Volleyball univ. masculin RSEQ 2018-2019
Match Results
Volleyball univ. masculin RSEQ 2018-2019
Laval Match Results (as of Apr 23, 2019)
All matches
Overall Conference
Date Opponent Score Score-by-game Record Record Time Attend
---- -------- ----- ------------- -------- -------- ---- ------
* 2018-10-19 at Sherbrooke W 3-0 25-23,25-14,25-22 1-0 1-0 1:16 200
* 2018-10-26 MONTREAL W 3-0 25-19,25-22,25-17 2-0 2-0 1:24 638
* 2018-10-27 SHERBROOKE W 3-0 25-18,25-11,25-17 3-0 3-0 1:17 535
* 2018-11-09 at Montreal W 3-2 22-25,25-19,15-25,25-19,15-9 4-0 4-0 2:00 350
* 2018-11-16 at UNB W 3-0 25-18,25-21,25-19 5-0 5-0 1:20 205
* 2018-11-17 at UNB W 3-1 23-25,25-16,25-21,25-18 6-0 6-0 1:50 195
* 2018-11-23 DALHOUSIE W 3-0 25-16,25-17,25-14 7-0 7-0 1:12
* 2018-11-24 DALHOUSIE W 3-0 25-19,25-19,25-20 8-0 8-0 1:16
* 2019-01-13 SHERBROOKE W 3-0 25-14,25-13,25-22 9-0 9-0 1:10 354
* 2019-01-25 MONTREAL W 3-0 25-16,25-21,25-20 10-0 10-0 1:17 564
* 2019-02-01 UNB W 3-1 29-27,22-25,25-21,25-15 11-0 11-0 2:00 401
* 2019-02-02 UNB W 3-0 25-21,25-16,25-20 12-0 12-0 1:18 328
* 2019-02-08 at Dalhousie W 3-0 25-14,25-11,25-22 13-0 13-0 1:10 195
* 2019-02-09 at Dalhousie W 3-0 25-18,25-23,25-17 14-0 14-0 1:15 182
* 2019-02-15 at #10 Montreal W 3-0 25-23,25-19,26-24 15-0 15-0 1:22 350
* 2019-02-17 at Sherbrooke W 3-0 25-13,25-19,25-22 16-0 16-0 1:13 151
---------- ---
Overall: 16-0
Conference: 16-0
Home: 8-0
Away: 8-0
Neutral: 0-0
3 games: 13-0
4 games: 2-0
5 games: 1-0
ATTEND Dates Total Average
------ ----- ------- -------
Total: 16 4648 290
Home: 8 2820 352
Away: 8 1828 228
Neutral: 0 0 0
Overall Team Statistics
Volleyball univ. masculin RSEQ 2018-2019
Laval Overall Team Statistics (as of Apr 23, 2019)
All matches
Overall record: 16-0 Conference: 16-0
Kills....................... 699 473
Errors...................... 204 235
Total Attacks............... 1392 1334
Attack Pct.................. .356 .178
Kills/Game.................. 13.4 9.1
Assists..................... 667 444
Assists/Game................ 12.8 8.5
Aces........................ 88 39
Errors...................... 215 187
Aces/Game................... 1.7 0.8
SERVE RECEPTIONS..............
Errors...................... 41 97
Errors/Game................. 0.8 1.9
Digs........................ 537 420
Digs/Game................... 10.3 8.1
Block Solo.................. 25 29
Block Assist................ 147 152
Total Blocks................ 98.5 105.0
Blocks Per Game............. 1.9 2.0
Block Errors................ 16 15
BALL HANDLING ERRORS.......... 21 37
Total....................... 2820 1828
Dates/Avg Per Date.......... 8/352 8/228
Neutral site #/Avg.......... 0/0
Current win streak.......... 16 -
Home win streak............. 8 -
Overall Individual Statistics
Volleyball univ. masculin RSEQ 2018-2019
Laval Overall Individual Statistics (as of Apr 23, 2019)
All matches
Overall record: 16-0 Conference: 16-0
|-----------ATTACK---------| |---SET---| |-----SERVE----|
## Name GP-MP-MS K K/Game E TA Pct A A/Game SA SA/Gm SE
2 Ethan Ellison 43 14-9 6 0.14 4 16 .125 438 10.19 14 0.33 21
3 Hugo-Alex. Paradis 37 15-0 1 0.03 0 1 1.000 3 0.08 2 0.05 5
4 Remi Cadoret 47 15-0 0 0.00 0 4 .000 27 0.57 0 0.00 0
5 Vicente P.Villalobos 50 16-10 237 4.74 48 422 .448 6 0.12 7 0.14 53
6 Philippe Giroux 50 16-10 86 1.72 27 211 .280 6 0.12 13 0.26 23
7 Chhavanith Ponn 47 16-10 61 1.30 23 128 .297 4 0.09 17 0.36 26
8 Ludovic Martin 49 16-1 3 0.06 0 4 .750 165 3.37 8 0.16 15
9 Victor Grau 8 7-0 5 0.62 3 10 .200 0 0.00 1 0.12 3
10 Frederic Begin 3 3-0 1 0.33 0 1 1.000 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
11 Olivier Caron 11 8-0 5 0.45 3 14 .143 0 0.00 0 0.00 1
13 Alexandre Obomsawin 51 16-10 201 3.94 69 411 .321 9 0.18 22 0.43 46
14 Benjamin Couturier 17 9-0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 2 0.12 3 0.18 4
16 Jean-Benoit Gagne 50 16-10 76 1.52 18 137 .423 6 0.12 1 0.02 11
17 Jack Daly 13 11-0 8 0.62 4 16 .250 0 0.00 0 0.00 6
18 Xav. Leblanc-Martin 14 8-0 9 0.64 5 17 .235 1 0.07 0 0.00 1
LAVAL............... 52 16-16 699 13.44 204 1392 .356 667 12.83 88 1.69 215
Opponents........... 52 16-16 473 9.10 235 1334 .178 444 8.54 39 0.75 187
|---DIG---| |--------BLOCKING---------|
## Name G RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game BE BHE POINTS Pts/Gm
2 Ethan Ellison 43 0 66 1.53 1 21 22 0.51 1 12 31.5 0.73
3 Hugo-Alex. Paradis 37 3 5 0.14 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 3.0 0.08
4 Remi Cadoret 47 11 146 3.11 0 0 0 0.00 0 1 0.0 0.00
5 Vicente P.Villalobos 50 7 76 1.52 7 31 38 0.76 0 1 266.5 5.33
6 Philippe Giroux 50 10 76 1.52 1 5 6 0.12 0 0 102.5 2.05
7 Chhavanith Ponn 47 0 35 0.74 5 31 36 0.77 3 1 98.5 2.10
8 Ludovic Martin 49 0 20 0.41 0 8 8 0.16 1 2 15.0 0.31
9 Victor Grau 8 0 2 0.25 0 2 2 0.25 0 0 7.0 0.88
10 Frederic Begin 3 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 1.0 0.33
11 Olivier Caron 11 1 5 0.45 1 0 1 0.09 0 0 6.0 0.55
13 Alexandre Obomsawin 51 3 67 1.31 4 12 16 0.31 2 1 233.0 4.57
14 Benjamin Couturier 17 1 12 0.71 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 3.0 0.18
16 Jean-Benoit Gagne 50 1 16 0.32 6 37 43 0.86 7 3 101.5 2.03
17 Jack Daly 13 0 1 0.08 0 0 0 0.00 1 0 8.0 0.62
18 Xav. Leblanc-Martin 14 4 10 0.71 0 0 0 0.00 1 0 9.0 0.64
LAVAL............... 52 41 537 10.33 25 147 98.5 1.89 16 21 885.5 17.03
Opponents........... 52 97 420 8.08 29 152 105.0 2.02 15 37 617.0 11.87
Category Leaders
Volleyball univ. masculin RSEQ 2018-2019
Laval Category Leaders (as of Apr 23, 2019)
All matches
## ATTACK (by Pct) G K K/Game E TA Pct
10 Frederic Begin 3 1 0.33 0 1 1.000
3 Hugo-Alex. Paradis 37 1 0.03 0 1 1.000
8 Ludovic Martin 49 3 0.06 0 4 .750
5 Vicente P.Villalobos 50 237 4.74 48 422 .448
16 Jean-Benoit Gagne 50 76 1.52 18 137 .423
13 Alexandre Obomsawin 51 201 3.94 69 411 .321
7 Chhavanith Ponn 47 61 1.30 23 128 .297
6 Philippe Giroux 50 86 1.72 27 211 .280
17 Jack Daly 13 8 0.62 4 16 .250
18 Xav. Leblanc-Martin 14 9 0.64 5 17 .235
9 Victor Grau 8 5 0.62 3 10 .200
11 Olivier Caron 11 5 0.45 3 14 .143
2 Ethan Ellison 43 6 0.14 4 16 .125
4 Remi Cadoret 47 0 0.00 0 4 .000
LAVAL............... 52 699 13.44 204 1392 .356
Opponents........... 52 473 9.10 235 1334 .178
## SET (by A/Game) G A A/Game
2 Ethan Ellison 43 438 10.19
8 Ludovic Martin 49 165 3.37
4 Remi Cadoret 47 27 0.57
13 Alexandre Obomsawin 51 9 0.18
5 Vicente P.Villalobos 50 6 0.12
16 Jean-Benoit Gagne 50 6 0.12
6 Philippe Giroux 50 6 0.12
14 Benjamin Couturier 17 2 0.12
7 Chhavanith Ponn 47 4 0.09
3 Hugo-Alex. Paradis 37 3 0.08
18 Xav. Leblanc-Martin 14 1 0.07
LAVAL............... 52 667 12.83
Opponents........... 52 444 8.54
## BLOCK (by B/Game) G BS BA Total B/Game BE
16 Jean-Benoit Gagne 50 6 37 43.0 0.86 7
7 Chhavanith Ponn 47 5 31 36.0 0.77 3
5 Vicente P.Villalobos 50 7 31 38.0 0.76 0
2 Ethan Ellison 43 1 21 22.0 0.51 1
13 Alexandre Obomsawin 51 4 12 16.0 0.31 2
9 Victor Grau 8 0 2 2.0 0.25 0
8 Ludovic Martin 49 0 8 8.0 0.16 1
6 Philippe Giroux 50 1 5 6.0 0.12 0
11 Olivier Caron 11 1 0 1.0 0.09 0
17 Jack Daly 13 0 0 0.0 0.00 1
18 Xav. Leblanc-Martin 14 0 0 0.0 0.00 1
LAVAL............... 52 25 147 98.5 1.89 16
Opponents........... 52 29 152 105.0 2.02 15
## POINTS (by ##) G Points Pts/G
2 Ethan Ellison 43 31.5 0.72
3 Hugo-Alex. Paradis 37 3.0 0.08
4 Remi Cadoret 47 0.0 0.00
5 Vicente P.Villalobos 50 266.5 5.32
6 Philippe Giroux 50 102.5 2.04
7 Chhavanith Ponn 47 98.5 2.09
8 Ludovic Martin 49 15.0 0.31
9 Victor Grau 8 7.0 0.88
10 Frederic Begin 3 1.0 0.33
11 Olivier Caron 11 6.0 0.55
13 Alexandre Obomsawin 51 233.0 4.57
16 Jean-Benoit Gagne 50 101.5 2.02
17 Jack Daly 13 8.0 0.62
18 Xav. Leblanc-Martin 14 9.0 0.64
LAVAL............... 52 885.5 17.02
Opponents........... 52 617.0 11.87
## KILL (by K/Game) G K K/Game
5 Vicente P.Villalobos 50 237 4.74
13 Alexandre Obomsawin 51 201 3.94
6 Philippe Giroux 50 86 1.72
16 Jean-Benoit Gagne 50 76 1.52
7 Chhavanith Ponn 47 61 1.30
18 Xav. Leblanc-Martin 14 9 0.64
9 Victor Grau 8 5 0.62
17 Jack Daly 13 8 0.62
11 Olivier Caron 11 5 0.45
10 Frederic Begin 3 1 0.33
2 Ethan Ellison 43 6 0.14
8 Ludovic Martin 49 3 0.06
3 Hugo-Alex. Paradis 37 1 0.03
4 Remi Cadoret 47 0 0.00
LAVAL............... 52 699 13.44
Opponents........... 52 473 9.10
## SERVE (by ##) G SA SE SA/G
2 Ethan Ellison 43 14 21 0.33
3 Hugo-Alex. Paradis 37 2 5 0.05
5 Vicente P.Villalobos 50 7 53 0.14
6 Philippe Giroux 50 13 23 0.26
7 Chhavanith Ponn 47 17 26 0.36
8 Ludovic Martin 49 8 15 0.16
9 Victor Grau 8 1 3 0.12
11 Olivier Caron 11 0 1 0.00
13 Alexandre Obomsawin 51 22 46 0.43
14 Benjamin Couturier 17 3 4 0.18
16 Jean-Benoit Gagne 50 1 11 0.02
17 Jack Daly 13 0 6 0.00
18 Xav. Leblanc-Martin 14 0 1 0.00
LAVAL............... 52 88 215 1.69
Opponents........... 52 39 187 0.75
## DEFENSE (by Dig/Gm) G DIG Dig/G BHE
4 Remi Cadoret 47 146 3.11 1
2 Ethan Ellison 43 66 1.53 12
5 Vicente P.Villalobos 50 76 1.52 1
6 Philippe Giroux 50 76 1.52 0
13 Alexandre Obomsawin 51 67 1.31 1
7 Chhavanith Ponn 47 35 0.74 1
18 Xav. Leblanc-Martin 14 10 0.71 0
14 Benjamin Couturier 17 12 0.71 0
11 Olivier Caron 11 5 0.45 0
8 Ludovic Martin 49 20 0.41 2
16 Jean-Benoit Gagne 50 16 0.32 3
9 Victor Grau 8 2 0.25 0
3 Hugo-Alex. Paradis 37 5 0.14 0
17 Jack Daly 13 1 0.08 0
LAVAL............... 52 537 10.33 21
Opponents........... 52 420 8.08 37
## RECEPT (by RE/Game) G RE RE/Gm
18 Xav. Leblanc-Martin 14 4 0.29
4 Remi Cadoret 47 11 0.23
6 Philippe Giroux 50 10 0.20
5 Vicente P.Villalobos 50 7 0.14
11 Olivier Caron 11 1 0.09
3 Hugo-Alex. Paradis 37 3 0.08
14 Benjamin Couturier 17 1 0.06
13 Alexandre Obomsawin 51 3 0.06
16 Jean-Benoit Gagne 50 1 0.02
17 Jack Daly 13 0 0.00
TM TEAM 52 0 0.00
2 Ethan Ellison 43 0 0.00
LAVAL............... 52 41 0.79
Opponents........... 52 97 1.87
Combined Team Statistics
Volleyball univ. masculin RSEQ 2018-2019
Laval Combined Team Statistics (as of Apr 23, 2019)
All matches
ALL MATCHES......... (16-0 ) ( 8-0 ) ( 8-0 ) ( 0-0 )
CONFERENCE.......... (16-0 ) ( 8-0 ) ( 8-0 ) ( 0-0 )
NON-CONFERENCE...... ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 )
|---------ATTACK----------| |--SET---| |----SERVE----| |--DIG---| |------BLOCKING-------|
2 Ethan Ellison 43 6 0.14 4 16 .125 438 10.19 14 21 0.33 0 66 1.53 1 21 22 0.51 1 12 31.5
3 Hugo-Alex. Paradis 37 1 0.03 0 1 1.000 3 0.08 2 5 0.05 3 5 0.14 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 3.0
4 Remi Cadoret 47 0 0.00 0 4 .000 27 0.57 0 0 0.00 11 146 3.11 0 0 0 0.00 0 1 0.0
5 Vicente P.Villalobos 50 237 4.74 48 422 .448 6 0.12 7 53 0.14 7 76 1.52 7 31 38 0.76 0 1 266.5
6 Philippe Giroux 50 86 1.72 27 211 .280 6 0.12 13 23 0.26 10 76 1.52 1 5 6 0.12 0 0 102.5
7 Chhavanith Ponn 47 61 1.30 23 128 .297 4 0.09 17 26 0.36 0 35 0.74 5 31 36 0.77 3 1 98.5
8 Ludovic Martin 49 3 0.06 0 4 .750 165 3.37 8 15 0.16 0 20 0.41 0 8 8 0.16 1 2 15.0
9 Victor Grau 8 5 0.62 3 10 .200 0 0.00 1 3 0.12 0 2 0.25 0 2 2 0.25 0 0 7.0
10 Frederic Begin 3 1 0.33 0 1 1.000 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 1.0
11 Olivier Caron 11 5 0.45 3 14 .143 0 0.00 0 1 0.00 1 5 0.45 1 0 1 0.09 0 0 6.0
13 Alexandre Obomsawin 51 201 3.94 69 411 .321 9 0.18 22 46 0.43 3 67 1.31 4 12 16 0.31 2 1 233.0
14 Benjamin Couturier 17 0 0.00 0 0 .000 2 0.12 3 4 0.18 1 12 0.71 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 3.0
16 Jean-Benoit Gagne 50 76 1.52 18 137 .423 6 0.12 1 11 0.02 1 16 0.32 6 37 43 0.86 7 3 101.5
17 Jack Daly 13 8 0.62 4 16 .250 0 0.00 0 6 0.00 0 1 0.08 0 0 0 0.00 1 0 8.0
18 Xav. Leblanc-Martin 14 9 0.64 5 17 .235 1 0.07 0 1 0.00 4 10 0.71 0 0 0 0.00 1 0 9.0
LAVAL............... 52 699 13.44 204 1392 .356 667 12.83 88 215 1.69 41 537 10.33 25 147 98.5 1.89 16 21 885.5
Opponents........... 52 473 9.10 235 1334 .178 444 8.54 39 187 0.75 97 420 8.08 29 152 105.0 2.02 15 37 617.0
Kills............. 699 473
Errors............ 204 235
Total Attacks..... 1392 1334
Attack Pct........ .356 .178
Kills/Game........ 13.4 9.1
Assists........... 667 444
Assists/Game...... 12.8 8.5
Aces.............. 88 39
Errors............ 215 187
Aces/Game......... 1.7 0.8
Errors............ 41 97
Errors/Game....... 0.8 1.9
Digs.............. 537 420
Digs/Game......... 10.3 8.1
Block Solo........ 25 29
Block Assist...... 147 152
Total Blocks...... 98.5 105.0
Blocks Per Game... 1.9 2.0
Block Errors...... 16 15
Total............. 2820 1828
Dates/Avg Per Date 8/352 8/228
Neutral site #/Avg 0/0
Current win streak 16 -
Home win streak... 8 -
---------- ---------------------- --- ----- ----------------------------- ------
* 2018-10-19 at Sherbrooke W 3-0 25-23,25-14,25-22 200
* 2018-10-26 MONTREAL W 3-0 25-19,25-22,25-17 638
* 2018-10-27 SHERBROOKE W 3-0 25-18,25-11,25-17 535
* 2018-11-09 at Montreal W 3-2 22-25,25-19,15-25,25-19,15-9 350
* 2018-11-16 at UNB W 3-0 25-18,25-21,25-19 205
* 2018-11-17 at UNB W 3-1 23-25,25-16,25-21,25-18 195
* 2018-11-23 DALHOUSIE W 3-0 25-16,25-17,25-14 -
* 2018-11-24 DALHOUSIE W 3-0 25-19,25-19,25-20 -
* 2019-01-13 SHERBROOKE W 3-0 25-14,25-13,25-22 354
* 2019-01-25 MONTREAL W 3-0 25-16,25-21,25-20 564
* 2019-02-01 UNB W 3-1 29-27,22-25,25-21,25-15 401
* 2019-02-02 UNB W 3-0 25-21,25-16,25-20 328
* 2019-02-08 at Dalhousie W 3-0 25-14,25-11,25-22 195
* 2019-02-09 at Dalhousie W 3-0 25-18,25-23,25-17 182
* 2019-02-15 at #10 Montreal W 3-0 25-23,25-19,26-24 350
* 2019-02-17 at Sherbrooke W 3-0 25-13,25-19,25-22 151
Volleyball Statistics
Volleyball univ. masculin RSEQ 2018-2019
Laval Volleyball Statistics (as of Apr 23, 2019)
All matches
Overall record: 16-0 Conference: 16-0
|--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---| |--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---|
## Name G K K/G E TA Pct A A/G Points G K K/G E TA Pct A A/G Points
------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
2 Ethan Ellison....... 43 6 0.14 4 16 .125 438 10.19 31.5 43 6 0.14 4 16 .125 438 10.19 31.5
3 Hugo-Alex. Paradis.. 37 1 0.03 0 1 1.000 3 0.08 3.0 37 1 0.03 0 1 1.000 3 0.08 3.0
4 Remi Cadoret........ 47 0 0.00 0 4 .000 27 0.57 0.0 47 0 0.00 0 4 .000 27 0.57 0.0
5 Vicente P.Villalobos 50 237 4.74 48 422 .448 6 0.12 266.5 50 237 4.74 48 422 .448 6 0.12 266.5
6 Philippe Giroux..... 50 86 1.72 27 211 .280 6 0.12 102.5 50 86 1.72 27 211 .280 6 0.12 102.5
7 Chhavanith Ponn..... 47 61 1.30 23 128 .297 4 0.09 98.5 47 61 1.30 23 128 .297 4 0.09 98.5
8 Ludovic Martin...... 49 3 0.06 0 4 .750 165 3.37 15.0 49 3 0.06 0 4 .750 165 3.37 15.0
9 Victor Grau......... 8 5 0.62 3 10 .200 0 0.00 7.0 8 5 0.62 3 10 .200 0 0.00 7.0
10 Frederic Begin...... 3 1 0.33 0 1 1.000 0 0.00 1.0 3 1 0.33 0 1 1.000 0 0.00 1.0
11 Olivier Caron....... 11 5 0.45 3 14 .143 0 0.00 6.0 11 5 0.45 3 14 .143 0 0.00 6.0
13 Alexandre Obomsawin. 51 201 3.94 69 411 .321 9 0.18 233.0 51 201 3.94 69 411 .321 9 0.18 233.0
14 Benjamin Couturier.. 17 0 0.00 0 0 .000 2 0.12 3.0 17 0 0.00 0 0 .000 2 0.12 3.0
16 Jean-Benoit Gagne... 50 76 1.52 18 137 .423 6 0.12 101.5 50 76 1.52 18 137 .423 6 0.12 101.5
17 Jack Daly........... 13 8 0.62 4 16 .250 0 0.00 8.0 13 8 0.62 4 16 .250 0 0.00 8.0
18 Xav. Leblanc-Martin. 14 9 0.64 5 17 .235 1 0.07 9.0 14 9 0.64 5 17 .235 1 0.07 9.0
LAVAL............... 52 699 13.44 204 1392 .356 667 12.83 885.5 52 699 13.44 204 1392 .356 667 12.83 885.5
Opponents........... 52 473 9.10 235 1334 .178 444 8.54 617.0 52 473 9.10 235 1334 .178 444 8.54 617.0
|--SERVE--| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----| |--SERVE--| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----|
Name SA SA/Gm RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game SA SA/Gm RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
Ethan Ellison....... 14 0.33 0 66 1.53 1 21 22 0.51 14 0.33 0 66 1.53 1 21 22 0.51
Hugo-Alex. Paradis.. 2 0.05 3 5 0.14 0 0 0 0.00 2 0.05 3 5 0.14 0 0 0 0.00
Remi Cadoret........ 0 0.00 11 146 3.11 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 11 146 3.11 0 0 0 0.00
Vicente P.Villalobos 7 0.14 7 76 1.52 7 31 38 0.76 7 0.14 7 76 1.52 7 31 38 0.76
Philippe Giroux..... 13 0.26 10 76 1.52 1 5 6 0.12 13 0.26 10 76 1.52 1 5 6 0.12
Chhavanith Ponn..... 17 0.36 0 35 0.74 5 31 36 0.77 17 0.36 0 35 0.74 5 31 36 0.77
Ludovic Martin...... 8 0.16 0 20 0.41 0 8 8 0.16 8 0.16 0 20 0.41 0 8 8 0.16
Victor Grau......... 1 0.12 0 2 0.25 0 2 2 0.25 1 0.12 0 2 0.25 0 2 2 0.25
Frederic Begin...... 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Olivier Caron....... 0 0.00 1 5 0.45 1 0 1 0.09 0 0.00 1 5 0.45 1 0 1 0.09
Alexandre Obomsawin. 22 0.43 3 67 1.31 4 12 16 0.31 22 0.43 3 67 1.31 4 12 16 0.31
Benjamin Couturier.. 3 0.18 1 12 0.71 0 0 0 0.00 3 0.18 1 12 0.71 0 0 0 0.00
Jean-Benoit Gagne... 1 0.02 1 16 0.32 6 37 43 0.86 1 0.02 1 16 0.32 6 37 43 0.86
Jack Daly........... 0 0.00 0 1 0.08 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 1 0.08 0 0 0 0.00
Xav. Leblanc-Martin. 0 0.00 4 10 0.71 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 4 10 0.71 0 0 0 0.00
TEAM................ 0 0
LAVAL............... 88 1.69 41 537 10.33 25 147 98.5 1.89 88 1.69 41 537 10.33 25 147 98.5 1.89
Opponents........... 39 0.75 97 420 8.08 29 152 105.0 2.02 39 0.75 97 420 8.08 29 152 105.0 2.02
Team Match-by-Match
Volleyball univ. masculin RSEQ 2018-2019
Laval Team Match-by-Match (as of Apr 23, 2019)
All matches
|-------ATTACK------| SET |-SERVE-| PASS DEF |-------BLOCK------| GEN
Date Opponent GP K E TA Pct A SA SE RE DIG BS BA BE Total BHE Points
2018-10-19 at Sherbrooke.......... 3 37 11 73 .356 35 0 17 2 30 2 6 4 5.0 0 42.0
2018-10-26 MONTREAL............... 3 44 14 95 .316 38 3 6 2 42 2 16 3 10.0 2 57.0
2018-10-27 SHERBROOKE............. 3 37 12 69 .362 34 5 13 1 40 3 2 0 4.0 0 46.0
2018-11-09 at Montreal............ 5 47 21 98 .265 47 10 17 10 29 3 12 0 9.0 3 66.0
2018-11-16 at UNB................. 3 44 12 78 .410 43 0 13 1 29 0 9 0 4.5 0 48.5
2018-11-17 at UNB................. 4 59 18 126 .325 54 11 15 1 45 0 12 0 6.0 0 76.0
2018-11-23 DALHOUSIE.............. 3 39 9 70 .429 38 6 10 4 27 0 17 2 8.5 1 53.5
2018-11-24 DALHOUSIE.............. 3 39 12 91 .297 36 4 11 1 45 1 8 0 5.0 1 48.0
2019-01-13 SHERBROOKE............. 3 38 11 74 .365 38 5 14 3 32 2 12 2 8.0 2 51.0
2019-01-25 MONTREAL............... 3 42 10 80 .400 38 1 17 0 30 2 11 1 7.5 1 50.5
2019-02-01 UNB.................... 4 61 21 121 .331 59 10 18 3 39 1 11 1 6.5 2 77.5
2019-02-02 UNB.................... 3 44 12 93 .344 43 3 10 3 32 3 12 3 9.0 2 56.0
2019-02-08 at Dalhousie........... 3 40 10 77 .390 38 9 12 1 37 2 6 0 5.0 2 54.0
2019-02-09 at Dalhousie........... 3 47 9 87 .437 46 8 12 1 29 0 3 0 1.5 1 56.5
2019-02-15 at Montreal............ 3 39 8 82 .378 39 5 17 5 29 2 8 0 6.0 4 50.0
2019-02-17 at Sherbrooke.......... 3 42 14 78 .359 41 8 13 3 22 2 2 0 3.0 0 53.0
Laval............................... 52 699 204 1392 .356 667 88 215 41 537 25 147 16 98.5 21 885.5
Opponent............................ 52 473 235 1334 .178 444 39 187 97 420 29 152 15 105.0 37 617.0
Games played: 52
Kills per game: 13.44
Assists per game: 12.83
Service aces per game: 1.69
Reception errors per game: 0.79
Digs per game: 10.33
Blocks per game: 1.89
Ball handling errors per game: 0.40
Reception errors per game: 0.79
Points per game: 17.03
Overall record: 16-0 Conference: 16-0
Opponent Match-by-Match
Volleyball univ. masculin RSEQ 2018-2019
Laval Opponent Match-by-Match (as of Apr 23, 2019)
All matches
|-------ATTACK------| SET |-SERVE-| PASS DEF |-------BLOCK------| GEN
Date Opponent GP K E TA Pct A SA SE RE DIG BS BA BE Total BHE Points
2018-10-19 at Sherbrooke.......... 3 21 9 68 .176 19 0 13 7 23 1 4 1 3.0 5 24.0
2018-10-26 MONTREAL............... 3 31 17 99 .141 31 2 11 3 36 0 12 0 6.0 0 39.0
2018-10-27 SHERBROOKE............. 3 20 12 70 .114 18 1 17 5 14 0 6 0 3.0 3 24.0
2018-11-09 at Montreal............ 5 43 18 99 .253 35 10 22 11 38 6 17 3 14.5 9 67.5
2018-11-16 at UNB................. 3 30 17 78 .167 29 1 11 0 20 1 10 0 6.0 0 37.0
2018-11-17 at UNB................. 4 42 16 114 .228 40 1 10 11 41 5 4 0 7.0 0 50.0
2018-11-23 DALHOUSIE.............. 3 22 14 65 .123 20 4 11 6 16 0 8 2 4.0 2 30.0
2018-11-24 DALHOUSIE.............. 3 33 11 92 .239 32 1 16 4 35 0 16 3 8.0 2 42.0
2019-01-13 SHERBROOKE............. 3 17 16 65 .015 17 3 10 5 23 1 11 2 6.5 2 26.5
2019-01-25 MONTREAL............... 3 29 19 83 .120 28 0 12 1 23 1 6 1 4.0 1 33.0
2019-02-01 UNB.................... 4 44 19 109 .229 42 3 8 10 32 3 24 0 15.0 3 62.0
2019-02-02 UNB.................... 3 30 16 81 .173 28 3 9 3 28 1 10 2 6.0 3 39.0
2019-02-08 at Dalhousie........... 3 22 16 83 .072 20 1 9 9 23 2 6 0 5.0 0 28.0
2019-02-09 at Dalhousie........... 3 34 12 84 .262 33 1 5 8 23 1 8 0 5.0 1 40.0
2019-02-15 at Montreal............ 3 31 11 77 .260 28 5 12 6 30 4 0 1 4.0 5 40.0
2019-02-17 at Sherbrooke.......... 3 24 12 67 .179 24 3 11 8 15 3 10 0 8.0 1 35.0
Opponent totals..................... 52 473 235 1334 .178 444 39 187 97 420 29 152 15 105.0 37 617.0
Laval............................... 52 699 204 1392 .356 667 88 215 41 537 25 147 16 98.5 21 885.5
Games played: 52
Kills per game: 9.10
Assists per game: 8.54
Service aces per game: 0.75
Reception errors per game: 1.87
Digs per game: 8.08
Blocks per game: 2.02
Ball handling errors per game: 0.71
Reception errors per game: 1.87
Points per game: 11.87
Team Match-by-Match Comparison
Volleyball univ. masculin RSEQ 2018-2019
Laval Team Match-by-Match Comparison (as of Apr 23, 2019)
All matches
|-----------------ATTACK------------------| |--SET--| |------SERVE------|
Opponent Score GP Kills Errors Total Pct A SA SE
-------- ----- --- ----/---- ----/---- ----/---- ------/------ ----/---- ----/---- ----/----
Sherbrooke.......... 3-0 3 37/21 11/9 73/68 .356/ .176 35/19 0/0 17/13
MONTREAL............ 3-0 3 44/31 14/17 95/99 .316/ .141 38/31 3/2 6/11
SHERBROOKE.......... 3-0 3 37/20 12/12 69/70 .362/ .114 34/18 5/1 13/17
Montreal............ 3-2 5 47/43 21/18 98/99 .265/ .253 47/35 10/10 17/22
UNB................. 3-0 3 44/30 12/17 78/78 .410/ .167 43/29 0/1 13/11
UNB................. 3-1 4 59/42 18/16 126/114 .325/ .228 54/40 11/1 15/10
DALHOUSIE........... 3-0 3 39/22 9/14 70/65 .429/ .123 38/20 6/4 10/11
DALHOUSIE........... 3-0 3 39/33 12/11 91/92 .297/ .239 36/32 4/1 11/16
SHERBROOKE.......... 3-0 3 38/17 11/16 74/65 .365/ .015 38/17 5/3 14/10
MONTREAL............ 3-0 3 42/29 10/19 80/83 .400/ .120 38/28 1/0 17/12
UNB................. 3-1 4 61/44 21/19 121/109 .331/ .229 59/42 10/3 18/8
UNB................. 3-0 3 44/30 12/16 93/81 .344/ .173 43/28 3/3 10/9
Dalhousie........... 3-0 3 40/22 10/16 77/83 .390/ .072 38/20 9/1 12/9
Dalhousie........... 3-0 3 47/34 9/12 87/84 .437/ .262 46/33 8/1 12/5
Montreal............ 3-0 3 39/31 8/11 82/77 .378/ .260 39/28 5/5 17/12
Sherbrooke.......... 3-0 3 42/24 14/12 78/67 .359/ .179 41/24 8/3 13/11
Totals.............. 48-4 52 699/473 204/235 1392/1334 .356/ .178 667/444 88/39 215/187
Note: Match totals are displayed in the format TEAM/OPPONENT for each category
Volleyball univ. masculin RSEQ 2018-2019
Laval Team Match-by-Match Comparison (as of Apr 23, 2019)
All matches
|--PASS-| |--DEF--| |-----------------BLOCK-----------------| |--GEN--|
Opponent RE DIG BS-BA BE Total BHE
-------- ----/---- ----/---- ---------/--------- ----/---- -----/----- ----/----
Sherbrooke.......... 2/7 30/23 2-6 / 1-4 4/1 5.0/ 3.0 0/5
MONTREAL............ 2/3 42/36 2-16 / 0-12 3/0 10.0/ 6.0 2/0
SHERBROOKE.......... 1/5 40/14 3-2 / 0-6 0/0 4.0/ 3.0 0/3
Montreal............ 10/11 29/38 3-12 / 6-17 0/3 9.0/ 14.5 3/9
UNB................. 1/0 29/20 0-9 / 1-10 0/0 4.5/ 6.0 0/0
UNB................. 1/11 45/41 0-12 / 5-4 0/0 6.0/ 7.0 0/0
DALHOUSIE........... 4/6 27/16 0-17 / 0-8 2/2 8.5/ 4.0 1/2
DALHOUSIE........... 1/4 45/35 1-8 / 0-16 0/3 5.0/ 8.0 1/2
SHERBROOKE.......... 3/5 32/23 2-12 / 1-11 2/2 8.0/ 6.5 2/2
MONTREAL............ 0/1 30/23 2-11 / 1-6 1/1 7.5/ 4.0 1/1
UNB................. 3/10 39/32 1-11 / 3-24 1/0 6.5/ 15.0 2/3
UNB................. 3/3 32/28 3-12 / 1-10 3/2 9.0/ 6.0 2/3
Dalhousie........... 1/9 37/23 2-6 / 2-6 0/0 5.0/ 5.0 2/0
Dalhousie........... 1/8 29/23 0-3 / 1-8 0/0 1.5/ 5.0 1/1
Montreal............ 5/6 29/30 2-8 / 4-0 0/1 6.0/ 4.0 4/5
Sherbrooke.......... 3/8 22/15 2-2 / 3-10 0/0 3.0/ 8.0 0/1
Totals.............. 41/97 537/420 25-147 / 29-152 16/15 98.5/105.0 21/37
Note: Match totals are displayed in the format TEAM/OPPONENT for each category
Match Highs
Volleyball univ. masculin RSEQ 2018-2019
Laval Match Highs (as of Apr 23, 2019)
All matches
ATTACK PERCENT (K-E-TA) minimum 12 kills
.722 (13- 0-18) Alexandre Obomsawin vs Dalhousie (2018-11-23)
.700 (23- 2-30) Vicente P.Villalobos vs Montreal (2019-01-25)
.600 (26- 2-40) Vicente P.Villalobos vs UNB (2019-02-01)
.560 (17- 3-25) Vicente P.Villalobos at Dalhousie (2019-02-08)
.538 (17- 3-26) Alexandre Obomsawin at UNB (2018-11-16)
.520 (16- 3-25) Vicente P.Villalobos at UNB (2018-11-16)
.520 (16- 3-25) Vicente P.Villalobos at Dalhousie (2019-02-09)
.500 (13- 2-22) Alexandre Obomsawin at UNB (2018-11-17)
.500 (13- 2-22) Philippe Giroux at Sherbrooke (2019-02-17)
.500 (16- 3-26) Vicente P.Villalobos at Sherbrooke (2018-10-19)
26 (26- 2-40) 4g Vicente P.Villalobos vs UNB (2019-02-01)
23 (23- 6-50) 4g Vicente P.Villalobos at UNB (2018-11-17)
23 (23- 2-30) 3g Vicente P.Villalobos vs Montreal (2019-01-25)
18 (18- 7-30) 5g Alexandre Obomsawin at Montreal (2018-11-09)
18 (18-11-42) 4g Alexandre Obomsawin vs UNB (2019-02-01)
17 (17- 3-25) 3g Vicente P.Villalobos at Dalhousie (2019-02-08)
17 (17- 3-26) 3g Alexandre Obomsawin at UNB (2018-11-16)
16 (16- 3-25) 3g Vicente P.Villalobos at Dalhousie (2019-02-09)
16 (16- 2-29) 3g Alexandre Obomsawin at Montreal (2019-02-15)
16 (16- 3-25) 3g Vicente P.Villalobos at UNB (2018-11-16)
23 (23- 2-30) Vicente P.Villalobos vs Montreal (2019-01-25)
17 (17- 3-25) Vicente P.Villalobos at Dalhousie (2019-02-08)
17 (17- 3-26) Alexandre Obomsawin at UNB (2018-11-16)
16 (16- 5-30) Vicente P.Villalobos vs Dalhousie (2018-11-24)
16 (16- 3-26) Vicente P.Villalobos at Sherbrooke (2018-10-19)
26 (26- 2-40) Vicente P.Villalobos vs UNB (2019-02-01)
23 (23- 6-50) Vicente P.Villalobos at UNB (2018-11-17)
18 (18-11-42) Alexandre Obomsawin vs UNB (2019-02-01)
13 (13- 2-22) Alexandre Obomsawin at UNB (2018-11-17)
11 (11- 1-23) Philippe Giroux at UNB (2018-11-17)
18 (18- 7-30) Alexandre Obomsawin at Montreal (2018-11-09)
15 (15- 4-31) Vicente P.Villalobos at Montreal (2018-11-09)
7 ( 7- 1-11) Jean-Benoit Gagne at Montreal (2018-11-09)
5 ( 5- 3-12) Chhavanith Ponn at Montreal (2018-11-09)
2 ( 2- 5-13) Philippe Giroux at Montreal (2018-11-09)
50 (23- 6-50) 4g Vicente P.Villalobos at UNB (2018-11-17)
42 (18-11-42) 4g Alexandre Obomsawin vs UNB (2019-02-01)
40 (26- 2-40) 4g Vicente P.Villalobos vs UNB (2019-02-01)
33 (13- 5-33) 3g Alexandre Obomsawin vs UNB (2019-02-02)
31 (15- 4-31) 5g Vicente P.Villalobos at Montreal (2018-11-09)
30 (18- 7-30) 5g Alexandre Obomsawin at Montreal (2018-11-09)
30 (23- 2-30) 3g Vicente P.Villalobos vs Montreal (2019-01-25)
30 (14- 4-30) 3g Alexandre Obomsawin at Dalhousie (2019-02-09)
30 (14- 6-30) 3g Alexandre Obomsawin vs Montreal (2018-10-26)
30 (16- 5-30) 3g Vicente P.Villalobos vs Dalhousie (2018-11-24)
33 (13- 5-33) Alexandre Obomsawin vs UNB (2019-02-02)
30 (16- 5-30) Vicente P.Villalobos vs Dalhousie (2018-11-24)
30 (14- 6-30) Alexandre Obomsawin vs Montreal (2018-10-26)
30 (23- 2-30) Vicente P.Villalobos vs Montreal (2019-01-25)
30 (14- 4-30) Alexandre Obomsawin at Dalhousie (2019-02-09)
50 (23- 6-50) Vicente P.Villalobos at UNB (2018-11-17)
42 (18-11-42) Alexandre Obomsawin vs UNB (2019-02-01)
40 (26- 2-40) Vicente P.Villalobos vs UNB (2019-02-01)
23 (11- 1-23) Philippe Giroux at UNB (2018-11-17)
22 (13- 2-22) Alexandre Obomsawin at UNB (2018-11-17)
31 (15- 4-31) Vicente P.Villalobos at Montreal (2018-11-09)
30 (18- 7-30) Alexandre Obomsawin at Montreal (2018-11-09)
13 ( 2- 5-13) Philippe Giroux at Montreal (2018-11-09)
12 ( 5- 3-12) Chhavanith Ponn at Montreal (2018-11-09)
11 ( 7- 1-11) Jean-Benoit Gagne at Montreal (2018-11-09)
Volleyball univ. masculin RSEQ 2018-2019
Laval Match Highs (as of Apr 23, 2019)
All matches
29.0 (26- 1- 2.0) 4g Vicente P.Villalobos vs UNB (2019-02-01)
26.5 (23- 0- 3.5) 3g Vicente P.Villalobos vs Montreal (2019-01-25)
25.5 (23- 2- 0.5) 4g Vicente P.Villalobos at UNB (2018-11-17)
22.5 (18- 3- 1.5) 5g Alexandre Obomsawin at Montreal (2018-11-09)
19.5 (17- 1- 1.5) 3g Vicente P.Villalobos at Dalhousie (2019-02-08)
26.5 (23- 0- 3.5) Vicente P.Villalobos vs Montreal (2019-01-25)
19.5 (17- 1- 1.5) Vicente P.Villalobos at Dalhousie (2019-02-08)
19.0 (16- 1- 2.0) Vicente P.Villalobos vs Dalhousie (2018-11-24)
18.5 (13- 5- 0.5) Alexandre Obomsawin vs Dalhousie (2018-11-23)
18.5 (16- 1- 1.5) Alexandre Obomsawin at Montreal (2019-02-15)
29.0 (26- 1- 2.0) Vicente P.Villalobos vs UNB (2019-02-01)
25.5 (23- 2- 0.5) Vicente P.Villalobos at UNB (2018-11-17)
18.5 (18- 0- 0.5) Alexandre Obomsawin vs UNB (2019-02-01)
16.0 (13- 2- 1.0) Alexandre Obomsawin at UNB (2018-11-17)
13.0 (11- 2- 0.0) Philippe Giroux at UNB (2018-11-17)
22.5 (18- 3- 1.5) Alexandre Obomsawin at Montreal (2018-11-09)
16.5 (15- 0- 1.5) Vicente P.Villalobos at Montreal (2018-11-09)
12.0 ( 5- 4- 3.0) Chhavanith Ponn at Montreal (2018-11-09)
9.0 ( 7- 0- 2.0) Jean-Benoit Gagne at Montreal (2018-11-09)
3.0 ( 2- 1- 0.0) Philippe Giroux at Montreal (2018-11-09)
Volleyball univ. masculin RSEQ 2018-2019
Laval Match Highs (as of Apr 23, 2019)
All matches
51 (4g) Ethan Ellison at UNB (2018-11-17)
43 (5g) Ethan Ellison at Montreal (2018-11-09)
37 (3g) Ethan Ellison at Montreal (2019-02-15)
35 (3g) Ludovic Martin at Sherbrooke (2019-02-17)
35 (3g) Ethan Ellison at Dalhousie (2019-02-09)
37 Ethan Ellison at Montreal (2019-02-15)
35 Ludovic Martin at Sherbrooke (2019-02-17)
35 Ethan Ellison at Dalhousie (2019-02-09)
33 Ethan Ellison at UNB (2018-11-16)
33 Ethan Ellison at Dalhousie (2019-02-08)
51 Ethan Ellison at UNB (2018-11-17)
29 Ludovic Martin vs UNB (2019-02-01)
21 Ethan Ellison vs UNB (2019-02-01)
6 Remi Cadoret vs UNB (2019-02-01)
2 Alexandre Obomsawin vs UNB (2019-02-01)
43 Ethan Ellison at Montreal (2018-11-09)
1 Ludovic Martin at Montreal (2018-11-09)
1 Philippe Giroux at Montreal (2018-11-09)
1 Hugo-Alex. Paradis at Montreal (2018-11-09)
1 Vicente P.Villalobos at Montreal (2018-11-09)
16 (3g) Remi Cadoret at Dalhousie (2019-02-08)
12 (3g) Remi Cadoret at Dalhousie (2019-02-09)
11 (4g) Remi Cadoret vs UNB (2019-02-01)
11 (3g) Remi Cadoret vs Dalhousie (2018-11-24)
11 (3g) Remi Cadoret vs Dalhousie (2018-11-23)
16 Remi Cadoret at Dalhousie (2019-02-08)
12 Remi Cadoret at Dalhousie (2019-02-09)
11 Remi Cadoret vs Dalhousie (2018-11-24)
11 Remi Cadoret at UNB (2018-11-16)
11 Remi Cadoret vs Dalhousie (2018-11-23)
11 Remi Cadoret vs UNB (2019-02-01)
10 Remi Cadoret at UNB (2018-11-17)
9 Alexandre Obomsawin at UNB (2018-11-17)
8 Ethan Ellison at UNB (2018-11-17)
6 Vicente P.Villalobos at UNB (2018-11-17)
8 Remi Cadoret at Montreal (2018-11-09)
5 Philippe Giroux at Montreal (2018-11-09)
5 Ethan Ellison at Montreal (2018-11-09)
4 Chhavanith Ponn at Montreal (2018-11-09)
4 Vicente P.Villalobos at Montreal (2018-11-09)
5 Alexandre Obomsawin vs Dalhousie (2018-11-23)
4 Alexandre Obomsawin at Dalhousie (2019-02-09)
4 Chhavanith Ponn at Montreal (2018-11-09)
3 Alexandre Obomsawin at Dalhousie (2019-02-08)
3 Chhavanith Ponn vs UNB (2019-02-01)
6 ( 1- 5) Jean-Benoit Gagne vs Montreal (2018-10-26)
5 ( 2- 3) Vicente P.Villalobos vs Montreal (2019-01-25)
5 ( 1- 4) Chhavanith Ponn at Montreal (2018-11-09)
5 ( 0- 5) Vicente P.Villalobos vs Dalhousie (2018-11-23)
4 ( 2- 2) Chhavanith Ponn vs UNB (2019-02-02)
4 ( 0- 4) Chhavanith Ponn vs Montreal (2019-01-25)
4 ( 0- 4) Jean-Benoit Gagne at UNB (2018-11-17)
4 ( 0- 4) Jean-Benoit Gagne vs UNB (2019-02-02)
4 ( 0- 4) Chhavanith Ponn vs Montreal (2018-10-26)
3 ( 1- 2) Jean-Benoit Gagne at Montreal (2018-11-09)
Volleyball univ. masculin RSEQ 2018-2019
Laval Match Highs (as of Apr 23, 2019)
All matches
.437 (47- 9- 87) at Dalhousie (2019-02-09)
.429 (39- 9- 70) vs Dalhousie (2018-11-23)
.410 (44-12- 78) at UNB (2018-11-16)
.400 (42-10- 80) vs Montreal (2019-01-25)
.390 (40-10- 77) at Dalhousie (2019-02-08)
.378 (39- 8- 82) at Montreal (2019-02-15)
.365 (38-11- 74) vs Sherbrooke (2019-01-13)
.362 (37-12- 69) vs Sherbrooke (2018-10-27)
.359 (42-14- 78) at Sherbrooke (2019-02-17)
.356 (37-11- 73) at Sherbrooke (2018-10-19)
61 (61-21-121) 4g vs UNB (2019-02-01)
59 (59-18-126) 4g at UNB (2018-11-17)
47 (47-21- 98) 5g at Montreal (2018-11-09)
47 (47- 9- 87) 3g at Dalhousie (2019-02-09)
44 (44-12- 93) 3g vs UNB (2019-02-02)
44 (44-14- 95) 3g vs Montreal (2018-10-26)
44 (44-12- 78) 3g at UNB (2018-11-16)
42 (42-10- 80) 3g vs Montreal (2019-01-25)
42 (42-14- 78) 3g at Sherbrooke (2019-02-17)
40 (40-10- 77) 3g at Dalhousie (2019-02-08)
47 (47- 9- 87) at Dalhousie (2019-02-09)
44 (44-14- 95) vs Montreal (2018-10-26)
44 (44-12- 93) vs UNB (2019-02-02)
44 (44-12- 78) at UNB (2018-11-16)
42 (42-10- 80) vs Montreal (2019-01-25)
61 (61-21-121) vs UNB (2019-02-01)
59 (59-18-126) at UNB (2018-11-17)
47 (47-21- 98) at Montreal (2018-11-09)
126 (59-18-126) 4g at UNB (2018-11-17)
121 (61-21-121) 4g vs UNB (2019-02-01)
98 (47-21- 98) 5g at Montreal (2018-11-09)
95 (44-14- 95) 3g vs Montreal (2018-10-26)
93 (44-12- 93) 3g vs UNB (2019-02-02)
91 (39-12- 91) 3g vs Dalhousie (2018-11-24)
87 (47- 9- 87) 3g at Dalhousie (2019-02-09)
82 (39- 8- 82) 3g at Montreal (2019-02-15)
80 (42-10- 80) 3g vs Montreal (2019-01-25)
78 (44-12- 78) 3g at UNB (2018-11-16)
95 (44-14- 95) vs Montreal (2018-10-26)
93 (44-12- 93) vs UNB (2019-02-02)
91 (39-12- 91) vs Dalhousie (2018-11-24)
87 (47- 9- 87) at Dalhousie (2019-02-09)
82 (39- 8- 82) at Montreal (2019-02-15)
126 (59-18-126) at UNB (2018-11-17)
121 (61-21-121) vs UNB (2019-02-01)
98 (47-21- 98) at Montreal (2018-11-09)
Volleyball univ. masculin RSEQ 2018-2019
Laval Match Highs (as of Apr 23, 2019)
All matches
59 (4g) vs UNB (2019-02-01)
54 (4g) at UNB (2018-11-17)
47 (5g) at Montreal (2018-11-09)
46 (3g) at Dalhousie (2019-02-09)
43 (3g) at UNB (2018-11-16)
46 at Dalhousie (2019-02-09)
43 vs UNB (2019-02-02)
43 at UNB (2018-11-16)
41 at Sherbrooke (2019-02-17)
39 at Montreal (2019-02-15)
59 vs UNB (2019-02-01)
54 at UNB (2018-11-17)
47 at Montreal (2018-11-09)
45 (3g) vs Dalhousie (2018-11-24)
45 (4g) at UNB (2018-11-17)
42 (3g) vs Montreal (2018-10-26)
40 (3g) vs Sherbrooke (2018-10-27)
39 (4g) vs UNB (2019-02-01)
45 vs Dalhousie (2018-11-24)
42 vs Montreal (2018-10-26)
40 vs Sherbrooke (2018-10-27)
37 at Dalhousie (2019-02-08)
32 vs Sherbrooke (2019-01-13)
45 at UNB (2018-11-17)
39 vs UNB (2019-02-01)
29 at Montreal (2018-11-09)
11 at UNB (2018-11-17)
10 vs UNB (2019-02-01)
10 at Montreal (2018-11-09)
9 at Dalhousie (2019-02-08)
8 at Dalhousie (2019-02-09)
10.0 vs Montreal (2018-10-26)
9.0 vs UNB (2019-02-02)
9.0 at Montreal (2018-11-09)
8.5 vs Dalhousie (2018-11-23)
8.0 vs Sherbrooke (2019-01-13)
7.5 vs Montreal (2019-01-25)
6.5 vs UNB (2019-02-01)
6.0 at Montreal (2019-02-15)
6.0 at UNB (2018-11-17)
5.0 at Dalhousie (2019-02-08)