Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2023-2024
Match Results
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2023-2024
McGill Match Results (as of Feb 18, 2024)
All matches
Overall Conference
Date Opponent Score Match results Record Record Time Attend
---- -------- ----- ------------- -------- -------- ---- ------
* 23-10-13 UQTR W 3-0 25-16,25-6,30-28 1-0 1-0 1:20 350
* 23-10-15 at Sherbrooke 1-3 L 20-25,25-22,21-25,15-25 1-1 1-1 1:55
* 23-10-22 at Montreal 1-3 L 24-26,27-25,25-27,24-26 1-2 1-2 2:03 150
* 23-10-27 OTTAWA W 3-0 25-22,25-20,25-18 2-2 2-2 1:25 86
* 23-10-29 MONTREAL W 3-2 25-23,18-25,25-16,22-25,15-11 3-2 3-2 2:07 102
* 23-11-03 UQAC W 3-0 25-16,25-19,25-12 4-2 4-2 1:15 102
* 23-11-05 at Ottawa 1-3 L 22-25,23-25,25-14,19-25 4-3 4-3 1:52 75
* 23-11-10 SHERBROOKE W 3-1 25-19,23-25,25-21,25-19 5-3 5-3 1:52 107
* 23-11-11 at Laval W 3-2 18-25,25-16,15-26,25-15,15-10 6-3 6-3 2:09 427
* 23-11-17 UQAM W 3-2 25-16,18-25,23-25,25-17,15-12 7-3 7-3 2:02 107
* 23-11-24 at Laval 2-3 L 23-25,25-17,20-25,25-23,11-15 7-4 7-4 2:26 702
* 24-01-12 at Sherbrooke W 3-0 25-23,26-24,25-21 8-4 8-4 1:30
* 24-01-14 LAVAL W 3-2 25-18,25-17,20-25,23-25,15-12 9-4 9-4 2:15 250
* 24-01-21 at UQAM 1-3 L 23-25,25-23,25-27,23-25 9-5 9-5 2:07 250
* 24-01-26 at UQAC W 3-0 25-6,25-12,25-12 10-5 10-5 1:03 100
* 24-01-27 at UQAC W 3-0 25-14,25-14,25-19 11-5 11-5 1:12 70
* 24-02-02 UQTR W 3-0 25-19,25-18,25-18 12-5 12-5 1:18 312
* 24-02-04 at UQAM W 3-0 25-16,25-13,25-18 13-5 13-5 1:07
* 24-02-09 at UQTR W 3-1 25-20,27-29,25-20,25-16 14-5 14-5 1:53 250
* 24-02-11 OTTAWA W 3-0 25-23,25-18,25-15 15-5 15-5 1:17 112
* 24-02-18 MONTREAL 0-3 L 16-25,15-25,19-25 15-6 15-6 1:15 512
---------- ---
Overall: 15-6
Conference: 15-6
Home: 9-1
Away: 6-5
Neutral: 0-0
3 sets : 9-1
4 sets : 2-4
5 sets : 4-1
ATTEND Dates Total Average
------ ----- ------- -------
Total: 21 4064 194
Home: 10 2040 204
Away: 11 2024 184
Neutral: 0 0 0
Overall Team Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2023-2024
McGill Overall Team Statistics (as of Feb 18, 2024)
All matches
Overall record: 15-6 Conf: 15-6 Home: 9-1 Away: 6-5 Neutral: 0-0
Kills....................... 933 919
Errors...................... 342 491
Total Attacks............... 2533 2674
Attack Pct.................. .233 .160
Kills/Set................... 11.8 11.6
Assists..................... 873 870
Attempts.................... 910 927
Assist Pct.................. .959 .939
Assists/Set................. 11.1 11.0
Aces........................ 106 123
Errors...................... 131 182
Attempts.................... 1786 1569
Serve Pct................... .927 .884
Aces/Set.................... 1.3 1.6
SERVE RECEPTIONS..............
Errors...................... 123 106
Errors/Set.................. 1.6 1.3
Attempts.................... 1386 1654
Reception Pct............... .911 .936
Digs........................ 1111 1086
Digs/Set.................... 14.1 13.7
Block Solo.................. 65 49
Block Assist................ 209 168
Total Blocks................ 169.5 133.0
Blocks/Set.................. 2.1 1.7
Block Errors................ 21 13
Ball handling errors.......... 2 0
Total....................... 2040 2024
Dates/Avg Per Date.......... 10/204 11/184
Neutral site #/Avg.......... 0/0
Current win streak.......... 0 -
Home win streak............. 0 -
MATCH WINS BY #SETS 1 2 3 4 5 Total
McGill.............. 0 0 9 2 4 - 15
Opponents........... 0 0 1 4 1 - 6
SETS WON BY SET 1 2 3 4 5 Total
McGill.............. 14 15 13 5 4 - 51
Opponents........... 7 6 8 6 1 - 28
POINTS BY SET 1 2 3 4 5 Total
McGill.............. 496 502 498 251 71 - 1818
Opponents........... 427 418 437 241 60 - 1583
Overall Individual Statistics
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2023-2024
McGill Overall Individual Statistics (as of Feb 18, 2024)
All matches
Overall record: 15-6 Conf: 15-6 Home: 9-1 Away: 6-5 Neutral: 0-0
|-----------ATTACK---------| |---------SET---------| |----------SERVE-----------|
## Name SP-MP-MS K K/Set E TA Pct A A/Set TA Pct SA SA/S SE TA Pct
1 Esther Lim 8 7-0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0 .000 2 0.25 2 7 .714
2 Meaghan Smith 41 12-10 29 0.71 10 84 .226 9 0.22 9 1.000 5 0.12 1 124 .992
3 Selima Guidara 11 7-0 5 0.45 1 12 .333 17 1.55 19 .895 0 0.00 1 13 .923
4 Audrey Trottier 51 19-12 11 0.22 2 24 .375 343 6.73 349 .983 6 0.12 7 151 .954
5 Anni Jegeni 4 4-0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0 .000 0 0.00 0 1 1.000
6 Victoria Iannotti 57 15-15 179 3.14 68 496 .224 15 0.26 17 .882 17 0.30 12 222 .946
7 Erin Keating 7 4-0 1 0.14 1 5 .000 2 0.29 3 .667 1 0.14 4 15 .733
8 Brook Brown 62 21-13 48 0.77 31 167 .102 22 0.35 26 .846 9 0.15 9 190 .953
9 Melanie Dormann 39 17-6 74 1.90 14 204 .294 2 0.05 3 .667 3 0.08 4 93 .957
10 Olivia Krishnan 70 21-0 0 0.00 0 3 .000 15 0.21 16 .938 0 0.00 0 1 1.000
11 Rio Pesochin 23 11-0 3 0.13 1 8 .250 1 0.04 1 1.000 4 0.17 5 50 .900
12 Charl. Chouinard-L. 55 19-9 25 0.45 12 75 .173 387 7.04 399 .970 11 0.20 27 146 .815
13 Rachel Leduc 72 21-19 134 1.86 76 396 .146 7 0.10 7 1.000 8 0.11 13 192 .932
14 Masha Solaja 63 18-0 6 0.10 6 32 .000 3 0.05 4 .750 0 0.00 3 20 .850
15 Clara Poire 77 21-21 230 2.99 77 549 .279 11 0.14 13 .846 19 0.25 34 275 .876
16 Charlene Robitaille 79 21-21 187 2.37 42 475 .305 35 0.44 38 .921 21 0.27 9 286 .969
MCGILL.............. 79 21-21 933 11.81 342 2533 .233 873 11.05 910 .959 106 1.34 131 1786 .927
Opponents........... 79 21-21 919 11.63 491 2674 .160 870 11.01 927 .939 123 1.56 182 1569 .884
|----RECEPT----| |---DIG---| |--------BLOCKING---------|
## Name S RE TA Pct DIG Dig/S BS BA Total Blk/S BE BHE POINTS Pts/S
1 Esther Lim 8 0 2 1.000 1 0.12 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 2.0 0.25
2 Meaghan Smith 41 0 6 1.000 31 0.76 3 17 20 0.49 3 0 45.5 1.11
3 Selima Guidara 11 0 0 .000 10 0.91 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 5.0 0.45
4 Audrey Trottier 51 0 2 1.000 68 1.33 1 11 12 0.24 0 0 23.5 0.46
5 Anni Jegeni 4 0 1 1.000 1 0.25 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0 0.00
6 Victoria Iannotti 57 10 166 .940 128 2.25 15 18 33 0.58 0 1 220.0 3.86
7 Erin Keating 7 0 0 .000 0 0.00 1 1 2 0.29 0 0 3.5 0.50
8 Brook Brown 62 8 113 .929 94 1.52 5 33 38 0.61 1 0 78.5 1.27
9 Melanie Dormann 39 11 66 .833 37 0.95 4 6 10 0.26 2 0 84.0 2.15
10 Olivia Krishnan 70 8 92 .913 119 1.70 0 1 1 0.01 0 0 0.5 0.01
11 Rio Pesochin 23 2 19 .895 10 0.43 0 1 1 0.04 0 0 7.5 0.33
12 Charl. Chouinard-L. 55 0 5 1.000 84 1.53 2 16 18 0.33 2 1 46.0 0.84
13 Rachel Leduc 72 9 108 .917 68 0.94 7 16 23 0.32 3 0 157.0 2.18
14 Masha Solaja 63 17 214 .921 67 1.06 0 1 1 0.02 0 0 6.5 0.10
15 Clara Poire 77 26 322 .919 203 2.64 9 33 42 0.55 3 0 274.5 3.56
16 Charlene Robitaille 79 12 250 .952 189 2.39 18 55 73 0.92 7 0 253.5 3.21
MCGILL.............. 79 123 1386 .911 1111 14.06 65 209 169.5 2.15 21 2 1208.5 15.30
Opponents........... 79 106 1654 .936 1086 13.75 49 168 133.0 1.68 13 0 1175.0 14.87
Category Leaders
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2023-2024
McGill Category Leaders (as of Feb 18, 2024)
All matches
## ATTACK (by Pct) S K K/S E TA Pct
4 Audrey Trottier 51 11 0.22 2 24 .375
3 Selima Guidara 11 5 0.45 1 12 .333
16 Charlene Robitaille 79 187 2.37 42 475 .305
9 Melanie Dormann 39 74 1.90 14 204 .294
15 Clara Poire 77 230 2.99 77 549 .279
11 Rio Pesochin 23 3 0.13 1 8 .250
2 Meaghan Smith 41 29 0.71 10 84 .226
6 Victoria Iannotti 57 179 3.14 68 496 .224
12 Charl. Chouinard-L. 55 25 0.45 12 75 .173
13 Rachel Leduc 72 134 1.86 76 396 .146
8 Brook Brown 62 48 0.77 31 167 .102
14 Masha Solaja 63 6 0.10 6 32 .000
10 Olivia Krishnan 70 0 0.00 0 3 .000
7 Erin Keating 7 1 0.14 1 5 .000
TM TEAM 79 1 0.01 1 3 .000
MCGILL.............. 79 933 11.81 342 2533 .233
Opponents........... 79 919 11.63 491 2674 .160
## SET (by A/Set) S A A/S TA Pct
12 Charl. Chouinard-L. 55 387 7.04 399 .970
4 Audrey Trottier 51 343 6.73 349 .983
3 Selima Guidara 11 17 1.55 19 .895
16 Charlene Robitaille 79 35 0.44 38 .921
8 Brook Brown 62 22 0.35 26 .846
7 Erin Keating 7 2 0.29 3 .667
6 Victoria Iannotti 57 15 0.26 17 .882
2 Meaghan Smith 41 9 0.22 9 1.000
10 Olivia Krishnan 70 15 0.21 16 .938
15 Clara Poire 77 11 0.14 13 .846
13 Rachel Leduc 72 7 0.10 7 1.000
9 Melanie Dormann 39 2 0.05 3 .667
TM TEAM 79 4 0.05 6 .667
14 Masha Solaja 63 3 0.05 4 .750
11 Rio Pesochin 23 1 0.04 1 1.000
MCGILL.............. 79 873 11.05 910 .959
Opponents........... 79 870 11.01 927 .939
## BLOCK (by B/Set) S BS BA Total Blk/S BE
16 Charlene Robitaille 79 18 55 73.0 0.92 7
8 Brook Brown 62 5 33 38.0 0.61 1
6 Victoria Iannotti 57 15 18 33.0 0.58 0
15 Clara Poire 77 9 33 42.0 0.55 3
2 Meaghan Smith 41 3 17 20.0 0.49 3
12 Charl. Chouinard-L. 55 2 16 18.0 0.33 2
13 Rachel Leduc 72 7 16 23.0 0.32 3
7 Erin Keating 7 1 1 2.0 0.29 0
9 Melanie Dormann 39 4 6 10.0 0.26 2
4 Audrey Trottier 51 1 11 12.0 0.24 0
11 Rio Pesochin 23 0 1 1.0 0.04 0
14 Masha Solaja 63 0 1 1.0 0.02 0
10 Olivia Krishnan 70 0 1 1.0 0.01 0
MCGILL.............. 79 65 209 169.5 2.15 21
Opponents........... 79 49 168 133.0 1.68 13
## POINTS (by Points) S Points Pts/S
15 Clara Poire 77 274.5 3.56
16 Charlene Robitaille 79 253.5 3.21
6 Victoria Iannotti 57 220.0 3.86
13 Rachel Leduc 72 157.0 2.18
9 Melanie Dormann 39 84.0 2.15
8 Brook Brown 62 78.5 1.27
12 Charl. Chouinard-L. 55 46.0 0.84
2 Meaghan Smith 41 45.5 1.11
4 Audrey Trottier 51 23.5 0.46
11 Rio Pesochin 23 7.5 0.33
14 Masha Solaja 63 6.5 0.10
3 Selima Guidara 11 5.0 0.45
7 Erin Keating 7 3.5 0.50
10 Olivia Krishnan 70 0.5 0.01
TM TEAM 79 1.0 0.01
MCGILL.............. 79 1208.5 15.30
Opponents........... 79 1175.0 14.87
## KILL (by K/Set) S K K/S
6 Victoria Iannotti 57 179 3.14
15 Clara Poire 77 230 2.99
16 Charlene Robitaille 79 187 2.37
9 Melanie Dormann 39 74 1.90
13 Rachel Leduc 72 134 1.86
8 Brook Brown 62 48 0.77
2 Meaghan Smith 41 29 0.71
3 Selima Guidara 11 5 0.45
12 Charl. Chouinard-L. 55 25 0.45
4 Audrey Trottier 51 11 0.22
7 Erin Keating 7 1 0.14
11 Rio Pesochin 23 3 0.13
14 Masha Solaja 63 6 0.10
10 Olivia Krishnan 70 0 0.00
TM TEAM 79 1 0.01
MCGILL.............. 79 933 11.81
Opponents........... 79 919 11.63
## SERVE (by ##) S SA SE TA Pct SA/S
1 Esther Lim 8 2 2 7 .714 0.25
2 Meaghan Smith 41 5 1 124 .992 0.12
3 Selima Guidara 11 0 1 13 .923 0.00
4 Audrey Trottier 51 6 7 151 .954 0.12
5 Anni Jegeni 4 0 0 1 1.000 0.00
6 Victoria Iannotti 57 17 12 222 .946 0.30
7 Erin Keating 7 1 4 15 .733 0.14
8 Brook Brown 62 9 9 190 .953 0.15
9 Melanie Dormann 39 3 4 93 .957 0.08
10 Olivia Krishnan 70 0 0 1 1.000 0.00
11 Rio Pesochin 23 4 5 50 .900 0.17
12 Charl. Chouinard-L. 55 11 27 146 .815 0.20
13 Rachel Leduc 72 8 13 192 .932 0.11
14 Masha Solaja 63 0 3 20 .850 0.00
15 Clara Poire 77 19 34 275 .876 0.25
16 Charlene Robitaille 79 21 9 286 .969 0.27
MCGILL.............. 79 106 131 1786 .927 1.34
Opponents........... 79 123 182 1569 .884 1.56
6 Victoria Iannotti 57 128 2.25 1
12 Charl. Chouinard-L. 55 84 1.53 1
3 Selima Guidara 11 10 0.91 0
4 Audrey Trottier 51 68 1.33 0
5 Anni Jegeni 4 1 0.25 0
8 Brook Brown 62 94 1.52 0
9 Melanie Dormann 39 37 0.95 0
10 Olivia Krishnan 70 119 1.70 0
11 Rio Pesochin 23 10 0.43 0
13 Rachel Leduc 72 68 0.94 0
14 Masha Solaja 63 67 1.06 0
15 Clara Poire 77 203 2.64 0
16 Charlene Robitaille 79 189 2.39 0
TM TEAM 79 1 0.01 0
2 Meaghan Smith 41 31 0.76 0
1 Esther Lim 8 1 0.12 0
MCGILL.............. 79 1111 14.06 2
Opponents........... 79 1086 13.75 0
## RECEPT (by RE/Set) S RE RE/S TA Pct
15 Clara Poire 77 26 0.34 322 .919
9 Melanie Dormann 39 11 0.28 66 .833
14 Masha Solaja 63 17 0.27 214 .921
TM TEAM 79 20 0.25 20 .000
6 Victoria Iannotti 57 10 0.18 166 .940
16 Charlene Robitaille 79 12 0.15 250 .952
8 Brook Brown 62 8 0.13 113 .929
13 Rachel Leduc 72 9 0.12 108 .917
10 Olivia Krishnan 70 8 0.11 92 .913
11 Rio Pesochin 23 2 0.09 19 .895
5 Anni Jegeni 4 0 0.00 1 1.000
4 Audrey Trottier 51 0 0.00 2 1.000
12 Charl. Chouinard-L. 55 0 0.00 5 1.000
2 Meaghan Smith 41 0 0.00 6 1.000
1 Esther Lim 8 0 0.00 2 1.000
MCGILL.............. 79 123 1.56 1386 .911
Opponents........... 79 106 1.34 1654 .936
Overall/Conference Stats
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2023-2024
McGill Overall/Conference Stats (as of Feb 18, 2024)
All matches
Overall record: 15-6 Conf: 15-6 Home: 9-1 Away: 6-5 Neutral: 0-0
|--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---| |--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---|
## Name G K K/S E TA Pct A A/SPts/Set G K K/S E TA Pct A A/SPts/Set
------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
1 Esther Lim.......... 8 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0.25 8 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0.25
2 Meaghan Smith....... 41 29 0.71 10 84 .226 9 0.22 1.10 41 29 0.71 10 84 .226 9 0.22 1.10
3 Selima Guidara...... 11 5 0.45 1 12 .333 17 1.55 0.45 11 5 0.45 1 12 .333 17 1.55 0.45
4 Audrey Trottier..... 51 11 0.22 2 24 .375 343 6.73 0.45 51 11 0.22 2 24 .375 343 6.73 0.45
5 Anni Jegeni......... 4 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0.00 4 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0.00
6 Victoria Iannotti... 57 179 3.14 68 496 .224 15 0.26 3.86 57 179 3.14 68 496 .224 15 0.26 3.86
7 Erin Keating........ 7 1 0.14 1 5 .000 2 0.29 0.43 7 1 0.14 1 5 .000 2 0.29 0.43
8 Brook Brown......... 62 48 0.77 31 167 .102 22 0.35 1.26 62 48 0.77 31 167 .102 22 0.35 1.26
9 Melanie Dormann..... 39 74 1.90 14 204 .294 2 0.05 2.15 39 74 1.90 14 204 .294 2 0.05 2.15
10 Olivia Krishnan..... 70 0 0.00 0 3 .000 15 0.21 0.00 70 0 0.00 0 3 .000 15 0.21 0.00
11 Rio Pesochin........ 23 3 0.13 1 8 .250 1 0.04 0.30 23 3 0.13 1 8 .250 1 0.04 0.30
12 Charl. Chouinard-L.. 55 25 0.45 12 75 .173 387 7.04 0.84 55 25 0.45 12 75 .173 387 7.04 0.84
13 Rachel Leduc........ 72 134 1.86 76 396 .146 7 0.10 2.18 72 134 1.86 76 396 .146 7 0.10 2.18
14 Masha Solaja........ 63 6 0.10 6 32 .000 3 0.05 0.10 63 6 0.10 6 32 .000 3 0.05 0.10
15 Clara Poire......... 77 230 2.99 77 549 .279 11 0.14 3.56 77 230 2.99 77 549 .279 11 0.14 3.56
16 Charlene Robitaille. 79 187 2.37 42 475 .305 35 0.44 3.20 79 187 2.37 42 475 .305 35 0.44 3.20
MCGILL.............. 79 933 11.81 342 2533 .233 873 11.05 15.29 79 933 11.81 342 2533 .233 873 11.05 15.29
Opponents........... 79 919 11.63 491 2674 .160 870 11.01 14.87 79 919 11.63 491 2674 .160 870 11.01 14.87
|---SERVE---| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----| |---SERVE---| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----|
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------
Esther Lim.......... 2 0.25 2 0 1 0.12 0 0 0 0.00 2 0.25 2 0 1 0.12 0 0 0 0.00
Meaghan Smith....... 5 0.12 1 0 31 0.76 3 17 20 0.49 5 0.12 1 0 31 0.76 3 17 20 0.49
Selima Guidara...... 0 0.00 1 0 10 0.91 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 0 10 0.91 0 0 0 0.00
Audrey Trottier..... 6 0.12 7 0 68 1.33 1 11 12 0.24 6 0.12 7 0 68 1.33 1 11 12 0.24
Anni Jegeni......... 0 0.00 0 0 1 0.25 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 1 0.25 0 0 0 0.00
Victoria Iannotti... 17 0.30 12 10 128 2.25 15 18 33 0.58 17 0.30 12 10 128 2.25 15 18 33 0.58
Erin Keating........ 1 0.14 4 0 0 0.00 1 1 2 0.29 1 0.14 4 0 0 0.00 1 1 2 0.29
Brook Brown......... 9 0.15 9 8 94 1.52 5 33 38 0.61 9 0.15 9 8 94 1.52 5 33 38 0.61
Melanie Dormann..... 3 0.08 4 11 37 0.95 4 6 10 0.26 3 0.08 4 11 37 0.95 4 6 10 0.26
Olivia Krishnan..... 0 0.00 0 8 119 1.70 0 1 1 0.01 0 0.00 0 8 119 1.70 0 1 1 0.01
Rio Pesochin........ 4 0.17 5 2 10 0.43 0 1 1 0.04 4 0.17 5 2 10 0.43 0 1 1 0.04
Charl. Chouinard-L.. 11 0.20 27 0 84 1.53 2 16 18 0.33 11 0.20 27 0 84 1.53 2 16 18 0.33
Rachel Leduc........ 8 0.11 13 9 68 0.94 7 16 23 0.32 8 0.11 13 9 68 0.94 7 16 23 0.32
Masha Solaja........ 0 0.00 3 17 67 1.06 0 1 1 0.02 0 0.00 3 17 67 1.06 0 1 1 0.02
Clara Poire......... 19 0.25 34 26 203 2.64 9 33 42 0.55 19 0.25 34 26 203 2.64 9 33 42 0.55
Charlene Robitaille. 21 0.27 9 12 189 2.39 18 55 73 0.92 21 0.27 9 12 189 2.39 18 55 73 0.92
TEAM................ 20 20
MCGILL.............. 106 1.34 131 123 1111 14.06 65 209 169.5 2.15 106 1.34 131 123 1111 14.06 65 209 169.5 2.15
Opponents........... 123 1.56 182 106 1086 13.75 49 168 133.0 1.68 123 1.56 182 106 1086 13.75 49 168 133.0 1.68
Team Match-by-Match
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2023-2024
McGill Team Match-by-Match (as of Feb 18, 2024)
All matches
|-------ATTACK------| |-----SET-----| |-------SERVE------| |----RECEPT---| DEF |-------BLOCK------| GEN
Date Opponent SP K E TA Pct A TA Pct SA SE TA Pct RE TA Pct DIG BS BA BE Total BHE Points
23-10-13 UQTR................... 3 39 9 94 .319 37 37 1.000 4 5 78 .936 9 43 .791 52 2 10 0 7.0 0 50.0
23-10-15 at Sherbrooke.......... 4 27 27 96 .000 25 28 .893 4 7 66 .894 4 69 .942 35 8 4 5 10.0 0 41.0
23-10-22 at Montreal............ 4 53 20 156 .212 47 50 .940 3 12 102 .882 6 92 .935 59 3 10 2 8.0 0 64.0
23-10-27 OTTAWA................. 3 35 13 96 .229 30 33 .909 4 5 74 .932 8 55 .855 42 4 10 1 9.0 0 48.0
23-10-29 MONTREAL............... 5 45 23 163 .135 41 44 .932 4 8 104 .923 7 83 .916 82 5 22 0 16.0 0 65.0
23-11-03 UQAC................... 3 43 10 100 .330 42 43 .977 9 3 74 .959 2 45 .956 48 1 5 0 3.5 0 55.5
23-11-05 at Ottawa.............. 4 50 18 140 .229 44 46 .957 4 4 90 .956 10 82 .878 51 5 0 0 5.0 0 59.0
23-11-10 SHERBROOKE............. 4 53 18 136 .257 50 52 .962 8 7 97 .928 9 75 .880 52 2 15 2 9.5 0 70.5
23-11-11 at Laval............... 5 63 25 167 .228 58 58 1.000 0 9 96 .906 3 84 .964 55 2 10 2 7.0 0 70.0
23-11-17 UQAM................... 5 60 23 152 .243 55 57 .965 8 10 105 .905 3 86 .965 57 2 10 1 7.0 0 75.0
23-11-24 at Laval............... 5 67 20 180 .261 63 66 .955 4 8 103 .922 8 100 .920 82 3 18 0 12.0 1 83.0
24-01-12 at Sherbrooke.......... 3 30 15 97 .155 27 29 .931 8 5 69 .928 6 60 .900 41 5 0 0 5.0 0 43.0
24-01-14 LAVAL.................. 5 55 20 155 .226 54 57 .947 5 7 108 .935 8 82 .902 85 4 8 0 8.0 1 68.0
24-01-21 at UQAM................ 4 48 22 149 .174 46 47 .979 5 7 98 .929 13 87 .851 68 6 4 0 8.0 0 61.0
24-01-26 at UQAC................ 3 41 2 70 .557 39 39 1.000 6 4 73 .945 1 29 .966 35 1 8 0 5.0 0 52.0
24-01-27 at UQAC................ 3 40 5 82 .427 40 42 .952 3 2 74 .973 3 42 .929 44 4 16 1 12.0 0 55.0
24-02-02 UQTR................... 3 42 14 86 .326 40 44 .909 4 4 73 .945 2 51 .961 38 0 8 0 4.0 0 50.0
24-02-04 at UQAM................ 3 29 8 70 .300 29 29 1.000 7 7 74 .905 3 35 .914 40 1 18 0 10.0 0 46.0
24-02-09 at UQTR................ 4 58 18 172 .233 54 56 .964 6 7 101 .931 3 74 .959 81 3 6 6 6.0 0 70.0
24-02-11 OTTAWA................. 3 31 14 74 .230 29 29 1.000 8 5 76 .934 8 49 .837 29 3 17 0 11.5 0 50.5
24-02-18 MONTREAL............... 3 24 18 98 .061 23 24 .958 2 5 51 .902 7 63 .889 35 1 10 1 6.0 0 32.0
McGill.............................. 79 933 342 2533 .233 873 910 .959 106 131 1786 .927 123 1386 .911 1111 65 209 21 169.5 2 1208.5
Opponent............................ 79 919 491 2674 .160 870 927 .939 123 182 1569 .884 106 1654 .936 1086 49 168 13 133.0 0 1175.0
Sets played: 79
Kills per set: 11.81
Assists per set: 11.05
Service aces per set: 1.34
Reception errors per set: 1.56
Digs per set: 14.06
Blocks per set: 2.15
Ball handling errors per set: 0.03
Reception errors per set: 1.56
Points per set: 15.30
Overall record: 15-6 Conf: 15-6 Home: 9-1 Away: 6-5 Neutral: 0-0
Opponent Match-by-Match
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2023-2024
McGill Opponent Match-by-Match (as of Feb 18, 2024)
All matches
|-------ATTACK------| |-----SET-----| |-------SERVE------| |----RECEPT---| DEF |-------BLOCK------| GEN
Date Opponent SP K E TA Pct A TA Pct SA SE TA Pct RE TA Pct DIG BS BA BE Total BHE Points
23-10-13 UQTR................... 3 27 25 107 .019 26 27 .963 9 9 52 .827 4 73 .945 39 0 6 0 3.0 0 39.0
23-10-15 at Sherbrooke.......... 4 40 16 92 .261 35 39 .897 4 13 82 .841 4 59 .932 38 10 2 1 11.0 0 55.0
23-10-22 at Montreal............ 4 61 33 164 .171 57 58 .983 6 10 102 .902 3 90 .967 66 1 14 0 8.0 0 75.0
23-10-27 OTTAWA................. 3 31 23 101 .079 30 37 .811 8 6 61 .902 4 69 .942 42 0 8 0 4.0 0 43.0
23-10-29 MONTREAL............... 5 59 34 183 .137 56 60 .933 7 18 101 .822 4 96 .958 85 4 14 0 11.0 0 77.0
23-11-03 UQAC................... 3 31 15 98 .163 31 36 .861 2 3 48 .938 9 71 .873 44 0 8 0 4.0 0 37.0
23-11-05 at Ottawa.............. 4 55 27 145 .193 51 53 .962 10 6 88 .932 4 86 .953 58 9 4 0 11.0 0 76.0
23-11-10 SHERBROOKE............. 4 47 20 123 .220 46 53 .868 9 10 85 .882 8 90 .911 53 4 8 0 8.0 0 64.0
23-11-11 at Laval............... 5 52 25 143 .189 49 51 .961 3 4 89 .955 0 86 1.000 65 4 12 0 10.0 0 65.0
23-11-17 UQAM................... 5 56 24 142 .225 54 57 .947 3 11 97 .887 8 95 .916 61 1 20 0 11.0 0 70.0
23-11-24 at Laval............... 5 66 25 187 .219 65 67 .970 8 4 104 .962 4 95 .958 78 1 8 1 5.0 0 79.0
24-01-12 at Sherbrooke.......... 3 39 21 107 .168 32 34 .941 6 5 65 .923 8 64 .875 50 1 10 0 6.0 0 51.0
24-01-14 LAVAL.................. 5 58 30 181 .155 56 58 .966 8 15 97 .845 5 101 .950 74 3 12 2 9.0 0 75.0
24-01-21 at UQAM................ 4 56 31 161 .155 54 54 1.000 13 11 98 .888 5 91 .945 70 4 8 0 8.0 0 77.0
24-01-26 at UQAC................ 3 22 20 87 .023 21 25 .840 1 3 32 .906 6 69 .913 23 0 0 0 0.0 0 23.0
24-01-27 at UQAC................ 3 31 21 102 .098 28 29 .966 3 6 48 .875 3 72 .958 32 0 2 2 1.0 0 35.0
24-02-02 UQTR................... 3 31 19 92 .130 31 33 .939 2 6 57 .895 4 69 .942 25 0 6 1 3.0 0 36.0
24-02-04 at UQAM................ 3 30 22 97 .082 28 30 .933 3 13 48 .729 7 67 .896 30 0 0 0 0.0 0 33.0
24-02-09 at UQTR................ 4 54 21 176 .188 53 58 .914 3 12 86 .860 6 94 .936 81 4 4 6 6.0 0 63.0
24-02-11 OTTAWA................. 3 29 27 88 .023 27 28 .964 8 6 55 .891 8 71 .887 25 2 10 0 7.0 0 44.0
24-02-18 MONTREAL............... 3 44 12 98 .327 40 40 1.000 7 11 74 .851 2 46 .957 47 1 12 0 7.0 0 58.0
Opponent totals..................... 79 919 491 2674 .160 870 927 .939 123 182 1569 .884 106 1654 .936 1086 49 168 13 133.0 0 1175.0
McGill.............................. 79 933 342 2533 .233 873 910 .959 106 131 1786 .927 123 1386 .911 1111 65 209 21 169.5 2 1208.5
Sets played: 79
Kills per set: 11.63
Assists per set: 11.01
Service aces per set: 1.56
Reception errors per set: 1.34
Digs per set: 13.75
Blocks per set: 1.68
Ball handling errors per set: 0.00
Reception errors per set: 1.34
Points per set: 14.87
Team Match-by-Match Comparison
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2023-2024
McGill Team Match-by-Match Comparison (as of Feb 18, 2024)
All matches
|-----------------ATTACK------------------| |--SET--| |------SERVE------|
Opponent Score GP Kills Errors Total Pct A SA SE
-------- ----- --- ----/---- ----/---- ----/---- ------/------ ----/---- ----/---- ----/----
UQTR................ 3-0 3 39/27 9/25 94/107 .319/ .019 37/26 4/9 5/9
Sherbrooke.......... 1-3 4 27/40 27/16 96/92 .000/ .261 25/35 4/4 7/13
Montreal............ 1-3 4 53/61 20/33 156/164 .212/ .171 47/57 3/6 12/10
OTTAWA.............. 3-0 3 35/31 13/23 96/101 .229/ .079 30/30 4/8 5/6
MONTREAL............ 3-2 5 45/59 23/34 163/183 .135/ .137 41/56 4/7 8/18
UQAC................ 3-0 3 43/31 10/15 100/98 .330/ .163 42/31 9/2 3/3
Ottawa.............. 1-3 4 50/55 18/27 140/145 .229/ .193 44/51 4/10 4/6
SHERBROOKE.......... 3-1 4 53/47 18/20 136/123 .257/ .220 50/46 8/9 7/10
Laval............... 3-2 5 63/52 25/25 167/143 .228/ .189 58/49 0/3 9/4
UQAM................ 3-2 5 60/56 23/24 152/142 .243/ .225 55/54 8/3 10/11
Laval............... 2-3 5 67/66 20/25 180/187 .261/ .219 63/65 4/8 8/4
Sherbrooke.......... 3-0 3 30/39 15/21 97/107 .155/ .168 27/32 8/6 5/5
LAVAL............... 3-2 5 55/58 20/30 155/181 .226/ .155 54/56 5/8 7/15
UQAM................ 1-3 4 48/56 22/31 149/161 .174/ .155 46/54 5/13 7/11
UQAC................ 3-0 3 41/22 2/20 70/87 .557/ .023 39/21 6/1 4/3
UQAC................ 3-0 3 40/31 5/21 82/102 .427/ .098 40/28 3/3 2/6
UQTR................ 3-0 3 42/31 14/19 86/92 .326/ .130 40/31 4/2 4/6
UQAM................ 3-0 3 29/30 8/22 70/97 .300/ .082 29/28 7/3 7/13
UQTR................ 3-1 4 58/54 18/21 172/176 .233/ .188 54/53 6/3 7/12
OTTAWA.............. 3-0 3 31/29 14/27 74/88 .230/ .023 29/27 8/8 5/6
MONTREAL............ 0-3 3 24/44 18/12 98/98 .061/ .327 23/40 2/7 5/11
Totals.............. 51-28 79 933/919 342/491 2533/2674 .233/ .160 873/870 106/123 131/182
Note: Match totals are displayed in the format TEAM/OPPONENT for each category
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2023-2024
McGill Team Match-by-Match Comparison (as of Feb 18, 2024)
All matches
|--PASS-| |--DEF--| |-----------------BLOCK-----------------| |--GEN--|
Opponent RE DIG BS-BA BE Total BHE
-------- ----/---- ----/---- ---------/--------- ----/---- -----/----- ----/----
UQTR................ 9/4 52/39 2-10 / 0-6 0/0 7.0/ 3.0 0/0
Sherbrooke.......... 4/4 35/38 8-4 / 10-2 5/1 10.0/ 11.0 0/0
Montreal............ 6/3 59/66 3-10 / 1-14 2/0 8.0/ 8.0 0/0
OTTAWA.............. 8/4 42/42 4-10 / 0-8 1/0 9.0/ 4.0 0/0
MONTREAL............ 7/4 82/85 5-22 / 4-14 0/0 16.0/ 11.0 0/0
UQAC................ 2/9 48/44 1-5 / 0-8 0/0 3.5/ 4.0 0/0
Ottawa.............. 10/4 51/58 5-0 / 9-4 0/0 5.0/ 11.0 0/0
SHERBROOKE.......... 9/8 52/53 2-15 / 4-8 2/0 9.5/ 8.0 0/0
Laval............... 3/0 55/65 2-10 / 4-12 2/0 7.0/ 10.0 0/0
UQAM................ 3/8 57/61 2-10 / 1-20 1/0 7.0/ 11.0 0/0
Laval............... 8/4 82/78 3-18 / 1-8 0/1 12.0/ 5.0 1/0
Sherbrooke.......... 6/8 41/50 5-0 / 1-10 0/0 5.0/ 6.0 0/0
LAVAL............... 8/5 85/74 4-8 / 3-12 0/2 8.0/ 9.0 1/0
UQAM................ 13/5 68/70 6-4 / 4-8 0/0 8.0/ 8.0 0/0
UQAC................ 1/6 35/23 1-8 / 0-0 0/0 5.0/ 0.0 0/0
UQAC................ 3/3 44/32 4-16 / 0-2 1/2 12.0/ 1.0 0/0
UQTR................ 2/4 38/25 0-8 / 0-6 0/1 4.0/ 3.0 0/0
UQAM................ 3/7 40/30 1-18 / 0-0 0/0 10.0/ 0.0 0/0
UQTR................ 3/6 81/81 3-6 / 4-4 6/6 6.0/ 6.0 0/0
OTTAWA.............. 8/8 29/25 3-17 / 2-10 0/0 11.5/ 7.0 0/0
MONTREAL............ 7/2 35/47 1-10 / 1-12 1/0 6.0/ 7.0 0/0
Totals.............. 123/106 1111/1086 65-209 / 49-168 21/13 169.5/133.0 2/0
Note: Match totals are displayed in the format TEAM/OPPONENT for each category
Match Highs
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2023-2024
McGill Match Highs (as of Feb 18, 2024)
All matches
ATTACK PERCENT (K-E-TA) minimum 12 kills
.632 (12- 0-19) Charlene Robitaille at UQAC (24-01-26)
.478 (13- 2-23) Charlene Robitaille vs UQTR (23-10-13)
.423 (13- 2-26) Clara Poire vs UQTR (23-10-13)
.417 (14- 4-24) Clara Poire vs UQTR (24-02-02)
.407 (15- 4-27) Victoria Iannotti vs UQTR (24-02-02)
.394 (18- 5-33) Clara Poire vs Sherbrooke (23-11-10)
.377 (24- 4-53) Clara Poire at Laval (23-11-24)
.362 (21- 4-47) Charlene Robitaille at Laval (23-11-24)
.343 (13- 1-35) Melanie Dormann at Montreal (23-10-22)
.302 (24- 8-53) Victoria Iannotti vs UQAM (23-11-17)
24 (24- 4-53) 5s Clara Poire at Laval (23-11-24)
24 (24- 8-53) 5s Victoria Iannotti vs UQAM (23-11-17)
21 (21- 8-52) 5s Victoria Iannotti at Laval (23-11-11)
21 (21- 4-47) 5s Charlene Robitaille at Laval (23-11-24)
18 (18- 5-50) 4s Victoria Iannotti at UQTR (24-02-09)
18 (18- 5-33) 4s Clara Poire vs Sherbrooke (23-11-10)
17 (17- 5-45) 5s Victoria Iannotti vs Laval (24-01-14)
15 (15- 4-27) 3s Victoria Iannotti vs UQTR (24-02-02)
14 (14- 4-24) 3s Clara Poire vs UQTR (24-02-02)
14 (14- 5-33) 4s Clara Poire at Ottawa (23-11-05)
15 (15- 4-27) Victoria Iannotti vs UQTR (24-02-02)
14 (14- 4-24) Clara Poire vs UQTR (24-02-02)
13 (13- 2-23) Charlene Robitaille vs UQTR (23-10-13)
13 (13- 2-26) Clara Poire vs UQTR (23-10-13)
12 (12- 3-31) Victoria Iannotti vs UQAC (23-11-03)
18 (18- 5-50) Victoria Iannotti at UQTR (24-02-09)
18 (18- 5-33) Clara Poire vs Sherbrooke (23-11-10)
14 (14- 5-33) Clara Poire at Ottawa (23-11-05)
13 (13- 1-35) Melanie Dormann at Montreal (23-10-22)
12 (12- 5-38) Victoria Iannotti vs Sherbrooke (23-11-10)
24 (24- 8-53) Victoria Iannotti vs UQAM (23-11-17)
24 (24- 4-53) Clara Poire at Laval (23-11-24)
21 (21- 4-47) Charlene Robitaille at Laval (23-11-24)
21 (21- 8-52) Victoria Iannotti at Laval (23-11-11)
17 (17- 5-45) Victoria Iannotti vs Laval (24-01-14)
53 (24- 4-53) 5s Clara Poire at Laval (23-11-24)
53 (24- 8-53) 5s Victoria Iannotti vs UQAM (23-11-17)
52 (21- 8-52) 5s Victoria Iannotti at Laval (23-11-11)
50 (18- 5-50) 4s Victoria Iannotti at UQTR (24-02-09)
47 (21- 4-47) 5s Charlene Robitaille at Laval (23-11-24)
45 (17- 5-45) 5s Victoria Iannotti vs Laval (24-01-14)
41 (10- 9-41) 4s Victoria Iannotti at UQAM (24-01-21)
41 (14- 4-41) 5s Rachel Leduc vs Montreal (23-10-29)
39 (12- 5-39) 5s Clara Poire at Laval (23-11-11)
38 (10- 8-38) 5s Clara Poire vs Montreal (23-10-29)
31 (12- 3-31) Victoria Iannotti vs UQAC (23-11-03)
27 (15- 4-27) Victoria Iannotti vs UQTR (24-02-02)
27 (10- 1-27) Melanie Dormann vs Ottawa (23-10-27)
26 ( 7- 5-26) Victoria Iannotti vs Ottawa (24-02-11)
26 (13- 2-26) Clara Poire vs UQTR (23-10-13)
50 (18- 5-50) Victoria Iannotti at UQTR (24-02-09)
41 (10- 9-41) Victoria Iannotti at UQAM (24-01-21)
38 (12- 5-38) Victoria Iannotti vs Sherbrooke (23-11-10)
37 (11- 5-37) Clara Poire at UQTR (24-02-09)
35 (13- 1-35) Melanie Dormann at Montreal (23-10-22)
53 (24- 4-53) Clara Poire at Laval (23-11-24)
53 (24- 8-53) Victoria Iannotti vs UQAM (23-11-17)
52 (21- 8-52) Victoria Iannotti at Laval (23-11-11)
47 (21- 4-47) Charlene Robitaille at Laval (23-11-24)
45 (17- 5-45) Victoria Iannotti vs Laval (24-01-14)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2023-2024
McGill Match Highs (as of Feb 18, 2024)
All matches
29.0 (24- 2- 3.0) 5s Victoria Iannotti vs UQAM (23-11-17)
27.0 (24- 2- 1.0) 5s Clara Poire at Laval (23-11-24)
25.5 (21- 0- 4.5) 5s Charlene Robitaille at Laval (23-11-24)
22.5 (21- 0- 1.5) 5s Victoria Iannotti at Laval (23-11-11)
21.5 (17- 2- 2.5) 5s Victoria Iannotti vs Laval (24-01-14)
16.5 (12- 2- 2.5) Charlene Robitaille at UQAC (24-01-26)
16.0 (14- 2- 0.0) Clara Poire vs UQTR (24-02-02)
15.5 (15- 0- 0.5) Victoria Iannotti vs UQTR (24-02-02)
15.5 (12- 2- 1.5) Victoria Iannotti vs UQAC (23-11-03)
15.5 (10- 0- 5.5) Charlene Robitaille vs Ottawa (24-02-11)
21.5 (18- 2- 1.5) Clara Poire vs Sherbrooke (23-11-10)
20.5 (18- 1- 1.5) Victoria Iannotti at UQTR (24-02-09)
16.0 (11- 3- 2.0) Charlene Robitaille vs Sherbrooke (23-11-10)
16.0 (14- 2- 0.0) Clara Poire at Ottawa (23-11-05)
14.5 (12- 1- 1.5) Victoria Iannotti vs Sherbrooke (23-11-10)
29.0 (24- 2- 3.0) Victoria Iannotti vs UQAM (23-11-17)
27.0 (24- 2- 1.0) Clara Poire at Laval (23-11-24)
25.5 (21- 0- 4.5) Charlene Robitaille at Laval (23-11-24)
22.5 (21- 0- 1.5) Victoria Iannotti at Laval (23-11-11)
21.5 (17- 2- 2.5) Victoria Iannotti vs Laval (24-01-14)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2023-2024
McGill Match Highs (as of Feb 18, 2024)
All matches
55 (5s) Charl. Chouinard-L. at Laval (23-11-24)
51 (5s) Charl. Chouinard-L. at Laval (23-11-11)
42 (4s) Charl. Chouinard-L. vs Sherbrooke (23-11-10)
38 (4s) Audrey Trottier at UQAM (24-01-21)
36 (3s) Audrey Trottier at UQAC (24-01-26)
36 Audrey Trottier at UQAC (24-01-26)
33 Charl. Chouinard-L. at UQAC (24-01-27)
27 Charl. Chouinard-L. vs UQTR (24-02-02)
24 Audrey Trottier vs Ottawa (24-02-11)
21 Audrey Trottier at UQAM (24-02-04)
42 Charl. Chouinard-L. vs Sherbrooke (23-11-10)
38 Audrey Trottier at UQAM (24-01-21)
29 Audrey Trottier at Montreal (23-10-22)
26 Audrey Trottier at UQTR (24-02-09)
24 Audrey Trottier at Ottawa (23-11-05)
55 Charl. Chouinard-L. at Laval (23-11-24)
51 Charl. Chouinard-L. at Laval (23-11-11)
33 Charl. Chouinard-L. vs UQAM (23-11-17)
30 Audrey Trottier vs Laval (24-01-14)
29 Audrey Trottier vs Montreal (23-10-29)
20 (4s) Clara Poire at UQTR (24-02-09)
19 (5s) Clara Poire at Laval (23-11-24)
18 (5s) Clara Poire vs Laval (24-01-14)
18 (5s) Charlene Robitaille vs Montreal (23-10-29)
16 (5s) Charlene Robitaille at Laval (23-11-24)
13 Charlene Robitaille vs UQAC (23-11-03)
12 Victoria Iannotti at UQAC (24-01-27)
11 Charl. Chouinard-L. vs Ottawa (23-10-27)
11 Olivia Krishnan vs UQTR (23-10-13)
11 Clara Poire at UQAM (24-02-04)
20 Clara Poire at UQTR (24-02-09)
15 Clara Poire at Montreal (23-10-22)
13 Charlene Robitaille at UQTR (24-02-09)
11 Clara Poire at UQAM (24-01-21)
10 Charlene Robitaille at UQAM (24-01-21)
19 Clara Poire at Laval (23-11-24)
18 Charlene Robitaille vs Montreal (23-10-29)
18 Clara Poire vs Laval (24-01-14)
16 Charlene Robitaille at Laval (23-11-24)
16 Charlene Robitaille vs Laval (24-01-14)
6 Charlene Robitaille vs UQAC (23-11-03)
4 Brook Brown at Sherbrooke (24-01-12)
4 Victoria Iannotti at UQAM (24-02-04)
3 Charlene Robitaille vs Sherbrooke (23-11-10)
3 Clara Poire vs UQAM (23-11-17)
9 ( 2- 7) Charlene Robitaille vs Ottawa (24-02-11)
7 ( 1- 6) Brook Brown vs Montreal (23-10-29)
6 ( 3- 3) Charlene Robitaille at Laval (23-11-24)
6 ( 2- 4) Brook Brown vs Ottawa (23-10-27)
6 ( 2- 4) Clara Poire vs Montreal (23-10-29)
6 ( 1- 5) Brook Brown at UQAM (24-02-04)
6 ( 1- 5) Charlene Robitaille at UQAC (24-01-27)
6 ( 0- 6) Meaghan Smith at Laval (23-11-24)
5 ( 4- 1) Charlene Robitaille at Sherbrooke (23-10-15)
5 ( 1- 4) Clara Poire at UQAC (24-01-27)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2023-2024
McGill Match Highs (as of Feb 18, 2024)
All matches
.557 (41- 2- 70) at UQAC (24-01-26)
.427 (40- 5- 82) at UQAC (24-01-27)
.330 (43-10-100) vs UQAC (23-11-03)
.326 (42-14- 86) vs UQTR (24-02-02)
.319 (39- 9- 94) vs UQTR (23-10-13)
.300 (29- 8- 70) at UQAM (24-02-04)
.261 (67-20-180) at Laval (23-11-24)
.257 (53-18-136) vs Sherbrooke (23-11-10)
.243 (60-23-152) vs UQAM (23-11-17)
.233 (58-18-172) at UQTR (24-02-09)
67 (67-20-180) 5s at Laval (23-11-24)
63 (63-25-167) 5s at Laval (23-11-11)
60 (60-23-152) 5s vs UQAM (23-11-17)
58 (58-18-172) 4s at UQTR (24-02-09)
55 (55-20-155) 5s vs Laval (24-01-14)
53 (53-18-136) 4s vs Sherbrooke (23-11-10)
53 (53-20-156) 4s at Montreal (23-10-22)
50 (50-18-140) 4s at Ottawa (23-11-05)
48 (48-22-149) 4s at UQAM (24-01-21)
45 (45-23-163) 5s vs Montreal (23-10-29)
43 (43-10-100) vs UQAC (23-11-03)
42 (42-14- 86) vs UQTR (24-02-02)
41 (41- 2- 70) at UQAC (24-01-26)
40 (40- 5- 82) at UQAC (24-01-27)
39 (39- 9- 94) vs UQTR (23-10-13)
58 (58-18-172) at UQTR (24-02-09)
53 (53-18-136) vs Sherbrooke (23-11-10)
53 (53-20-156) at Montreal (23-10-22)
50 (50-18-140) at Ottawa (23-11-05)
48 (48-22-149) at UQAM (24-01-21)
67 (67-20-180) at Laval (23-11-24)
63 (63-25-167) at Laval (23-11-11)
60 (60-23-152) vs UQAM (23-11-17)
55 (55-20-155) vs Laval (24-01-14)
45 (45-23-163) vs Montreal (23-10-29)
180 (67-20-180) 5s at Laval (23-11-24)
172 (58-18-172) 4s at UQTR (24-02-09)
167 (63-25-167) 5s at Laval (23-11-11)
163 (45-23-163) 5s vs Montreal (23-10-29)
156 (53-20-156) 4s at Montreal (23-10-22)
155 (55-20-155) 5s vs Laval (24-01-14)
152 (60-23-152) 5s vs UQAM (23-11-17)
149 (48-22-149) 4s at UQAM (24-01-21)
140 (50-18-140) 4s at Ottawa (23-11-05)
136 (53-18-136) 4s vs Sherbrooke (23-11-10)
100 (43-10-100) vs UQAC (23-11-03)
98 (24-18- 98) vs Montreal (24-02-18)
97 (30-15- 97) at Sherbrooke (24-01-12)
96 (35-13- 96) vs Ottawa (23-10-27)
94 (39- 9- 94) vs UQTR (23-10-13)
172 (58-18-172) at UQTR (24-02-09)
156 (53-20-156) at Montreal (23-10-22)
149 (48-22-149) at UQAM (24-01-21)
140 (50-18-140) at Ottawa (23-11-05)
136 (53-18-136) vs Sherbrooke (23-11-10)
180 (67-20-180) at Laval (23-11-24)
167 (63-25-167) at Laval (23-11-11)
163 (45-23-163) vs Montreal (23-10-29)
155 (55-20-155) vs Laval (24-01-14)
152 (60-23-152) vs UQAM (23-11-17)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2023-2024
McGill Match Highs (as of Feb 18, 2024)
All matches
63 (5s) at Laval (23-11-24)
58 (5s) at Laval (23-11-11)
55 (5s) vs UQAM (23-11-17)
54 (5s) vs Laval (24-01-14)
54 (4s) at UQTR (24-02-09)
42 vs UQAC (23-11-03)
40 at UQAC (24-01-27)
40 vs UQTR (24-02-02)
39 at UQAC (24-01-26)
37 vs UQTR (23-10-13)
54 at UQTR (24-02-09)
50 vs Sherbrooke (23-11-10)
47 at Montreal (23-10-22)
46 at UQAM (24-01-21)
44 at Ottawa (23-11-05)
63 at Laval (23-11-24)
58 at Laval (23-11-11)
55 vs UQAM (23-11-17)
54 vs Laval (24-01-14)
41 vs Montreal (23-10-29)
85 (5s) vs Laval (24-01-14)
82 (5s) vs Montreal (23-10-29)
82 (5s) at Laval (23-11-24)
81 (4s) at UQTR (24-02-09)
68 (4s) at UQAM (24-01-21)
52 vs UQTR (23-10-13)
48 vs UQAC (23-11-03)
44 at UQAC (24-01-27)
42 vs Ottawa (23-10-27)
41 at Sherbrooke (24-01-12)
81 at UQTR (24-02-09)
68 at UQAM (24-01-21)
59 at Montreal (23-10-22)
52 vs Sherbrooke (23-11-10)
51 at Ottawa (23-11-05)
85 vs Laval (24-01-14)
82 vs Montreal (23-10-29)
82 at Laval (23-11-24)
57 vs UQAM (23-11-17)
55 at Laval (23-11-11)
9 vs UQAC (23-11-03)
8 vs Ottawa (24-02-11)
8 vs UQAM (23-11-17)
8 at Sherbrooke (24-01-12)
8 vs Sherbrooke (23-11-10)
16.0 vs Montreal (23-10-29)
12.0 at UQAC (24-01-27)
12.0 at Laval (23-11-24)
11.5 vs Ottawa (24-02-11)
10.0 at Sherbrooke (23-10-15)
10.0 at UQAM (24-02-04)
9.5 vs Sherbrooke (23-11-10)
9.0 vs Ottawa (23-10-27)
8.0 vs Laval (24-01-14)
8.0 at Montreal (23-10-22)