Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Overall Team Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Montreal Overall Team Statistics (as of Feb 27, 2022)
All matches
Overall record: 6-6 Conf: 6-6 Home: 3-3 Away: 3-3 Neutral: 0-0
Kills....................... 542 470
Errors...................... 270 229
Total Attacks............... 1475 1398
Attack Pct.................. .184 .172
Kills/Game.................. 11.3 9.8
Assists..................... 509 439
Attempts.................... 584 494
Assist Pct.................. .872 .889
Assists/Game................ 10.6 9.1
Aces........................ 98 78
Errors...................... 112 128
Attempts.................... 1043 998
Serve Pct................... .893 .872
Aces/Game................... 2.0 1.6
SERVE RECEPTIONS..............
Errors...................... 78 98
Errors/Game................. 1.6 2.0
Attempts.................... 862 922
Reception Pct............... .910 .894
Digs........................ 626 543
Digs/Game................... 13.0 11.3
Block Solo.................. 40 32
Block Assist................ 90 106
Total Blocks................ 85.0 85.0
Blocks Per Game............. 1.8 1.8
Block Errors................ 29 31
Total....................... 0 1561
Dates/Avg Per Date.......... 6/0 6/260
Neutral site #/Avg.......... 0/0
Current win streak.......... 3 -
Home win streak............. 1 -
MATCH WINS BY #GAMES 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Montreal............ 0 0 3 2 1 - 6
Opponents........... 0 0 0 4 2 - 6
GAMES WON BY GAME 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Montreal............ 9 6 7 3 1 - 26
Opponents........... 3 6 5 6 2 - 22
POINTS BY GAME 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Montreal............ 291 264 267 193 38 - 1053
Opponents........... 235 264 250 213 41 - 1003
Overall Individual Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Montreal Overall Individual Statistics (as of Feb 27, 2022)
All matches
Overall record: 6-6 Conf: 6-6 Home: 3-3 Away: 3-3 Neutral: 0-0
|-----------ATTACK---------| |---------SET---------| |----------SERVE-----------|
## Name GP-MP-MS K K/Game E TA Pct A A/Game TA Pct SA SA/Gm SE TA Pct
1 Oceane Couturier 48 12-12 29 0.60 1 51 .549 386 8.04 413 .935 14 0.29 13 197 .934
2 Chloe Galarneau-Hal. 31 11-2 33 1.06 35 126 -.016 6 0.19 9 .667 6 0.19 5 43 .884
3 Rosalie Turgeon 33 10-2 24 0.73 12 69 .174 3 0.09 6 .500 5 0.15 9 50 .820
4 Clemence Glorieux 41 12-6 12 0.29 8 46 .087 6 0.15 7 .857 16 0.39 7 129 .946
5 Britanny McGlashan 31 9-0 4 0.13 0 9 .444 13 0.42 17 .765 1 0.03 3 29 .897
6 Alexe Gagne 44 11-0 1 0.02 0 3 .333 36 0.82 51 .706 0 0.00 0 0 .000
7 Samwella Lukhanda 48 12-12 79 1.65 36 187 .230 9 0.19 11 .818 14 0.29 14 121 .884
8 Florence Cloutier 42 11-10 35 0.83 21 149 .094 4 0.10 6 .667 11 0.26 13 122 .893
10 Sarah McGlashan 15 4-0 0 0.00 1 3 -.333 22 1.47 25 .880 4 0.27 1 42 .976
11 Gabrielle Fortin 40 11-10 119 2.97 61 288 .201 4 0.10 10 .400 12 0.30 23 99 .768
12 Sammy-J Beauregard-V 5 3-0 0 0.00 0 1 .000 1 0.20 1 1.000 0 0.00 0 0 .000
13 Maxime Dallaire 17 8-1 28 1.65 12 70 .229 1 0.06 2 .500 1 0.06 8 27 .704
14 Olympe Desmedt 48 12-11 140 2.92 69 381 .186 16 0.33 22 .727 11 0.23 12 141 .915
15 Myriam Kayser-Tour. 26 7-6 37 1.42 13 87 .276 2 0.08 4 .500 3 0.12 4 43 .907
MONTREAL............ 48 12-12 542 11.29 270 1475 .184 509 10.60 584 .872 98 2.04 112 1043 .893
Opponents........... 48 12-12 470 9.79 229 1398 .172 439 9.15 494 .889 78 1.62 128 998 .872
|----RECEPT----| |---DIG---| |--------BLOCKING---------|
## Name G RE TA Pct DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game BE BHE POINTS Pts/Gm
1 Oceane Couturier 48 0 3 1.000 83 1.73 4 8 12 0.25 3 2 51.0 1.06
2 Chloe Galarneau-Hal. 31 5 44 .886 27 0.87 4 4 8 0.26 0 0 45.0 1.45
3 Rosalie Turgeon 33 0 4 1.000 27 0.82 2 6 8 0.24 4 1 34.0 1.03
4 Clemence Glorieux 41 0 2 1.000 20 0.49 7 9 16 0.39 0 0 39.5 0.96
5 Britanny McGlashan 31 2 55 .964 40 1.29 0 0 0 0.00 0 2 5.0 0.16
6 Alexe Gagne 44 21 278 .924 152 3.45 0 0 0 0.00 0 1 1.0 0.02
7 Samwella Lukhanda 48 1 11 .909 16 0.33 9 23 32 0.67 10 0 113.5 2.36
8 Florence Cloutier 42 9 128 .930 73 1.74 0 4 4 0.10 2 1 48.0 1.14
10 Sarah McGlashan 15 0 0 .000 8 0.53 0 0 0 0.00 1 0 4.0 0.27
11 Gabrielle Fortin 40 1 10 .900 48 1.20 4 15 19 0.47 3 2 142.5 3.56
12 Sammy-J Beauregard-V 5 0 2 1.000 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0 0.00
13 Maxime Dallaire 17 4 45 .911 15 0.88 0 1 1 0.06 1 0 29.5 1.74
14 Olympe Desmedt 48 27 195 .862 108 2.25 8 7 15 0.31 1 1 162.5 3.39
15 Myriam Kayser-Tour. 26 0 2 1.000 9 0.35 2 13 15 0.58 4 0 48.5 1.87
MONTREAL............ 48 78 862 .910 626 13.04 40 90 85.0 1.77 29 10 725.0 15.10
Opponents........... 48 98 922 .894 543 11.31 32 106 85.0 1.77 31 8 633.0 13.19
Category Leaders
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Montreal Category Leaders (as of Feb 27, 2022)
All matches
## ATTACK (by Pct) G K K/Game E TA Pct
1 Oceane Couturier 48 29 0.60 1 51 .549
5 Britanny McGlashan 31 4 0.13 0 9 .444
6 Alexe Gagne 44 1 0.02 0 3 .333
15 Myriam Kayser-Tour. 26 37 1.42 13 87 .276
7 Samwella Lukhanda 48 79 1.65 36 187 .230
13 Maxime Dallaire 17 28 1.65 12 70 .229
11 Gabrielle Fortin 40 119 2.97 61 288 .201
14 Olympe Desmedt 48 140 2.92 69 381 .186
3 Rosalie Turgeon 33 24 0.73 12 69 .174
8 Florence Cloutier 42 35 0.83 21 149 .094
4 Clemence Glorieux 41 12 0.29 8 46 .087
12 Sammy-J Beauregard-V 5 0 0.00 0 1 .000
2 Chloe Galarneau-Hal. 31 33 1.06 35 126 -.016
10 Sarah McGlashan 15 0 0.00 1 3 -.333
TM TEAM 48 1 0.02 1 5 .000
MONTREAL............ 48 542 11.29 270 1475 .184
Opponents........... 48 470 9.79 229 1398 .172
## SET (by A/Game) G A A/Game TA Pct
1 Oceane Couturier 48 386 8.04 413 .935
10 Sarah McGlashan 15 22 1.47 25 .880
6 Alexe Gagne 44 36 0.82 51 .706
5 Britanny McGlashan 31 13 0.42 17 .765
14 Olympe Desmedt 48 16 0.33 22 .727
12 Sammy-J Beauregard-V 5 1 0.20 1 1.000
2 Chloe Galarneau-Hal. 31 6 0.19 9 .667
7 Samwella Lukhanda 48 9 0.19 11 .818
4 Clemence Glorieux 41 6 0.15 7 .857
11 Gabrielle Fortin 40 4 0.10 10 .400
8 Florence Cloutier 42 4 0.10 6 .667
3 Rosalie Turgeon 33 3 0.09 6 .500
15 Myriam Kayser-Tour. 26 2 0.08 4 .500
13 Maxime Dallaire 17 1 0.06 2 .500
MONTREAL............ 48 509 10.60 584 .872
Opponents........... 48 439 9.15 494 .889
## BLOCK (by B/Game) G BS BA Total B/Game BE
7 Samwella Lukhanda 48 9 23 32.0 0.67 10
15 Myriam Kayser-Tour. 26 2 13 15.0 0.58 4
11 Gabrielle Fortin 40 4 15 19.0 0.47 3
4 Clemence Glorieux 41 7 9 16.0 0.39 0
14 Olympe Desmedt 48 8 7 15.0 0.31 1
2 Chloe Galarneau-Hal. 31 4 4 8.0 0.26 0
1 Oceane Couturier 48 4 8 12.0 0.25 3
3 Rosalie Turgeon 33 2 6 8.0 0.24 4
8 Florence Cloutier 42 0 4 4.0 0.10 2
13 Maxime Dallaire 17 0 1 1.0 0.06 1
10 Sarah McGlashan 15 0 0 0.0 0.00 1
MONTREAL............ 48 40 90 85.0 1.77 29
Opponents........... 48 32 106 85.0 1.77 31
## POINTS (by ##) G Points Pts/G
1 Oceane Couturier 48 51.0 1.06
2 Chloe Galarneau-Hal. 31 45.0 1.45
3 Rosalie Turgeon 33 34.0 1.03
4 Clemence Glorieux 41 39.5 0.95
5 Britanny McGlashan 31 5.0 0.16
6 Alexe Gagne 44 1.0 0.02
7 Samwella Lukhanda 48 113.5 2.35
8 Florence Cloutier 42 48.0 1.14
10 Sarah McGlashan 15 4.0 0.27
11 Gabrielle Fortin 40 142.5 3.55
12 Sammy-J Beauregard-V 5 0.0 0.00
13 Maxime Dallaire 17 29.5 1.71
14 Olympe Desmedt 48 162.5 3.38
15 Myriam Kayser-Tour. 26 48.5 1.85
TM TEAM 48 1.0 0.02
MONTREAL............ 48 725.0 15.10
Opponents........... 48 633.0 13.19
## KILL (by K/Game) G K K/Game
11 Gabrielle Fortin 40 119 2.97
14 Olympe Desmedt 48 140 2.92
13 Maxime Dallaire 17 28 1.65
7 Samwella Lukhanda 48 79 1.65
15 Myriam Kayser-Tour. 26 37 1.42
2 Chloe Galarneau-Hal. 31 33 1.06
8 Florence Cloutier 42 35 0.83
3 Rosalie Turgeon 33 24 0.73
1 Oceane Couturier 48 29 0.60
4 Clemence Glorieux 41 12 0.29
5 Britanny McGlashan 31 4 0.13
6 Alexe Gagne 44 1 0.02
12 Sammy-J Beauregard-V 5 0 0.00
10 Sarah McGlashan 15 0 0.00
TM TEAM 48 1 0.02
MONTREAL............ 48 542 11.29
Opponents........... 48 470 9.79
## SERVE (by ##) G SA SE TA Pct SA/G
1 Oceane Couturier 48 14 13 197 .934 0.29
2 Chloe Galarneau-Hal. 31 6 5 43 .884 0.19
3 Rosalie Turgeon 33 5 9 50 .820 0.15
4 Clemence Glorieux 41 16 7 129 .946 0.39
5 Britanny McGlashan 31 1 3 29 .897 0.03
7 Samwella Lukhanda 48 14 14 121 .884 0.29
8 Florence Cloutier 42 11 13 122 .893 0.26
10 Sarah McGlashan 15 4 1 42 .976 0.27
11 Gabrielle Fortin 40 12 23 99 .768 0.30
13 Maxime Dallaire 17 1 8 27 .704 0.06
14 Olympe Desmedt 48 11 12 141 .915 0.23
15 Myriam Kayser-Tour. 26 3 4 43 .907 0.12
MONTREAL............ 48 98 112 1043 .893 2.04
Opponents........... 48 78 128 998 .872 1.62
11 Gabrielle Fortin 40 48 1.20 2
1 Oceane Couturier 48 83 1.73 2
5 Britanny McGlashan 31 40 1.29 2
6 Alexe Gagne 44 152 3.45 1
3 Rosalie Turgeon 33 27 0.82 1
14 Olympe Desmedt 48 108 2.25 1
8 Florence Cloutier 42 73 1.74 1
7 Samwella Lukhanda 48 16 0.33 0
10 Sarah McGlashan 15 8 0.53 0
4 Clemence Glorieux 41 20 0.49 0
13 Maxime Dallaire 17 15 0.88 0
2 Chloe Galarneau-Hal. 31 27 0.87 0
15 Myriam Kayser-Tour. 26 9 0.35 0
MONTREAL............ 48 626 13.04 10
Opponents........... 48 543 11.31 8
## RECEPT (by RE/Game) G RE RE/Gm TA Pct
14 Olympe Desmedt 48 27 0.56 195 .862
6 Alexe Gagne 44 21 0.48 278 .924
13 Maxime Dallaire 17 4 0.24 45 .911
8 Florence Cloutier 42 9 0.21 128 .930
TM TEAM 48 8 0.17 83 .904
2 Chloe Galarneau-Hal. 31 5 0.16 44 .886
5 Britanny McGlashan 31 2 0.06 55 .964
11 Gabrielle Fortin 40 1 0.03 10 .900
7 Samwella Lukhanda 48 1 0.02 11 .909
4 Clemence Glorieux 41 0 0.00 2 1.000
12 Sammy-J Beauregard-V 5 0 0.00 2 1.000
1 Oceane Couturier 48 0 0.00 3 1.000
15 Myriam Kayser-Tour. 26 0 0.00 2 1.000
3 Rosalie Turgeon 33 0 0.00 4 1.000
MONTREAL............ 48 78 1.62 862 .910
Opponents........... 48 98 2.04 922 .894
Combined Team Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Montreal Combined Team Statistics (as of Feb 27, 2022)
All matches
ALL MATCHES......... ( 6-6 ) ( 3-3 ) ( 3-3 ) ( 0-0 )
CONFERENCE.......... ( 6-6 ) ( 3-3 ) ( 3-3 ) ( 0-0 )
NON-CONFERENCE...... ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 )
|---------ATTACK----------| |--SET---| |----SERVE----| |--DIG---| |------BLOCKING-------|
1 Oceane Couturier 48 29 0.60 1 51 .549 386 8.04 14 13 0.29 0 83 1.73 4 8 12 0.25 3 2 51.0
2 Chloe Galarneau-Hal. 31 33 1.06 35 126 -.016 6 0.19 6 5 0.19 5 27 0.87 4 4 8 0.26 0 0 45.0
3 Rosalie Turgeon 33 24 0.73 12 69 .174 3 0.09 5 9 0.15 0 27 0.82 2 6 8 0.24 4 1 34.0
4 Clemence Glorieux 41 12 0.29 8 46 .087 6 0.15 16 7 0.39 0 20 0.49 7 9 16 0.39 0 0 39.5
5 Britanny McGlashan 31 4 0.13 0 9 .444 13 0.42 1 3 0.03 2 40 1.29 0 0 0 0.00 0 2 5.0
6 Alexe Gagne 44 1 0.02 0 3 .333 36 0.82 0 0 0.00 21 152 3.45 0 0 0 0.00 0 1 1.0
7 Samwella Lukhanda 48 79 1.65 36 187 .230 9 0.19 14 14 0.29 1 16 0.33 9 23 32 0.67 10 0 113.5
8 Florence Cloutier 42 35 0.83 21 149 .094 4 0.10 11 13 0.26 9 73 1.74 0 4 4 0.10 2 1 48.0
10 Sarah McGlashan 15 0 0.00 1 3 -.333 22 1.47 4 1 0.27 0 8 0.53 0 0 0 0.00 1 0 4.0
11 Gabrielle Fortin 40 119 2.97 61 288 .201 4 0.10 12 23 0.30 1 48 1.20 4 15 19 0.47 3 2 142.5
12 Sammy-J Beauregard-V 5 0 0.00 0 1 .000 1 0.20 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0
13 Maxime Dallaire 17 28 1.65 12 70 .229 1 0.06 1 8 0.06 4 15 0.88 0 1 1 0.06 1 0 29.5
14 Olympe Desmedt 48 140 2.92 69 381 .186 16 0.33 11 12 0.23 27 108 2.25 8 7 15 0.31 1 1 162.5
15 Myriam Kayser-Tour. 26 37 1.42 13 87 .276 2 0.08 3 4 0.12 0 9 0.35 2 13 15 0.58 4 0 48.5
MONTREAL............ 48 542 11.29 270 1475 .184 509 10.60 98 112 2.04 78 626 13.04 40 90 85.0 1.77 29 10 725.0
Opponents........... 48 470 9.79 229 1398 .172 439 9.15 78 128 1.62 98 543 11.31 32 106 85.0 1.77 31 8 633.0
Kills............. 542 470
Errors............ 270 229
Total Attacks..... 1475 1398
Attack Pct........ .184 .172
Kills/Game........ 11.3 9.8
Assists........... 509 439
Attempts.......... 584 494
Assist Pct........ .872 .889
Assists/Game...... 10.6 9.1
Aces.............. 98 78
Errors............ 112 128
Attempts.......... 1043 998
Serve Pct......... .893 .872
Aces/Game......... 2.0 1.6
Errors............ 78 98
Errors/Game....... 1.6 2.0
Attempts.......... 862 922
Reception Pct..... .910 .894
Digs.............. 626 543
Digs/Game......... 13.0 11.3
Block Solo........ 40 32
Block Assist...... 90 106
Total Blocks...... 85.0 85.0
Blocks Per Game... 1.8 1.8
Block Errors...... 29 31
Total............. 0 1561
Dates/Avg Per Date 6/0 6/260
Neutral site #/Avg 0/0
Current win streak 3 -
Home win streak... 1 -
---------- ---------------------- --- ----- ----------------------------- ------
* 2021-10-15 LAVAL L 1-3 23-25,25-20,14-25,18-25 -
* 2021-10-22 at Ottawa W 3-1 25-11,20-25,25-20,25-19 -
* 2021-10-24 MCGILL L 1-3 18-25,25-23,17-25,15-25 -
* 2021-10-29 UQTR W 3-0 25-12,25-21,25-17 -
* 2021-10-31 at McGill L 2-3 25-23,18-25,16-25,25-20,11-15 -
* 2021-11-12 OTTAWA W 3-0 25-16,25-13,25-15 -
* 2021-11-14 at UQAM L 1-3 24-26,18-25,25-15,26-28 -
* 2021-11-19 SHERBROOKE L 2-3 25-16,20-25,25-21,21-25,12-15 -
* 2021-11-20 at Laval L 1-3 26-24,19-25,24-26,20-25 1380
* 2021-11-28 at UQTR W 3-1 25-21,19-25,25-15,25-21 -
* 2022-02-18 at Sherbrooke W 3-2 25-14,25-18,21-25,18-25,15-11 181
* 2022-02-25 UQAM W 3-0 25-22,25-19,25-21 -
Volleyball Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Montreal Volleyball Statistics (as of Feb 27, 2022)
All matches
Overall record: 6-6 Conf: 6-6 Home: 3-3 Away: 3-3 Neutral: 0-0
|--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---| |--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---|
## Name G K K/G E TA Pct A A/G Points G K K/G E TA Pct A A/G Points
------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
1 Oceane Couturier.... 48 29 0.60 1 51 .549 386 8.04 51.0 48 29 0.60 1 51 .549 386 8.04 51.0
2 Chloe Galarneau-Hal. 31 33 1.06 35 126 -.016 6 0.19 45.0 31 33 1.06 35 126 -.016 6 0.19 45.0
3 Rosalie Turgeon..... 33 24 0.73 12 69 .174 3 0.09 34.0 33 24 0.73 12 69 .174 3 0.09 34.0
4 Clemence Glorieux... 41 12 0.29 8 46 .087 6 0.15 39.5 41 12 0.29 8 46 .087 6 0.15 39.5
5 Britanny McGlashan.. 31 4 0.13 0 9 .444 13 0.42 5.0 31 4 0.13 0 9 .444 13 0.42 5.0
6 Alexe Gagne......... 44 1 0.02 0 3 .333 36 0.82 1.0 44 1 0.02 0 3 .333 36 0.82 1.0
7 Samwella Lukhanda... 48 79 1.65 36 187 .230 9 0.19 113.5 48 79 1.65 36 187 .230 9 0.19 113.5
8 Florence Cloutier... 42 35 0.83 21 149 .094 4 0.10 48.0 42 35 0.83 21 149 .094 4 0.10 48.0
10 Sarah McGlashan..... 15 0 0.00 1 3 -.333 22 1.47 4.0 15 0 0.00 1 3 -.333 22 1.47 4.0
11 Gabrielle Fortin.... 40 119 2.97 61 288 .201 4 0.10 142.5 40 119 2.97 61 288 .201 4 0.10 142.5
12 Sammy-J Beauregard-V 5 0 0.00 0 1 .000 1 0.20 0.0 5 0 0.00 0 1 .000 1 0.20 0.0
13 Maxime Dallaire..... 17 28 1.65 12 70 .229 1 0.06 29.5 17 28 1.65 12 70 .229 1 0.06 29.5
14 Olympe Desmedt...... 48 140 2.92 69 381 .186 16 0.33 162.5 48 140 2.92 69 381 .186 16 0.33 162.5
15 Myriam Kayser-Tour.. 26 37 1.42 13 87 .276 2 0.08 48.5 26 37 1.42 13 87 .276 2 0.08 48.5
MONTREAL............ 48 542 11.29 270 1475 .184 509 10.60 725.0 48 542 11.29 270 1475 .184 509 10.60 725.0
Opponents........... 48 470 9.79 229 1398 .172 439 9.15 633.0 48 470 9.79 229 1398 .172 439 9.15 633.0
|--SERVE--| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----| |--SERVE--| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----|
Name SA SA/Gm RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game SA SA/Gm RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
Oceane Couturier.... 14 0.29 0 83 1.73 4 8 12 0.25 14 0.29 0 83 1.73 4 8 12 0.25
Chloe Galarneau-Hal. 6 0.19 5 27 0.87 4 4 8 0.26 6 0.19 5 27 0.87 4 4 8 0.26
Rosalie Turgeon..... 5 0.15 0 27 0.82 2 6 8 0.24 5 0.15 0 27 0.82 2 6 8 0.24
Clemence Glorieux... 16 0.39 0 20 0.49 7 9 16 0.39 16 0.39 0 20 0.49 7 9 16 0.39
Britanny McGlashan.. 1 0.03 2 40 1.29 0 0 0 0.00 1 0.03 2 40 1.29 0 0 0 0.00
Alexe Gagne......... 0 0.00 21 152 3.45 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 21 152 3.45 0 0 0 0.00
Samwella Lukhanda... 14 0.29 1 16 0.33 9 23 32 0.67 14 0.29 1 16 0.33 9 23 32 0.67
Florence Cloutier... 11 0.26 9 73 1.74 0 4 4 0.10 11 0.26 9 73 1.74 0 4 4 0.10
Sarah McGlashan..... 4 0.27 0 8 0.53 0 0 0 0.00 4 0.27 0 8 0.53 0 0 0 0.00
Gabrielle Fortin.... 12 0.30 1 48 1.20 4 15 19 0.47 12 0.30 1 48 1.20 4 15 19 0.47
Sammy-J Beauregard-V 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Maxime Dallaire..... 1 0.06 4 15 0.88 0 1 1 0.06 1 0.06 4 15 0.88 0 1 1 0.06
Olympe Desmedt...... 11 0.23 27 108 2.25 8 7 15 0.31 11 0.23 27 108 2.25 8 7 15 0.31
Myriam Kayser-Tour.. 3 0.12 0 9 0.35 2 13 15 0.58 3 0.12 0 9 0.35 2 13 15 0.58
TEAM................ 8 8
MONTREAL............ 98 2.04 78 626 13.04 40 90 85.0 1.77 98 2.04 78 626 13.04 40 90 85.0 1.77
Opponents........... 78 1.62 98 543 11.31 32 106 85.0 1.77 78 1.62 98 543 11.31 32 106 85.0 1.77
Team Match-by-Match
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Montreal Team Match-by-Match (as of Feb 27, 2022)
All matches
|-------ATTACK------| |-----SET-----| |-------SERVE------| |----RECEPT---| DEF |-------BLOCK------| GEN
Date Opponent GP K E TA Pct A TA Pct SA SE TA Pct RE TA Pct DIG BS BA BE Total BHE Points
2021-10-15 LAVAL.................. 4 42 30 136 .088 40 43 .930 7 10 81 .877 4 83 .952 56 5 16 1 13.0 1 62.0
2021-10-22 at Ottawa.............. 4 39 7 86 .372 32 35 .914 22 10 94 .894 12 57 .789 31 6 4 0 8.0 0 69.0
2021-10-24 MCGILL................. 4 37 31 137 .044 37 42 .881 7 12 74 .838 8 85 .906 58 1 4 1 3.0 1 47.0
2021-10-29 UQTR................... 3 32 13 65 .292 32 32 1.000 9 7 74 .905 5 41 .878 33 7 8 2 11.0 0 52.0
2021-10-31 at McGill.............. 5 51 29 134 .164 51 59 .864 10 8 94 .915 7 100 .930 48 5 6 0 8.0 0 69.0
2021-11-12 OTTAWA................. 3 37 15 85 .259 35 36 .972 9 6 74 .919 3 38 .921 38 2 4 2 4.0 0 50.0
2021-11-14 at UQAM................ 4 53 23 127 .236 49 53 .925 4 8 91 .912 9 79 .886 52 0 8 9 4.0 0 61.0
2021-11-19 SHERBROOKE............. 5 58 29 153 .190 58 58 1.000 6 14 102 .863 5 91 .945 66 3 8 0 7.0 4 71.0
2021-11-20 at Laval............... 4 52 30 163 .135 48 89 .539 7 8 90 .911 7 82 .915 67 1 12 2 7.0 0 66.0
2021-11-28 at UQTR................ 4 45 15 138 .217 40 44 .909 6 17 93 .817 7 71 .901 65 5 6 8 8.0 2 59.0
2022-02-18 at Sherbrooke.......... 5 51 22 135 .215 43 44 .977 7 8 103 .922 10 80 .875 56 4 8 3 8.0 2 66.0
2022-02-25 UQAM................... 3 45 26 116 .164 44 49 .898 4 4 73 .945 1 55 .982 56 1 6 1 4.0 0 53.0
Montreal............................ 48 542 270 1475 .184 509 584 .872 98 112 1043 .893 78 862 .910 626 40 90 29 85.0 10 725.0
Opponent............................ 48 470 229 1398 .172 439 494 .889 78 128 998 .872 98 922 .894 543 32 106 31 85.0 8 633.0
Games played: 48
Kills per game: 11.29
Assists per game: 10.60
Service aces per game: 2.04
Reception errors per game: 1.62
Digs per game: 13.04
Blocks per game: 1.77
Ball handling errors per game: 0.21
Reception errors per game: 1.62
Points per game: 15.10
Overall record: 6-6 Conf: 6-6 Home: 3-3 Away: 3-3 Neutral: 0-0
Opponent Match-by-Match
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Montreal Opponent Match-by-Match (as of Feb 27, 2022)
All matches
|-------ATTACK------| |-----SET-----| |-------SERVE------| |----RECEPT---| DEF |-------BLOCK------| GEN
Date Opponent GP K E TA Pct A TA Pct SA SE TA Pct RE TA Pct DIG BS BA BE Total BHE Points
2021-10-15 LAVAL.................. 4 43 19 120 .200 39 41 .951 4 10 93 .892 7 71 .901 59 4 10 1 9.0 0 56.0
2021-10-22 at Ottawa.............. 4 42 9 83 .398 37 42 .881 12 19 76 .750 22 84 .738 29 3 4 0 5.0 0 59.0
2021-10-24 MCGILL................. 4 37 16 114 .184 35 37 .946 8 10 95 .895 7 62 .887 62 6 8 1 10.0 1 55.0
2021-10-29 UQTR................... 3 25 20 84 .060 24 24 1.000 5 10 51 .804 9 67 .866 18 0 8 2 4.0 0 34.0
2021-10-31 at McGill.............. 5 53 18 126 .278 48 50 .960 7 9 109 .917 10 86 .884 41 5 12 3 11.0 0 71.0
2021-11-12 OTTAWA................. 3 17 19 78 -.026 18 20 .900 3 7 45 .844 9 68 .868 29 0 10 0 5.0 0 25.0
2021-11-14 at UQAM................ 4 42 21 121 .174 40 44 .909 9 8 87 .908 4 83 .952 36 3 8 13 7.0 1 58.0
2021-11-19 SHERBROOKE............. 5 50 25 147 .170 49 49 1.000 5 11 102 .892 6 88 .932 53 3 18 5 12.0 2 67.0
2021-11-20 at Laval............... 4 54 19 145 .241 50 82 .610 7 9 99 .909 7 74 .905 62 1 8 1 5.0 1 66.0
2021-11-28 at UQTR................ 4 31 21 133 .075 30 33 .909 7 12 83 .855 6 76 .921 65 1 2 2 2.0 0 40.0
2022-02-18 at Sherbrooke.......... 5 50 26 144 .167 44 47 .936 10 14 94 .851 7 94 .926 45 2 8 2 6.0 2 66.0
2022-02-25 UQAM................... 3 26 16 103 .097 25 25 1.000 1 9 64 .859 4 69 .942 44 4 10 1 9.0 1 36.0
Opponent totals..................... 48 470 229 1398 .172 439 494 .889 78 128 998 .872 98 922 .894 543 32 106 31 85.0 8 633.0
Montreal............................ 48 542 270 1475 .184 509 584 .872 98 112 1043 .893 78 862 .910 626 40 90 29 85.0 10 725.0
Games played: 48
Kills per game: 9.79
Assists per game: 9.15
Service aces per game: 1.62
Reception errors per game: 2.04
Digs per game: 11.31
Blocks per game: 1.77
Ball handling errors per game: 0.17
Reception errors per game: 2.04
Points per game: 13.19
Team Match-by-Match Comparison
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Montreal Team Match-by-Match Comparison (as of Feb 27, 2022)
All matches
|-----------------ATTACK------------------| |--SET--| |------SERVE------|
Opponent Score GP Kills Errors Total Pct A SA SE
-------- ----- --- ----/---- ----/---- ----/---- ------/------ ----/---- ----/---- ----/----
LAVAL............... 1-3 4 42/43 30/19 136/120 .088/ .200 40/39 7/4 10/10
Ottawa.............. 3-1 4 39/42 7/9 86/83 .372/ .398 32/37 22/12 10/19
MCGILL.............. 1-3 4 37/37 31/16 137/114 .044/ .184 37/35 7/8 12/10
UQTR................ 3-0 3 32/25 13/20 65/84 .292/ .060 32/24 9/5 7/10
McGill.............. 2-3 5 51/53 29/18 134/126 .164/ .278 51/48 10/7 8/9
OTTAWA.............. 3-0 3 37/17 15/19 85/78 .259/-.026 35/18 9/3 6/7
UQAM................ 1-3 4 53/42 23/21 127/121 .236/ .174 49/40 4/9 8/8
SHERBROOKE.......... 2-3 5 58/50 29/25 153/147 .190/ .170 58/49 6/5 14/11
Laval............... 1-3 4 52/54 30/19 163/145 .135/ .241 48/50 7/7 8/9
UQTR................ 3-1 4 45/31 15/21 138/133 .217/ .075 40/30 6/7 17/12
Sherbrooke.......... 3-2 5 51/50 22/26 135/144 .215/ .167 43/44 7/10 8/14
UQAM................ 3-0 3 45/26 26/16 116/103 .164/ .097 44/25 4/1 4/9
Totals.............. 26-22 48 542/470 270/229 1475/1398 .184/ .172 509/439 98/78 112/128
Note: Match totals are displayed in the format TEAM/OPPONENT for each category
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Montreal Team Match-by-Match Comparison (as of Feb 27, 2022)
All matches
|--PASS-| |--DEF--| |-----------------BLOCK-----------------| |--GEN--|
Opponent RE DIG BS-BA BE Total BHE
-------- ----/---- ----/---- ---------/--------- ----/---- -----/----- ----/----
LAVAL............... 4/7 56/59 5-16 / 4-10 1/1 13.0/ 9.0 1/0
Ottawa.............. 12/22 31/29 6-4 / 3-4 0/0 8.0/ 5.0 0/0
MCGILL.............. 8/7 58/62 1-4 / 6-8 1/1 3.0/ 10.0 1/1
UQTR................ 5/9 33/18 7-8 / 0-8 2/2 11.0/ 4.0 0/0
McGill.............. 7/10 48/41 5-6 / 5-12 0/3 8.0/ 11.0 0/0
OTTAWA.............. 3/9 38/29 2-4 / 0-10 2/0 4.0/ 5.0 0/0
UQAM................ 9/4 52/36 0-8 / 3-8 9/13 4.0/ 7.0 0/1
SHERBROOKE.......... 5/6 66/53 3-8 / 3-18 0/5 7.0/ 12.0 4/2
Laval............... 7/7 67/62 1-12 / 1-8 2/1 7.0/ 5.0 0/1
UQTR................ 7/6 65/65 5-6 / 1-2 8/2 8.0/ 2.0 2/0
Sherbrooke.......... 10/7 56/45 4-8 / 2-8 3/2 8.0/ 6.0 2/2
UQAM................ 1/4 56/44 1-6 / 4-10 1/1 4.0/ 9.0 0/1
Totals.............. 78/98 626/543 40-90 / 32-106 29/31 85.0/ 85.0 10/8
Note: Match totals are displayed in the format TEAM/OPPONENT for each category
Match Highs
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Montreal Match Highs (as of Feb 27, 2022)
All matches
ATTACK PERCENT (K-E-TA) minimum 12 kills
.895 (17- 0-19) Oceane Couturier at Ottawa (2021-10-22)
.500 (12- 2-20) Olympe Desmedt vs UQTR (2021-10-29)
.364 (16- 4-33) Gabrielle Fortin at UQAM (2021-11-14)
.351 (17- 4-37) Olympe Desmedt at UQAM (2021-11-14)
.298 (20- 6-47) Gabrielle Fortin vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-19)
.286 (15- 7-28) Gabrielle Fortin vs UQAM (2022-02-25)
.268 (15- 4-41) Olympe Desmedt at UQTR (2021-11-28)
.220 (16- 7-41) Olympe Desmedt vs UQAM (2022-02-25)
.184 (17-10-38) Gabrielle Fortin at Laval (2021-11-20)
.175 (13- 6-40) Maxime Dallaire at UQTR (2021-11-28)
20 (20- 6-47) 5g Gabrielle Fortin vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-19)
19 (19-12-53) 5g Olympe Desmedt at McGill (2021-10-31)
17 (17-10-38) 4g Gabrielle Fortin at Laval (2021-11-20)
17 (17- 0-19) 4g Oceane Couturier at Ottawa (2021-10-22)
17 (17- 4-37) 4g Olympe Desmedt at UQAM (2021-11-14)
16 (16- 7-41) 3g Olympe Desmedt vs UQAM (2022-02-25)
16 (16- 4-33) 4g Gabrielle Fortin at UQAM (2021-11-14)
15 (15- 7-28) 3g Gabrielle Fortin vs UQAM (2022-02-25)
15 (15- 4-41) 4g Olympe Desmedt at UQTR (2021-11-28)
13 (13- 6-40) 4g Maxime Dallaire at UQTR (2021-11-28)
16 (16- 7-41) Olympe Desmedt vs UQAM (2022-02-25)
15 (15- 7-28) Gabrielle Fortin vs UQAM (2022-02-25)
12 (12- 2-20) Olympe Desmedt vs UQTR (2021-10-29)
11 (11- 5-25) Gabrielle Fortin vs Ottawa (2021-11-12)
8 ( 8- 2-11) Samwella Lukhanda vs UQTR (2021-10-29)
17 (17- 4-37) Olympe Desmedt at UQAM (2021-11-14)
17 (17-10-38) Gabrielle Fortin at Laval (2021-11-20)
17 (17- 0-19) Oceane Couturier at Ottawa (2021-10-22)
16 (16- 4-33) Gabrielle Fortin at UQAM (2021-11-14)
15 (15- 4-41) Olympe Desmedt at UQTR (2021-11-28)
20 (20- 6-47) Gabrielle Fortin vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-19)
19 (19-12-53) Olympe Desmedt at McGill (2021-10-31)
12 (12-11-36) Olympe Desmedt vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-19)
11 (11- 7-31) Gabrielle Fortin at Sherbrooke (2022-02-18)
11 (11- 6-30) Olympe Desmedt at Sherbrooke (2022-02-18)
53 (19-12-53) 5g Olympe Desmedt at McGill (2021-10-31)
47 (20- 6-47) 5g Gabrielle Fortin vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-19)
41 (13-11-41) 4g Olympe Desmedt vs Laval (2021-10-15)
41 (15- 4-41) 4g Olympe Desmedt at UQTR (2021-11-28)
41 (16- 7-41) 3g Olympe Desmedt vs UQAM (2022-02-25)
40 (13- 6-40) 4g Maxime Dallaire at UQTR (2021-11-28)
38 (17-10-38) 4g Gabrielle Fortin at Laval (2021-11-20)
37 (17- 4-37) 4g Olympe Desmedt at UQAM (2021-11-14)
36 (12-11-36) 5g Olympe Desmedt vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-19)
33 ( 9- 7-33) 4g Gabrielle Fortin vs Laval (2021-10-15)
41 (16- 7-41) Olympe Desmedt vs UQAM (2022-02-25)
28 (15- 7-28) Gabrielle Fortin vs UQAM (2022-02-25)
25 (11- 5-25) Gabrielle Fortin vs Ottawa (2021-11-12)
23 ( 7- 5-23) Olympe Desmedt vs Ottawa (2021-11-12)
20 (12- 2-20) Olympe Desmedt vs UQTR (2021-10-29)
41 (13-11-41) Olympe Desmedt vs Laval (2021-10-15)
41 (15- 4-41) Olympe Desmedt at UQTR (2021-11-28)
40 (13- 6-40) Maxime Dallaire at UQTR (2021-11-28)
38 (17-10-38) Gabrielle Fortin at Laval (2021-11-20)
37 (17- 4-37) Olympe Desmedt at UQAM (2021-11-14)
53 (19-12-53) Olympe Desmedt at McGill (2021-10-31)
47 (20- 6-47) Gabrielle Fortin vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-19)
36 (12-11-36) Olympe Desmedt vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-19)
31 (11- 7-31) Gabrielle Fortin at Sherbrooke (2022-02-18)
30 (11- 6-30) Olympe Desmedt at Sherbrooke (2022-02-18)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Montreal Match Highs (as of Feb 27, 2022)
All matches
21.0 (17- 4- 0.0) 4g Oceane Couturier at Ottawa (2021-10-22)
21.0 (19- 2- 0.0) 5g Olympe Desmedt at McGill (2021-10-31)
20.5 (20- 0- 0.5) 5g Gabrielle Fortin vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-19)
20.0 (17- 2- 1.0) 4g Gabrielle Fortin at Laval (2021-11-20)
18.0 (13- 2- 3.0) 4g Olympe Desmedt vs Laval (2021-10-15)
17.5 (16- 1- 0.5) Olympe Desmedt vs UQAM (2022-02-25)
17.0 (15- 1- 1.0) Gabrielle Fortin vs UQAM (2022-02-25)
14.5 (12- 0- 2.5) Olympe Desmedt vs UQTR (2021-10-29)
13.5 ( 8- 1- 4.5) Samwella Lukhanda vs UQTR (2021-10-29)
12.5 (11- 1- 0.5) Gabrielle Fortin vs Ottawa (2021-11-12)
21.0 (17- 4- 0.0) Oceane Couturier at Ottawa (2021-10-22)
20.0 (17- 2- 1.0) Gabrielle Fortin at Laval (2021-11-20)
18.0 (13- 2- 3.0) Olympe Desmedt vs Laval (2021-10-15)
17.0 (16- 0- 1.0) Gabrielle Fortin at UQAM (2021-11-14)
17.0 (17- 0- 0.0) Olympe Desmedt at UQAM (2021-11-14)
21.0 (19- 2- 0.0) Olympe Desmedt at McGill (2021-10-31)
20.5 (20- 0- 0.5) Gabrielle Fortin vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-19)
16.0 (12- 2- 2.0) Olympe Desmedt vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-19)
14.0 (11- 1- 2.0) Olympe Desmedt at Sherbrooke (2022-02-18)
13.5 (10- 1- 2.5) Samwella Lukhanda at McGill (2021-10-31)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Montreal Match Highs (as of Feb 27, 2022)
All matches
54 (5g) Oceane Couturier vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-19)
49 (5g) Oceane Couturier at McGill (2021-10-31)
43 (4g) Oceane Couturier at Laval (2021-11-20)
35 (4g) Oceane Couturier vs McGill (2021-10-24)
34 (4g) Oceane Couturier at UQAM (2021-11-14)
28 Oceane Couturier vs UQAM (2022-02-25)
27 Oceane Couturier vs Ottawa (2021-11-12)
24 Oceane Couturier vs UQTR (2021-10-29)
7 Sarah McGlashan vs UQAM (2022-02-25)
6 Alexe Gagne vs UQTR (2021-10-29)
43 Oceane Couturier at Laval (2021-11-20)
35 Oceane Couturier vs McGill (2021-10-24)
34 Oceane Couturier at UQAM (2021-11-14)
31 Oceane Couturier vs Laval (2021-10-15)
29 Oceane Couturier at UQTR (2021-11-28)
54 Oceane Couturier vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-19)
49 Oceane Couturier at McGill (2021-10-31)
29 Oceane Couturier at Sherbrooke (2022-02-18)
6 Alexe Gagne at Sherbrooke (2022-02-18)
4 Sarah McGlashan at Sherbrooke (2022-02-18)
20 (4g) Alexe Gagne vs McGill (2021-10-24)
20 (4g) Alexe Gagne at Laval (2021-11-20)
19 (5g) Alexe Gagne vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-19)
18 (4g) Alexe Gagne at UQTR (2021-11-28)
17 (3g) Alexe Gagne vs UQAM (2022-02-25)
17 Alexe Gagne vs UQAM (2022-02-25)
12 Olympe Desmedt vs UQAM (2022-02-25)
10 Florence Cloutier vs UQAM (2022-02-25)
9 Olympe Desmedt vs Ottawa (2021-11-12)
9 Alexe Gagne vs Ottawa (2021-11-12)
20 Alexe Gagne vs McGill (2021-10-24)
20 Alexe Gagne at Laval (2021-11-20)
18 Alexe Gagne at UQTR (2021-11-28)
12 Florence Cloutier vs Laval (2021-10-15)
12 Rosalie Turgeon at UQTR (2021-11-28)
19 Alexe Gagne vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-19)
13 Alexe Gagne at McGill (2021-10-31)
13 Florence Cloutier at Sherbrooke (2022-02-18)
12 Florence Cloutier vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-19)
12 Olympe Desmedt vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-19)
7 Samwella Lukhanda at Ottawa (2021-10-22)
4 Oceane Couturier at Ottawa (2021-10-22)
3 Gabrielle Fortin at Ottawa (2021-10-22)
3 Clemence Glorieux vs UQTR (2021-10-29)
3 Rosalie Turgeon at McGill (2021-10-31)
6 ( 4- 2) Clemence Glorieux at UQTR (2021-11-28)
6 ( 3- 3) Samwella Lukhanda vs UQTR (2021-10-29)
5 ( 0- 5) Samwella Lukhanda vs Laval (2021-10-15)
4 ( 2- 2) Olympe Desmedt vs Laval (2021-10-15)
4 ( 1- 3) Oceane Couturier vs Laval (2021-10-15)
4 ( 1- 3) Clemence Glorieux vs Laval (2021-10-15)
4 ( 1- 3) Samwella Lukhanda at McGill (2021-10-31)
4 ( 1- 3) Gabrielle Fortin vs Laval (2021-10-15)
4 ( 1- 3) Samwella Lukhanda vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-19)
3 ( 2- 1) Olympe Desmedt vs UQTR (2021-10-29)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Montreal Match Highs (as of Feb 27, 2022)
All matches
.372 (39- 7- 86) at Ottawa (2021-10-22)
.292 (32-13- 65) vs UQTR (2021-10-29)
.259 (37-15- 85) vs Ottawa (2021-11-12)
.236 (53-23-127) at UQAM (2021-11-14)
.217 (45-15-138) at UQTR (2021-11-28)
.215 (51-22-135) at Sherbrooke (2022-02-18)
.190 (58-29-153) vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-19)
.164 (51-29-134) at McGill (2021-10-31)
.164 (45-26-116) vs UQAM (2022-02-25)
.135 (52-30-163) at Laval (2021-11-20)
58 (58-29-153) 5g vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-19)
53 (53-23-127) 4g at UQAM (2021-11-14)
52 (52-30-163) 4g at Laval (2021-11-20)
51 (51-22-135) 5g at Sherbrooke (2022-02-18)
51 (51-29-134) 5g at McGill (2021-10-31)
45 (45-15-138) 4g at UQTR (2021-11-28)
45 (45-26-116) 3g vs UQAM (2022-02-25)
42 (42-30-136) 4g vs Laval (2021-10-15)
39 (39- 7- 86) 4g at Ottawa (2021-10-22)
37 (37-31-137) 4g vs McGill (2021-10-24)
45 (45-26-116) vs UQAM (2022-02-25)
37 (37-15- 85) vs Ottawa (2021-11-12)
32 (32-13- 65) vs UQTR (2021-10-29)
53 (53-23-127) at UQAM (2021-11-14)
52 (52-30-163) at Laval (2021-11-20)
45 (45-15-138) at UQTR (2021-11-28)
42 (42-30-136) vs Laval (2021-10-15)
39 (39- 7- 86) at Ottawa (2021-10-22)
58 (58-29-153) vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-19)
51 (51-22-135) at Sherbrooke (2022-02-18)
51 (51-29-134) at McGill (2021-10-31)
163 (52-30-163) 4g at Laval (2021-11-20)
153 (58-29-153) 5g vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-19)
138 (45-15-138) 4g at UQTR (2021-11-28)
137 (37-31-137) 4g vs McGill (2021-10-24)
136 (42-30-136) 4g vs Laval (2021-10-15)
135 (51-22-135) 5g at Sherbrooke (2022-02-18)
134 (51-29-134) 5g at McGill (2021-10-31)
127 (53-23-127) 4g at UQAM (2021-11-14)
116 (45-26-116) 3g vs UQAM (2022-02-25)
86 (39- 7- 86) 4g at Ottawa (2021-10-22)
116 (45-26-116) vs UQAM (2022-02-25)
85 (37-15- 85) vs Ottawa (2021-11-12)
65 (32-13- 65) vs UQTR (2021-10-29)
163 (52-30-163) at Laval (2021-11-20)
138 (45-15-138) at UQTR (2021-11-28)
137 (37-31-137) vs McGill (2021-10-24)
136 (42-30-136) vs Laval (2021-10-15)
127 (53-23-127) at UQAM (2021-11-14)
153 (58-29-153) vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-19)
135 (51-22-135) at Sherbrooke (2022-02-18)
134 (51-29-134) at McGill (2021-10-31)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022
Montreal Match Highs (as of Feb 27, 2022)
All matches
58 (5g) vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-19)
51 (5g) at McGill (2021-10-31)
49 (4g) at UQAM (2021-11-14)
48 (4g) at Laval (2021-11-20)
44 (3g) vs UQAM (2022-02-25)
44 vs UQAM (2022-02-25)
35 vs Ottawa (2021-11-12)
32 vs UQTR (2021-10-29)
49 at UQAM (2021-11-14)
48 at Laval (2021-11-20)
40 at UQTR (2021-11-28)
40 vs Laval (2021-10-15)
37 vs McGill (2021-10-24)
58 vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-19)
51 at McGill (2021-10-31)
43 at Sherbrooke (2022-02-18)
67 (4g) at Laval (2021-11-20)
66 (5g) vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-19)
65 (4g) at UQTR (2021-11-28)
58 (4g) vs McGill (2021-10-24)
56 (5g) at Sherbrooke (2022-02-18)
56 vs UQAM (2022-02-25)
38 vs Ottawa (2021-11-12)
33 vs UQTR (2021-10-29)
67 at Laval (2021-11-20)
65 at UQTR (2021-11-28)
58 vs McGill (2021-10-24)
56 vs Laval (2021-10-15)
52 at UQAM (2021-11-14)
66 vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-19)
56 at Sherbrooke (2022-02-18)
48 at McGill (2021-10-31)
22 at Ottawa (2021-10-22)
10 at McGill (2021-10-31)
9 vs Ottawa (2021-11-12)
9 vs UQTR (2021-10-29)
7 at Sherbrooke (2022-02-18)
13.0 vs Laval (2021-10-15)
11.0 vs UQTR (2021-10-29)
8.0 at UQTR (2021-11-28)
8.0 at Sherbrooke (2022-02-18)
8.0 at McGill (2021-10-31)
8.0 at Ottawa (2021-10-22)
7.0 vs Sherbrooke (2021-11-19)
7.0 at Laval (2021-11-20)
4.0 vs UQAM (2022-02-25)
4.0 vs Ottawa (2021-11-12)