Volleyball univ. feminin FQSE 2009-2010
Match Results
Volleyball univ. feminin FQSE 2009-2010
Laval Match Results (as of May 02, 2018)
All matches
Overall Conference
Date Opponent Score Score-by-game Record Record Time Attend
---- -------- ----- ------------- -------- -------- ---- ------
* 30 oct. 09 at Cape-Breton W 3-0 25-21,25-14,25-7 1-0 1-0
* 31 oct. 09 at Moncton W 3-0 25-16,25-13,25-10 2-0 2-0
* 31 oct. 09 at Memorial W 3-0 25-17,25-14,25-17 3-0 3-0
* 1 nov. 09 at UNB W 3-1 25-22,20-25,26-24,25-18 4-0 4-0
* 6 nov. 09 at McGill 0-3 L 14-25,16-25,24-26 4-1 4-1
* 13 nov. 09 at #2 Montreal 1-3 L 25-20,20-25,21-25,20-25 4-2 4-2 1:54 247
* 15 nov. 09 MCGILL W 3-2 25-14,21-25,25-15,19-25,15-13 5-2 5-2 2:15
* 20 nov. 09 vs Saint Mary's W 3-1 25-19,27-25,23-25,25-15 6-2 6-2 1:54 27
* 21 nov. 09 vs Dalhousie W 3-0 25-16,25-16,25-12 7-2 7-2 1:12 24
* 21 nov. 09 vs St FX W 3-0 25-21,25-12,25-21 8-2 8-2 1:14 47
* 22 nov. 09 vs Acadia W 3-0 25-15,25-15,25-12 9-2 9-2 1:11 36
* 27 nov. 09 MONTREAL 1-3 L 8-25,25-20,12-25,20-25 9-3 9-3 1:45
* 29 nov. 09 at Sherbrooke W 3-0 25-20,25-22,25-18 10-3 10-3
* 15 janv. 10 MCGILL 1-3 L 26-24,21-25,20-25,19-25 10-4 10-4 2:15
* 23 janv. 10 MONTREAL 0-3 L 18-25,17-25,22-25 10-5 10-5 1:30
* 24 janv. 10 SHERBROOKE W 3-1 25-20,25-18,25-27,25-20 11-5 11-5 2:00
* 29 janv. 10 at Sherbrooke 0-3 L 18-25,16-25,24-26 11-6 11-6
* 31 janv. 10 at McGill W 3-0 27-25,25-16,25-22 12-6 12-6 1:32
* 5 fev. 10 SHERBROOKE W 3-1 25-21,21-25,25-16,26-24 13-6 13-6 1:05
* 6 fev. 10 at Montreal 0-3 L 11-25,17-25,19-25 13-7 13-7 1h15 333
---------- ---
Overall: 13-7
Conference: 13-7
Home: 3-3
Away: 6-4
Neutral: 4-0
3 games: 8-4
4 games: 4-3
5 games: 1-0
ATTEND Dates Total Average
------ ----- ------- -------
Total: 20 714 36
Home: 6 0 0
Away: 10 580 58
Neutral: 4 134 34
Overall Team Statistics
Volleyball univ. feminin FQSE 2009-2010
Laval Overall Team Statistics (as of May 02, 2018)
All matches
Overall record: 13-7 Conference: 13-7
Kills....................... 768 621
Errors...................... 408 346
Total Attacks............... 2282 2113
Attack Pct.................. .158 .130
Kills/Game.................. 11.1 9.0
Assists..................... 701 587
Assists/Game................ 10.2 8.5
Aces........................ 140 99
Errors...................... 160 145
Aces/Game................... 2.0 1.4
SERVE RECEPTIONS..............
Errors...................... 100 145
Errors/Game................. 1.4 2.1
Digs........................ 1148 1011
Digs/Game................... 16.6 14.7
Block Solo.................. 55 72
Block Assist................ 148 186
Total Blocks................ 129.0 165.0
Blocks Per Game............. 1.9 2.4
Block Errors................ 27 52
BALL HANDLING ERRORS.......... 24 51
Total....................... 0 580
Dates/Avg Per Date.......... 6/0 10/58
Neutral site #/Avg.......... 4/34
Current win streak.......... 0 -
Home win streak............. 2 -
Overall Individual Statistics
Volleyball univ. feminin FQSE 2009-2010
Laval Overall Individual Statistics (as of May 02, 2018)
All matches
Overall record: 13-7 Conference: 13-7
|-----------ATTACK---------| |---SET---| |-----SERVE----|
## Name GP-MP-MS K K/Game E TA Pct A A/Game SA SA/Gm SE
1 Stefanie L-Banville 28 16-0 6 0.21 1 14 .357 46 1.64 1 0.04 3
2 Genevieve B-Tremblay 30 16-0 23 0.77 18 70 .071 1 0.03 5 0.17 4
3 Sarah L.-Levesque 67 20-4 20 0.30 6 74 .189 577 8.61 14 0.21 30
5 Melanie Savoie 64 19-4 204 3.19 115 564 .158 8 0.12 26 0.41 28
6 Eve Trepanier 58 20-4 158 2.72 92 514 .128 10 0.17 18 0.31 16
7 Julie Longpre 47 19-0 4 0.09 2 16 .125 1 0.02 7 0.15 12
8 Stephanie Alexandre 52 19-1 97 1.87 50 279 .168 1 0.02 24 0.46 17
9 Donna Ouellet 35 14-0 38 1.09 14 96 .250 3 0.09 13 0.37 14
10 Krystel Nadeau 16 11-0 6 0.38 4 19 .105 0 0.00 2 0.12 7
11 Marie-Pier Durivage 6 6-0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
12 Zila Jimenez-Grenon 47 19-3 59 1.26 39 214 .093 11 0.23 10 0.21 10
13 Karine Ducharme 55 18-4 74 1.35 33 189 .217 14 0.25 9 0.16 13
14 Gabrielle D-Brule 61 20-4 77 1.26 33 219 .201 20 0.33 11 0.18 6
15 Corinne Boilard 2 1-0 0 0.00 0 2 .000 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
15 Gabrielle Heroux 56 19-0 2 0.04 1 12 .083 9 0.16 0 0.00 0
LAVAL............... 69 20-20 768 11.13 408 2282 .158 701 10.16 140 2.03 160
Opponents........... 69 20-20 621 9.00 346 2113 .130 587 8.51 99 1.43 145
|---DIG---| |--------BLOCKING---------|
## Name G RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game BE BHE POINTS Pts/Gm
1 Stefanie L-Banville 28 0 16 0.57 0 2 2 0.07 0 0 8.0 0.29
2 Genevieve B-Tremblay 30 0 21 0.70 1 7 8 0.27 3 0 32.5 1.08
3 Sarah L.-Levesque 67 0 128 1.91 3 17 20 0.30 1 13 45.5 0.68
5 Melanie Savoie 64 13 190 2.97 11 22 33 0.52 5 2 252.0 3.94
6 Eve Trepanier 58 4 136 2.34 5 16 21 0.36 3 2 189.0 3.26
7 Julie Longpre 47 5 30 0.64 0 3 3 0.06 1 1 12.5 0.27
8 Stephanie Alexandre 52 35 110 2.12 2 8 10 0.19 1 1 127.0 2.44
9 Donna Ouellet 35 0 23 0.66 8 22 30 0.86 5 0 70.0 2.00
10 Krystel Nadeau 16 0 13 0.81 0 1 1 0.06 0 0 8.5 0.53
11 Marie-Pier Durivage 6 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0 0.00
12 Zila Jimenez-Grenon 47 15 153 3.26 2 2 4 0.09 0 0 72.0 1.53
13 Karine Ducharme 55 0 38 0.69 8 29 37 0.67 5 1 105.5 1.92
14 Gabrielle D-Brule 61 4 47 0.77 15 19 34 0.56 3 2 112.5 1.84
15 Gabrielle Heroux 56 24 233 4.16 0 0 0 0.00 0 1 2.0 0.04
15 Corinne Boilard 2 0 10 5.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0 0.00
LAVAL............... 69 100 1148 16.64 55 148 129.0 1.87 27 24 1037.0 15.03
Opponents........... 69 145 1011 14.65 72 186 165.0 2.39 52 51 885.0 12.83
Category Leaders
Volleyball univ. feminin FQSE 2009-2010
Laval Category Leaders (as of May 02, 2018)
All matches
## ATTACK (by Pct) G K K/Game E TA Pct
1 Stefanie L-Banville 28 6 0.21 1 14 .357
9 Donna Ouellet 35 38 1.09 14 96 .250
13 Karine Ducharme 55 74 1.35 33 189 .217
14 Gabrielle D-Brule 61 77 1.26 33 219 .201
3 Sarah L.-Levesque 67 20 0.30 6 74 .189
8 Stephanie Alexandre 52 97 1.87 50 279 .168
5 Melanie Savoie 64 204 3.19 115 564 .158
6 Eve Trepanier 58 158 2.72 92 514 .128
7 Julie Longpre 47 4 0.09 2 16 .125
10 Krystel Nadeau 16 6 0.38 4 19 .105
12 Zila Jimenez-Grenon 47 59 1.26 39 214 .093
15 Gabrielle Heroux 56 2 0.04 1 12 .083
2 Genevieve B-Tremblay 30 23 0.77 18 70 .071
15 Corinne Boilard 2 0 0.00 0 2 .000
LAVAL............... 69 768 11.13 408 2282 .158
Opponents........... 69 621 9.00 346 2113 .130
## SET (by A/Game) G A A/Game
3 Sarah L.-Levesque 67 577 8.61
1 Stefanie L-Banville 28 46 1.64
14 Gabrielle D-Brule 61 20 0.33
13 Karine Ducharme 55 14 0.25
12 Zila Jimenez-Grenon 47 11 0.23
6 Eve Trepanier 58 10 0.17
15 Gabrielle Heroux 56 9 0.16
5 Melanie Savoie 64 8 0.12
9 Donna Ouellet 35 3 0.09
2 Genevieve B-Tremblay 30 1 0.03
7 Julie Longpre 47 1 0.02
8 Stephanie Alexandre 52 1 0.02
10 Krystel Nadeau 16 0 0.00
LAVAL............... 69 701 10.16
Opponents........... 69 587 8.51
## BLOCK (by B/Game) G BS BA Total B/Game BE
9 Donna Ouellet 35 8 22 30.0 0.86 5
13 Karine Ducharme 55 8 29 37.0 0.67 5
14 Gabrielle D-Brule 61 15 19 34.0 0.56 3
5 Melanie Savoie 64 11 22 33.0 0.52 5
6 Eve Trepanier 58 5 16 21.0 0.36 3
3 Sarah L.-Levesque 67 3 17 20.0 0.30 1
2 Genevieve B-Tremblay 30 1 7 8.0 0.27 3
8 Stephanie Alexandre 52 2 8 10.0 0.19 1
12 Zila Jimenez-Grenon 47 2 2 4.0 0.09 0
1 Stefanie L-Banville 28 0 2 2.0 0.07 0
7 Julie Longpre 47 0 3 3.0 0.06 1
10 Krystel Nadeau 16 0 1 1.0 0.06 0
LAVAL............... 69 55 148 129.0 1.87 27
Opponents........... 69 72 186 165.0 2.39 52
## POINTS (by ##) G Points Pts/G
1 Stefanie L-Banville 28 8.0 0.29
2 Genevieve B-Tremblay 30 32.5 1.07
3 Sarah L.-Levesque 67 45.5 0.67
5 Melanie Savoie 64 252.0 3.94
6 Eve Trepanier 58 189.0 3.26
7 Julie Longpre 47 12.5 0.26
8 Stephanie Alexandre 52 127.0 2.44
9 Donna Ouellet 35 70.0 2.00
10 Krystel Nadeau 16 8.5 0.50
12 Zila Jimenez-Grenon 47 72.0 1.53
13 Karine Ducharme 55 105.5 1.91
14 Gabrielle D-Brule 61 112.5 1.84
15 Gabrielle Heroux 56 2.0 0.04
15 Corinne Boilard 2 0.0 0.00
LAVAL............... 69 1037.0 15.03
Opponents........... 69 885.0 12.83
## KILL (by K/Game) G K K/Game
5 Melanie Savoie 64 204 3.19
6 Eve Trepanier 58 158 2.72
8 Stephanie Alexandre 52 97 1.87
13 Karine Ducharme 55 74 1.35
14 Gabrielle D-Brule 61 77 1.26
12 Zila Jimenez-Grenon 47 59 1.26
9 Donna Ouellet 35 38 1.09
2 Genevieve B-Tremblay 30 23 0.77
10 Krystel Nadeau 16 6 0.38
3 Sarah L.-Levesque 67 20 0.30
1 Stefanie L-Banville 28 6 0.21
7 Julie Longpre 47 4 0.09
15 Gabrielle Heroux 56 2 0.04
15 Corinne Boilard 2 0 0.00
LAVAL............... 69 768 11.13
Opponents........... 69 621 9.00
## SERVE (by ##) G SA SE SA/G
1 Stefanie L-Banville 28 1 3 0.04
2 Genevieve B-Tremblay 30 5 4 0.17
3 Sarah L.-Levesque 67 14 30 0.21
5 Melanie Savoie 64 26 28 0.41
6 Eve Trepanier 58 18 16 0.31
7 Julie Longpre 47 7 12 0.15
8 Stephanie Alexandre 52 24 17 0.46
9 Donna Ouellet 35 13 14 0.37
10 Krystel Nadeau 16 2 7 0.12
12 Zila Jimenez-Grenon 47 10 10 0.21
13 Karine Ducharme 55 9 13 0.16
14 Gabrielle D-Brule 61 11 6 0.18
LAVAL............... 69 140 160 2.03
Opponents........... 69 99 145 1.43
## DEFENSE (by Dig/Gm) G DIG Dig/G BHE
15 Corinne Boilard 2 10 5.00 0
15 Gabrielle Heroux 56 233 4.16 1
12 Zila Jimenez-Grenon 47 153 3.26 0
5 Melanie Savoie 64 190 2.97 2
6 Eve Trepanier 58 136 2.34 2
8 Stephanie Alexandre 52 110 2.12 1
3 Sarah L.-Levesque 67 128 1.91 13
10 Krystel Nadeau 16 13 0.81 0
14 Gabrielle D-Brule 61 47 0.77 2
2 Genevieve B-Tremblay 30 21 0.70 0
13 Karine Ducharme 55 38 0.69 1
9 Donna Ouellet 35 23 0.66 0
7 Julie Longpre 47 30 0.64 1
1 Stefanie L-Banville 28 16 0.57 0
11 Marie-Pier Durivage 6 0 0.00 0
TM TEAM 69 0 0.00 1
LAVAL............... 69 1148 16.64 24
Opponents........... 69 1011 14.65 51
## RECEPT (by RE/Game) G RE RE/Gm
8 Stephanie Alexandre 52 35 0.67
15 Gabrielle Heroux 56 24 0.43
12 Zila Jimenez-Grenon 47 15 0.32
5 Melanie Savoie 64 13 0.20
7 Julie Longpre 47 5 0.11
6 Eve Trepanier 58 4 0.07
14 Gabrielle D-Brule 61 4 0.07
13 Karine Ducharme 55 0 0.00
10 Krystel Nadeau 16 0 0.00
3 Sarah L.-Levesque 67 0 0.00
LAVAL............... 69 100 1.45
Opponents........... 69 145 2.10
Combined Team Statistics
Volleyball univ. feminin FQSE 2009-2010
Laval Combined Team Statistics (as of May 02, 2018)
All matches
ALL MATCHES......... (13-7 ) ( 3-3 ) ( 6-4 ) ( 4-0 )
CONFERENCE.......... (13-7 ) ( 3-3 ) ( 6-4 ) ( 4-0 )
NON-CONFERENCE...... ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 )
|---------ATTACK----------| |--SET---| |----SERVE----| |--DIG---| |------BLOCKING-------|
1 Stefanie L-Banville 28 6 0.21 1 14 .357 46 1.64 1 3 0.04 0 16 0.57 0 2 2 0.07 0 0 8.0
2 Genevieve B-Tremblay 30 23 0.77 18 70 .071 1 0.03 5 4 0.17 0 21 0.70 1 7 8 0.27 3 0 32.5
3 Sarah L.-Levesque 67 20 0.30 6 74 .189 577 8.61 14 30 0.21 0 128 1.91 3 17 20 0.30 1 13 45.5
5 Melanie Savoie 64 204 3.19 115 564 .158 8 0.12 26 28 0.41 13 190 2.97 11 22 33 0.52 5 2 252.0
6 Eve Trepanier 58 158 2.72 92 514 .128 10 0.17 18 16 0.31 4 136 2.34 5 16 21 0.36 3 2 189.0
7 Julie Longpre 47 4 0.09 2 16 .125 1 0.02 7 12 0.15 5 30 0.64 0 3 3 0.06 1 1 12.5
8 Stephanie Alexandre 52 97 1.87 50 279 .168 1 0.02 24 17 0.46 35 110 2.12 2 8 10 0.19 1 1 127.0
9 Donna Ouellet 35 38 1.09 14 96 .250 3 0.09 13 14 0.37 0 23 0.66 8 22 30 0.86 5 0 70.0
10 Krystel Nadeau 16 6 0.38 4 19 .105 0 0.00 2 7 0.12 0 13 0.81 0 1 1 0.06 0 0 8.5
11 Marie-Pier Durivage 6 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0
12 Zila Jimenez-Grenon 47 59 1.26 39 214 .093 11 0.23 10 10 0.21 15 153 3.26 2 2 4 0.09 0 0 72.0
13 Karine Ducharme 55 74 1.35 33 189 .217 14 0.25 9 13 0.16 0 38 0.69 8 29 37 0.67 5 1 105.5
14 Gabrielle D-Brule 61 77 1.26 33 219 .201 20 0.33 11 6 0.18 4 47 0.77 15 19 34 0.56 3 2 112.5
15 Gabrielle Heroux 56 2 0.04 1 12 .083 9 0.16 0 0 0.00 24 233 4.16 0 0 0 0.00 0 1 2.0
15 Corinne Boilard 2 0 0.00 0 2 .000 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 10 5.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0
LAVAL............... 69 768 11.13 408 2282 .158 701 10.16 140 160 2.03 100 1148 16.64 55 148 129.0 1.87 27 24 1037.0
Opponents........... 69 621 9.00 346 2113 .130 587 8.51 99 145 1.43 145 1011 14.65 72 186 165.0 2.39 52 51 885.0
Kills............. 768 621
Errors............ 408 346
Total Attacks..... 2282 2113
Attack Pct........ .158 .130
Kills/Game........ 11.1 9.0
Assists........... 701 587
Assists/Game...... 10.2 8.5
Aces.............. 140 99
Errors............ 160 145
Aces/Game......... 2.0 1.4
Errors............ 100 145
Errors/Game....... 1.4 2.1
Digs.............. 1148 1011
Digs/Game......... 16.6 14.7
Block Solo........ 55 72
Block Assist...... 148 186
Total Blocks...... 129.0 165.0
Blocks Per Game... 1.9 2.4
Block Errors...... 27 52
Total............. 0 580
Dates/Avg Per Date 6/0 10/58
Neutral site #/Avg 4/34
Current win streak 0 -
Home win streak... 2 -
---------- ---------------------- --- ----- ----------------------------- ------
* 30 oct. 09 at Cape-Breton W 3-0 25-21,25-14,25-7 -
* 31 oct. 09 at Moncton W 3-0 25-16,25-13,25-10 -
* 31 oct. 09 at Memorial W 3-0 25-17,25-14,25-17 -
* 1 nov. 09 at UNB W 3-1 25-22,20-25,26-24,25-18 -
* 6 nov. 09 at McGill L 0-3 14-25,16-25,24-26 -
* 13 nov. 09 at #2 Montreal L 1-3 25-20,20-25,21-25,20-25 247
* 15 nov. 09 MCGILL W 3-2 25-14,21-25,25-15,19-25,15-13 -
* 20 nov. 09 vs Saint Mary's W 3-1 25-19,27-25,23-25,25-15 27
* 21 nov. 09 vs Dalhousie W 3-0 25-16,25-16,25-12 24
* 21 nov. 09 vs St FX W 3-0 25-21,25-12,25-21 47
* 22 nov. 09 vs Acadia W 3-0 25-15,25-15,25-12 36
* 27 nov. 09 MONTREAL L 1-3 8-25,25-20,12-25,20-25 -
* 29 nov. 09 at Sherbrooke W 3-0 25-20,25-22,25-18 -
* 15 janv. 1 MCGILL L 1-3 26-24,21-25,20-25,19-25 -
* 23 janv. 1 MONTREAL L 0-3 18-25,17-25,22-25 -
* 24 janv. 1 SHERBROOKE W 3-1 25-20,25-18,25-27,25-20 -
* 29 janv. 1 at Sherbrooke L 0-3 18-25,16-25,24-26 -
* 31 janv. 1 at McGill W 3-0 27-25,25-16,25-22 -
* 5 fev. 10 SHERBROOKE W 3-1 25-21,21-25,25-16,26-24 -
* 6 fev. 10 at Montreal L 0-3 11-25,17-25,19-25 333
Volleyball Statistics
Volleyball univ. feminin FQSE 2009-2010
Laval Volleyball Statistics (as of May 02, 2018)
All matches
Overall record: 13-7 Conference: 13-7
|--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---| |--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---|
## Name G K K/G E TA Pct A A/G Points G K K/G E TA Pct A A/G Points
------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
1 Stefanie L-Banville. 28 6 0.21 1 14 .357 46 1.64 8.0 28 6 0.21 1 14 .357 46 1.64 8.0
2 Genevieve B-Tremblay 30 23 0.77 18 70 .071 1 0.03 32.5 30 23 0.77 18 70 .071 1 0.03 32.5
3 Sarah L.-Levesque... 67 20 0.30 6 74 .189 577 8.61 45.5 67 20 0.30 6 74 .189 577 8.61 45.5
5 Melanie Savoie...... 64 204 3.19 115 564 .158 8 0.12 252.0 64 204 3.19 115 564 .158 8 0.12 252.0
6 Eve Trepanier....... 58 158 2.72 92 514 .128 10 0.17 189.0 58 158 2.72 92 514 .128 10 0.17 189.0
7 Julie Longpre....... 47 4 0.09 2 16 .125 1 0.02 12.5 47 4 0.09 2 16 .125 1 0.02 12.5
8 Stephanie Alexandre. 52 97 1.87 50 279 .168 1 0.02 127.0 52 97 1.87 50 279 .168 1 0.02 127.0
9 Donna Ouellet....... 35 38 1.09 14 96 .250 3 0.09 70.0 35 38 1.09 14 96 .250 3 0.09 70.0
10 Krystel Nadeau...... 16 6 0.38 4 19 .105 0 0.00 8.5 16 6 0.38 4 19 .105 0 0.00 8.5
11 Marie-Pier Durivage. 6 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0.0 6 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0.0
12 Zila Jimenez-Grenon. 47 59 1.26 39 214 .093 11 0.23 72.0 47 59 1.26 39 214 .093 11 0.23 72.0
13 Karine Ducharme..... 55 74 1.35 33 189 .217 14 0.25 105.5 55 74 1.35 33 189 .217 14 0.25 105.5
14 Gabrielle D-Brule... 61 77 1.26 33 219 .201 20 0.33 112.5 61 77 1.26 33 219 .201 20 0.33 112.5
15 Corinne Boilard..... 2 0 0.00 0 2 .000 0 0.00 0.0 2 0 0.00 0 2 .000 0 0.00 0.0
15 Gabrielle Heroux.... 56 2 0.04 1 12 .083 9 0.16 2.0 56 2 0.04 1 12 .083 9 0.16 2.0
LAVAL............... 69 768 11.13 408 2282 .158 701 10.16 1037.0 69 768 11.13 408 2282 .158 701 10.16 1037.0
Opponents........... 69 621 9.00 346 2113 .130 587 8.51 885.0 69 621 9.00 346 2113 .130 587 8.51 885.0
|--SERVE--| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----| |--SERVE--| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----|
Name SA SA/Gm RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game SA SA/Gm RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
Stefanie L-Banville. 1 0.04 0 16 0.57 0 2 2 0.07 1 0.04 0 16 0.57 0 2 2 0.07
Genevieve B-Tremblay 5 0.17 0 21 0.70 1 7 8 0.27 5 0.17 0 21 0.70 1 7 8 0.27
Sarah L.-Levesque... 14 0.21 0 128 1.91 3 17 20 0.30 14 0.21 0 128 1.91 3 17 20 0.30
Melanie Savoie...... 26 0.41 13 190 2.97 11 22 33 0.52 26 0.41 13 190 2.97 11 22 33 0.52
Eve Trepanier....... 18 0.31 4 136 2.34 5 16 21 0.36 18 0.31 4 136 2.34 5 16 21 0.36
Julie Longpre....... 7 0.15 5 30 0.64 0 3 3 0.06 7 0.15 5 30 0.64 0 3 3 0.06
Stephanie Alexandre. 24 0.46 35 110 2.12 2 8 10 0.19 24 0.46 35 110 2.12 2 8 10 0.19
Donna Ouellet....... 13 0.37 0 23 0.66 8 22 30 0.86 13 0.37 0 23 0.66 8 22 30 0.86
Krystel Nadeau...... 2 0.12 0 13 0.81 0 1 1 0.06 2 0.12 0 13 0.81 0 1 1 0.06
Marie-Pier Durivage. 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Zila Jimenez-Grenon. 10 0.21 15 153 3.26 2 2 4 0.09 10 0.21 15 153 3.26 2 2 4 0.09
Karine Ducharme..... 9 0.16 0 38 0.69 8 29 37 0.67 9 0.16 0 38 0.69 8 29 37 0.67
Gabrielle D-Brule... 11 0.18 4 47 0.77 15 19 34 0.56 11 0.18 4 47 0.77 15 19 34 0.56
Corinne Boilard..... 0 0.00 0 10 5.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 10 5.00 0 0 0 0.00
Gabrielle Heroux.... 0 0.00 24 233 4.16 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 24 233 4.16 0 0 0 0.00
TEAM................ 0 0
LAVAL............... 140 2.03 100 1148 16.64 55 148 129.0 1.87 140 2.03 100 1148 16.64 55 148 129.0 1.87
Opponents........... 99 1.43 145 1011 14.65 72 186 165.0 2.39 99 1.43 145 1011 14.65 72 186 165.0 2.39
Team Match-by-Match
Volleyball univ. feminin FQSE 2009-2010
Laval Team Match-by-Match (as of May 02, 2018)
All matches
|-------ATTACK------| SET |-SERVE-| PASS DEF |-------BLOCK------| GEN
Date Opponent GP K E TA Pct A SA SE RE DIG BS BA BE Total BHE Points
30 oct. 09 at Cape-Breton......... 3 48 10 107 .355 48 5 7 1 57 1 4 4 3.0 0 56.0
31 oct. 09 at Moncton............. 3 41 8 84 .393 38 6 4 4 42 2 2 1 3.0 0 50.0
31 oct. 09 at Memorial............ 3 35 18 98 .173 33 7 11 3 53 1 8 0 5.0 0 47.0
1 nov. 09 at UNB................. 4 47 35 170 .071 44 6 5 5 82 1 16 0 9.0 0 62.0
6 nov. 09 at McGill.............. 3 31 20 105 .105 28 2 10 15 59 4 3 1 5.5 0 38.5
13 nov. 09 at Montreal............ 4 37 17 123 .163 31 15 0 0 63 3 0 0 3.0 0 55.0
15 nov. 09 MCGILL................. 5 52 35 162 .105 49 12 9 3 72 3 8 0 7.0 4 71.0
20 nov. 09 vs Saint Mary's........ 4 50 24 148 .176 50 6 13 9 79 5 8 3 9.0 0 65.0
21 nov. 09 vs Dalhousie........... 3 40 5 68 .515 39 3 13 3 60 3 10 4 8.0 0 51.0
21 nov. 09 vs St FX............... 3 41 14 89 .303 40 16 10 7 47 1 8 2 5.0 1 62.0
22 nov. 09 vs Acadia.............. 3 40 9 72 .431 26 10 8 2 38 2 11 7 7.5 0 57.5
27 nov. 09 MONTREAL............... 4 35 34 128 .008 32 4 5 5 54 1 4 0 3.0 3 42.0
29 nov. 09 at Sherbrooke.......... 3 35 16 83 .229 32 3 12 3 63 4 6 0 7.0 1 45.0
15 janv. 10 MCGILL................. 4 36 40 173 -.023 34 7 6 9 80 2 14 0 9.0 1 52.0
23 janv. 10 MONTREAL............... 3 38 26 118 .102 28 1 5 4 39 1 0 1 1.0 4 40.0
24 janv. 10 SHERBROOKE............. 4 43 32 158 .070 38 9 12 5 74 1 14 0 8.0 3 60.0
29 janv. 10 at Sherbrooke.......... 3 22 12 95 .105 19 3 7 1 67 2 2 0 3.0 0 28.0
31 janv. 10 at McGill.............. 3 37 11 98 .265 34 9 7 3 41 12 11 0 17.5 0 63.5
5 fev. 10 SHERBROOKE............. 4 40 18 135 .163 36 10 10 8 62 4 12 0 10.0 5 60.0
6 fev. 10 at Montreal............ 3 20 24 68 -.059 22 6 6 10 16 2 7 4 5.5 2 31.5
Laval............................... 69 768 408 2282 .158 701 140 160 100 1148 55 148 27 129.0 24 1037.0
Opponent............................ 69 621 346 2113 .130 587 99 145 145 1011 72 186 52 165.0 51 885.0
Games played: 69
Kills per game: 11.13
Assists per game: 10.16
Service aces per game: 2.03
Reception errors per game: 1.45
Digs per game: 16.64
Blocks per game: 1.87
Ball handling errors per game: 0.35
Reception errors per game: 1.45
Points per game: 15.03
Overall record: 13-7 Conference: 13-7
Opponent Match-by-Match
Volleyball univ. feminin FQSE 2009-2010
Laval Opponent Match-by-Match (as of May 02, 2018)
All matches
|-------ATTACK------| SET |-SERVE-| PASS DEF |-------BLOCK------| GEN
Date Opponent GP K E TA Pct A SA SE RE DIG BS BA BE Total BHE Points
30 oct. 09 at Cape-Breton......... 3 20 19 101 .010 18 2 4 5 36 0 0 2 0.0 0 22.0
31 oct. 09 at Moncton............. 3 21 21 92 .000 19 4 4 6 27 1 0 9 1.0 0 26.0
31 oct. 09 at Memorial............ 3 14 20 93 -.065 14 3 10 7 36 0 10 0 5.0 0 22.0
1 nov. 09 at UNB................. 4 44 27 161 .106 43 5 9 6 81 4 20 0 14.0 0 63.0
6 nov. 09 at McGill.............. 3 28 14 96 .146 25 14 8 2 54 5 3 1 6.5 0 48.5
13 nov. 09 at Montreal............ 4 49 14 115 .304 47 7 0 0 49 6 0 0 6.0 0 62.0
15 nov. 09 MCGILL................. 5 41 29 160 .075 37 3 9 12 68 2 16 3 10.0 0 54.0
20 nov. 09 vs Saint Mary's........ 4 30 13 85 .200 32 6 8 9 54 8 6 6 11.0 2 47.0
21 nov. 09 vs Dalhousie........... 3 10 16 79 -.076 10 2 5 6 43 2 10 8 7.0 0 19.0
21 nov. 09 vs St FX............... 3 14 10 66 .061 15 8 3 16 35 2 2 8 3.0 13 25.0
22 nov. 09 vs Acadia.............. 3 20 12 69 .116 21 0 4 12 20 3 4 3 5.0 2 25.0
27 nov. 09 MONTREAL............... 4 48 14 111 .306 47 5 11 4 49 5 22 0 16.0 1 69.0
29 nov. 09 at Sherbrooke.......... 3 18 10 83 .096 18 2 8 5 44 4 10 0 9.0 3 29.0
15 janv. 10 MCGILL................. 4 43 31 168 .071 40 9 8 7 94 3 12 0 9.0 4 61.0
23 janv. 10 MONTREAL............... 3 35 9 89 .292 27 4 7 1 23 2 20 0 12.0 2 51.0
24 janv. 10 SHERBROOKE............. 4 31 25 140 .043 24 5 16 9 41 2 22 0 13.0 7 49.0
29 janv. 10 at Sherbrooke.......... 3 38 11 81 .333 38 5 5 5 76 2 10 4 7.0 3 50.0
31 janv. 10 at McGill.............. 3 34 16 90 .200 31 5 9 10 50 5 2 0 6.0 0 45.0
5 fev. 10 SHERBROOKE............. 4 45 28 151 .113 41 8 12 10 79 1 10 1 6.0 6 59.0
6 fev. 10 at Montreal............ 3 38 7 83 .373 40 2 5 13 52 15 7 7 18.5 8 58.5
Opponent totals..................... 69 621 346 2113 .130 587 99 145 145 1011 72 186 52 165.0 51 885.0
Laval............................... 69 768 408 2282 .158 701 140 160 100 1148 55 148 27 129.0 24 1037.0
Games played: 69
Kills per game: 9.00
Assists per game: 8.51
Service aces per game: 1.43
Reception errors per game: 2.10
Digs per game: 14.65
Blocks per game: 2.39
Ball handling errors per game: 0.74
Reception errors per game: 2.10
Points per game: 12.83
Team Match-by-Match Comparison
Volleyball univ. feminin FQSE 2009-2010
Laval Team Match-by-Match Comparison (as of May 02, 2018)
All matches
|-----------------ATTACK------------------| |--SET--| |------SERVE------|
Opponent Score GP Kills Errors Total Pct A SA SE
-------- ----- --- ----/---- ----/---- ----/---- ------/------ ----/---- ----/---- ----/----
Cape-Breton......... 3-0 3 48/20 10/19 107/101 .355/ .010 48/18 5/2 7/4
Moncton............. 3-0 3 41/21 8/21 84/92 .393/ .000 38/19 6/4 4/4
Memorial............ 3-0 3 35/14 18/20 98/93 .173/-.065 33/14 7/3 11/10
UNB................. 3-1 4 47/44 35/27 170/161 .071/ .106 44/43 6/5 5/9
McGill.............. 0-3 3 31/28 20/14 105/96 .105/ .146 28/25 2/14 10/8
Montreal............ 1-3 4 37/49 17/14 123/115 .163/ .304 31/47 15/7 0/0
MCGILL.............. 3-2 5 52/41 35/29 162/160 .105/ .075 49/37 12/3 9/9
Saint Mary's........ 3-1 4 50/30 24/13 148/85 .176/ .200 50/32 6/6 13/8
Dalhousie........... 3-0 3 40/10 5/16 68/79 .515/-.076 39/10 3/2 13/5
St FX............... 3-0 3 41/14 14/10 89/66 .303/ .061 40/15 16/8 10/3
Acadia.............. 3-0 3 40/20 9/12 72/69 .431/ .116 26/21 10/0 8/4
MONTREAL............ 1-3 4 35/48 34/14 128/111 .008/ .306 32/47 4/5 5/11
Sherbrooke.......... 3-0 3 35/18 16/10 83/83 .229/ .096 32/18 3/2 12/8
MCGILL.............. 1-3 4 36/43 40/31 173/168 -.023/ .071 34/40 7/9 6/8
MONTREAL............ 0-3 3 38/35 26/9 118/89 .102/ .292 28/27 1/4 5/7
SHERBROOKE.......... 3-1 4 43/31 32/25 158/140 .070/ .043 38/24 9/5 12/16
Sherbrooke.......... 0-3 3 22/38 12/11 95/81 .105/ .333 19/38 3/5 7/5
McGill.............. 3-0 3 37/34 11/16 98/90 .265/ .200 34/31 9/5 7/9
SHERBROOKE.......... 3-1 4 40/45 18/28 135/151 .163/ .113 36/41 10/8 10/12
Montreal............ 0-3 3 20/38 24/7 68/83 -.059/ .373 22/40 6/2 6/5
Totals.............. 42-27 69 768/621 408/346 2282/2113 .158/ .130 701/587 140/99 160/145
Note: Match totals are displayed in the format TEAM/OPPONENT for each category
Volleyball univ. feminin FQSE 2009-2010
Laval Team Match-by-Match Comparison (as of May 02, 2018)
All matches
|--PASS-| |--DEF--| |-----------------BLOCK-----------------| |--GEN--|
Opponent RE DIG BS-BA BE Total BHE
-------- ----/---- ----/---- ---------/--------- ----/---- -----/----- ----/----
Cape-Breton......... 1/5 57/36 1-4 / 0-0 4/2 3.0/ 0.0 0/0
Moncton............. 4/6 42/27 2-2 / 1-0 1/9 3.0/ 1.0 0/0
Memorial............ 3/7 53/36 1-8 / 0-10 0/0 5.0/ 5.0 0/0
UNB................. 5/6 82/81 1-16 / 4-20 0/0 9.0/ 14.0 0/0
McGill.............. 15/2 59/54 4-3 / 5-3 1/1 5.5/ 6.5 0/0
Montreal............ 0/0 63/49 3-0 / 6-0 0/0 3.0/ 6.0 0/0
MCGILL.............. 3/12 72/68 3-8 / 2-16 0/3 7.0/ 10.0 4/0
Saint Mary's........ 9/9 79/54 5-8 / 8-6 3/6 9.0/ 11.0 0/2
Dalhousie........... 3/6 60/43 3-10 / 2-10 4/8 8.0/ 7.0 0/0
St FX............... 7/16 47/35 1-8 / 2-2 2/8 5.0/ 3.0 1/13
Acadia.............. 2/12 38/20 2-11 / 3-4 7/3 7.5/ 5.0 0/2
MONTREAL............ 5/4 54/49 1-4 / 5-22 0/0 3.0/ 16.0 3/1
Sherbrooke.......... 3/5 63/44 4-6 / 4-10 0/0 7.0/ 9.0 1/3
MCGILL.............. 9/7 80/94 2-14 / 3-12 0/0 9.0/ 9.0 1/4
MONTREAL............ 4/1 39/23 1-0 / 2-20 1/0 1.0/ 12.0 4/2
SHERBROOKE.......... 5/9 74/41 1-14 / 2-22 0/0 8.0/ 13.0 3/7
Sherbrooke.......... 1/5 67/76 2-2 / 2-10 0/4 3.0/ 7.0 0/3
McGill.............. 3/10 41/50 12-11 / 5-2 0/0 17.5/ 6.0 0/0
SHERBROOKE.......... 8/10 62/79 4-12 / 1-10 0/1 10.0/ 6.0 5/6
Montreal............ 10/13 16/52 2-7 / 15-7 4/7 5.5/ 18.5 2/8
Totals.............. 100/145 1148/1011 55-148 / 72-186 27/52 129.0/165.0 24/51
Note: Match totals are displayed in the format TEAM/OPPONENT for each category
Match Highs
Volleyball univ. feminin FQSE 2009-2010
Laval Match Highs (as of May 02, 2018)
All matches
ATTACK PERCENT (K-E-TA) minimum 12 kills
.579 (12- 1-19) Melanie Savoie vs Acadia (22 nov. 09)
.440 (14- 3-25) Melanie Savoie at Cape-Breton (30 oct. 09)
.421 (13- 5-19) Melanie Savoie at Sherbrooke (29 nov. 09)
.385 (12- 2-26) Eve Trepanier at Moncton (31 oct. 09)
.345 (13- 3-29) Eve Trepanier at Montreal (13 nov. 09)
.333 (16- 3-39) Melanie Savoie vs Saint Mary's (20 nov. 09)
.258 (14- 6-31) Melanie Savoie vs St FX (21 nov. 09)
.159 (13- 6-44) Eve Trepanier vs Saint Mary's (20 nov. 09)
.149 (19-12-47) Melanie Savoie vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
.125 (16-10-48) Melanie Savoie at Montreal (13 nov. 09)
19 (19-12-47) 5g Melanie Savoie vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
16 (16-10-48) 4g Melanie Savoie at Montreal (13 nov. 09)
16 (16- 3-39) 4g Melanie Savoie vs Saint Mary's (20 nov. 09)
15 (15-14-55) 4g Melanie Savoie at UNB (1 nov. 09)
14 (14-12-58) 4g Melanie Savoie vs McGill (15 janv. 10)
14 (14- 3-25) 3g Melanie Savoie at Cape-Breton (30 oct. 09)
14 (14- 6-31) 3g Melanie Savoie vs St FX (21 nov. 09)
13 (13- 3-29) 4g Eve Trepanier at Montreal (13 nov. 09)
13 (13-12-36) 4g Melanie Savoie vs Montreal (27 nov. 09)
13 (13- 6-44) 4g Eve Trepanier vs Saint Mary's (20 nov. 09)
14 (14- 6-31) Melanie Savoie vs St FX (21 nov. 09)
14 (14- 3-25) Melanie Savoie at Cape-Breton (30 oct. 09)
13 (13- 5-19) Melanie Savoie at Sherbrooke (29 nov. 09)
12 (12- 2-26) Eve Trepanier at Moncton (31 oct. 09)
12 (12- 1-19) Melanie Savoie vs Acadia (22 nov. 09)
16 (16-10-48) Melanie Savoie at Montreal (13 nov. 09)
16 (16- 3-39) Melanie Savoie vs Saint Mary's (20 nov. 09)
15 (15-14-55) Melanie Savoie at UNB (1 nov. 09)
14 (14-12-58) Melanie Savoie vs McGill (15 janv. 10)
13 (13- 3-29) Eve Trepanier at Montreal (13 nov. 09)
19 (19-12-47) Melanie Savoie vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
11 (11-10-43) Eve Trepanier vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
9 ( 9- 4-18) Gabrielle D-Brule vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
7 ( 7- 3-27) Stephanie Alexandre vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
5 ( 5- 4-15) Karine Ducharme vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
58 (14-12-58) 4g Melanie Savoie vs McGill (15 janv. 10)
55 (15-14-55) 4g Melanie Savoie at UNB (1 nov. 09)
50 (10-11-50) 4g Eve Trepanier vs McGill (15 janv. 10)
50 (11- 8-50) 4g Eve Trepanier vs Sherbrooke (24 janv. 10)
48 (16-10-48) 4g Melanie Savoie at Montreal (13 nov. 09)
47 (19-12-47) 5g Melanie Savoie vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
44 (13- 6-44) 4g Eve Trepanier vs Saint Mary's (20 nov. 09)
43 (11-10-43) 5g Eve Trepanier vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
43 (10-10-43) 4g Eve Trepanier at UNB (1 nov. 09)
41 (10-10-41) 4g Melanie Savoie vs Sherbrooke (24 janv. 10)
38 (11-12-38) Eve Trepanier vs Montreal (23 janv. 10)
31 (14- 6-31) Melanie Savoie vs St FX (21 nov. 09)
31 (11- 5-31) Eve Trepanier at Sherbrooke (29 janv. 10)
30 ( 5- 7-30) Melanie Savoie at McGill (6 nov. 09)
29 ( 9- 6-29) Melanie Savoie vs Montreal (23 janv. 10)
58 (14-12-58) Melanie Savoie vs McGill (15 janv. 10)
55 (15-14-55) Melanie Savoie at UNB (1 nov. 09)
50 (10-11-50) Eve Trepanier vs McGill (15 janv. 10)
50 (11- 8-50) Eve Trepanier vs Sherbrooke (24 janv. 10)
48 (16-10-48) Melanie Savoie at Montreal (13 nov. 09)
47 (19-12-47) Melanie Savoie vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
43 (11-10-43) Eve Trepanier vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
27 ( 7- 3-27) Stephanie Alexandre vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
18 ( 9- 4-18) Gabrielle D-Brule vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
15 ( 5- 4-15) Karine Ducharme vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
Volleyball univ. feminin FQSE 2009-2010
Laval Match Highs (as of May 02, 2018)
All matches
24.0 (19- 5- 0.0) 5g Melanie Savoie vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
20.5 (15- 2- 3.5) 4g Melanie Savoie at UNB (1 nov. 09)
20.0 (16- 1- 3.0) 4g Melanie Savoie vs Saint Mary's (20 nov. 09)
20.0 (14- 4- 2.0) 3g Melanie Savoie vs St FX (21 nov. 09)
20.0 (16- 4- 0.0) 4g Melanie Savoie at Montreal (13 nov. 09)
20.0 (14- 4- 2.0) Melanie Savoie vs St FX (21 nov. 09)
17.5 (10- 2- 5.5) Donna Ouellet at McGill (31 janv. 10)
14.5 (14- 0- 0.5) Melanie Savoie at Cape-Breton (30 oct. 09)
14.5 (13- 0- 1.5) Melanie Savoie at Sherbrooke (29 nov. 09)
14.5 (12- 2- 0.5) Eve Trepanier at Moncton (31 oct. 09)
20.5 (15- 2- 3.5) Melanie Savoie at UNB (1 nov. 09)
20.0 (16- 1- 3.0) Melanie Savoie vs Saint Mary's (20 nov. 09)
20.0 (16- 4- 0.0) Melanie Savoie at Montreal (13 nov. 09)
16.5 (13- 3- 0.5) Melanie Savoie vs Montreal (27 nov. 09)
16.5 (14- 0- 2.5) Melanie Savoie vs McGill (15 janv. 10)
24.0 (19- 5- 0.0) Melanie Savoie vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
13.0 (11- 0- 2.0) Eve Trepanier vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
11.5 ( 7- 4- 0.5) Stephanie Alexandre vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
11.0 ( 9- 1- 1.0) Gabrielle D-Brule vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
8.0 ( 5- 0- 3.0) Karine Ducharme vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
Volleyball univ. feminin FQSE 2009-2010
Laval Match Highs (as of May 02, 2018)
All matches
49 (4g) Sarah L.-Levesque vs Saint Mary's (20 nov. 09)
45 (5g) Sarah L.-Levesque vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
37 (3g) Sarah L.-Levesque at Cape-Breton (30 oct. 09)
34 (3g) Sarah L.-Levesque vs St FX (21 nov. 09)
34 (4g) Sarah L.-Levesque at UNB (1 nov. 09)
37 Sarah L.-Levesque at Cape-Breton (30 oct. 09)
34 Sarah L.-Levesque vs St FX (21 nov. 09)
33 Sarah L.-Levesque vs Dalhousie (21 nov. 09)
30 Sarah L.-Levesque at Sherbrooke (29 nov. 09)
27 Sarah L.-Levesque vs Montreal (23 janv. 10)
49 Sarah L.-Levesque vs Saint Mary's (20 nov. 09)
34 Sarah L.-Levesque at UNB (1 nov. 09)
33 Sarah L.-Levesque vs Sherbrooke (24 janv. 10)
30 Sarah L.-Levesque vs Montreal (27 nov. 09)
30 Sarah L.-Levesque vs McGill (15 janv. 10)
45 Sarah L.-Levesque vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
2 Karine Ducharme vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
1 Eve Trepanier vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
1 Gabrielle D-Brule vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
25 (4g) Gabrielle Heroux at UNB (1 nov. 09)
24 (4g) Gabrielle Heroux vs McGill (15 janv. 10)
24 (3g) Gabrielle Heroux vs Montreal (23 janv. 10)
20 (3g) Gabrielle Heroux at Sherbrooke (29 janv. 10)
19 (5g) Melanie Savoie vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
24 Gabrielle Heroux vs Montreal (23 janv. 10)
20 Gabrielle Heroux at Sherbrooke (29 janv. 10)
17 Melanie Savoie at Sherbrooke (29 nov. 09)
17 Zila Jimenez-Grenon vs Dalhousie (21 nov. 09)
16 Zila Jimenez-Grenon vs St FX (21 nov. 09)
25 Gabrielle Heroux at UNB (1 nov. 09)
24 Gabrielle Heroux vs McGill (15 janv. 10)
18 Gabrielle Heroux vs Sherbrooke (24 janv. 10)
17 Zila Jimenez-Grenon at UNB (1 nov. 09)
16 Gabrielle Heroux vs Sherbrooke (5 fev. 10)
19 Melanie Savoie vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
18 Gabrielle Heroux vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
12 Stephanie Alexandre vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
10 Sarah L.-Levesque vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
9 Eve Trepanier vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
5 Melanie Savoie vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
4 Donna Ouellet vs Acadia (22 nov. 09)
4 Melanie Savoie at Montreal (13 nov. 09)
4 Stephanie Alexandre at McGill (31 janv. 10)
4 Melanie Savoie vs St FX (21 nov. 09)
7 ( 6- 1) Gabrielle D-Brule at McGill (31 janv. 10)
7 ( 4- 3) Donna Ouellet at McGill (31 janv. 10)
7 ( 1- 6) Karine Ducharme vs Sherbrooke (24 janv. 10)
7 ( 0- 7) Melanie Savoie at UNB (1 nov. 09)
6 ( 1- 5) Donna Ouellet vs McGill (15 janv. 10)
5 ( 2- 3) Donna Ouellet vs Sherbrooke (5 fev. 10)
5 ( 0- 5) Karine Ducharme at UNB (1 nov. 09)
4 ( 2- 2) Karine Ducharme at Sherbrooke (29 nov. 09)
4 ( 2- 2) Karine Ducharme vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
4 ( 1- 3) Gabrielle D-Brule vs Acadia (22 nov. 09)
Volleyball univ. feminin FQSE 2009-2010
Laval Match Highs (as of May 02, 2018)
All matches
.515 (40- 5- 68) vs Dalhousie (21 nov. 09)
.431 (40- 9- 72) vs Acadia (22 nov. 09)
.393 (41- 8- 84) at Moncton (31 oct. 09)
.355 (48-10-107) at Cape-Breton (30 oct. 09)
.303 (41-14- 89) vs St FX (21 nov. 09)
.265 (37-11- 98) at McGill (31 janv. 10)
.229 (35-16- 83) at Sherbrooke (29 nov. 09)
.176 (50-24-148) vs Saint Mary's (20 nov. 09)
.173 (35-18- 98) at Memorial (31 oct. 09)
.163 (40-18-135) vs Sherbrooke (5 fev. 10)
52 (52-35-162) 5g vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
50 (50-24-148) 4g vs Saint Mary's (20 nov. 09)
48 (48-10-107) 3g at Cape-Breton (30 oct. 09)
47 (47-35-170) 4g at UNB (1 nov. 09)
43 (43-32-158) 4g vs Sherbrooke (24 janv. 10)
41 (41-14- 89) 3g vs St FX (21 nov. 09)
41 (41- 8- 84) 3g at Moncton (31 oct. 09)
40 (40-18-135) 4g vs Sherbrooke (5 fev. 10)
40 (40- 5- 68) 3g vs Dalhousie (21 nov. 09)
40 (40- 9- 72) 3g vs Acadia (22 nov. 09)
48 (48-10-107) at Cape-Breton (30 oct. 09)
41 (41- 8- 84) at Moncton (31 oct. 09)
41 (41-14- 89) vs St FX (21 nov. 09)
40 (40- 5- 68) vs Dalhousie (21 nov. 09)
40 (40- 9- 72) vs Acadia (22 nov. 09)
50 (50-24-148) vs Saint Mary's (20 nov. 09)
47 (47-35-170) at UNB (1 nov. 09)
43 (43-32-158) vs Sherbrooke (24 janv. 10)
40 (40-18-135) vs Sherbrooke (5 fev. 10)
37 (37-17-123) at Montreal (13 nov. 09)
52 (52-35-162) vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
173 (36-40-173) 4g vs McGill (15 janv. 10)
170 (47-35-170) 4g at UNB (1 nov. 09)
162 (52-35-162) 5g vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
158 (43-32-158) 4g vs Sherbrooke (24 janv. 10)
148 (50-24-148) 4g vs Saint Mary's (20 nov. 09)
135 (40-18-135) 4g vs Sherbrooke (5 fev. 10)
128 (35-34-128) 4g vs Montreal (27 nov. 09)
123 (37-17-123) 4g at Montreal (13 nov. 09)
118 (38-26-118) 3g vs Montreal (23 janv. 10)
107 (48-10-107) 3g at Cape-Breton (30 oct. 09)
118 (38-26-118) vs Montreal (23 janv. 10)
107 (48-10-107) at Cape-Breton (30 oct. 09)
105 (31-20-105) at McGill (6 nov. 09)
98 (37-11- 98) at McGill (31 janv. 10)
98 (35-18- 98) at Memorial (31 oct. 09)
173 (36-40-173) vs McGill (15 janv. 10)
170 (47-35-170) at UNB (1 nov. 09)
158 (43-32-158) vs Sherbrooke (24 janv. 10)
148 (50-24-148) vs Saint Mary's (20 nov. 09)
135 (40-18-135) vs Sherbrooke (5 fev. 10)
162 (52-35-162) vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
Volleyball univ. feminin FQSE 2009-2010
Laval Match Highs (as of May 02, 2018)
All matches
50 (4g) vs Saint Mary's (20 nov. 09)
49 (5g) vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
48 (3g) at Cape-Breton (30 oct. 09)
44 (4g) at UNB (1 nov. 09)
40 (3g) vs St FX (21 nov. 09)
48 at Cape-Breton (30 oct. 09)
40 vs St FX (21 nov. 09)
39 vs Dalhousie (21 nov. 09)
38 at Moncton (31 oct. 09)
34 at McGill (31 janv. 10)
50 vs Saint Mary's (20 nov. 09)
44 at UNB (1 nov. 09)
38 vs Sherbrooke (24 janv. 10)
36 vs Sherbrooke (5 fev. 10)
34 vs McGill (15 janv. 10)
49 vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
82 (4g) at UNB (1 nov. 09)
80 (4g) vs McGill (15 janv. 10)
79 (4g) vs Saint Mary's (20 nov. 09)
74 (4g) vs Sherbrooke (24 janv. 10)
72 (5g) vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
67 at Sherbrooke (29 janv. 10)
63 at Sherbrooke (29 nov. 09)
60 vs Dalhousie (21 nov. 09)
59 at McGill (6 nov. 09)
57 at Cape-Breton (30 oct. 09)
82 at UNB (1 nov. 09)
80 vs McGill (15 janv. 10)
79 vs Saint Mary's (20 nov. 09)
74 vs Sherbrooke (24 janv. 10)
63 at Montreal (13 nov. 09)
72 vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
16 vs St FX (21 nov. 09)
15 at Montreal (13 nov. 09)
12 vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
10 vs Acadia (22 nov. 09)
10 vs Sherbrooke (5 fev. 10)
17.5 at McGill (31 janv. 10)
10.0 vs Sherbrooke (5 fev. 10)
9.0 vs McGill (15 janv. 10)
9.0 vs Saint Mary's (20 nov. 09)
9.0 at UNB (1 nov. 09)
8.0 vs Dalhousie (21 nov. 09)
8.0 vs Sherbrooke (24 janv. 10)
7.5 vs Acadia (22 nov. 09)
7.0 vs McGill (15 nov. 09)
7.0 at Sherbrooke (29 nov. 09)