Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Overall Team Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Laval Overall Team Statistics (as of Feb 27, 2022)
All matches
Overall record: 8-4 Conf: 8-4 Home: 4-2 Away: 4-2 Neutral: 0-0
Kills....................... 493 476
Errors...................... 289 274
Total Attacks............... 1568 1521
Attack Pct.................. .130 .133
Kills/Game.................. 11.0 10.6
Assists..................... 466 447
Attempts.................... 682 667
Assist Pct.................. .683 .670
Assists/Game................ 10.4 9.9
Aces........................ 74 73
Errors...................... 91 104
Attempts.................... 990 964
Serve Pct................... .908 .892
Aces/Game................... 1.6 1.6
SERVE RECEPTIONS..............
Errors...................... 73 74
Errors/Game................. 1.6 1.6
Attempts.................... 820 856
Reception Pct............... .911 .914
Digs........................ 670 672
Digs/Game................... 14.9 14.9
Block Solo.................. 36 40
Block Assist................ 78 136
Total Blocks................ 75.0 108.0
Blocks Per Game............. 1.7 2.4
Block Errors................ 19 28
Total....................... 2831 80
Dates/Avg Per Date.......... 6/472 6/13
Neutral site #/Avg.......... 0/0
Current win streak.......... 2 -
Home win streak............. 3 -
MATCH WINS BY #GAMES 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Laval............... 0 0 2 6 0 - 8
Opponents........... 0 0 2 1 1 - 4
GAMES WON BY GAME 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Laval............... 5 7 8 7 0 - 27
Opponents........... 7 5 4 1 1 - 18
POINTS BY GAME 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Laval............... 260 269 259 199 12 - 999
Opponents........... 271 261 246 171 15 - 964
Overall Individual Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Laval Overall Individual Statistics (as of Feb 27, 2022)
All matches
Overall record: 8-4 Conf: 8-4 Home: 4-2 Away: 4-2 Neutral: 0-0
|-----------ATTACK---------| |---------SET---------| |----------SERVE-----------|
## Name GP-MP-MS K K/Game E TA Pct A A/Game TA Pct SA SA/Gm SE TA Pct
1 Marianne St-Aubin 24 7-5 58 2.42 38 187 .107 2 0.08 19 .105 3 0.12 1 49 .980
2 Elizabeth Cavan 45 12-12 8 0.18 5 34 .088 352 7.82 387 .910 7 0.16 17 161 .894
3 Mar.-Justine Couture 20 8-0 1 0.05 0 1 1.000 40 2.00 46 .870 2 0.10 3 29 .897
4 Eloise Ross-Tremblay 33 10-10 55 1.67 44 215 .051 4 0.12 19 .211 11 0.33 15 109 .862
5 Mar.-Noelle Tremblay 45 12-0 1 0.02 2 5 -.200 18 0.40 43 .419 0 0.00 0 0 .000
6 Stephanie Beauchemin 16 7-0 10 0.62 2 20 .400 1 0.06 2 .500 0 0.00 2 8 .750
7 Roxane St-Amand 38 12-7 61 1.61 32 198 .146 3 0.08 15 .200 8 0.21 4 80 .950
8 Alexand. LeRoy Audy 23 10-3 19 0.83 11 54 .148 1 0.04 5 .200 4 0.17 7 45 .844
9 Beatrice Lamarche 44 12-12 122 2.77 78 387 .114 12 0.27 49 .245 19 0.43 11 204 .946
10 Jade Marquis 28 12-2 35 1.25 21 129 .109 2 0.07 15 .133 1 0.04 5 74 .932
11 Justine Raymond 28 8-7 56 2.00 27 133 .218 8 0.29 14 .571 10 0.36 12 88 .864
12 Anne-Sophie Tanguay 37 11-10 52 1.41 23 152 .191 7 0.19 20 .350 4 0.11 10 104 .904
14 Vitoria Rodrigues M. 2 1-0 0 0.00 0 1 .000 0 0.00 0 .000 0 0.00 0 0 .000
16 Alex-Ann Cantin 17 9-0 0 0.00 0 3 .000 1 0.06 2 .500 0 0.00 1 5 .800
18 Jenny Barbeau 16 7-4 15 0.94 6 49 .184 1 0.06 5 .200 5 0.31 3 34 .912
20 Andrea Maksimovic 36 11-0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 14 0.39 37 .378 0 0.00 0 0 .000
LAVAL............... 45 12-12 493 10.96 289 1568 .130 466 10.36 682 .683 74 1.64 91 990 .908
Opponents........... 45 12-12 476 10.58 274 1521 .133 447 9.93 667 .670 73 1.62 104 964 .892
|----RECEPT----| |---DIG---| |--------BLOCKING---------|
## Name G RE TA Pct DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game BE BHE POINTS Pts/Gm
1 Marianne St-Aubin 24 1 14 .929 50 2.08 1 6 7 0.29 0 0 65.0 2.71
2 Elizabeth Cavan 45 0 3 1.000 98 2.18 1 9 10 0.22 0 3 20.5 0.46
3 Mar.-Justine Couture 20 0 0 .000 15 0.75 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 3.0 0.15
4 Eloise Ross-Tremblay 33 22 108 .796 64 1.94 4 9 13 0.39 2 1 74.5 2.26
5 Mar.-Noelle Tremblay 45 16 149 .893 74 1.64 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 1.0 0.02
6 Stephanie Beauchemin 16 0 1 1.000 3 0.19 2 1 3 0.19 1 0 12.5 0.78
7 Roxane St-Amand 38 0 14 1.000 52 1.37 1 9 10 0.26 2 0 74.5 1.96
8 Alexand. LeRoy Audy 23 0 1 1.000 10 0.43 0 3 3 0.13 1 0 24.5 1.07
9 Beatrice Lamarche 44 16 97 .835 108 2.45 6 3 9 0.20 3 0 148.5 3.38
10 Jade Marquis 28 7 36 .806 45 1.61 1 2 3 0.11 1 0 38.0 1.36
11 Justine Raymond 28 2 3 .333 19 0.68 11 15 26 0.93 3 1 84.5 3.02
12 Anne-Sophie Tanguay 37 0 0 .000 26 0.70 5 18 23 0.62 2 0 70.0 1.89
14 Vitoria Rodrigues M. 2 0 0 .000 1 0.50 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0 0.00
16 Alex-Ann Cantin 17 3 6 .500 5 0.29 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0 0.00
18 Jenny Barbeau 16 0 0 .000 8 0.50 4 3 7 0.44 4 0 25.5 1.59
20 Andrea Maksimovic 36 1 15 .933 92 2.56 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0 0.00
LAVAL............... 45 73 820 .911 670 14.89 36 78 75.0 1.67 19 5 642.0 14.27
Opponents........... 45 74 856 .914 672 14.93 40 136 108.0 2.40 28 11 657.0 14.60
Category Leaders
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Laval Category Leaders (as of Feb 27, 2022)
All matches
## ATTACK (by Pct) G K K/Game E TA Pct
3 Mar.-Justine Couture 20 1 0.05 0 1 1.000
6 Stephanie Beauchemin 16 10 0.62 2 20 .400
11 Justine Raymond 28 56 2.00 27 133 .218
12 Anne-Sophie Tanguay 37 52 1.41 23 152 .191
18 Jenny Barbeau 16 15 0.94 6 49 .184
8 Alexand. LeRoy Audy 23 19 0.83 11 54 .148
7 Roxane St-Amand 38 61 1.61 32 198 .146
9 Beatrice Lamarche 44 122 2.77 78 387 .114
10 Jade Marquis 28 35 1.25 21 129 .109
1 Marianne St-Aubin 24 58 2.42 38 187 .107
2 Elizabeth Cavan 45 8 0.18 5 34 .088
4 Eloise Ross-Tremblay 33 55 1.67 44 215 .051
14 Vitoria Rodrigues M. 2 0 0.00 0 1 .000
16 Alex-Ann Cantin 17 0 0.00 0 3 .000
5 Mar.-Noelle Tremblay 45 1 0.02 2 5 -.200
LAVAL............... 45 493 10.96 289 1568 .130
Opponents........... 45 476 10.58 274 1521 .133
## SET (by A/Game) G A A/Game TA Pct
2 Elizabeth Cavan 45 352 7.82 387 .910
3 Mar.-Justine Couture 20 40 2.00 46 .870
5 Mar.-Noelle Tremblay 45 18 0.40 43 .419
20 Andrea Maksimovic 36 14 0.39 37 .378
11 Justine Raymond 28 8 0.29 14 .571
9 Beatrice Lamarche 44 12 0.27 49 .245
12 Anne-Sophie Tanguay 37 7 0.19 20 .350
4 Eloise Ross-Tremblay 33 4 0.12 19 .211
1 Marianne St-Aubin 24 2 0.08 19 .105
7 Roxane St-Amand 38 3 0.08 15 .200
10 Jade Marquis 28 2 0.07 15 .133
6 Stephanie Beauchemin 16 1 0.06 2 .500
18 Jenny Barbeau 16 1 0.06 5 .200
16 Alex-Ann Cantin 17 1 0.06 2 .500
8 Alexand. LeRoy Audy 23 1 0.04 5 .200
TM TEAM 45 0 0.00 4 .000
LAVAL............... 45 466 10.36 682 .683
Opponents........... 45 447 9.93 667 .670
## BLOCK (by B/Game) G BS BA Total B/Game BE
11 Justine Raymond 28 11 15 26.0 0.93 3
12 Anne-Sophie Tanguay 37 5 18 23.0 0.62 2
18 Jenny Barbeau 16 4 3 7.0 0.44 4
4 Eloise Ross-Tremblay 33 4 9 13.0 0.39 2
1 Marianne St-Aubin 24 1 6 7.0 0.29 0
7 Roxane St-Amand 38 1 9 10.0 0.26 2
2 Elizabeth Cavan 45 1 9 10.0 0.22 0
9 Beatrice Lamarche 44 6 3 9.0 0.20 3
6 Stephanie Beauchemin 16 2 1 3.0 0.19 1
8 Alexand. LeRoy Audy 23 0 3 3.0 0.13 1
10 Jade Marquis 28 1 2 3.0 0.11 1
LAVAL............... 45 36 78 75.0 1.67 19
Opponents........... 45 40 136 108.0 2.40 28
## POINTS (by ##) G Points Pts/G
1 Marianne St-Aubin 24 65.0 2.71
2 Elizabeth Cavan 45 20.5 0.44
3 Mar.-Justine Couture 20 3.0 0.15
4 Eloise Ross-Tremblay 33 74.5 2.24
5 Mar.-Noelle Tremblay 45 1.0 0.02
6 Stephanie Beauchemin 16 12.5 0.75
7 Roxane St-Amand 38 74.5 1.95
8 Alexand. LeRoy Audy 23 24.5 1.04
9 Beatrice Lamarche 44 148.5 3.36
10 Jade Marquis 28 38.0 1.36
11 Justine Raymond 28 84.5 3.00
12 Anne-Sophie Tanguay 37 70.0 1.89
14 Vitoria Rodrigues M. 2 0.0 0.00
16 Alex-Ann Cantin 17 0.0 0.00
18 Jenny Barbeau 16 25.5 1.56
LAVAL............... 45 642.0 14.27
Opponents........... 45 657.0 14.60
## KILL (by K/Game) G K K/Game
9 Beatrice Lamarche 44 122 2.77
1 Marianne St-Aubin 24 58 2.42
11 Justine Raymond 28 56 2.00
4 Eloise Ross-Tremblay 33 55 1.67
7 Roxane St-Amand 38 61 1.61
12 Anne-Sophie Tanguay 37 52 1.41
10 Jade Marquis 28 35 1.25
18 Jenny Barbeau 16 15 0.94
8 Alexand. LeRoy Audy 23 19 0.83
6 Stephanie Beauchemin 16 10 0.62
2 Elizabeth Cavan 45 8 0.18
3 Mar.-Justine Couture 20 1 0.05
5 Mar.-Noelle Tremblay 45 1 0.02
16 Alex-Ann Cantin 17 0 0.00
14 Vitoria Rodrigues M. 2 0 0.00
LAVAL............... 45 493 10.96
Opponents........... 45 476 10.58
## SERVE (by ##) G SA SE TA Pct SA/G
1 Marianne St-Aubin 24 3 1 49 .980 0.12
2 Elizabeth Cavan 45 7 17 161 .894 0.16
3 Mar.-Justine Couture 20 2 3 29 .897 0.10
4 Eloise Ross-Tremblay 33 11 15 109 .862 0.33
6 Stephanie Beauchemin 16 0 2 8 .750 0.00
7 Roxane St-Amand 38 8 4 80 .950 0.21
8 Alexand. LeRoy Audy 23 4 7 45 .844 0.17
9 Beatrice Lamarche 44 19 11 204 .946 0.43
10 Jade Marquis 28 1 5 74 .932 0.04
11 Justine Raymond 28 10 12 88 .864 0.36
12 Anne-Sophie Tanguay 37 4 10 104 .904 0.11
16 Alex-Ann Cantin 17 0 1 5 .800 0.00
18 Jenny Barbeau 16 5 3 34 .912 0.31
LAVAL............... 45 74 91 990 .908 1.64
Opponents........... 45 73 104 964 .892 1.62
2 Elizabeth Cavan 45 98 2.18 3
11 Justine Raymond 28 19 0.68 1
4 Eloise Ross-Tremblay 33 64 1.94 1
6 Stephanie Beauchemin 16 3 0.19 0
7 Roxane St-Amand 38 52 1.37 0
8 Alexand. LeRoy Audy 23 10 0.43 0
9 Beatrice Lamarche 44 108 2.45 0
10 Jade Marquis 28 45 1.61 0
12 Anne-Sophie Tanguay 37 26 0.70 0
14 Vitoria Rodrigues M. 2 1 0.50 0
16 Alex-Ann Cantin 17 5 0.29 0
18 Jenny Barbeau 16 8 0.50 0
20 Andrea Maksimovic 36 92 2.56 0
5 Mar.-Noelle Tremblay 45 74 1.64 0
3 Mar.-Justine Couture 20 15 0.75 0
1 Marianne St-Aubin 24 50 2.08 0
LAVAL............... 45 670 14.89 5
Opponents........... 45 672 14.93 11
## RECEPT (by RE/Game) G RE RE/Gm TA Pct
4 Eloise Ross-Tremblay 33 22 0.67 108 .796
9 Beatrice Lamarche 44 16 0.36 97 .835
5 Mar.-Noelle Tremblay 45 16 0.36 149 .893
10 Jade Marquis 28 7 0.25 36 .806
16 Alex-Ann Cantin 17 3 0.18 6 .500
TM TEAM 45 5 0.11 373 .987
11 Justine Raymond 28 2 0.07 3 .333
1 Marianne St-Aubin 24 1 0.04 14 .929
20 Andrea Maksimovic 36 1 0.03 15 .933
8 Alexand. LeRoy Audy 23 0 0.00 1 1.000
7 Roxane St-Amand 38 0 0.00 14 1.000
6 Stephanie Beauchemin 16 0 0.00 1 1.000
2 Elizabeth Cavan 45 0 0.00 3 1.000
LAVAL............... 45 73 1.62 820 .911
Opponents........... 45 74 1.64 856 .914
Combined Team Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Laval Combined Team Statistics (as of Feb 27, 2022)
All matches
ALL MATCHES......... ( 8-4 ) ( 4-2 ) ( 4-2 ) ( 0-0 )
CONFERENCE.......... ( 8-4 ) ( 4-2 ) ( 4-2 ) ( 0-0 )
NON-CONFERENCE...... ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 )
|---------ATTACK----------| |--SET---| |----SERVE----| |--DIG---| |------BLOCKING-------|
1 Marianne St-Aubin 24 58 2.42 38 187 .107 2 0.08 3 1 0.12 1 50 2.08 1 6 7 0.29 0 0 65.0
2 Elizabeth Cavan 45 8 0.18 5 34 .088 352 7.82 7 17 0.16 0 98 2.18 1 9 10 0.22 0 3 20.5
3 Mar.-Justine Couture 20 1 0.05 0 1 1.000 40 2.00 2 3 0.10 0 15 0.75 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 3.0
4 Eloise Ross-Tremblay 33 55 1.67 44 215 .051 4 0.12 11 15 0.33 22 64 1.94 4 9 13 0.39 2 1 74.5
5 Mar.-Noelle Tremblay 45 1 0.02 2 5 -.200 18 0.40 0 0 0.00 16 74 1.64 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 1.0
6 Stephanie Beauchemin 16 10 0.62 2 20 .400 1 0.06 0 2 0.00 0 3 0.19 2 1 3 0.19 1 0 12.5
7 Roxane St-Amand 38 61 1.61 32 198 .146 3 0.08 8 4 0.21 0 52 1.37 1 9 10 0.26 2 0 74.5
8 Alexand. LeRoy Audy 23 19 0.83 11 54 .148 1 0.04 4 7 0.17 0 10 0.43 0 3 3 0.13 1 0 24.5
9 Beatrice Lamarche 44 122 2.77 78 387 .114 12 0.27 19 11 0.43 16 108 2.45 6 3 9 0.20 3 0 148.5
10 Jade Marquis 28 35 1.25 21 129 .109 2 0.07 1 5 0.04 7 45 1.61 1 2 3 0.11 1 0 38.0
11 Justine Raymond 28 56 2.00 27 133 .218 8 0.29 10 12 0.36 2 19 0.68 11 15 26 0.93 3 1 84.5
12 Anne-Sophie Tanguay 37 52 1.41 23 152 .191 7 0.19 4 10 0.11 0 26 0.70 5 18 23 0.62 2 0 70.0
14 Vitoria Rodrigues M. 2 0 0.00 0 1 .000 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 1 0.50 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0
16 Alex-Ann Cantin 17 0 0.00 0 3 .000 1 0.06 0 1 0.00 3 5 0.29 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0
18 Jenny Barbeau 16 15 0.94 6 49 .184 1 0.06 5 3 0.31 0 8 0.50 4 3 7 0.44 4 0 25.5
20 Andrea Maksimovic 36 0 0.00 0 0 .000 14 0.39 0 0 0.00 1 92 2.56 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0
LAVAL............... 45 493 10.96 289 1568 .130 466 10.36 74 91 1.64 73 670 14.89 36 78 75.0 1.67 19 5 642.0
Opponents........... 45 476 10.58 274 1521 .133 447 9.93 73 104 1.62 74 672 14.93 40 136 108.0 2.40 28 11 657.0
Kills............. 493 476
Errors............ 289 274
Total Attacks..... 1568 1521
Attack Pct........ .130 .133
Kills/Game........ 11.0 10.6
Assists........... 466 447
Attempts.......... 682 667
Assist Pct........ .683 .670
Assists/Game...... 10.4 9.9
Aces.............. 74 73
Errors............ 91 104
Attempts.......... 990 964
Serve Pct......... .908 .892
Aces/Game......... 1.6 1.6
Errors............ 73 74
Errors/Game....... 1.6 1.6
Attempts.......... 820 856
Reception Pct..... .911 .914
Digs.............. 670 672
Digs/Game......... 14.9 14.9
Block Solo........ 36 40
Block Assist...... 78 136
Total Blocks...... 75.0 108.0
Blocks Per Game... 1.7 2.4
Block Errors...... 19 28
Total............. 2831 80
Dates/Avg Per Date 6/472 6/13
Neutral site #/Avg 0/0
Current win streak 2 -
Home win streak... 3 -
---------- ---------------------- --- ----- ----------------------------- ------
* 2021-10-15 at Montreal W 3-1 25-23,20-25,25-14,25-18 -
* 2021-10-17 at Sherbrooke L 0-3 14-25,12-25,18-25 80
* 2021-10-24 at UQAM W 3-1 18-25,25-20,25-17,26-24 -
* 2021-10-29 MCGILL W 3-1 21-25,25-21,25-20,25-22 -
* 2021-11-06 SHERBROOKE L 0-3 18-25,21-25,10-25 600
* 2021-11-12 UQAM L 1-3 25-20,20-25,17-25,20-25 299
* 2021-11-14 at UQTR W 3-0 25-21,25-17,25-13 -
* 2021-11-20 MONTREAL W 3-1 24-26,25-19,26-24,25-20 1380
* 2021-11-27 OTTAWA W 3-0 25-15,25-16,25-22 250
* 2021-11-28 at McGill L 2-3 17-25,26-24,13-25,26-24,12-15 -
* 2022-02-18 UQTR W 3-1 23-25,25-19,25-19,27-25 302
* 2022-02-27 at Ottawa W 3-1 25-16,20-25,25-17,25-13 -
Volleyball Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Laval Volleyball Statistics (as of Feb 27, 2022)
All matches
Overall record: 8-4 Conf: 8-4 Home: 4-2 Away: 4-2 Neutral: 0-0
|--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---| |--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---|
## Name G K K/G E TA Pct A A/G Points G K K/G E TA Pct A A/G Points
------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
1 Marianne St-Aubin... 24 58 2.42 38 187 .107 2 0.08 65.0 24 58 2.42 38 187 .107 2 0.08 65.0
2 Elizabeth Cavan..... 45 8 0.18 5 34 .088 352 7.82 20.5 45 8 0.18 5 34 .088 352 7.82 20.5
3 Mar.-Justine Couture 20 1 0.05 0 1 1.000 40 2.00 3.0 20 1 0.05 0 1 1.000 40 2.00 3.0
4 Eloise Ross-Tremblay 33 55 1.67 44 215 .051 4 0.12 74.5 33 55 1.67 44 215 .051 4 0.12 74.5
5 Mar.-Noelle Tremblay 45 1 0.02 2 5 -.200 18 0.40 1.0 45 1 0.02 2 5 -.200 18 0.40 1.0
6 Stephanie Beauchemin 16 10 0.62 2 20 .400 1 0.06 12.5 16 10 0.62 2 20 .400 1 0.06 12.5
7 Roxane St-Amand..... 38 61 1.61 32 198 .146 3 0.08 74.5 38 61 1.61 32 198 .146 3 0.08 74.5
8 Alexand. LeRoy Audy. 23 19 0.83 11 54 .148 1 0.04 24.5 23 19 0.83 11 54 .148 1 0.04 24.5
9 Beatrice Lamarche... 44 122 2.77 78 387 .114 12 0.27 148.5 44 122 2.77 78 387 .114 12 0.27 148.5
10 Jade Marquis........ 28 35 1.25 21 129 .109 2 0.07 38.0 28 35 1.25 21 129 .109 2 0.07 38.0
11 Justine Raymond..... 28 56 2.00 27 133 .218 8 0.29 84.5 28 56 2.00 27 133 .218 8 0.29 84.5
12 Anne-Sophie Tanguay. 37 52 1.41 23 152 .191 7 0.19 70.0 37 52 1.41 23 152 .191 7 0.19 70.0
14 Vitoria Rodrigues M. 2 0 0.00 0 1 .000 0 0.00 0.0 2 0 0.00 0 1 .000 0 0.00 0.0
16 Alex-Ann Cantin..... 17 0 0.00 0 3 .000 1 0.06 0.0 17 0 0.00 0 3 .000 1 0.06 0.0
18 Jenny Barbeau....... 16 15 0.94 6 49 .184 1 0.06 25.5 16 15 0.94 6 49 .184 1 0.06 25.5
20 Andrea Maksimovic... 36 0 0.00 0 0 .000 14 0.39 0.0 36 0 0.00 0 0 .000 14 0.39 0.0
LAVAL............... 45 493 10.96 289 1568 .130 466 10.36 642.0 45 493 10.96 289 1568 .130 466 10.36 642.0
Opponents........... 45 476 10.58 274 1521 .133 447 9.93 657.0 45 476 10.58 274 1521 .133 447 9.93 657.0
|--SERVE--| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----| |--SERVE--| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----|
Name SA SA/Gm RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game SA SA/Gm RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
Marianne St-Aubin... 3 0.12 1 50 2.08 1 6 7 0.29 3 0.12 1 50 2.08 1 6 7 0.29
Elizabeth Cavan..... 7 0.16 0 98 2.18 1 9 10 0.22 7 0.16 0 98 2.18 1 9 10 0.22
Mar.-Justine Couture 2 0.10 0 15 0.75 0 0 0 0.00 2 0.10 0 15 0.75 0 0 0 0.00
Eloise Ross-Tremblay 11 0.33 22 64 1.94 4 9 13 0.39 11 0.33 22 64 1.94 4 9 13 0.39
Mar.-Noelle Tremblay 0 0.00 16 74 1.64 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 16 74 1.64 0 0 0 0.00
Stephanie Beauchemin 0 0.00 0 3 0.19 2 1 3 0.19 0 0.00 0 3 0.19 2 1 3 0.19
Roxane St-Amand..... 8 0.21 0 52 1.37 1 9 10 0.26 8 0.21 0 52 1.37 1 9 10 0.26
Alexand. LeRoy Audy. 4 0.17 0 10 0.43 0 3 3 0.13 4 0.17 0 10 0.43 0 3 3 0.13
Beatrice Lamarche... 19 0.43 16 108 2.45 6 3 9 0.20 19 0.43 16 108 2.45 6 3 9 0.20
Jade Marquis........ 1 0.04 7 45 1.61 1 2 3 0.11 1 0.04 7 45 1.61 1 2 3 0.11
Justine Raymond..... 10 0.36 2 19 0.68 11 15 26 0.93 10 0.36 2 19 0.68 11 15 26 0.93
Anne-Sophie Tanguay. 4 0.11 0 26 0.70 5 18 23 0.62 4 0.11 0 26 0.70 5 18 23 0.62
Vitoria Rodrigues M. 0 0.00 0 1 0.50 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 1 0.50 0 0 0 0.00
Alex-Ann Cantin..... 0 0.00 3 5 0.29 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 5 0.29 0 0 0 0.00
Jenny Barbeau....... 5 0.31 0 8 0.50 4 3 7 0.44 5 0.31 0 8 0.50 4 3 7 0.44
Andrea Maksimovic... 0 0.00 1 92 2.56 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 92 2.56 0 0 0 0.00
TEAM................ 5 5
LAVAL............... 74 1.64 73 670 14.89 36 78 75.0 1.67 74 1.64 73 670 14.89 36 78 75.0 1.67
Opponents........... 73 1.62 74 672 14.93 40 136 108.0 2.40 73 1.62 74 672 14.93 40 136 108.0 2.40
Team Match-by-Match
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Laval Team Match-by-Match (as of Feb 27, 2022)
All matches
|-------ATTACK------| |-----SET-----| |-------SERVE------| |----RECEPT---| DEF |-------BLOCK------| GEN
Date Opponent GP K E TA Pct A TA Pct SA SE TA Pct RE TA Pct DIG BS BA BE Total BHE Points
2021-10-15 at Montreal............ 4 43 19 120 .200 39 41 .951 4 10 93 .892 7 71 .901 59 4 10 1 9.0 0 56.0
2021-10-17 at Sherbrooke.......... 3 18 28 95 -.105 16 16 1.000 0 8 45 .822 4 61 .934 27 1 2 0 2.0 0 20.0
2021-10-24 at UQAM................ 4 45 28 145 .117 44 46 .957 3 9 89 .899 5 80 .938 65 1 16 4 9.0 1 57.0
2021-10-29 MCGILL................. 4 56 27 156 .186 53 98 .541 11 10 95 .895 2 68 .971 77 2 0 0 2.0 0 69.0
2021-11-06 SHERBROOKE............. 3 23 26 101 -.030 19 42 .452 4 4 51 .922 5 60 .917 36 2 2 3 3.0 1 30.0
2021-11-12 UQAM................... 4 50 31 176 .108 45 89 .506 5 6 83 .928 9 80 .887 76 1 6 1 4.0 1 59.0
2021-11-14 at UQTR................ 3 25 9 65 .246 24 26 .923 9 6 74 .919 8 42 .810 33 3 8 6 7.0 0 41.0
2021-11-20 MONTREAL............... 4 54 19 145 .241 50 82 .610 7 9 99 .909 7 74 .905 62 1 8 1 5.0 1 66.0
2021-11-27 OTTAWA................. 3 37 19 107 .168 34 57 .596 9 5 73 .932 3 50 .940 37 5 6 2 8.0 1 54.0
2021-11-28 at McGill.............. 5 56 32 186 .129 56 58 .966 6 9 95 .905 10 104 .904 66 4 6 1 7.0 0 69.0
2022-02-18 UQTR................... 4 45 28 143 .119 45 86 .523 6 12 99 .879 8 70 .886 61 6 12 0 12.0 0 63.0
2022-02-27 at Ottawa.............. 4 41 23 129 .140 41 41 1.000 10 3 94 .968 5 60 .917 71 6 2 0 7.0 0 58.0
Laval............................... 45 493 289 1568 .130 466 682 .683 74 91 990 .908 73 820 .911 670 36 78 19 75.0 5 642.0
Opponent............................ 45 476 274 1521 .133 447 667 .670 73 104 964 .892 74 856 .914 672 40 136 28 108.0 11 657.0
Games played: 45
Kills per game: 10.96
Assists per game: 10.36
Service aces per game: 1.64
Reception errors per game: 1.62
Digs per game: 14.89
Blocks per game: 1.67
Ball handling errors per game: 0.11
Reception errors per game: 1.62
Points per game: 14.27
Overall record: 8-4 Conf: 8-4 Home: 4-2 Away: 4-2 Neutral: 0-0
Opponent Match-by-Match
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Laval Opponent Match-by-Match (as of Feb 27, 2022)
All matches
|-------ATTACK------| |-----SET-----| |-------SERVE------| |----RECEPT---| DEF |-------BLOCK------| GEN
Date Opponent GP K E TA Pct A TA Pct SA SE TA Pct RE TA Pct DIG BS BA BE Total BHE Points
2021-10-15 at Montreal............ 4 42 30 136 .088 40 43 .930 7 10 81 .877 4 83 .952 56 5 16 1 13.0 1 62.0
2021-10-17 at Sherbrooke.......... 3 35 11 75 .320 29 31 .935 4 13 74 .824 0 37 1.000 41 6 18 1 15.0 0 54.0
2021-10-24 at UQAM................ 4 37 28 135 .067 36 42 .857 5 5 86 .942 3 80 .962 63 4 14 10 11.0 4 53.0
2021-10-29 MCGILL................. 4 45 21 152 .158 40 68 .588 2 8 86 .907 11 78 .859 55 1 14 0 8.0 0 55.0
2021-11-06 SHERBROOKE............. 3 37 12 90 .278 35 59 .593 5 9 73 .877 4 41 .902 41 5 10 1 10.0 0 52.0
2021-11-12 UQAM................... 4 48 18 148 .203 47 89 .528 9 7 94 .926 5 69 .928 83 4 10 2 9.0 1 66.0
2021-11-14 at UQTR................ 3 24 26 90 -.022 23 25 .920 8 10 52 .808 9 68 .868 29 4 2 7 5.0 1 37.0
2021-11-20 MONTREAL............... 4 52 30 163 .135 48 89 .539 7 8 90 .911 7 82 .915 67 1 12 2 7.0 0 66.0
2021-11-27 OTTAWA................. 3 23 26 92 -.033 22 48 .458 3 0 55 1.000 9 57 .842 45 0 18 2 9.0 2 35.0
2021-11-28 at McGill.............. 5 57 15 157 .268 54 61 .885 10 8 112 .929 6 86 .930 80 3 6 2 6.0 0 73.0
2022-02-18 UQTR................... 4 37 29 139 .058 36 71 .507 8 14 89 .843 6 84 .929 57 1 14 0 8.0 2 53.0
2022-02-27 at Ottawa.............. 4 39 28 144 .076 37 41 .902 5 12 72 .833 10 91 .890 55 6 2 0 7.0 0 51.0
Opponent totals..................... 45 476 274 1521 .133 447 667 .670 73 104 964 .892 74 856 .914 672 40 136 28 108.0 11 657.0
Laval............................... 45 493 289 1568 .130 466 682 .683 74 91 990 .908 73 820 .911 670 36 78 19 75.0 5 642.0
Games played: 45
Kills per game: 10.58
Assists per game: 9.93
Service aces per game: 1.62
Reception errors per game: 1.64
Digs per game: 14.93
Blocks per game: 2.40
Ball handling errors per game: 0.24
Reception errors per game: 1.64
Points per game: 14.60
Team Match-by-Match Comparison
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Laval Team Match-by-Match Comparison (as of Feb 27, 2022)
All matches
|-----------------ATTACK------------------| |--SET--| |------SERVE------|
Opponent Score GP Kills Errors Total Pct A SA SE
-------- ----- --- ----/---- ----/---- ----/---- ------/------ ----/---- ----/---- ----/----
Montreal............ 3-1 4 43/42 19/30 120/136 .200/ .088 39/40 4/7 10/10
Sherbrooke.......... 0-3 3 18/35 28/11 95/75 -.105/ .320 16/29 0/4 8/13
UQAM................ 3-1 4 45/37 28/28 145/135 .117/ .067 44/36 3/5 9/5
MCGILL.............. 3-1 4 56/45 27/21 156/152 .186/ .158 53/40 11/2 10/8
SHERBROOKE.......... 0-3 3 23/37 26/12 101/90 -.030/ .278 19/35 4/5 4/9
UQAM................ 1-3 4 50/48 31/18 176/148 .108/ .203 45/47 5/9 6/7
UQTR................ 3-0 3 25/24 9/26 65/90 .246/-.022 24/23 9/8 6/10
MONTREAL............ 3-1 4 54/52 19/30 145/163 .241/ .135 50/48 7/7 9/8
OTTAWA.............. 3-0 3 37/23 19/26 107/92 .168/-.033 34/22 9/3 5/0
McGill.............. 2-3 5 56/57 32/15 186/157 .129/ .268 56/54 6/10 9/8
UQTR................ 3-1 4 45/37 28/29 143/139 .119/ .058 45/36 6/8 12/14
Ottawa.............. 3-1 4 41/39 23/28 129/144 .140/ .076 41/37 10/5 3/12
Totals.............. 27-18 45 493/476 289/274 1568/1521 .130/ .133 466/447 74/73 91/104
Note: Match totals are displayed in the format TEAM/OPPONENT for each category
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Laval Team Match-by-Match Comparison (as of Feb 27, 2022)
All matches
|--PASS-| |--DEF--| |-----------------BLOCK-----------------| |--GEN--|
Opponent RE DIG BS-BA BE Total BHE
-------- ----/---- ----/---- ---------/--------- ----/---- -----/----- ----/----
Montreal............ 7/4 59/56 4-10 / 5-16 1/1 9.0/ 13.0 0/1
Sherbrooke.......... 4/0 27/41 1-2 / 6-18 0/1 2.0/ 15.0 0/0
UQAM................ 5/3 65/63 1-16 / 4-14 4/10 9.0/ 11.0 1/4
MCGILL.............. 2/11 77/55 2-0 / 1-14 0/0 2.0/ 8.0 0/0
SHERBROOKE.......... 5/4 36/41 2-2 / 5-10 3/1 3.0/ 10.0 1/0
UQAM................ 9/5 76/83 1-6 / 4-10 1/2 4.0/ 9.0 1/1
UQTR................ 8/9 33/29 3-8 / 4-2 6/7 7.0/ 5.0 0/1
MONTREAL............ 7/7 62/67 1-8 / 1-12 1/2 5.0/ 7.0 1/0
OTTAWA.............. 3/9 37/45 5-6 / 0-18 2/2 8.0/ 9.0 1/2
McGill.............. 10/6 66/80 4-6 / 3-6 1/2 7.0/ 6.0 0/0
UQTR................ 8/6 61/57 6-12 / 1-14 0/0 12.0/ 8.0 0/2
Ottawa.............. 5/10 71/55 6-2 / 6-2 0/0 7.0/ 7.0 0/0
Totals.............. 73/74 670/672 36-78 / 40-136 19/28 75.0/108.0 5/11
Note: Match totals are displayed in the format TEAM/OPPONENT for each category
Match Highs
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Laval Match Highs (as of Feb 27, 2022)
All matches
ATTACK PERCENT (K-E-TA) minimum 12 kills
.327 (21- 5-49) Marianne St-Aubin vs Montreal (2021-11-20)
.297 (16- 5-37) Roxane St-Amand at UQAM (2021-10-24)
.289 (15- 4-38) Beatrice Lamarche vs McGill (2021-10-29)
.211 (15- 7-38) Beatrice Lamarche vs Montreal (2021-11-20)
.189 (14- 7-37) Beatrice Lamarche at Ottawa (2022-02-27)
.082 (17-12-61) Beatrice Lamarche at McGill (2021-11-28)
.050 (12-10-40) Marianne St-Aubin vs UQAM (2021-11-12)
21 (21- 5-49) 4g Marianne St-Aubin vs Montreal (2021-11-20)
17 (17-12-61) 5g Beatrice Lamarche at McGill (2021-11-28)
16 (16- 5-37) 4g Roxane St-Amand at UQAM (2021-10-24)
15 (15- 7-38) 4g Beatrice Lamarche vs Montreal (2021-11-20)
15 (15- 4-38) 4g Beatrice Lamarche vs McGill (2021-10-29)
14 (14- 7-37) 4g Beatrice Lamarche at Ottawa (2022-02-27)
12 (12-10-40) 4g Marianne St-Aubin vs UQAM (2021-11-12)
11 (11- 4-21) 4g Justine Raymond vs McGill (2021-10-29)
11 (11- 6-31) 4g Marianne St-Aubin vs UQTR (2022-02-18)
11 (11- 8-36) 4g Beatrice Lamarche at Montreal (2021-10-15)
8 ( 8- 6-25) Jade Marquis vs Ottawa (2021-11-27)
8 ( 8- 7-24) Beatrice Lamarche vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-06)
8 ( 8- 6-32) Beatrice Lamarche vs Ottawa (2021-11-27)
7 ( 7- 4-21) Roxane St-Amand vs Ottawa (2021-11-27)
6 ( 6- 2-15) Roxane St-Amand at UQTR (2021-11-14)
21 (21- 5-49) Marianne St-Aubin vs Montreal (2021-11-20)
16 (16- 5-37) Roxane St-Amand at UQAM (2021-10-24)
15 (15- 7-38) Beatrice Lamarche vs Montreal (2021-11-20)
15 (15- 4-38) Beatrice Lamarche vs McGill (2021-10-29)
14 (14- 7-37) Beatrice Lamarche at Ottawa (2022-02-27)
17 (17-12-61) Beatrice Lamarche at McGill (2021-11-28)
10 (10- 6-39) Eloise Ross-Tremblay at McGill (2021-11-28)
10 (10- 2-23) Alexand. LeRoy Audy at McGill (2021-11-28)
9 ( 9- 8-43) Marianne St-Aubin at McGill (2021-11-28)
7 ( 7- 3-13) Justine Raymond at McGill (2021-11-28)
61 (17-12-61) 5g Beatrice Lamarche at McGill (2021-11-28)
49 (21- 5-49) 4g Marianne St-Aubin vs Montreal (2021-11-20)
43 ( 9- 8-43) 5g Marianne St-Aubin at McGill (2021-11-28)
40 (12-10-40) 4g Marianne St-Aubin vs UQAM (2021-11-12)
40 (11- 9-40) 4g Beatrice Lamarche vs UQTR (2022-02-18)
39 (10- 6-39) 5g Eloise Ross-Tremblay at McGill (2021-11-28)
38 (15- 4-38) 4g Beatrice Lamarche vs McGill (2021-10-29)
38 (15- 7-38) 4g Beatrice Lamarche vs Montreal (2021-11-20)
37 (14- 7-37) 4g Beatrice Lamarche at Ottawa (2022-02-27)
37 (16- 5-37) 4g Roxane St-Amand at UQAM (2021-10-24)
32 ( 8- 6-32) Beatrice Lamarche vs Ottawa (2021-11-27)
25 ( 8- 6-25) Jade Marquis vs Ottawa (2021-11-27)
24 ( 8- 7-24) Beatrice Lamarche vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-06)
22 ( 4- 6-22) Eloise Ross-Tremblay at Sherbrooke (2021-10-17)
21 ( 7- 4-21) Roxane St-Amand vs Ottawa (2021-11-27)
49 (21- 5-49) Marianne St-Aubin vs Montreal (2021-11-20)
40 (12-10-40) Marianne St-Aubin vs UQAM (2021-11-12)
40 (11- 9-40) Beatrice Lamarche vs UQTR (2022-02-18)
38 (15- 4-38) Beatrice Lamarche vs McGill (2021-10-29)
38 (15- 7-38) Beatrice Lamarche vs Montreal (2021-11-20)
61 (17-12-61) Beatrice Lamarche at McGill (2021-11-28)
43 ( 9- 8-43) Marianne St-Aubin at McGill (2021-11-28)
39 (10- 6-39) Eloise Ross-Tremblay at McGill (2021-11-28)
23 (10- 2-23) Alexand. LeRoy Audy at McGill (2021-11-28)
13 ( 7- 3-13) Justine Raymond at McGill (2021-11-28)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Laval Match Highs (as of Feb 27, 2022)
All matches
21.5 (21- 0- 0.5) 4g Marianne St-Aubin vs Montreal (2021-11-20)
19.0 (17- 1- 1.0) 5g Beatrice Lamarche at McGill (2021-11-28)
17.0 (15- 2- 0.0) 4g Beatrice Lamarche vs Montreal (2021-11-20)
17.0 (14- 3- 0.0) 4g Beatrice Lamarche at Ottawa (2022-02-27)
17.0 (16- 0- 1.0) 4g Roxane St-Amand at UQAM (2021-10-24)
13.0 ( 6- 3- 4.0) Jenny Barbeau vs Ottawa (2021-11-27)
11.5 ( 7- 3- 1.5) Roxane St-Amand vs Ottawa (2021-11-27)
11.5 ( 6- 4- 1.5) Beatrice Lamarche at UQTR (2021-11-14)
11.0 ( 8- 1- 2.0) Beatrice Lamarche vs Ottawa (2021-11-27)
10.0 ( 8- 2- 0.0) Beatrice Lamarche vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-06)
21.5 (21- 0- 0.5) Marianne St-Aubin vs Montreal (2021-11-20)
17.0 (14- 3- 0.0) Beatrice Lamarche at Ottawa (2022-02-27)
17.0 (16- 0- 1.0) Roxane St-Amand at UQAM (2021-10-24)
17.0 (15- 2- 0.0) Beatrice Lamarche vs Montreal (2021-11-20)
16.5 (10- 1- 5.5) Justine Raymond vs UQTR (2022-02-18)
19.0 (17- 1- 1.0) Beatrice Lamarche at McGill (2021-11-28)
13.0 ( 7- 3- 3.0) Justine Raymond at McGill (2021-11-28)
11.5 ( 9- 1- 1.5) Marianne St-Aubin at McGill (2021-11-28)
11.0 (10- 0- 1.0) Eloise Ross-Tremblay at McGill (2021-11-28)
10.5 (10- 0- 0.5) Alexand. LeRoy Audy at McGill (2021-11-28)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Laval Match Highs (as of Feb 27, 2022)
All matches
44 (4g) Elizabeth Cavan vs Montreal (2021-11-20)
43 (5g) Elizabeth Cavan at McGill (2021-11-28)
38 (4g) Elizabeth Cavan vs McGill (2021-10-29)
36 (4g) Elizabeth Cavan vs UQAM (2021-11-12)
33 (4g) Elizabeth Cavan at Montreal (2021-10-15)
32 Elizabeth Cavan vs Ottawa (2021-11-27)
19 Elizabeth Cavan at UQTR (2021-11-14)
11 Elizabeth Cavan at Sherbrooke (2021-10-17)
11 Elizabeth Cavan vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-06)
6 Mar.-Justine Couture vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-06)
44 Elizabeth Cavan vs Montreal (2021-11-20)
38 Elizabeth Cavan vs McGill (2021-10-29)
36 Elizabeth Cavan vs UQAM (2021-11-12)
33 Elizabeth Cavan at Montreal (2021-10-15)
32 Elizabeth Cavan at UQAM (2021-10-24)
43 Elizabeth Cavan at McGill (2021-11-28)
4 Mar.-Noelle Tremblay at McGill (2021-11-28)
2 Andrea Maksimovic at McGill (2021-11-28)
1 Justine Raymond at McGill (2021-11-28)
1 Alexand. LeRoy Audy at McGill (2021-11-28)
17 (5g) Elizabeth Cavan at McGill (2021-11-28)
16 (5g) Marianne St-Aubin at McGill (2021-11-28)
15 (4g) Eloise Ross-Tremblay vs McGill (2021-10-29)
15 (4g) Elizabeth Cavan at Ottawa (2022-02-27)
15 (4g) Andrea Maksimovic vs UQAM (2021-11-12)
11 Beatrice Lamarche vs Ottawa (2021-11-27)
11 Beatrice Lamarche at UQTR (2021-11-14)
9 Mar.-Noelle Tremblay vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-06)
7 Beatrice Lamarche vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-06)
6 Jade Marquis vs Ottawa (2021-11-27)
15 Eloise Ross-Tremblay vs McGill (2021-10-29)
15 Elizabeth Cavan at Ottawa (2022-02-27)
15 Andrea Maksimovic vs UQAM (2021-11-12)
14 Mar.-Noelle Tremblay vs McGill (2021-10-29)
13 Beatrice Lamarche vs McGill (2021-10-29)
17 Elizabeth Cavan at McGill (2021-11-28)
16 Marianne St-Aubin at McGill (2021-11-28)
10 Andrea Maksimovic at McGill (2021-11-28)
8 Eloise Ross-Tremblay at McGill (2021-11-28)
7 Beatrice Lamarche at McGill (2021-11-28)
5 Eloise Ross-Tremblay vs McGill (2021-10-29)
4 Beatrice Lamarche at UQTR (2021-11-14)
3 Roxane St-Amand vs Ottawa (2021-11-27)
3 Beatrice Lamarche vs UQAM (2021-11-12)
3 Jenny Barbeau vs Ottawa (2021-11-27)
8 ( 3- 5) Justine Raymond vs UQTR (2022-02-18)
6 ( 0- 6) Anne-Sophie Tanguay at UQAM (2021-10-24)
5 ( 3- 2) Jenny Barbeau vs Ottawa (2021-11-27)
4 ( 3- 1) Justine Raymond at Ottawa (2022-02-27)
4 ( 2- 2) Justine Raymond at McGill (2021-11-28)
4 ( 1- 3) Anne-Sophie Tanguay vs Montreal (2021-11-20)
4 ( 1- 3) Justine Raymond at Montreal (2021-10-15)
4 ( 1- 3) Elizabeth Cavan at Montreal (2021-10-15)
3 ( 3- 0) Anne-Sophie Tanguay at Ottawa (2022-02-27)
3 ( 1- 2) Justine Raymond at UQAM (2021-10-24)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Laval Match Highs (as of Feb 27, 2022)
All matches
.246 (25- 9- 65) at UQTR (2021-11-14)
.241 (54-19-145) vs Montreal (2021-11-20)
.200 (43-19-120) at Montreal (2021-10-15)
.186 (56-27-156) vs McGill (2021-10-29)
.168 (37-19-107) vs Ottawa (2021-11-27)
.140 (41-23-129) at Ottawa (2022-02-27)
.129 (56-32-186) at McGill (2021-11-28)
.119 (45-28-143) vs UQTR (2022-02-18)
.117 (45-28-145) at UQAM (2021-10-24)
.108 (50-31-176) vs UQAM (2021-11-12)
56 (56-32-186) 5g at McGill (2021-11-28)
56 (56-27-156) 4g vs McGill (2021-10-29)
54 (54-19-145) 4g vs Montreal (2021-11-20)
50 (50-31-176) 4g vs UQAM (2021-11-12)
45 (45-28-143) 4g vs UQTR (2022-02-18)
45 (45-28-145) 4g at UQAM (2021-10-24)
43 (43-19-120) 4g at Montreal (2021-10-15)
41 (41-23-129) 4g at Ottawa (2022-02-27)
37 (37-19-107) 3g vs Ottawa (2021-11-27)
25 (25- 9- 65) 3g at UQTR (2021-11-14)
37 (37-19-107) vs Ottawa (2021-11-27)
25 (25- 9- 65) at UQTR (2021-11-14)
23 (23-26-101) vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-06)
18 (18-28- 95) at Sherbrooke (2021-10-17)
56 (56-27-156) vs McGill (2021-10-29)
54 (54-19-145) vs Montreal (2021-11-20)
50 (50-31-176) vs UQAM (2021-11-12)
45 (45-28-143) vs UQTR (2022-02-18)
45 (45-28-145) at UQAM (2021-10-24)
56 (56-32-186) at McGill (2021-11-28)
186 (56-32-186) 5g at McGill (2021-11-28)
176 (50-31-176) 4g vs UQAM (2021-11-12)
156 (56-27-156) 4g vs McGill (2021-10-29)
145 (54-19-145) 4g vs Montreal (2021-11-20)
145 (45-28-145) 4g at UQAM (2021-10-24)
143 (45-28-143) 4g vs UQTR (2022-02-18)
129 (41-23-129) 4g at Ottawa (2022-02-27)
120 (43-19-120) 4g at Montreal (2021-10-15)
107 (37-19-107) 3g vs Ottawa (2021-11-27)
101 (23-26-101) 3g vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-06)
107 (37-19-107) vs Ottawa (2021-11-27)
101 (23-26-101) vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-06)
95 (18-28- 95) at Sherbrooke (2021-10-17)
65 (25- 9- 65) at UQTR (2021-11-14)
176 (50-31-176) vs UQAM (2021-11-12)
156 (56-27-156) vs McGill (2021-10-29)
145 (54-19-145) vs Montreal (2021-11-20)
145 (45-28-145) at UQAM (2021-10-24)
143 (45-28-143) vs UQTR (2022-02-18)
186 (56-32-186) at McGill (2021-11-28)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Laval Match Highs (as of Feb 27, 2022)
All matches
56 (5g) at McGill (2021-11-28)
53 (4g) vs McGill (2021-10-29)
50 (4g) vs Montreal (2021-11-20)
45 (4g) vs UQAM (2021-11-12)
45 (4g) vs UQTR (2022-02-18)
34 vs Ottawa (2021-11-27)
24 at UQTR (2021-11-14)
19 vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-06)
16 at Sherbrooke (2021-10-17)
53 vs McGill (2021-10-29)
50 vs Montreal (2021-11-20)
45 vs UQAM (2021-11-12)
45 vs UQTR (2022-02-18)
44 at UQAM (2021-10-24)
56 at McGill (2021-11-28)
77 (4g) vs McGill (2021-10-29)
76 (4g) vs UQAM (2021-11-12)
71 (4g) at Ottawa (2022-02-27)
66 (5g) at McGill (2021-11-28)
65 (4g) at UQAM (2021-10-24)
37 vs Ottawa (2021-11-27)
36 vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-06)
33 at UQTR (2021-11-14)
27 at Sherbrooke (2021-10-17)
77 vs McGill (2021-10-29)
76 vs UQAM (2021-11-12)
71 at Ottawa (2022-02-27)
65 at UQAM (2021-10-24)
62 vs Montreal (2021-11-20)
66 at McGill (2021-11-28)
11 vs McGill (2021-10-29)
10 at Ottawa (2022-02-27)
9 at UQTR (2021-11-14)
9 vs Ottawa (2021-11-27)
7 vs Montreal (2021-11-20)
12.0 vs UQTR (2022-02-18)
9.0 at Montreal (2021-10-15)
9.0 at UQAM (2021-10-24)
8.0 vs Ottawa (2021-11-27)
7.0 at McGill (2021-11-28)
7.0 at UQTR (2021-11-14)
7.0 at Ottawa (2022-02-27)
5.0 vs Montreal (2021-11-20)
4.0 vs UQAM (2021-11-12)
3.0 vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-06)