve Chaine at Laval (2020-02-01)
36 (12- 4-36) 5g Catherine Lavigne at Laval (2020-02-01)
31 ( 7- 2-31) Maude Frechette vs McGill (2020-02-14)
30 ( 9- 3-30) Maude Frechette vs UQAM (2019-10-25)
30 (13- 1-30) Maude Frechette at Ottawa (2019-11-30)
27 (12- 4-27) Maude Frechette vs Laval (2019-12-06)
26 (10- 3-26) Maude Frechette vs Ottawa (2019-11-10)
44 (13- 2-44) Maude Frechette at UQAM (2020-01-19)
38 (15- 8-38) Florence Viens at McGill (2019-11-22)
37 (12- 5-37) Maude Frechette vs Laval (2020-02-16)
37 (14- 4-37) Maude Frechette at UQAM (2019-11-24)
33 (15- 5-33) Rose Borgelin vs Ottawa (2020-01-11)
47 (12- 4-47) Maude Frechette at Laval (2019-10-19)
40 (11- 4-40) Maude Frechette vs UQAM (2020-01-10)
39 (16- 3-39) Maude Frechette vs Montreal (2020-01-31)
39 (14- 4-39) Maude Frechette at Laval (2020-02-01)
36 (14- 5-36) Eve Chaine at Laval (2020-02-01)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Sherbrooke Match Highs (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
20.5 (16- 2- 2.5) 5g Maude Frechette vs Montreal (2020-01-31)
19.0 (15- 3- 1.0) 4g Rose Borgelin vs Ottawa (2020-01-11)
19.0 (15- 3- 1.0) 4g Florence Viens at McGill (2019-11-22)
18.0 (13- 4- 1.0) 4g Maude Frechette at UQAM (2020-01-19)
17.5 (14- 3- 0.5) 5g Eve Chaine at Laval (2020-02-01)
17.0 (13- 4- 0.0) Maude Frechette at Ottawa (2019-11-30)
13.5 (11- 1- 1.5) Maude Frechette at Ottawa (2020-02-09)
13.0 (13- 0- 0.0) Eve Chaine at Ottawa (2020-02-09)
12.5 ( 9- 2- 1.5) Maude Frechette vs UQAM (2019-10-25)
12.0 (12- 0- 0.0) Maude Frechette vs Laval (2019-12-06)
19.0 (15- 3- 1.0) Rose Borgelin vs Ottawa (2020-01-11)
19.0 (15- 3- 1.0) Florence Viens at McGill (2019-11-22)
18.0 (13- 4- 1.0) Maude Frechette at UQAM (2020-01-19)
17.0 (14- 3- 0.0) Maude Frechette at UQAM (2019-11-24)
14.5 (10- 1- 3.5) Marianne Boucher at Montreal (2019-11-17)
20.5 (16- 2- 2.5) Maude Frechette vs Montreal (2020-01-31)
17.5 (14- 3- 0.5) Eve Chaine at Laval (2020-02-01)
16.0 (13- 1- 2.0) Marianne Boucher at Laval (2020-02-01)
15.5 (14- 1- 0.5) Maude Frechette at Laval (2020-02-01)
14.0 (12- 2- 0.0) Maude Frechette at Laval (2019-10-19)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Sherbrooke Match Highs (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
39 (5g) Emma Bergeron vs Montreal (2020-01-31)
36 (5g) Emma Bergeron at Laval (2020-02-01)
36 (4g) Emma Bergeron at McGill (2019-11-22)
33 (5g) Emma Bergeron at McGill (2019-11-01)
31 (5g) Emma Bergeron at Laval (2019-10-19)
23 Emma Bergeron vs Laval (2019-12-06)
22 Emma Bergeron at Ottawa (2019-11-30)
20 Emma Bergeron at Ottawa (2020-02-09)
17 Emma Bergeron vs McGill (2020-02-14)
15 Jasmine Houle at Ottawa (2020-02-09)
36 Emma Bergeron at McGill (2019-11-22)
30 Emma Bergeron at UQAM (2019-11-24)
28 Emma Bergeron vs Laval (2020-02-16)
27 Jasmine Houle vs Ottawa (2020-01-11)
26 Emma Bergeron vs McGill (2019-10-26)
39 Emma Bergeron vs Montreal (2020-01-31)
36 Emma Bergeron at Laval (2020-02-01)
33 Emma Bergeron at McGill (2019-11-01)
31 Emma Bergeron at Laval (2019-10-19)
20 Emma Bergeron vs UQAM (2020-01-10)
18 (5g) Maude Frechette vs UQAM (2020-01-10)
17 (4g) Samuelle Menard-C. at UQAM (2019-11-24)
17 (5g) Samuelle Menard-C. at Laval (2019-10-19)
14 (4g) Samuelle Menard-C. vs Montreal (2019-10-18)
14 (4g) Rose Borgelin vs Ottawa (2020-01-11)
13 Maude Frechette at Ottawa (2019-11-30)
12 Catherine Meilleur at Ottawa (2020-02-09)
11 Maude Frechette vs McGill (2020-02-14)
11 Rose Brazeau vs McGill (2020-02-14)
10 Catherine Meilleur at Ottawa (2019-11-30)
17 Samuelle Menard-C. at UQAM (2019-11-24)
14 Emma Bergeron vs Montreal (2019-10-18)
14 Samuelle Menard-C. vs Montreal (2019-10-18)
14 Maude Frechette at UQAM (2019-11-24)
14 Rose Brazeau at UQAM (2020-01-19)
18 Maude Frechette vs UQAM (2020-01-10)
17 Samuelle Menard-C. at Laval (2019-10-19)
13 Eve Chaine at Laval (2019-10-19)
13 Catherine Meilleur at Laval (2020-02-01)
12 Eve Chaine at Laval (2020-02-01)
8 Emma Bergeron vs UQAM (2020-01-10)
5 Emma Bergeron at Montreal (2019-11-17)
4 Maude Frechette at UQAM (2020-01-19)
4 Emma Bergeron at McGill (2019-11-01)
4 Maude Frechette at Ottawa (2019-11-30)
10 ( 3- 7) Maude Fournier vs Montreal (2020-01-31)
9 ( 2- 7) Marianne Boucher at UQAM (2019-11-24)
6 ( 4- 2) Maude Fournier vs Montreal (2019-10-18)
6 ( 2- 4) Marianne Boucher vs UQAM (2019-10-25)
6 ( 1- 5) Catherine Lavigne at Montreal (2019-11-17)
6 ( 0- 6) Maude Fournier at Laval (2019-10-19)
5 ( 4- 1) Gabriella Grenier vs UQAM (2020-01-10)
5 ( 2- 3) Marianne Boucher at Montreal (2019-11-17)
5 ( 1- 4) Marianne Boucher vs Laval (2020-02-16)
5 ( 1- 4) Emma Bergeron at Laval (2019-10-19)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Sherbrooke Match Highs (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
.330 (39- 9- 91) at Ottawa (2020-02-09)
.269 (37-12- 93) vs Ottawa (2019-11-10)
.262 (40-12-107) vs McGill (2019-10-26)
.246 (45-17-114) vs Ottawa (2020-01-11)
.245 (36-12- 98) vs Laval (2019-12-06)
.235 (44-16-119) vs Laval (2020-02-16)
.231 (50-20-130) at McGill (2019-11-22)
.201 (63-28-174) at Laval (2020-02-01)
.199 (52-21-156) vs Montreal (2020-01-31)
.180 (41-21-111) at Ottawa (2019-11-30)
63 (63-28-174) 5g at Laval (2020-02-01)
52 (52-21-156) 5g vs Montreal (2020-01-31)
50 (50-20-130) 4g at McGill (2019-11-22)
47 (47-28-140) 5g at McGill (2019-11-01)
47 (47-25-149) 4g at UQAM (2019-11-24)
45 (45-17-114) 4g vs Ottawa (2020-01-11)
45 (45-24-166) 5g at Laval (2019-10-19)
44 (44-16-119) 4g vs Laval (2020-02-16)
41 (41-21-111) 3g at Ottawa (2019-11-30)
41 (41-21-139) 4g at UQAM (2020-01-19)
41 (41-21-111) at Ottawa (2019-11-30)
39 (39- 9- 91) at Ottawa (2020-02-09)
37 (37-12- 93) vs Ottawa (2019-11-10)
36 (36-12- 98) vs Laval (2019-12-06)
29 (29-19-116) vs McGill (2020-02-14)
50 (50-20-130) at McGill (2019-11-22)
47 (47-25-149) at UQAM (2019-11-24)
45 (45-17-114) vs Ottawa (2020-01-11)
44 (44-16-119) vs Laval (2020-02-16)
41 (41-21-139) at UQAM (2020-01-19)
63 (63-28-174) at Laval (2020-02-01)
52 (52-21-156) vs Montreal (2020-01-31)
47 (47-28-140) at McGill (2019-11-01)
45 (45-24-166) at Laval (2019-10-19)
39 (39-26-145) vs UQAM (2020-01-10)
174 (63-28-174) 5g at Laval (2020-02-01)
166 (45-24-166) 5g at Laval (2019-10-19)
156 (52-21-156) 5g vs Montreal (2020-01-31)
149 (47-25-149) 4g at UQAM (2019-11-24)
145 (39-26-145) 5g vs UQAM (2020-01-10)
140 (47-28-140) 5g at McGill (2019-11-01)
139 (41-21-139) 4g at UQAM (2020-01-19)
130 (50-20-130) 4g at McGill (2019-11-22)
126 (30-17-126) 4g vs Montreal (2019-10-18)
119 (44-16-119) 4g vs Laval (2020-02-16)
116 (29-19-116) vs McGill (2020-02-14)
111 (41-21-111) at Ottawa (2019-11-30)
102 (26-18-102) vs UQAM (2019-10-25)
98 (36-12- 98) vs Laval (2019-12-06)
93 (37-12- 93) vs Ottawa (2019-11-10)
149 (47-25-149) at UQAM (2019-11-24)
139 (41-21-139) at UQAM (2020-01-19)
130 (50-20-130) at McGill (2019-11-22)
126 (30-17-126) vs Montreal (2019-10-18)
119 (44-16-119) vs Laval (2020-02-16)
174 (63-28-174) at Laval (2020-02-01)
166 (45-24-166) at Laval (2019-10-19)
156 (52-21-156) vs Montreal (2020-01-31)
145 (39-26-145) vs UQAM (2020-01-10)
140 (47-28-140) at McGill (2019-11-01)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2019-2020
Sherbrooke Match Highs (as of Feb 16, 2020)
All matches
57 (5g) at Laval (2020-02-01)
50 (5g) vs Montreal (2020-01-31)
48 (4g) at McGill (2019-11-22)
46 (5g) at McGill (2019-11-01)
43 (4g) vs Laval (2020-02-16)
37 at Ottawa (2020-02-09)
33 at Ottawa (2019-11-30)
32 vs Ottawa (2019-11-10)
31 vs Laval (2019-12-06)
29 vs McGill (2020-02-14)
48 at McGill (2019-11-22)
43 vs Laval (2020-02-16)
40 vs Ottawa (2020-01-11)
40 at UQAM (2020-01-19)
38 at UQAM (2019-11-24)
57 at Laval (2020-02-01)
50 vs Montreal (2020-01-31)
46 at McGill (2019-11-01)
42 at Laval (2019-10-19)
35 vs UQAM (2020-01-10)
74 (5g) at Laval (2019-10-19)
70 (5g) at Laval (2020-02-01)
67 (5g) vs Montreal (2020-01-31)
67 (4g) at UQAM (2020-01-19)
65 (5g) vs UQAM (2020-01-10)
59 vs McGill (2020-02-14)
48 at Ottawa (2019-11-30)
42 vs Ottawa (2019-11-10)
40 vs Laval (2019-12-06)
37 at Ottawa (2020-02-09)
67 at UQAM (2020-01-19)
59 at UQAM (2019-11-24)
56 vs Laval (2020-02-16)
56 at McGill (2019-11-22)
56 vs Montreal (2019-10-18)
74 at Laval (2019-10-19)
70 at Laval (2020-02-01)
67 vs Montreal (2020-01-31)
65 vs UQAM (2020-01-10)
44 at McGill (2019-11-01)
23 vs UQAM (2020-01-10)
15 at Montreal (2019-11-17)
14 at McGill (2019-11-01)
13 at Laval (2020-02-01)
13 vs Laval (2020-02-16)
16.0 vs Montreal (2020-01-31)
11.5 at UQAM (2019-11-24)
11.0 vs Montreal (2019-10-18)
11.0 at Montreal (2019-11-17)
9.0 vs UQAM (2020-01-10)
9.0 at Laval (2019-10-19)
8.0 at Montreal (2020-01-17)
7.0 vs UQAM (2019-10-25)
6.0 at Ottawa (2020-02-09)
6.0 vs Laval (2020-02-16)